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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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oh god what is that


I've been thinking about Smash 4/3DS quite a lot recently, and although I'm sure pretty much everything I want out of it in terms of characters and content has probably already been discussed, I thought I might as well layout what I'd like to see from Smash in the future. So, incoming text dump basically.

In general I hope that they change the final smash system, maybe so that it has a bar which can be built up by playing well/poorly, and that you can use different tiers attacks. I'd also like it to be it's own button/combination so that it doesn't take away your ability to use b. They really need to work on making sure that everyones final smashes are balanced too. Sonic's, for example, is stupidly overpowered, and Peach's is far too weak.

I'd like them to add more customisation options for matches. Being able to choose which Pokemon appear, and being able to mix-and-match all the different types of matches, for example, would help to extend replayability. Having modes where you can choose more than one character, which you can tag in/out, would be great. Also if they bring back stickers I hope they add a mode where you can play against people using your own custom sticker selection.

I want all the previous items to appear as well, even if some of them may be redundant. I missed the parasol, and cloaking device in Brawl. I do hope that they make some alterations to existing items. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I swear that items like the proximity bomb vanish much quicker in Brawl than they did in Melee. It was extremely fun to throw one in Melee, and then minutes later have someone wander onto it with no one remembering where it came from.

Pokeballs were the awful in Brawl compared to Melee. I'm sure whatever means they used to choose the Pokemon that appeared (RNG?) was broken. It's not uncommon for me to play a match and get nothing but Munchlax and Lati@s. I've only ever seen Manaphy once while I've been playing. I'd want them to change the appearance of the pokeball to reflect the rarity of the pokemon inside. Like Master Ball for Deoxy and Lugia, and Pokeball for Goldeen. In addition to this I hope that they bring back all of the old pokemon, and give them different attributes if they are doubles (Beedrill and Unown).

My reasoning behind adding all the items, even if they are redundant is that I want to be able to play matches and never ever have the same thing appear multiple times. I want there to be so much content in terms of pokemon, items, and assist trophies, that it is statistically improbable that you'll see the same things over and over again.

If they're going to go with DLC I hope that they do so in a way that allows everyone to play with everyone else regardless of who owns the DLC. I hope that they add new, or retro stages for free over the course of the games life. I'd be okay if they added paid DLC costumes and/or characters, or even single player content like event matches. Although I do think that they should update everyone's games so that everyone can play against people who own that costume/character, even if they themselves don't own it.

I'm hoping that they bring back all of the old characters too. Even clones. I think the clonier clones such as Roy, Dr. Mario, and Pichu would work well as a form of alternate costume for their original characters. Although I would like alternate costumes that don't change the characters attributes, like Wario in Brawl.

For single player I'm hoping that they'll realise how bloated and unfun SSE could be, and make a smaller, more enjoyable version of it, in addition to the adventure mode seen in Melee. They also need to bring back individual target tests, and board the platforms. Those modes really extended the life of Melee for me.

I REALLY hope they improve the quality of the trophies in the next installment. The trophies in Brawl were the biggest letdown for me. In Melee the trophies introduced me to various retro Nintendo things that I had no idea existed, while in Brawl they were either rehashes of Pokemon, or from games which were only a few months of years old. I'd quite like to see the idols from KI:U appear as well in place of some trophies.

There are a few changes to veteran characters that I want to see, and a lot of new stages and characters I want, so I'm sure I'll be disappointed, but I may as well list them anyway, by series.

I hope to see something from the Paper Mario, and Mario RPG series. Maybe a Bean Kingdom stage, or Fawful as a character/assist trophy.

I'd like to see Majora's Mask get some love this time, maybe give Young/Toon Link transformation masks.

Donkey Kong
I'd love to see K. Rool as a playable character, the Smash needs more villains, and K. Rool has loads of moveset potential.

Captain Syrup would be a great playable character and boost the number of women, and villain characters.

I want Ridley as a playable character, and maybe an alternate Samus (fusion suit, maybe?) who is as quick and nimble as she is in the 2D games.

I want to see Mewtwo back, as well as the pokeball changes I mentioned before. I think that N would work as a rival trainer character, but you should be able to mix and choose which pokemon he brings into battle, adding more with DLC. I'm sure they'll add some gen 6 mascot too.

I'd like them to change the way that the dud pokeball works. I want them have Goldeen, and Magikarp as duds, but for there to be a 1/1,000,000 chance of them instantly evolving and OHKOing anyone near them.

I think that a Distortion World stage would be interesting, with various walls and gravity changes blocking, or opening up new areas of the stage where you can die.

Golden Sun
I want either young Isaac, or Mathew as a playable character, using various psyenergy abilities as part of his moveset.

I'd like to see the Djinn as an item like the assist trophy, where they either power up your character for a while, and then fly off, or become a summon attack. I also want young Issac back as an assist trophy with an adult variant appearing from time to time. I want to see Saturos and Medardi, as well as Blados and Chalis to appear in assist trophy form.

I think that the final battle area of the
Apollo Sanctum
from Dark Dawn would work well as a stage. People that have played that game will know about the puzzle that needs to be solved before the final battle, which would make the stage conditions change as the battle goes on. They could also tease the final battles from Dark Dawn in the background with various attacks flying from behind the various structures hitting the foreground. They could also use the
Mars Lighthouse
from the end of Golden Sun 2 as a stage with the
Doom Dragon
appearing from time to time to attack, with the blizzard raging in the background.

Nintendo/Advance Wars
I'd like to see various nods to the Nintendo Wars series, I felt it was painfully underrepresented in Brawl. At the very least I'd like some sort of stage that sort of spans the series. I'm thinking of a battleground with a war in the background, where the stage changes from the damaged caused by the units. Some of which may appear on the stage, and cause havoc.

Fire Emblem
I think Fire Emblem's most recent entry will really help out the amount of representation its going to receive in Smash.

Personally I hope that it gets its own assist trophy/pokeball type weapon in the form of warp powder which will summon a random character from the series to do an attack. I love the thought of Nergal appearing out of nowhere, saying his battle quote and doing his critical animation, decimating the other players. Just imagine the chaos that could happen if the Black Knight was summoned.

I'd like to see Roy come back as an alternate costume for Marth. I want Marth to have his appearance from New Mystery of the Emblem, and I want him to have a Masked Marth alternate costume, as well as (avoiding spoilers) an unmasked masked Marth costume, but with different attributes. I hope Ike gets updated to his Radiant Dawn appearance with axes playing a role.

As for new characters I thought that Anna or Tiki might be a good representation for the entire series, seeing as Anna has had so many appearances, and Tiki has good moveset potential. But I'd love to see a Chrom/Avatar playable character most of all. Being able to switch between the two would help to represent Awakenings characters and pair-up feature in a way that would keep their character being too similar to current Fire Emblem Smash representatives. They could also add some touches like Avatar having a different appearance in every battle, or their attacks powering up the longer they stay alive/together.

All I really want from Kirby is a Prince Fluff playable character to represent Epic Yarn.

Kid Icarus
I want Pit to get various changes from Uprising as well as playable
. There are so many parts of Uprising that could work well as a stage, I'm looking forward to see what they use.

I really want Shulk to get a playable spot in the next Smash. The Monado abilities could make for very interesting gameplay, plus Xenoblade REALLY deserves some representation. I think that a stage the just flies around the whole of the Bionis and Mechonis would be interesting. The BGM could change as it does, and there are enough monsters and things around to work as stage hazards.

I'm not so sure these three series will get anything in the next Smash, but I'd love them to.

The Last Story
Playable Zael could be interesting if they add in his gathering ability. I imagine it being a risk vs. reward type thing, where, once activated, it would draw projectiles towards you. You could use this to throw your enemies projectile expectations off-course, into someone else, and the more damage you cause/receive with it activated could be used to
freeze/slow down
like in the game. Of course it could also cause projectiles to fly straight into your face, this being the risk part of risk vs. reward.

While I've forgotten the names of some of the places from the game, I remember some of them looking, and being interesting places to explore, with potential for stages in Smash.

Pandora's Tower
Similar to The Last Story, I think that Aeron could work as a playable character if he is able to switch between multiple weapons, and therefore movesets, and his ability to use his chain on people. I can't really think of a place in Pandora's Tower that would work by itself as a Smash stage, but some generic tower featuring various aspects of the game could work well.

Project Zero / Fatal Frame
I'm not even sure if Nintendo has any ownership in this property, but if they do I think a small representation in the form of an item would work well.

My idea is that the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse from the 4th game appears as an item, and when someone is hit by it, it shatters, and Sakuya, the angry boss ghost from the 4th game, is summoned and attacks. I think that this is the only way for the series to get any Smash representation outside of stickers and trophies because Sakuya is the least scary looking final boss, and shows no blood or is topless or anything like the other final bosses bosses.


I'd like to see Roy come back as an alternate costume for Marth. QUOTE]

Considering Sakurai was even against the idea of Dr. Mario being a costume for regular Mario, I highly doubt Sakurai would be comfortable with the idea of a completely different person being an alternate costume.

A character like Dr. Mario could feasibly work as a costume. Characters that are different people entirely (with some outliers like Blood Falcon and Dark Pit) would not.

I think it will just be Mewtwo and Roy coming back, with the possibility that Dr. Mario is a costume. If DLC for Smash 4 happens, I could see every characters coming back (even Dr. Mario and Pichu).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I had a dream that Digimon got a rep in Smash. Of course, being biased, it was Shoutmon and not some lame old Agumon.

oh boy

Azure J

3 v 3 or 6 man FFAs would be huge.

it's not gonna happen

I was always of the opinion that the next big Smash mode should be more people on screen. 6 isn't enough though, I want some batshit thing like 8 at a time. :lol

Re: Characters

I think I've done this so many times in the few appearances I've made here, but really, I have the single shortest list of "please Nintendo/Sakurai" wants.

Mario: Daisy
Metroid: Ridley
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong or K. Rool
Wario: Captain Syrup
Kid Icarus: Palutena (& Medusa)
Golden Sun: Issac
Punch-Out!!: Little Mac
Sin & Punishment: Isa+Katchi duo as one slot
Retro pick east: Takamaru (Mystery at Murasame Castle)
Retro pick west: Mike Jones (StarTropics)
Big/Prominent 3rd Party addition: Megaman

I've given up on the idea of Toad joining because it wouldn't be done right and I don't think he'll ever get over the hump that is his perception as being a one off from a bland NPC race.

Samus has needed a villain forever and Ridley is both iconic and interesting for developing a move set around. He's also "not too big enough" versus others Samus regularly deals with like Mother Brain or Kraid.

Donkey Kong's reps as it stands are already good enough, but I definitely wouldn't say no to a third between Dixie herself, K.Rool or Diddy+Dixie becoming a duo hearkening back to DKC2 and K.Rool slipping in that way.

Wario's current incarnation is almost all based around the WarioWare games and while great stuff, some of us actually remember when he was dicking around trying to build a castle. If Wario's going to continue down this route, snagging Syrup would be a great idea since we get an iconic villain, a fun "dictator" play style that could work counter to Olimar's Pikmin, and more references to the history there than we'd get otherwise. Also another female I guess. :p

With regards to Palutena & Medusa... Say what you will about Uprising skewing things in the series, but I like the idea of the original big three through the series' history being the 3 reps if the series receives more than just Pit and Palu. Plus, maybe Smash will give Sakurai a second venue to expand on Medusa's persona like he did with Pit and Palu. Poor girl got shafted for lines in Uprising.

Golden Sun, Sin & Punishment and Punch-Out are all obvious and all great picks. At one point, I liked Lip being in for having a puzzler based "summon" thing going on and representing the Nintendo puzzle games/Puzzle League on her own. Imagine her summoning Panel de Pon blocks and dropping them around for offense or defense, but I don't thin her visibility is as high as it was during Brawl's heyday.

I've wanted a eastern style draw/sheathe swordsman for as long as the series has existed and Lyn teasing what could have been only makes me more insatiable for it. Takamaru is the perfect way to bring this into the franchise along with yet another curious entry from the Nintendo catalogue that is well loved elsewhere but a completely curious mystery to other territories. In that same vein, I'd like it if Nintendo also took consideration from us Westerners for once and played Mike Jones up as an analogue from the past where he was well received and moderately popular but remains a mystery to the market that gave us Takamaru. Game play wise, I'd really love to see a disjointed hitbox monster with a sort of control over spacing with various high speed yo-yo jabs and tricks. he's a canon pitcher and also has other items to fill out his move set if necessary but it's primarily the use of the yo-yo that has me interested. (Well that and the potential of seeing him after 20 years of rest.)

Classic Megaman simply needs to be in there with Sonic and Snake. No cuts, no exceptions.

I'm also up for additions from the Rainfall trio, but none of them register as highly as these guys because they'd be "oh, I guess they'd be in" picks versus surprises or wants. Franchises not mentioned above by myself either have enough reps or enough of the right reps and are good to go bar anything big happening with them in the future.


I'd love to have Megaman.exe
He's pretty much exclusive to Nintendo Handhelds. Chips could make his moveset pretty amazing, and he'd have Program Advance as his final smash.


I want a Rogueport stage from Paper Mario 2. Play up the whole paper thing and have platforms that get crumpled and ripped as you damage them.

Then the Pianta mafia comes in and mugs someone.


Hey guys, new to GAF, been lurking and really like the discussions that go on in here. Big fan of Smash Bros. as a whole, but favor Super Smash Bros. Melee and play Project M.

Anyways, I hope Sakurai really delivers in Smash Bros. 4, I don't care if gameplay does not reflect Melee, but I hope the game can play slightly similar to the original N64 version, since it's kinda between Brawl and Melee speeds, plus the speed was one of my biggest issues with Brawl, and the lack of hit stun.

My dream character(s) are pretty much just Bomberman. I loved him in Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES, and the 3 N64 Bomberman games. Too bad his chances seem to have been crushed since Hudson went under and Konami bought them(?). The other one would probably be Mewtwo's return, and maybe Genesect as a Gen V Pokemon representative. Also hope EVERYONE from Smash Bros' playable history returns (Pichu, Roy, Dr. Mario, Lucario, Ike, Sonic, Snake, etc) because I feel like; why take a character out? There are bound to be people disappointed their favorite character was removed (third parties may be different though). But that may not be possible due to limited resources, yet I hope they can use future DLC in a good way. Also, would be amazing if all the past stages made a return in the Wii U version of the game. :)

Mr. Fix

why take a character out? There are bound to be people disappointed their favorite character was removed (third parties may be different though). But that may not be possible due to limited resources, yet I hope they can use future DLC in a good way. Also, would be amazing if all the past stages made a return in the Wii U version of the game. :)

I hate the idea of cuts, but it isn't as easy as just copy-pasting them into the next game. Time and resources are spent on them, even if it's not as extensive as those spent on newcomers. I'm seriously hoping they prioritize on DLC too, so long as the characters aren't (mostly) clones (with popular vets as exceptions, but possibly slightly altered). I expect DLC maps to divide the online community though, but it'd be sweet if they release them in bundles and price them reasonably.


I hate the idea of cuts, but it isn't as easy as just copy-pasting them into the next game. Time and resources are spent on them, even if it's not as extensive as those spent on newcomers. I'm seriously hoping they prioritize on DLC too, so long as the characters aren't (mostly) clones (with popular vets as exceptions, but possibly slightly altered). I expect DLC maps to divide the online community though, but it'd be sweet if they release them in bundles and price them reasonably.
That is a very true statement, and that's why I have slightly high hopes for the DLC in Super Smash Bros.

Also, another thing had just popped into my mind, and I'm not sure if this has been discussed at any point, but what if if Sakurai took this Smash Bros. and made a "reboot" of the series. Basically what I mean is, he took out unneeded characters, or changed up a lot of the casts movesets to better reflect their most recent appearances.

Mario loses Fludd, regains the Mario Tornado, but works more like Super Mario Galaxy's spin and less like previous versions.
Samus becomes more agile like in Other M. Can shoot rapidly and also charge up the beam, etc etc.
Luigi loses the Luigi Cyclone in favor of the Vacuum from Luigi's Mansion similar to what happened to Mario and Fludd in Brawl.
Fox/Falco/Wolf can all be based on their Star Fox Assault multiplayer gameplay. They can shoot their blasters like they currently do, and even do the 3 different power levels of charging their blasters. The barrier can replace the reflector by reflecting, defending, or lasting a few seconds (would probably be a cool item instead), etc.
Pikachu can be given a moveset very similar to Ash's Pikachu (though this is probably less likely than the others)
and Etc Etc.

Would anything like this be a warm welcome for Smash Bros. 4 or a bad thing for having characters essentially all be "newcomers" once again and everyone having to relearn the basics of each character? I'm on the fence with it personally, but how about you guys? Just a thought.
I'm personally pretty conservative when it comes to future Smash regarding veterans. I'd personally prefer they stay relatively unchanged (as far as big sweeping changes go). Balance changes I'm fine with, but I'm not sure on changing up Link for the sake of changing up Link.

Looking back on Brawl again, I don't think we as a fanbase really give it credit enough for how many newcomers it actually had. Brawl added more playable characters than either the first or Melee did. There are 39 playable characters in Brawl, and 18 of them are newcomers--nearly half. The first had 12 total, Melee added 14, but six of them were quick clones of other characters. Brawl added 18 with only one true Melee style clone in the mix on top of 21 veterans returning from Melee (who weren't just up and ported from Melee either). That's quite a feat that I think has been downplayed.

I'm not saying SSB4 will add more or that it will add anywhere near as many, just that I feel if the roster is disappointing in terms of newcomers and adds very few I feel it will more likely be an issue of the developers not seeing many worthwhile characters left to add, not necessarily due to time constraints.


Roselia, Shoutmon, Arthur, Doggie Kruger, Joseph Joestar

I honestly don't even know who any of these are.


- Ridley
- Dixie Kong
- Kaptain K. Rool (pirate with a blunderbuss is way cooler than a dumb old king)
- Jill Dozer
- FrogBot from ExciteBots
- Mega Man (classic, none of that X or Volnutt or .exe shit)
- Simon Belmont (using his MoF design, not any of the horrible anime designs he's had throughout the years)
- War from Darksiders
- Banjo-Kazooie


Looking back on Brawl again, I don't think we as a fanbase really give it credit enough for how many newcomers it actually had. Brawl added more playable characters than either the first or Melee did. There are 39 playable characters in Brawl, and 18 of them are newcomers--nearly half. The first had 12 total, Melee added 14, but six of them were quick clones of other characters. Brawl added 18 with only one true Melee style clone in the mix on top of 21 veterans returning from Melee (who weren't just up and ported from Melee either). That's quite a feat that I think has been downplayed.

I think the main issue with Brawl's line up was the distribution of unlockables and default characters. The only really valuable unlockables had to be revealed before launch due to their really strong marketing power (Sonic, Snake), so we were left with ROB, Wolf and toon Link as the only "new" characters to be unlocked, with every other unlockable character being a returning one.

I think the overall line up would have been seen with better eyes if they had managed to include something like Melee's clones, just to throw in a bunch of unexpected newcomers that weren't marketed alongside the main game.
I honestly don't even know who any of these are.

Roselia is a Pokemon I believe, if that is the same Roselia I'm thinking of.
Shoutmon is a digimon.
Doggie Kruger is from Power Rangers, that blue dog who's also a interstellar police officer (and whom you don't want to google image search...)
Joseph Joestar is the titular JoJo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Arthur is the name of the knight from Ghosts n Goblins/Ghouls n Ghosts, but there's a lot of Arthurs, so I dunno if he meant that one.
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.

Which 9 characters would make it in?

King K.Rool
Dixie Kong
Little Mac
Mighty Gazelle
Elite Beat Agents
3rd Party spot: Phoenix Wright or maybe Banjo and Kazooie, or Alucard...or maybe ARRGH! TOO HARD!
Oh balls, I forgot Palutena, guess there's quite a few characters i'd love to see in SSB.

That's actually a pretty safe list for the most part, Mighty Gazelle would kick the shit out of Samurai Goroh and you all know it, 9 spaces are not nearly enough


Maturity, bitches.
Super Mario, Mario Kart Mario, Mario Party Mario, Mario Tennis Mario, Mario Golf Mario, Dr Mario, Mario Picross Mario, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi Mario.


As in "Heathcliff"
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.

Which 9 characters would make it in?

Number 1 would be easily LAUGHING DOG or DUCK HUNT DOG.

2) Takamaru
3) King K. Rool
4) Isaac
5) Tom Nook
6) Palutena
7) Shulk
8) Banjo-Kazooie
9) Joanna Dark

It was tough for me to decide with final 9. I would love to see Little Mac, Mega Man, Phoenix Wright, Mike Jones, and many nintendo characters that haven't shown for long time.

What's that? You have all your lives and you've almost beaten your opponent? Too bad. Stock swap!

Yikes! It can backfire on you too. If you have 3 lives and your opponent has 1 life.


Little Mac
Samurai Goroh
K. Rool
Mega Man
Joanna Dark

I honestly think the last two would've been shoe-ins and maybe even in Brawl's announcement trailer and then some if Rare hadn't been sold off.
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