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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Serious talk: Where did the idea that Ridley could be a playable character come from? I mean that thing is just way too big... Might as well ask for Mother Brain as a playable character while you're at it.
I mean that thing is just way too big...


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
There's a rumor going around that mentions Ridley's in! :)

Using his Other M evolution. :(

I hope Sakurai ERASES Other M from existence in Smash.


Ok, seriously, I would like for them to just stick to the first and second (and maybe, JUST MAYBE.. some of the third generation as well) generation of Pokemon, but I know it won't happen. Sorry for sounding like a selfish self-entitled douche to those who love like, every gen of Pokemon, but damn some of the newer pocket monsters look fucking terrible. Oh my gosh, like all of their new designs are so damn forgettable. And the names are so lol now. I'd like to be able to throw a fucking Pokeball, and know who the hell I got, ya know, without reading the trophy info :-(. Makes me wonder when they'll stop adding more Pokemans.

I liked Lucario, he's one of the newers ones that actually felt like he'd fit in some of the early gens of Pokemon. But Mewtwo is just awesome. I remember him having a god tier wavedash in Melee, along with Luigi. Lol.
Ok, seriously, I would like for them to just stick to the first and second (and maybe, JUST MAYBE.. some of the third generation as well) generation of Pokemon, but I know it won't happen. Sorry for sounding like a selfish self-entitled douche to those who love like, every gen of Pokemon, but damn some of the last few post showing the newer pocket monsters look fucking terrible. Oh my gosh, like all of their new designs are so damn forgettable. And the names are so lol now. I'd like to be able to throw a fucking Pokeball, and know who the hell I got, ya know, without reading the trophy info :-(. I liked Lucario, he's one of the newers ones that actually felt like he'd fit in some of the early gens of Pokemon. But Mewtwo is just awesome. I remember him having a god tier wavedash in Melee, along with Luigi. Lol.

You mean the one post I made in which a Gen I, Gen III and fanmade fusion were shown?

Also screw you; the newest games and Pokémon are by far the best ones :(


I'm not worried about Pokemon representation. We know they're are going to be Pokemon no matter how you flip it. There's going to be Pikachu, there's going to be a flavor of the month addition, and somebody is not going to be too happy in the end.
There's also a cute, little birdie too.

Honestly, though, Ridley's Evolution was probably the one cool idea Other M did...although I wouldn't wanna see THEM as playable characters.

Same, having a Ridley going through stages of puberty during a match probably would not go smoothly and would possibly ruin his character. It's Ridley or nothing at this point.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I'd be happy if Ridley's intro had him starting out as the little birdie and then suddenly growing into normal Ridley, though. Be cute.


I'd be happy if Ridley's intro had him starting out as the little birdie and then suddenly growing into normal Ridley, though. Be cute.

lol it maybe the only way his other forms could get in. Would be cool. I mean it would be entertaining as hell running around as that little bird-thing chomping enemies until you change form but it would be worth limiting Ridley to only the end product of playing his weaker more limited forms first

I have a random question: In Brawl's SSE, Sakurai chose to have certain characters meet up each other in entertaining scenarios. Who would you like to have meet up in a SSE-like cutscene scenario? In Brawl we already had some gems, like Captain Falcon and Olimar and the whole Sheik, Peach and Fox fight, and so on. Of course you can always add your wanted characters into the mix.

I'd like to see a Captain Syrup/ Wario Scenario where they're constantly trying to beat each other to whatever is of value in the next SSE. Or maybe even having them team up temporarily to only have Syrup betray Wario again in the end. lol.


Might as well post a dream log.

  • Smash Balls are game breaking to both match pacing with the whole "chase get win" aspect and they occur to frequently. Make them appear super rarely and final smashes become based on meter build insteaed. Like SF Super Turbo you do your "big move" once and its GONE forever that match for your character after that. This way players fight and dont just run with flyers or something and then fish for smash balls.
  • Pitt needs his up B changed. His flight is too long and he doesn't even fall out of it easily. Plus he can defend himself in flight mode. Nerf how long it lasts, make him drop with no double jump options if hit during it and of course blocking ends flight mode.
  • Meta Knight's flight needs changed. He's able to fly forever and its pretty fast which makes him a different sort of issue in the air compared to the other flyers. Give it a lowering arc, but no more upward arcing to his stuff.
  • Add more recovery to Meta Knight's tornado.
  • Return Samus to her Melee speed and remove the stance change aspect that forces her into Zero Suit form. Some folks like to main her for spacing and projectile control. Her final smash shouldn't force her to become some other character. Make Zero suit a seperate character.
  • A few more vanilla stages would be nice for the tourney crowd.

  • Skytown from Metroid Prime 3. Ziplines to augment mobility options for crossing the stage, platforms, bottomless pit, and beautiful visuals.
  • Gatchapon machine. Honestly the series is a nod to these so make a stage with a giant one with trophies swirling inside of it that occassionally shoots out items and trophies into the battlefield. Let players have the option to attack the handle on the machine to spin it and release more.
  • Paper Mario stage. As the battle takes place parts of the world peel back to reveal items, enemy hazards and other fun things.
  • Mario Galaxy. Its pretty much a lock that we will get this in some form, but I specifically want it to be a stage with planets and gravity fields to play with. A very unique stage where you can save yourself by getting close to the gravity field of any planet and very unique in how projectiles may circle through one planet's field and then get caught and go to another planet. Cast fighting upside down and all over on different orbs just seems new and unique enough that it'd be a great addition for casuals that would result in a lot of smash and meteor attack KO's with far fewer casual self KO's.
  • Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime 1. One of the most beloved stages from the Prime series. The music itself would be incredible, and it offers up an option for a snow stage that doesn't involve Ice Climbers for once. Given that Phendrana Drifts wasn't particularly harsh it also means that stage hazards can involve a lot more cameos from enemies than the other much hated Prime stages. Norfair and Brinstar are both pretty hated from players so why not have a well liked stage from the original Prime game show up to make it up to them?

  • Paper Mario. His abilities are entirely different than anyone elses with his attacks from the series and with his abilities to turn and fold himself into things.
  • Prince Fluff. I don't want Kirby replaced or cloned, but Prince Fluff could easily be used to showcase the Epic Yarn abilities of turning into vehicles and lasso grabbing things.
  • Little Mac. He was a top choice for Brawl, and he actually got a game so he should be an easy choice for a good up close character.
  • Captain N. Yeah fat chance, but they add left field characters and the guy would be a huge nod to their history in the US market. He had Akuma's dash teleport with his D-pad, the zapper, unique animations in that he DIDNT animate for his jumps or D-pad movements (just slid around) and he had PAUSE as a time stop perfect for his final Smash. A much needed addition.
  • Krystal. I know we have a lot of Star Fox, but she has a staff and behaves far differently than the rest of them. I think it'd be a good addition and someone with staff normals and good poke range would be great in a fast character style. An opportunity to do something different than the normal sword style characters.
  • Starfy. He's big in Japan and unlike what you may think he is not a Kirby clone. He fights and behaves much differently and he could be a great stance change character with his forms.
  • DARK SAMUS. This character is a major thing and is very different from normal Samus. Dark Samus had dashes, flight, beams, her projectile shot exploded into a large orb that stayed where ever it hit and acted as a trap, and she had an air attack where she would homing attack like Sonic, but land in an energy field that exloded around her impact area shocking all that entered its area. A terrific choice for a good in and out character who has some very different options against crowds and with her traps than Samus. Far more mobile.

  • Someone from Castlevania. Trevor or Simon would make the most sense, but honestly we'd likely get Lords of Shadow guys and thats a pretty awesome thing to hope for. Anyone with long range chain grabs in the air and great ledge catch with a whip is a great addition.
  • Geno. Square Enix is likely gonna hold onto him till they die, but I still think he needs to come into the series.
  • Rabbid. Ubisoft is tight with Nintendo and if I got to choose a character I'd choose Rabbid since it put in the most work on the Wii. Likely they'd opt for Assassin's Creed to draw in more players to the Wii U, but I think Rabbid would be the better fit.
  • Nobunaga Oda. Its ridiculous that Koei + Pokemon happened, but its a thing and it'd be great to see this cocky guy make it in. His name holds a lot of weight in japan and the assist trophies he could guarantee would be incredible.
  • Mega Man. Because this is one fighting game crossover Ryu should NOT be the first choice for. He was a top request for Brawl, and still leads fan polls. He was a major part of Nintendo history and he deserves to be the top choice to represent Capcom if they join the sequel.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know, I find it silly that while Final Smashes are definitely broken, for some odd reason I find them more "balanced" vs. PSASBR's
I feel like typing up a thing about what characters I think are and aren't likely. I'm kind of tired but unable to sleep so I might miss a lot of stuff or type things wrong but whatever, I'd like to start some discussion.


I think the only real choices, barring some kind of weird Sakurai choice that no one will see coming, are Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario. Bowser Jr. is, I guess, the "logical" choice because he keeps getting in Mario games and he's pretty much a core Mario character right now. Paper Mario kind of feels like a more "Sakurai" choice because he's not as obvious of a character and I feel like there are more interesting things they could do with him. I don't really feel right saying one is more likely than the other, but I don't think Mario is going to get any other characters in. Waluigi is a spinoff-only character and Nintendo clearly has no interest in doing anything with him, and Toads are still just generic non-characters that can be easily represented through Peach and have no real distinguishing abilities. I guess there's always the chance that Sakurai might bring back the cut Melee characters or something, though, so maybe Dr. Mario has a chance, but I doubt that will happen.

But all that is assuming there even is a new Mario character. I kind of assume there will be, but who knows.

I don't think Yoshi or Wario will get any new characters because they don't have anyone other than Yoshi and Wario. I've seen people talk about bringing in Kamek or the WarioWare game developers, but I think that would be reaching. Kamek isn't even in games anymore and none of the WarioWare characters actually do anything. Captain Syrup, too, is basically a dead character.

Donkey Kong

Obviously, if this series gets another character, it's going to be Dixie or K. Rool. We know that Dixie was going to be included in Brawl as part of Diddy, but she got cut and Sakurai didn't think she was important enough to include on her own. The question is how much concept work was done on her before she got cut and whether she got cut (was she just less important than the characters who made it into the game or was she not worth including at all?) I would still probably put her above K. Rool just because he pretty much hasn't been in anything in years. Dixie hasn't either, but at least she kind of got considered for Brawl.

But I can see Donkey Kong just not getting any new characters at all, especially since the newest game in the series didn't have any viable candidates.

Legend of Zelda

I don't think this series is going to get a new character unless Sakurai pulls something weird out (like how Toon Zelda was considered for Brawl). All of Zelda's core cast is already in Smash Bros. and the developers have shown that, outside of Sheik (who is just part of Zelda anyway) and characters from series like Fire Emblem, one-off characters aren't going to make it into Smash Bros. (so probably no Ghirahim or Demise). People used to push for Vaati, but he's pretty much totally irrelevant, and I used to push for Tingle, but he's so strongly hated in the west that Nintendo has kind of swept him under the rug. So yeah, if Zelda gets anyone it's going to be some oddball choice that no one has thought of.

Star Fox

This series already has a bunch of characters and its last game that wasn't a remake came out six years ago. I guess the only viable choice would be Krystal (because I'm not sure how you could add one of the other Star Fox or Star Wolf members and differentiate them from the three characters already in the game), but she hasn't been in a new game for a long time, and she only ever used her staff in one game anyway, so Nintendo might not even go that route with her. I can't see this series getting a new character.

People talk about how they want Wolf to get cut, but people here dug up those Sakurai interviews that show that he wanted Wolf in both of the first two Smash Bros. games at some point during their developments and that Falco getting in was just a weird circumstantial thing, so if anyone gets cut (which I guess could maybe happen if character resources are tight), it'll be Falco.


The obvious next pick is Samurai Goroh, since Smash Bros. consistently portrays him as the #2 F-Zero character (I don't think Black Shadow is as likely as some people have made him sound, he's only really important in the anime which Smash Bros. has only sort of acknowledged). But F-Zero is kind of dead right now and I'm not even sure if Nintendo has interest in reviving it, so I strongly doubt it'll get a new character.


The only plausible choice is Ridley, but that might be a stretch. It's clear based on his comments in that one Nintendo Power interview that Sakurai never even considered Ridley as a playable character, but there has been a lot of fan demand for him. I think that this is going to come down to however Sakurai felt during the character selection process for this game - did the fan demand make him seriously consider Ridley or did he just go "nah"? Metroid doesn't have any other characters that could make it in - every other important character is some kind of monster who would be even less workable than Ridley, and all of the humanoid characters are either one-offs (the bounty hunters) or essentially one-offs (Dark Samus). Dark Samus would have been awesome, though.


There are already a bunch of Kirby characters, the series' core cast is all represented, and I think Sakurai is still going to be humble about representing his own series (or at least he'll try to be), so I would bet on there being no new additions here. The bandanna Waddle Dee would be kind of cool to see, but I think that's about as likely as Toad getting in Smash Bros. for similar reasons.


I'm like 99% sure they'll put in a gen 5 Pokemon. I guess it would be Zoroark, since that's the current big mascot, but I'm not up on my Pokemon so who knows. I don't think they'll include another trainer character (for example, N, like a lot of people have said) because that would be encroaching on the current trainer's gimmick (although they might remove the old trainer, who knows).

I think Lucario is one of the most likely Brawl characters to get cut. I don't mean that I think he's likely to get cut, just that he's probably going to be lower-priority than most other characters since he mainly represents a few specific games that have already been superseded. (But since he is apparently still being used in promotional materials for the newest Pokemon games, I think he's likely to stay on as a new-gen Pokemon representative, and there is that 1% chance that an actual new Pokemon doesn't make it in, which would make Lucario a lock, I guess.)

Then there's the whole Mewtwo thing which is kind of complicated. I guess I would put his odds at 60%, but I might be being kind of generous. He's still a big icon for the series, he probably got cut from Brawl just because of time restraints and not because the developers didn't want him back, and I think a lot of people did complain about him not being in the game, so there are definitely a lot of reasons for him to make it back. But I don't know if there's going to be as much of an emphasis on a big roster this time, and there are definitely going to be a decent amount of newcomers who will probably be higher-priority than an older cut character, so I'm not sure we can say either way. It's definitely possible that Mewtwo could return, and he is by far the most likely cut character to come back, but I don't think I'd bet on it.

I don't really think the Pokemon Trainer or Jigglypuff's spots are secured. I'm sure that both of them won't get cut, but Jigglypuff is really just a joke character (who might not have even been a lock for Brawl) and the Pokemon Trainer took a lot of resources to develop and balance, so I think it's possible that one of them might get cut. I would hope that both return, though.

I also don't think there will be any second or third-gen characters unless Sakurai goes with Pichu or Plusle and Minun just because they'd be easy clones.


I love this series, really, but it's over and it doesn't need any more characters.

Mother 3 isn't as popular among Japanese gamers as the first two games (or at least it kind of seems that way - the first two games are beloved in a nostalgic kind of way, and the third game doesn't have that going for that), so I don't think Lucas's spot is secure. His moveset being sort of similar to Ness could help him stay (since he would be marginally easier to bring back than a 100% unique character) or get him cut (since a lot of people see him as a clone and have complained about him). Because Mother is such a small series, I can see Lucas getting dropped if roster space is tight and Sakurai feels Lucas representing the newest game in the series isn't important anymore.

Fire Emblem

Like Pokemon, Fire Emblem changes casts every game, and there is absolutely no way they won't represent the newest game in the series, so I'm confident that Chrom is a lock. There is no way he won't be in. I guess the big question is Ike. I think he's about as likely as Lucario - he's still fairly popular (enough to get some references in Awakening, and I think the default male avatar in the second DS game might have been based on him, but don't quote me on that), but his first game was one of the lowest-selling in the series in Japan and he's not likely to ever get a "proper" appearance again. I could see Ike's status going either way. I will say that I can't really see Chrom or Roy inheriting Ike's moveset because he's so much burlier than them, though.

Then there's Roy. I think Roy is less likely than Mewtwo, partially because Fire Emblem isn't as big as Pokemon and because Roy has stiffer competition (every Fire Emblem character is already going to be a swordsman, so it's going to be hard for Roy to stand out, and he would have to directly compete with Chrom and Ike, who are both more relevant). I think that if Roy gets in, it'll be as a Melee-style clone again. I know that there is a pretty big amount of fan outcry and that he was considered for Brawl (although he probably would have pretty much been a clone, it seems like the other cut characters were), but I don't think he's seen as a very high-priority character, and there are gameplay reasons he might not make it back too. I don't think the series will get four characters.

I also don't see this series getting any non-swordsman characters. There just aren't any who are relevant enough.


It's sort of early to make judgements on this, since I don't think we even know how Olimar will play into the new game. I guess there's a chance that they might use a character from Pikmin 3 to replace Olimar or enter the game as sort of a semi-clone of him, I haven't really kept up with that game so I don't know. I would lean towards Olimar being the sole character again, though.

Miscellaneous stuff

Animal Crossing very obviously "deserves" a character. Even Sakurai said that. But it seems like both Sakurai and the people in charge of Animal Crossing would rather not see characters from that series act as fighters in Smash Bros., according to that one Famitsu interview. On paper, Animal Crossing "should" get a character, but I don't believe it will.

People talk about Golden Sun, Sin and Punishment, Xenoblade, and series like that a lot, but I'm going to completely rip off another poster's argument and say that I think history has shown that "B-string" series like that don't get playable characters in Smash Bros. Not counting series added just to act as retro representation and the third-party series added in Brawl, the only new series added were Fire Emblem (in Melee), Wario, and Pikmin (in Brawl). Not only is Nintendo apparently really selective about new series representation, but they only stick to really big series that are closely tied to Nintendo (that aren't pretty much developed by other companies). I mean, I really want to see Saki and Shulk, but I don't think that's realistic.

If Kid Icarus: Uprising did well, then I think Palutena is guaranteed. She has immediately obvious moveset potential, she's from a Sakurai game, and she is a really major character in Uprising and its promotional material. I think it's pretty clear that no other character is going to beat her out (the villains have less screentime and presence than her in Uprising and Magnus doesn't have any unique abilities that a Fire Emblem character couldn't imitate). But if Uprising didn't do too well, then Sakurai probably won't go for another one of his characters.

Retro stuff

I think Takamaru is really likely. He's gotten several big references in games recently (the one in Nintendo Land is really surprising to me and I do kind of think it's indicative that Nintendo has some kind of plan for his series) and his original game seems like it enjoyed popularity akin to Kid Icarus or Punch-Out (in the west) back when it came out. I guess there's always the possibility that Sakurai might want to stay away from including too many Japan-only characters, though, so who knows.

Little Mac is another character that seems really obvious on paper (Punch-Out is a classic and it even got a recent game), but I think there are some big potential issues with him (Punch-Out isn't really big in Japan at all and Mac has basically no real moveset potential). I think he has a shot, but I think he's fairly far from being a shoo-in. I will say that I really like the idea that Mac and Takamaru could get in and sort of simultaneously appease both the US and Japan, though.

Then there are other potential characters like Balloon Fighter or some kind of Duck Hunt representation or whatever. This is probably the place where Sakurai would be most likely to pull out something crazy and unexpected, so it's harder to say what will happen here than it is for the established series.

Third-party stuff

I guarantee that Sonic will be back. Neither Nintendo or Sega will let this chance slip. Snake, I'm not so sure about. Metal Gear doesn't really have any strong ties to Nintendo, Snake only got in Brawl because Kojima begged for it and not because of fan desire or anything, he was a guest character, and a decent number of fans have
complained about him not fitting the tone of the game. I hope he comes back but I'm not sure I would bet on it. I will say that I like to think that the primary reason he wasn't in Playstation All-Stars is because Nintendo scored some kind of exclusivity agreement, though, but I doubt that.

I don't feel like speculation on new third-party characters is going to go anywhere. The only candidates are going to be characters who are really big for their respective companies (so I don't think we'll see, like, Bill Rizer because Contra isn't big compared to Metal Gear now), and I don't think characters who aren't huge icons in the gaming world will make it in (so I'm betting against Bayonetta and Travis Touchdown). I guess Pac-Man is fairly likely because of Namco's involvement, since, unlike GameArts, their involvement was announced early on, and Pac-Man is a huge gaming icon that Nintendo has used in the past. Other than that I wouldn't make any bets.


I brought this up a few times, but for the most part, whenever I say "if Sakurai does something weird", I usually meant "if Sakurai decides to use clones and we get weird character choices like in Melee". So if they go that route, we might get, like, Dr. Mario, Samurai Goroh (as a clone of a Fire Emblem character or Takamaru or something), Toon Zelda, and other stuff like that.

The end.
I have a random question: In Brawl's SSE, Sakurai chose to have certain characters meet up each other in entertaining scenarios. Who would you like to have meet up in a SSE-like cutscene scenario? In Brawl we already had some gems, like Captain Falcon and Olimar and the whole Sheik, Peach and Fox fight, and so on. Of course you can always add your wanted characters into the mix.

I'd like to see a Captain Syrup/ Wario Scenario where they're constantly trying to beat each other to whatever is of value in the next SSE. Or maybe even having them team up temporarily to only have Syrup betray Wario again in the end. lol.

If Captain Syrup was there then i'd demand an uneasy villain alliance between her and Kaptain K.Rool.

I think Pit and Fox could make for a talkative duo, except that they'd probably all be silent again, still a bit that had the Starfox and Kid Icarus banter present for some stages could be a fun homage to both series.

Luigi and Lucas, cowards combined! Dedede and DK seems like an odd combo that could work as well.


Metaknight in Melee? Hm...I wonder if I'd be able to play as him then. I can't play Metaknight to save my live even though he's the best character in Brawl.


As in "Heathcliff"
Rather curious about this subject. Let's say Geno was confirmed, would GAF be upset?

No, I wouldn't. During Brawl era, I used to want to see him in Brawl because of nostalgia factor, but now I realized that he's not that important enough to be in 4th, and you know how Square-Enix can be.

If he got in, then you can expecting me to jump up and down in joy and main him in heartbeat.
I would hate Sakurai for wasting a slot that could have been a perfectly good or even amazing character for an unimportant piece of shit.

Then again, he did include tripping. I'm prepared.
Rather curious about this subject. Let's say Geno was confirmed, would GAF be upset?
I'd think it was a stupid choice that likely wouldn't even at least offer a unique moveset.
Then again I was pretty ticked at R.O.B back when the roster leaked, in reality he's kind of fun.

I would hate Sakurai for wasting a slot that could have been a perfectly good or even amazing character for an unimportant piece of shit.

Then again, he did include tripping. I'm prepared.

Actually this.
The only character I was upset about in any Smash game so far was the non-inclusion of Ridley.
That said, although ROB's inclusion surprised me, it was positively. I at first was like "WTF?", but then proceeded to be hyped about it, at least until Wolf was leaked.
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