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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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That reminds me, I haven't seen Deoxys in Brawl for like ever. The rare Pokemon are way too rare in Brawl.


Snipidy snip

If anything sonic is the only character that feels unfinished....but that's another story. Wolfs stance is the way it is because he's sorta feral. Other characters share attack animations(samus/CF and to an extent ganondorf's U-tilt,Zelda's/peach's dash attack ). Landmaster is just lazy since all 3 space animals use it.
His f-tilt....well he has those sharp claws. Their losing animations...not saying it's right but fox/wolf have similar character models so yeah.

As for subspace(it's horrid in general), Eh many wanted wolf in smash so he was a big surprise for most I assume lol.
Is anybody else worried that the character roster is going to be a massive disappointment? My most wanted newcomers are Waluigi, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Tingle, Samurai Goroh, and Little Mac, but I recall Sakurai saying something along the lines of "I want to do more than just add new characters." No more gameplay gimmicks please. :/
I kinda think some attempt to spice up the gameplay is inevitable, especially considering the Sakurai quote you just cited. Doesn't really mean anything for the roster one way or the other; just that Sakurai's not gonna just add to the roster and call it a day.

Mr. Fix

I kinda think some attempt to spice up the gameplay is inevitable, especially considering the Sakurai quote you just cited. Doesn't really mean anything for the roster one way or the other; just that Sakurai's not gonna just add to the roster and call it a day.

I have a feeling it'll be like Nintendo land with the pad acting as an element/adding a 5th player (not in the playable sense) in gameplay. I think it could work though, so long as it's not too broken, and it'd be optional.
Actually, expanding Smash to more than 4 players could be interesting!

Not like Melee didn't already support 6-fighter matches, even if only 4 of those could be human controlled.


Maturity, bitches.
I'd be more worried about the stages. If they basically keep all the old characters the same you can always go back to your old favourite if the new ones suck, but due to the fact that this will be the first HD Smash it could be possible they don't bother bring back old stage since that would require all textures to be redrawn thus you have to hope all the new stages are good.

Mr. Fix

Actually, expanding Smash to more than 4 players could be interesting!

Not like Melee didn't already support 6-fighter matches, even if only 4 of those could be human controlled.

That would make it the best couch game ever.
It already is, for us anyway.
GamerSoul said:
Damn, Megaman is still getting love? I will be shocked if he actually gets in at this point even though he deserves it.
The fact that Mega Man is among the Top 3 most wanted characters is nothing to scoff at and it's especially impressive that the demand for Mega Man is so high in spite of Capcom's recent treatment towards the franchise. As a matter of fact, the franchise isn't dead yet and Capcom still have plans for Mega Man's 25th anniversary.

Remember that Mega Man has a very highly dedicated fan base and it shows as how the fan base manage to maintain and even increase as time has gone on. Mega Man's incredible popularity is the main (but not the only reason) why I believe he is the most likely choice if we get a new 3rd party character.

@Shadow Hog: I'm thinking that we could be seeing five or six players this time around, due to having two Wii-U controllers and four Wii controllers available. I'd be all for it, even if it was only offline.
I'd be more worried about the stages. If they basically keep all the old characters the same you can always go back to your old favourite if the new ones suck, but due to the fact that this will be the first HD Smash it could be possible they don't bother bring back old stage since that would require all textures to be redrawn thus you have to hope all the new stages are good.

Did they redo the textures for the 64 stages in Melee?


The fact that Mega Man is among the Top 3 most wanted characters is nothing to scoff at and it's especially impressive that the demand for Mega Man is so high in spite of Capcom's recent treatment towards the franchise. As a matter of fact, the franchise isn't dead yet and they still have plans for the 25th anniversary.

Remember that Mega Man has a very highly dedicated fan base and it shows as how the fan base manage to maintain and even increase as time has gone on. Mega Man's incredible popularity is the main (but not the only reason) why I believe he is the most likely choice if we get a new 3rd party character.

@Shadow Hog: I'm thinking that we could be seeing five or six players this time around, due to having two Wii-U controllers and four Wii controllers available. I'd be all for it, even if it was only offline.

You're right about megaman and id love to see him in smash but imo it's still not a sure thing. Sakurai may be to busy trying to work out two smash games simultaneously while trying to recover from his injury to try to call capcom. Iirc, there was no dialogue between him and capcom to even think of including megaman in brawl and I would not want to have that same mistake again but who knows. The last thing I want is for them to include megaman at the cost of a few characters at the last minute..not again. Lol. Hopefully sakurai has everything running fine so this won't be a problem.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
That reminds me, I haven't seen Deoxys in Brawl for like ever. The rare Pokemon are way too rare in Brawl.


Playing Brawl recently and I was thinking, did anybody stop to think about how strange Wolf is in relative comparison to the rest of the cast? Like, it seems almost like he's unfinished and not completely thought out, but maybe it's just me.

He shares at least three normal move animations with three other characters but not really in the same moveslots--his down aerial is identical to Diddy's, his dash attack is identical to Fox and Falco's up-smash, and his up-smash is identical to Sonic's up-aerial.

Regarding his up-smash and Sonic's up-aerial, it's kind of hard to say who had what first, but just based on how strange Wolf's up-smash looks (he just kind of hovers instantaneously a few inches off the ground), it looks to me like it was created as an aerial. At least, to me. If you watch it in slow motion in training his head kind of glitches during it too.

His dash attack using another character's smash attack animation is weird in and of itself, but so far as I can remember it's the only dash attack that completely cancels the character's momentum. Also, just kind of bizarre looking--the other characters tend to do some sort of move where they throw their momentum into something, but Wolf just up and does a flip kick.

Wolf's neutral stance is weird and unnatural looking, in my opinion, in comparison to the rest of the cast, holding his body really low to the ground. When he resets to neutral position from a run or a duck he does this odd little dance to reset to his neutral standing animation, even though he resets to his low stance first off. His crouch makes it really look like he should be able to crawl, like it was designed to be a neutral crawling position, but he just... can't. He also shares Fox's losing animation, did you know that? Just noticed that the past day or so.

His side tilt has this strange ultra hitlag on it that doesn't really make any sense in comparison to the rest of the cast. His side special is also really glitchy and doesn't like to grab ledges very well (and can actually be used to phase through ledges, very strange). Like the sweetspotting coding just isn't complete or something. His forward smash is pretty strange looking, but this is pretty subjective on my part. Very unique, but still pretty strange. He's also the third Landmaster user which just seems excessive and reeks of last minute inputting--Falco reusing Fox's Final Smash seems like a concession to time constraints (like Ness/Lucas and Link/Toon Link); Wolf reusing it as well just seems like a "whatever, just throw it in" moment.

And then there's the fact that he's one of the last three characters to be unlocked and is completely absent from the SSE and honestly, he feels like the stranger omission compared to the characterless balloon Pokemon and the second version of another character. Unlocked via VS matches he's the last, and he seems like an odd character to make the final unlock--in comparison to Ness (from the first) and Game & Watch (from Melee), a third Star Fox character seems like a bizarre final prize.

This part is more my opinion than anything else, but he also feels more... unnecessary than the other characters. Like, in comparison to most of the newcomers added in Brawl, at least. It's also worth mentioning in the last co-op Event match (the all-star fight) Wolf is the last character, even after Sonic and Snake.

In many ways to me he really does feel like this bonus extra character that not an entirely large amount of thought went into--an extra little bone to throw to the people who liked playing as the Star Fox characters in previous Smashes (who I think are pretty popular among Smash players in Japan, though I may be wrong). I mean, his late addition does seem to be the consensus based on the internal data, but I think it shows within the game itself. What say you?
Erm what. Wasn't it said that Sonic was the last one to be made and not Wolf? Hell, if anything Sonic felt lacking in moveset.

Only thing he shares with Fox is his losing animation. His "mushroom" and "edge recovery" are similar in the same sense that all Star Fox trio use the animation as well as Ness/Lucas and Marth/Ike.

Similar normal moves isn't unique to him either. Samus, Falcon, Snake, etc. all have shared some normal moveset. In any case, Wolf's didn't come out terrible as well because it flowed well with his animation. Speaking of which, he moves like that because he's supposed to be mixing martial arts with a feral style.


Wolf's crouching animation lends itself to crawling, and given the "feral" nature of his character, I'm surprised he doesn't have that ability. It would help further differentiate him from Fox.
I guess I was incorrect on the shared animations bit, but Wolf still strikes me as odd. And I was definitely not going for a "Wolf is a clone of Fox" angle on that post, if that's how I came across I apologize. There were other arguments in there, you know...

And I still think he's weird and half baked though (Sonic is too, but that doesn't preclude another character from being similar). I still don't particularly understand what they were going for when they made him the final character unlock. And his up-smash is still bizarre.

EDIT: Regarding shared moves among Samus/Captain Falcon, that goes all the way back to the first Smash, where all four secret characters lifted things partially from the main cast (ranging from whole-sale clone Luigi to sharing basically only a get up attack Ness). I suppose it is kind of interesting that some of Ganondorf's normals actually have their root in Samus, sort of.


That's another thing, wolf isn't technically the final unlockable....unless you get jigglypuff/toon link before him.
That's another thing, wolf isn't technically the final unlockable....unless you get jigglypuff/toon link before him.

I meant in VS mode matches. He technically could be unlocked before Jigglypuff and Toon Link, but in terms of pure quantification he's last. Potentially.


Marth has/had a shield too. Also, there is no guarantee that he will be a completely unique character (I don't see how its just as likely he will be completely unique, I think your fandom of FE13 is clouding your judgment a bit).

Well, FE13 has quite a few attack animations for every basic attack, so Sakurai wouldn't need to make up nearly as many moves as he had to do for Ike and Marth. The reason people talk about Chrom being an Ike clone is his use of Aether, but Chrom's Aether looks nothing like Ike's, it'd look very cheap if he got that animation out of nowhere in the next Smash.

Either way, Sakurai has shown so far an hesitation in completely revamping any characters, so, it's very likely that a returning Roy would play similarly to his melee self, even if he got some unique additions.

He could have a special based of the Master Lords ability to use lances though, however, considering Sakurai did not give Ike an axe-special I am holding my breath.

Ike couldn't use axes in Path of Radiance though, which was clearly the only source for his inclusion in Brawl, with Radiant Dawn basically getting completely ignored outside of a bgm and stickers.

I wonder though, would returning characters, like Marth and maybe Ike, continue with their original designs, or would they receive redesigns based on their Awekening DLC art? Ike in full armor looks pretty odd...
While I don't think Star Fox at the time deserved three reps, I really don't see the problem with Wolf. FS aside he (mostly) had his own moveset and anything last-minute feeling about him despite having an original movest is probably due to him being planned since Melee (or going off that SSB64 roster theory the original game even). Makes me wonder if Dedede wasn't a sure thing for Brawl but once they'd gotten some of the other heavy hitters out of the way they had more time to work on the moveset they'd had planned for him since the first game (Sakurai apparently said on the Melee dojo Dedede could have made it into Melee if they hadn't instead spent that time putting in the six clones).

though let's cut him anyway to watch doggie's response
I kind of wish we could have at least seen what Dixie's Brawl redesign would've been like. Same with the other's, but I remember the Kongs in particular looking at lot nicer in Brawl than they had in a lot of their games from around that mid 2000's period.


I kind of wish we could have at least seen what Dixie's Brawl redesign would've been like. Same with the other's, but I remember the Kongs in particular looking at lot nicer in Brawl than they had in a lot of their games from around that mid 2000's period.

Just picture Diddy with long sexy blonde hair. Tada...not so exciting.
Then name the third-party character that would do better. You won't because there is not one. Its pretty much Pac-Man that is the most wanted third-party character after Mega Man.

By what means do you ask this question?
Anecdotal evidence? I have personally seen far more interest in decussing a Tales of character. There's actually a ton of decussion about 3rd party characters not named MM or PM ... but the pool is so large and the process of getting a 3rd party character in the game is so different that as the fandom is right now I don't think you're gonna come across much detailed selections. Not until a trailer pops up at least ...

According to Namco? They say that their fans are raving for a Tekken or SC character being in. They listed off other series (Like Tales of and Gundam) but never Pac man.

What the devs want? Tales of Director guy who was hand picked by Sakurai to work on the game openingly wants a Tales of character in the game (but says it would be hard because of the rules and lack of tales games on Nintendo consoles ... which pretty much means the character he is thinking of isn't on a nintendo console yet so some other Tales character would have to take the spot if that game/ character doesn't show up on Wii U or 3DS). Suda 51 is open about wanting Travis in and Kamiya would like to see Bayo in.

Smash fans? Like I said, as things are now you're not gonna get too much discussion regardless. And like I have also said before, Smash is made for fans, not simply "Smash fans". So "Smash fan's" interest in a 3rd party character doesn't mean much imo.

Is anybody else worried that the character roster is going to be a massive disappointment?

Ehh, I'm actually assuming it's gonna be a disappointment :p

All I'm really looking forward to are some left feilders, Lucario's 6th gen replacement, Mewtwo's return (be it Original Mewtwo or the supposed 6th gen form that people think the new trailer hints at) and hopefully some proper series rep (as in, theres no way I think KI should get 2 slots yet Wario simply stay at 1 somehow.)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I guess I was incorrect on the shared animations bit, but Wolf still strikes me as odd. And I was definitely not going for a "Wolf is a clone of Fox" angle on that post, if that's how I came across I apologize. There were other arguments in there, you know...

And I still think he's weird and half baked though (Sonic is too, but that doesn't preclude another character from being similar). I still don't particularly understand what they were going for when they made him the final character unlock. And his up-smash is still bizarre.

EDIT: Regarding shared moves among Samus/Captain Falcon, that goes all the way back to the first Smash, where all four secret characters lifted things partially from the main cast (ranging from whole-sale clone Luigi to sharing basically only a get up attack Ness). I suppose it is kind of interesting that some of Ganondorf's normals actually have their root in Samus, sort of.

Oh I didn't see you put him as a clone, more like unfinished. I just disagree and agree at the same time.

And his U-smash is awesome! RAUL with vacuum crotch is a must for him and it's a shame Project M removed it.

And stuff like that is expected in fighting games.

wolf is dumb and stupid and they should've gone with dixie instead

oh u :3

though let's cut him anyway to watch doggie's response

You know that scene where Vegeta found out that the Dragon Ball he stole in a village was stolen by Gohan and he was very mad? Yeah that.

So who all is going to form an angry mob with me if Ridley doesn't get in?
Unsurprisingly enough I'm pretty indifferent with Ridley.

In fact I'm pretty indifferent with typical popular choices (returning Mewtwo and Roy, inclusion of Ridley, Dixie, K. Rool, etc.)


We need to decide who's bringing pitchforks and who's bringing torches. It would be silly if we all showed up with pitchforks and nobody brought torches. I think a proper angry mob should have about a 2:1 ratio of pitchforks to torches.

I suppose we also need to figure out where we're, uh... mobbing, I guess. Wherever Sakurai's working, but I have no idea where that is. Sora? Nintendo? Namco?
All I'm really looking forward to are some left feilders, Lucario's 6th gen replacement, Mewtwo's return (be it Original Mewtwo or the supposed 6th gen form that people think the new trailer hints at) and hopefully some proper series rep (as in, theres no way I think KI should get 2 slots yet Wario simply stay at 1 somehow.)
I'd choose either Captain Syrup or Mona as a secondary Wario representative. I think we can all agree that the cast needs more villains and it needs more females. Who better to represent both categories at once than Captain Syrup? Ridley and Dixie Kong are also good choices.


Heh, I just got that Beef.

So who all is going to form an angry mob with me if Ridley doesn't get in?

Eh, I'll wait to see but I probably will join in. If Ridley is not a playable charcter, we should take to twitter and bombard his account with Ridley stuff because we can at least attempt him to give us Ridley through DLC. lol .

Can't get much prettier than that. >_> lol. Jokes aside, Dixie would be a nice character but I'd take K.Rool over at this point to add another interesting villain with move set potential.

I'd choose either Captain Syrup or Mona as a secondary Wario representative. I think we can all agree that the cast needs more villains and it needs more females. Who better to represent both categories at once than Captain Syrup? Ridley and Dixie Kong are also good choices.

See this guy is making a lot sense. Imo, she could end up being a favorite out of left-field character if Sakurai really wanted to add her in. Don't waste your time telling how it will not happen because I already know this and I'm prepared. I'm just looking for some good surprises this time around no matter who it ends up being in the end. In a perfect world, Wario Ware and Land would get a bit more love with at the least another character.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Wolf's a pretty stylish character I felt they NAILED. Like, just the way he moves is very feral and well-designed, alongside Diddy, they're very realistic, "bestial" characters. He's great.

The only problem is I always end up killing myself with his Specials, but, once more, that fits his style.
I'd choose either Captain Syrup or Mona as a secondary Wario representative. I think we can all agree that the cast needs more villains and it needs more females. Who better to represent both categories at once than Captain Syrup? Ridley and Dixie Kong are also good choices.

See this guy is making a lot sense. Imo, she could end up being a favorite out of left-field character if Sakurai really wanted to add her in. Don't waste your time telling how it will not happen because I already know this and I'm prepared. I'm just looking for some good surprises this time around no matter who it ends up being in the end. In a perfect world, Wario Ware and Land would get a bit more love with at the least another character.

I expect to see one of them. Would love to see both ... but like I said, I expect a disapointing list of new-comers if these wish list are anything to go on ... hope I'm wrong. And sadly (or gladly?) I expect the main left feild picks to mostly be in the form of 3rd party characters. :/

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Wolf's a pretty stylish character I felt they NAILED. Like, just the way he moves is very feral and well-designed, alongside Diddy, they're very realistic, "bestial" characters. He's great.

The only problem is I always end up killing myself with his Specials, but, once more, that fits his style.

They should just fix his up recovery.
They should just fix his up recovery.
I think his specials could use a tiny bit more tweaking to differentiate himself and obviously he needs a new FS (even if it's just a different kind of giant ground-mech), but yeah besides that he's fine. At least, if a SF rep gets cut from SSB4 (though I hope nobody from Brawl does) I could see them axing Falco before they ax Wolf since he sets himself apart much better.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
His specials are pretty fine imo save for his up B.

Oh right, forgot his Final Smash. Yeah, maybe call Leon and Panther to bomb the stage.

Or maybe this (cookie for reference)



Maturity, bitches.
With the GamePad being its own screen one could have an 4 vs 1 invisible fight where only one player is invisible. Yes, basically Luigi's Ghost Mansion from Nintendoland.


Maturity, bitches.
Come on Emi, you've not been away from the anime thread for so long that you've forgotten JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


As in "Heathcliff"
Is anybody else worried that the character roster is going to be a massive disappointment? My most wanted newcomers are Waluigi, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Tingle, Samurai Goroh, and Little Mac, but I recall Sakurai saying something along the lines of "I want to do more than just add new characters." No more gameplay gimmicks please. :/

I already expecting that we would get disappointment roster so that's why I am setting my exceptions at low for SSB4. I know that I am more likely to not get what I want for SSB4 but at least, I am going to have a lot of fun with the game like I did with Melee and Brawl.

It's possible that we might get more gimmick but we might not at same time because Sakurai said that they don't really want to add more gimmicks as if I recalled correctly.

Wolf's a really cool character. Not at all a clone, and I can't understand how anyone can think that unless they literally only spam "B" moves.

I used B moves a lot to control the zone on the stage so it would help me to get close or push them away. It's very good move but don't over-depend on it.

So who all is going to form an angry mob with me if Ridley doesn't get in?

Not me. I haven't really play Metroid games for long long long time. I think I only played NES and SNES. I will remedy that soon as I'm done with my backlogs. I know that Ridley is one of few important characters left to be add in Smash. I'm concerned that Sakurai mightn't add Ridley next time.
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