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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Here are the latest results to the poll that Shorts posted (which now has around 450 votes), any commentary on it.

Mewtwo (242)
Mega Man (242)
K. Rool (203)
Ridley (202)
Little Mac (181)
Isaac (155)
Palutena (147)
Shulk (130)
Roy (122)
Waluigi (115)
Takamaru (114)
Ghirahim (106)
Bowser Jr. (102)
Pac-Man (91)
Zoroark (89)
Chrom (89)
Toad (87)
Geno (82)
Dixie Kong (81)
Saki (81)
Krystal (80)
Samurai Goroh (73)
Black Shadow (48)
Waddle Dee (47)
Mona (45)

Anyway, here is some commentary on each character and their position in the poll:


Its no surprise he is at the top. A lot of people were genuinely surprised at his removal in Smash Bros. He is probably the most popular legendary Pokemon. Being an iconic character for Nintendo's biggest franchise next to Mario as well as already having been a playable character in Smash Bros. makes him one of the top choices for Smash 4 especially for the diminished pool we have now. I would go on to say that Mewtwo is definitely unveil trailer material, though, I don't think it is likely to happen (though he is definitely a candidate). He is probably the most wanted character in Japan as well, so for him to put on a repeat performance in the West, is no surprise.

Mega Man:

As with Mewtwo, its not surprise he is topping this poll. He is probably the third-party character most synonymous with Nintendo, and unlike most other characters for this poll, he is the star to a major series. Being incredibly popular among Nintendo fans, as well as being amongst Capcom's most famous properties, Mega Man probably has the most starpower of any potential newcomer to Smash 4. Mega Man is one of the top candidates to be shown off at the E3 2013 unveil due to how much starpower he has relative to other potential Smash 4 newcomers. Mega Man too is also amongst the most highly wanted newcomers for Smash 4 for the Japanese fanbase (probably the most wanted character after the two cut Melee veterans).

K. Rool:

K. Rool is lower than Mewtwo and Mega Man, but still much higher than any other character (except Ridley). Being considered the main villain for the DK series, one of Nintendo's more popular properties, is a large reason behind this. Although he has not made a game appearance in half a decade, his popularity maintains due to the staying power and popularity of Rare's DK games (all three of the games to the DKC trilogy were among the Top 10 best selling games for the Super Nintendo, while Donkey Kong 64 was within the Top 10 best selling games for the Nintendo 64). K. Rool is probably one of the two most wanted "true newcomer" (since Mewtwo and Roy were already in Smash) by the Japanese fanbase, so this is not a Western phenomenon (which is no surprise considering how well Rare's DK games sold in Japan). K. Rool is a candidate for a potential E3 2013 unveil due to his popularity and starpower relative to most other Smash 4 newcomers.


Ridley, like K. Rool, is lower than Mewtwo and Mega Man, but still much higher than any other character. As too with K. Rool, Ridley being considered the main villain for the Metroid series, one of Nintendo's more popular properties, is the major push behind this. Unlike K. Rool, Ridley made at least two major appearances since Brawl's release (maybe three, considering Prime 3 was released after Brawl in Japan, and Prime 3 received no content in Brawl). Ridley is one of the few iconic Nintendo characters not already playable in Smash Bros., making a prominent appearance in the Metroid attraction in Nintendo Land (where even there he is described as being Samus's arch-nemesis). Metroid nowadays has most of its popularity based in the West, and at this point half the games in the series have been developed by Western teams. Although there is not much interest for Ridley amongst the Japanese fanbase, there is acknowledgement about his overseas popularity. Ridley like with the previously mentioned characters so far, is a top contender for an unveil newcomer at E3 2013, especially considering the show is a Western venue as well as him being far more menacing and "cool" as far as potential villainous newcomers go.

Little Mac:

Little Mac is below the Big 4, but he is still amongst the most wanted characters by the Western fanbase. He is the most popular and iconic character for one of Nintendo's lesser known series, Punch-Out, which has a strong fan following in the West. The release and success of a new installment in this series since Brawl's release has contributed a lot to the interest in seeing Little Mac added. In regards to adding characters for series not already represented with a playable character, Little Mac is amongst the most attractive candidates for Sakurai to look at (especially considering how long-running Punch-Out has been). As with Ridley before, Little Mac does not have much interest in Japan, though like Ridley, there too is an acknowledgement about his overseas popularity. Punch-Out, like Metroid, is mostly a Western series nowadays (though since the very beginning Punch-Out has had most of interest from Westerners as well as probably being geared at towards Westerners). As with all the characters mentioned so far, Little Mac is a candidate for being an "unveil newcomer" at E3 2013 due to his starpower in the West.


Isaac is basically another Little Mac, but with slightly less popularity. He is basically the Marth of Golden Sun (the protagonist of the first game of the series, yet by far the most popular main protagonist overall). Like Punch-Out, Golden Sun received a new installment after Brawl's release, although it was not received as well as its GBA predecessors. I am really surprised about how much Isaac's popularity has held considering the GBA games were released a decade ago. As with Little Mac, amongst series that do not already have a playable character in Smash Bros., Isaac is one of the best choices. Camelot may have to make a new Golden Sun as their next project once they get done releasing Mario Golf for the 3DS, considering they may not have the resources to make a game for the Wii U. However, Isaac being amongst the West's most wanted characters after all these years really shows the staying power and cult following that the Golden Sun series has. One might say he is possibly competing with Shulk (another blonde-haired RPG protagonist that has a cult following), however, although Xenoblade has much accolades, it never enjoyed the sales success that the GBA Golden Sun games enjoyed. The re-release of the GBA Golden Sun games for the Virtual Console could spark even more interest in Isaac (and possibly the series overall), or at the very least help Isaac maintain the interest he already has.


Palutena is not as big as the series heroes Little Mac and Isaac, but she is definitely in the big leagues as far as requests go. Amongst potential female newcomers, she is definitely by far the best choice (considering unlike nearly every other possible female newcomer, she is actually IMPORTANT to her franchise, to the point the series is even named after her in Japan). No other female character comes close to Palutena for requests (with Dixie Kong and Krystal being distant seconds). Her personality and banter with Pit in Uprising endeared many people to her. The only real obstacle standing in her way is Sakurai feeling too humble to use her (since Uprising was his baby) or feeling that a series as small as Kid Icarus does not warrant two playable characters. Regardless, she is definitely among the top candidates to be shown as a newcomer at E3 2013, especially if a possible female newcomer is shown. She may be the only good choice as far as attractive female newcomer characters go.


Shulk is pretty much riding the waves of the cult following and accolades that Xenoblade has. Unlike Isaac though, much less people have played Xenoblade though (a used copy at this point is $60+), which is probably the primary reason why there is less interest for him. He is also a character from a stand alone game (though "X" may change that). However, considering that he is one of the few noteworthy "new" characters to show up since Brawl's release, Sakurai may be more lenient on him. If Shulk turns out to be a protagonist in "X" I expect his popularity to increase further, its also possible that "X"'s main protagonist (whoever that is) eats Shulk's lunch and basically causes the interest in Shulk to depreciate.


Roy being among the West's Top 10 most wanted characters for Smash 4 should not come as a surprise. He was amongst the most popular newcomers in Melee, and still to this day is considered amongst the most iconic and well-known faces to that Fire Emblem franchise even in the West (just see how he is being promoted for FE13's DLC by NOA). As with Mewtwo, he almost made it into Brawl. Hailing from the much smaller Fire Emblem franchise (especially in the West), there is less interest for Roy than Mewtwo though. As with Isaac, his popularity maintaining after all these years shows his staying power. In Japan, Roy is probably the most wanted "newcomer" for Smash 4 outside of Mewtwo (who is probably the most wanted character overall). The high amount of interest for Roy internationally is the prime reason why I think Sakurai may opt to give Fire Emblem four slots this time around (especially if he does decide to bring in Chrom).


Perhaps the most surprising character to be as high as he is. Waluigi is definitely not as important to the main series as Bowser Jr. and Toad are, but yet seems to have more fans. I think this primarily comes from Waluigi having much more of a personality than Bowser Jr. and Toad, and his overall "meme" status (see Brawl in the Family). I think overall he is probably the least likely of the four major candidates for a Mario newcomer (the other three being Toad, Bowser Jr., and Paper Mario), since his only advantage is "popularity" of which even that its only a slight leap compared to the other characters. I think if Waluigi were to have a role outside of being merely just another face on the roster to the Mario spinoffs, he would become a strong candidate for inclusion for Smash 5.


Again, for some, it might be surprising to see him as high as he is, however, amongst possible retro characters he is easily the most attractive choice. There has been a lot of interest for katana using character (or at least a character with an Eastern swordplay style) and Takamaru is easily the best choice for one (since he could probably bring other Japanese weapons to the table as well such as shurikens). Takamaru and (his game) have had references in a slew of a games going back to Pikmin 2. Since Brawl's release he has showed up in several releases (Captain Rainbow, Samurai Warriors 3, Nintendo Land). With the attraction he had in Nintendo Land (Takamaru's Ninja Castle), he finally has the launch pad needed to get placed into Smash Bros. despite his source game (Nazo no Murasame) being Japan-only. Takamaru's chances of being amongst the first newcomers unveiled for E3 2013 is amongst the highest, especially if Sakurai decided show off a "retro revival" character like he did with Melee and Brawl.


Ghirahim, like Midna during pre-Brawl, has a lot of requests for Smash 4 as a result of being a major character in the most recently released home console Zelda. Skyward Sword being perhaps the most weakly received home console 3D Zelda, is probably the main reason why interest in him is not higher. There is definitely far more interest in him than any other potential Zelda newcomer, however, considering how the character (like Midna), is probably just another one-shot, Sakurai will probably skip over him, even if he does end up using Skyward Sword as the basis for the designs for Link and Zelda. However, if Zelda does end up getting a newcomer, he is amongst the top candidates to be selected. However, I think like with Midna, interest in him will depreciate once we see the next home console Zelda.

Bowser Jr.:

Bowser Jr. has been a mainstay in the main Mario series since Super Mario Sunshine, so its no surprise he is higher than most other characters. All the important Mario characters have been in since Melee (maybe Brawl if you count Wario), so its not really peculiar why Mario characters are not higher than they are even amongst the depreciated possible newcomer pool that Smash 4 has.


Pac-Man is at the top of the list for the drop after Bowser Jr. Pac-Man being at the top is primarily due to him hailing from possibly the most iconic arcade game next to Donkey Kong, as well as Namco developing Smash 4. That Pac-Man is as low as he is shows how little interest there is to add another third-party newcomer outside of Mega Man. I do think though there is a good chance we will get a Namco character in Smash 4 (possibly even more than one) and Pac-Man is one of the top candidates for that. I think some sort of Namco character (of which the top candidates would be Pac-Man or a Tales character) is amongst the top candidates for a newcomer at the E3 2013 Smash 4 unveil.


Zoroark is probably the most iconic Pokemon from the Black/White generation, however, he never caught on like Lucario did (probably due to being seen as too much of a retread of him), this even though Black/White was received better than Diamond/Pearl. However, Zoroark being this high in the poll, is impressive considering the announcement of Pokemon X/Y and announcement of Mewtwo's return in the latest Pokemon movie. However, I think while he is still plausible for Smash 4, he may have missed his chance.


Chrom is basically the Zoroark of the Fire Emblem series. He even has the same amount of votes as him. Like with Zoroark, his popularity is probably hurt by being seen as too much of a retread of a character already in Smash Bros. (in Chrom's case its Ike). Chrom's chances though are much better than Zoroark's though due to being much more "current". I expect Chrom's popularity to hold (while Zoroark's will gradually depreciate) since there may not be new FE game released in a while.


I am really surprised that Toad is not higher than he is. He is a very iconic Mario character and has been with the Super Mario franchise since the very beginning. He is the only character left at this point that has been playable in the Mario platformers not yet playable in Smash Bros. I think the primary reason for why Toad is not the most wanted Mario newcomer despite his iconic status and Mario series seniority is due to being seen as "bland" and already being involved for one of Peach's special moves for two games going on now. I think though interest in Toad has been massively helped by the New Super Mario Bros. games as now I have seen far more interest in him as a playable character than I have ever seen for any other Smash Bros. game.


This character had quite the cult following, and he still does to some extent. However, there is definitely less interest in him this time than the other four major Mario newcomer candidates (Toad, Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, Waluigi). For a one-shot side character though, his performance in the poll is quite strong, though there is far better (more worthy) choices than him (I would say even Dr. Mario and Waluigi have better merits than Geno).

Dixie Kong:

Dixie Kong is basically where K. Rool was for much of pre-Brawl, in the shadow of a much more prominent DK character (in K. Rool's case it was Diddy Kong). I think like K. Rool, there will definitely be more interest in her once K. Rool is confirmed for Smash 4, though how much of an increase she will enjoy remains to be determined.


There initially seemed to be a lot of interest in Saki after Brawl's release, but now it seems to have died down. The Sin & Punishment series never had the following that Punch-Out and Golden Sun had, and it never received the accolades that Xenoblade received. It will probably end up that Isa gets in as an Assist Trophy, and that we get a music track or two from Sin & Punishment 2 for one of Smash 4's stages.


Krystal (along with Dixie Kong) are definitely the second-most wanted female newcomers for Smash 4. However, her popularity (like with Geno's) has crashed big time compared to the pre-Brawl days. I think the primary reasons for this are Star Fox not having received a proper new installment since 2006 (thus making many people think the SF series does not warrant four slots), Palutena eating her lunch (a lot of the people that backed Krystal wanted another "sexy" female for Smash Bros. and saw Krystal as the most likely candidate for that, however, with the advent of Palutena and her actually being a proper human instead of merely anthropomorphic, I think a lot of the Krystal backers may have flocked over to her), and that the negative connotation of the games that she has been in has survived longer than the positive experiences with them (or rather outnumbers it).

Samurai Goroh:

Samurai Goroh is definitely by far the preferred choice for a second F-Zerro character, however, there is definitely less interest for him than any other character in this poll outside of the three bottom tier characters. Like with Krystal, I think one of primary culprits is his last game appearance having been released so long ago (in Goroh's case being late 2004). I think Goroh could be doing a lot better even in this environment (especially when looking at characters like Isaac), considering how depreciated the pool of potential newcomers are this time around.

Black Shadow:

Black Shadow is amongst the three characters far lower than every other character in this poll. This is not a surprise considering like Goroh, his last game appearance was in late 2004, and that much of his appeal lies with him gaining Ganondorf's Melee/Brawl moveset while Ganondorf gets a new one (thus the people who loved a slower, more powerful version of Falcon's moveset would still have a character that has it).

Waddle Dee:

I think while Bandana Dee is definitely next in line for a Kirby newcomer, and that while he would make an interesting character choice, there frankly is not much interest in him (or a Kirby newcomer in general). I think if more people had played Return to Dream Land (or rather if Return to Dream Land was released earlier in the Wii's life) there would have been far more interest in him than there is now. I think he will eventually get into Smash Bros. if he continues to have roles like he did in Return to Dream Land.


While I think Mona is probably the most wanted possible Wario newcomer, I think its basically akin to being the tallest midget. There is just little interest in there being a Wario newcomer despite the Wario series being bigger than many of the series in Smash Bros. I think if Sakurai for some reason skips on Palutena, Mona would be one of his top picks for a female newcomer.

I think overall in the West the Top 10 most wanted characters is basically:

2. Mega Man
3. Ridley
4. K. Rool
5. Little Mac
6. Isaac
7. Palutena
8. Shulk
9. Roy
10. Takamaru

Honorable mention: Waluigi (I think he is on par with Takamaru, though he has far more detractors than any other character in the Top 10).

Mr. Fix

I think overall in the West the Top 10 most wanted characters is basically:
1. Mewtwo
2. Mega Man
3. Ridley
4. K. Rool
5. Little Mac
6. Isaac
7. Palutena
8. Shulk
9. Roy
10. Takamaru

Honorable mention: Waluigi

Though the order would shift around a bit for me personally, this is a solid 11. Chrom's also most likely to get in as well. Megaman is seriously overdue for the series, but Capcom's gonna be goddamn Capcom. We could do without Roy though.


Though the order would shift around a bit for me personally, this is a solid 11. Chrom's also most likely to get in as well. Megaman is seriously overdue for the series, but Capcom's gonna be goddamn Capcom. We could do without Roy though.

It remains to be determined whether Chrom will have staying power for the FE series. From what I have seen, he seems to be the least popular of the three main characters for FE13.

As I previously mentioned, Roy has had staying power and is still popular and iconic to Fire Emblem and Smash Bros. fans to this day. It would be an easy move to re-include him, especially considering how heavily requested he is.

Mr. Fix

Didn't Smash create his identity (as well as Marth and Ike to an extent) in terms of popularity? In FE anyway, he wasn't all that shining. I just figured that we'd get Marth + the newest face, in which Awakening was the 2nd most popular title in sales in Japan, I think.


Didn't Smash create his identity (as well as Marth and Ike to an extent) in terms of popularity? In FE anyway, he wasn't all that shining. I just figured that we'd get Marth + the newest face, in which Awakening was the 2nd most popular title in sales in Japan, I think.

In Japan, Roy is popular amongst FE fans (there are some official polls that show this as well).

FE13 in Japan was the third highest selling game in the series, behind only FE3 and FE4. FE6 (the one with Roy) was the fourth highest selling.

Also, I think at the very least we will get one of Ike or Roy if Chrom gets in, however, I think Sakurai will try to include both of them (with time constraints being the main reason if they don't get in). However, with DLC possibly being an option, I think Roy and Ike will eventually get in.

I think even if all the FE characters are similar to one another, they will still be amongst the most popular characters in Smash 4.

Mr. Fix

In Japan, Roy is popular amongst FE fans (there are some official polls that show this as well).

FE13 in Japan was the third highest selling game in the series, behind only FE3 and FE4. FE6 (the one with Roy) was the fourth highest selling.

Also, I think at the very least we will get one of Ike or Roy if Chrom gets in, however, I think Sakurai will try to include both of them (with time constraints being the main reason if they don't get in). However, with DLC possibly being an option, I think Roy and Ike will eventually get in.

I think even if all the FE characters are similar to one another, they will still be amongst the most popular characters in Smash 4.

That I didn't know.

I'd love for Ike to return as well, even if he's relegated to DLC.

I'm sure it's been discussed here, but is it a shot in the dark for Crono? The only downside to that would be another sword user (to which I'd prefer Isaac and Shulk), but if we're talking about guests, he's another iconic candidate.


I'm sure it's been discussed here, but is it a shot in the dark for Crono? The only downside to that would be another sword user (to which I'd prefer Isaac and Shulk), but if we're talking about guests, he's another iconic candidate.

I would love to see Crono too (Chrono Trigger is my favorite RPG of all time), however, barely anyone asks for him, and Square seems determined to make people forget they even made that game. Crono's chances of getting in Smash 4 are basically negligible.


If sakurai goes the melee route with adventure mode instead of brawl, I assume they'll save/cut out alot of time so one one gets cut again near the end.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Zoroark is probably the most iconic Pokemon from the Black/White generation,

Let me do Kent Brockman's editorial laugh.


Also it's not because of retread. It's because of being exclusive and being a shitty Pokemon.
You know, usually when one shoots down a hypothesis or statement you are supposed to state your own. If not Zoroark, then who, and can you substantiate it with evidence?


Zoroark....What could have been.
Hmm I think the fact it was a event pokemon for some reason in bw and it's lackluster stats really didn't help it's popularity.

Lucario was avalaible via a riolu egg in D/P/PT(right?) instead of an event and has great stats.

Hmm Idk what i'd consider bw iconic mon.... Scrafty maybe lol.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know, usually when one shoots down a hypothesis or statement you are supposed to state your own. If not Zoroark, then who, and can you substantiate it with evidence?

Mostly because it's tiring and repetitive, and I did state reasons. Also Director Lucario "returning" to replace Zoroark in PokeSmash is another example.

You want viable Pokemon? Victini. That thing got release thrice for Arceus's sake!


No other comments about my assessment?

Anyway, we have less than 3.5 months until Smash 4's unveil. The hype is going to be crazy when its finally shown off. I am really anxious to know what will Sakurai's approach will be since nearly all of the Nintendo characters with "starpower" have already been added in.


Maturity, bitches.
I hope they change Classic mode so that each match starts with a slagging match like other fighters.

Also a fixed options list doesn't reflect the top 10 most wanted characters. Just the top 10 of that list. Most of my options weren't even on the poll.


I hope they change Classic mode so that each match starts with a slagging match like other fighters.

Also a fixed options list doesn't reflect the top 10 most wanted characters. Just the top 10 of that list. Most of my options weren't even on the poll.

Aside from Paper Mario, I can't really think of a character that is popularly requested that is not on the list.

However, the Top 10 at the official poll at SmashBoards is not much different, and that has 50 options. Off the top of my head the Top 10 for results for that poll is:
1. Mewtwo
2. Mega Man
3. K. Rool
4. Ridley
5. Isaac
6. Little Mac
7. Roy
8. Krystal
9. Banjo-Kazooie
10. Paper Mario

If Banjo is thrown out due to the complications pertaining to him, than #10 would be Waluigi (and Paper Mario would be #9).


Jimmy T for Wario Ware
Excite Bike Guy for Excitebots
Andy from GameBoy Wars

All three of those characters don't get much requests among Smash Bros. fans (of the three, Andy is probably the tallest midget). However, if Wario were to get a second playable WarioWare character it would most likely be Mona or Jimmy T. However, more people ask for Ashley than Jimmy T.
Victini is my top pick for a Gen V character if there is to be one. Mainly because I just think a Fire/Psychic type would be really cool to play as. But since it's the "Mew" of Gen V, it'll probably just be a rare Pokéball encounter like the others.
Are there any other Gen V Pokemon worth mentioning? Victini might be relegated to a Pokeball summon since it's the "Mew" of Gen V. And Zoroark never gained the popularity that Lucario had (despite Gamefreak pushing it as such).
No other comments about my assessment?

I lightly read over it.

No surprise but I agree with you about Pac-Man for the most part. Namco getting a character or 2 in seems like a lock at this point when you consider the fact that they're making the game and have people working on it that openingly express interest in having their series characters in Smash. I think w/e character(s) they put in will be more of a treat for Namco fans than some tickling of Nintendo fan's nostalgic bone ... which makes me think it's gonna be either a Tekken or SC or Tales of character(s).

I agree with Mewtwo coming back but I see zero reason to really be concerned about Zoroark/ Lucario or any 4/5th gen Pokemon at this point. 6th gen is coming out in a few months and just like with FE Sakurai doesn't simply pick w/e Pokemon, he asks the maker for a list of what's important and to them and decides from that (I remember GF saying that they don't know why Sakurai made Goldeen act like a Magikarp and that he asked for a list of Pokemon and they gave him a list ... he decided how they're used) ... and I'm sure a 6th gen Pokemon is gonna be high on that list, if not the very top. They know exactly what Pokemon are gonna be important to them in this new gen and they have known this for some time now so really, a 4/5th gen Pokemon isn't nearly as important as it use to be.

I'm playing FE:A right now and ... I really think it would be far more interesting to have MU be a character instead of Chrom. Like, you can have a customization for this Grand Master/ Tactician class character or maybe they could hook up something where you can import your MU into Smash. Would be pretty cool ... likely not gonna happen though.

MM ... I don't see it happening. The way Capcom treats him Sakurai would have to actively go to them and ask for the character and I think 3rd Party Picks are something more personal to him, that come from creators actuality asking him to put them in (That is the very reason he gave for MM not being in Brawl). As of right now my guessing for 3rd party characters is still pretty much a toss up between "Sakurai's friend's IPs" and someone from a Namco fighting game/ RPG.


Are there any other Gen V Pokemon worth mentioning? Victini might be relegated to a Pokeball summon since it's the "Mew" of Gen V. And Zoroark never gained the popularity that Lucario had (despite Gamefreak pushing it as such).


Because he's Scrafty for god sakes.

1. Mewtwo
2. Mega Man
3. K. Rool
4. Ridley
5. Isaac
6. Little Mac
7. Roy
8. Krystal
9. Banjo-Kazooie
10. Paper Mario

If Banjo is thrown out due to the complications pertaining to him, than #10 would be Waluigi (and Paper Mario would be #9).

I will never understand this.

Banjo is literally impossible to get in Smash Brothers. It's like asking for Sly Cooper or Master Chief, Banjo is 100% a Microsoft character.

There's a reason he was taken out of Diddy Kong Racing and his GBA games were published by THQ. He DESERVES to be in, but it's impossible, even on a handheld.

Because he's Scrafty for god sakes.

2. Mega Man
3. Ridley
4. K. Rool
5. Little Mac
6. Isaac
7. Palutena
8. Shulk
9. Roy
10. Takamaru
Throw in Goroh and Mona and that's a pretty great cast of new comers.

I expect Pac-Man and Chrom to happen either way, but I'm apathetic about the former and the latter's game doesn't come out here until April. :T

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Are there any other Gen V Pokemon worth mentioning? Victini might be relegated to a Pokeball summon since it's the "Mew" of Gen V. And Zoroark never gained the popularity that Lucario had (despite Gamefreak pushing it as such).
There are a bunch of "Mews" in V though.

I also wouldn't mind Keldeo or Meloetta to be playable to allow their "form change" as part of their moveset.
I'm completely prejudiced (the avatar gives it away), but I'd love to see Quote from Cave Story as a fighter in the next Smash Bros. The fact that Nicalis (publisher for Cave Story) is on friendly terms with Nintendo is what gives me hope. Make it happen Sakurai!


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm completely prejudiced (the avatar gives it away), but I'd love to see Quote from Cave Story as a fighter in the next Smash Bros. The fact that Nicalis (publisher for Cave Story) is on friendly terms with Nintendo is what gives me hope. Make it happen Sakurai!

Sorry but did I noticed that he have gun?
I'm completely prejudiced (the avatar gives it away), but I'd love to see Quote from Cave Story as a fighter in the next Smash Bros. The fact that Nicalis (publisher for Cave Story) is on friendly terms with Nintendo is what gives me hope. Make it happen Sakurai!


B: Polar Star (charge for Spur)

Side B: Fireball/Missiles (either would work, but Fireball might help differentiate from Samus)

Up B: Booster (can be held or used in short bursts)

Down B: Bubbler (hold for bubble shield, release for barrage)

Smash Attacks: Blade and Machine Gun bursts

Final Smash: Nemesis (go on a shooting spree while Weapon Crystals rain from the sky. Avoid them to retain the weapon's power)/King's Will (Max Level Blade shot carves up a vertical plane)
Considering he doesn't use actual bullets, that should clear Sakurai's "only laser guns and explosives" metric fairly nicely.

I disagree with Banjo-Kazooie deserving to be in Smash.
Nah, if Nintendo hadn't decided to sell Rare off, I'd say they'd probably have already been in Brawl.

As it stands, there is practically no chance of any of the properties Microsoft got with its Rare purchase going into Smash, short of Microsoft suddenly deciding to sell the license (not happening).


As in "Heathcliff"
Alright! NOW WE HAVE 100 DAYS TO GO! :D

Think about it when March 4 started, then we will finally enter double digit countdown which is way better than being in triple digits. CHOOOO CHOOO!


B: Polar Star (charge for Spur)

Side B: Fireball/Missiles (either would work, but Fireball might help differentiate from Samus)

Up B: Booster (can be held or used in short bursts)

Down B: Bubbler (hold for bubble shield, release for barrage)

Smash Attacks: Blade and Machine Gun bursts

Final Smash: Nemesis (go on a shooting spree while Weapon Crystals rain from the sky. Avoid them to retain the weapon's power)/King's Will (Max Level Blade shot carves up a vertical plane)

Great ideas, though I'd personaly make Curly appear with him during his final smash for twin pistol action.


If/when there is a new dojo, hopefully when new characters are revealed, they show a brief gameplay video of them and pictures.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Sawk and Throh tag-team combo for Smash 4!

Seriously, dudes are my favorite Fighting Pokemon.
Time will fly as it always does. Birthdays, Homework, work, exams, other games. We'll be ok. Who knows, maybe we will get a little tidbit leading up to the e3 revealing.

heheh This brings back memories.
Yeah I've been kinda out of the Smash 4 scene for awhile. Been reading mangas to pass the time and of course there's college to worry about. I do expect to be back when Smash 4 shows itself at E3 2013.


Maturity, bitches.
Second party characters can't be in a game originally developed by a second party and now developed with a contractor with help from a third party.


I'm playing FE:A right now and ... I really think it would be far more interesting to have MU be a character instead of Chrom. Like, you can have a customization for this Grand Master/ Tactician class character or maybe they could hook up something where you can import your MU into Smash. Would be pretty cool ... likely not gonna happen though.

I'd prefer to see the Avatar in Smash too, but Chrom likely will be the one in, especially considering how, in addition to Awakening, there's also that upcoming SMT x FE game, which seems like it'll focus on Chrom and "Masked Marth" the most, for the FE side, at least according to the teaser.
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