Number 1 would be easily LAUGHING DOG or DUCK HUNT DOG.
2) Takamaru
3) King K. Rool
4) Isaac
5) Tom Nook
6) Palutena
7) Shulk
8) Banjo-Kazooie
9) Joanna Dark
It was tough for me to decide with final 9. I would love to see Little Mac, Mega Man, Phoenix Wright, Mike Jones, and many nintendo characters that haven't shown for long time.
Little Mac
Samurai Goroh
K. Rool
Mega Man
Joanna Dark
I honestly think the last two would've been shoe-ins and maybe even in Brawl's announcement trailer and then some if Rare hadn't been sold off.
Joanna Dark would be an amazing addition with the weapons of Perfect Dark, Super Dragon! Reaper Grinder! N Bombs! Combat Boost Final Smash!
And of course Daniel Carrington Assist who does nothing.
I want to hit people over the head with whatever the hell that thing is used to reload the Cyclone.Yeah, I think I can come up with decent move set without real guns since they aren't allowed to be in smash.
I want:
King K. Rool
Dixie Kong
Duck Hunt Dog
-Insert 6th Gen Pokemon here-
...and lastly but not leastly...
I think the main issue with Brawl's line up was the distribution of unlockables and default characters. The only really valuable unlockables had to be revealed before launch due to their really strong marketing power (Sonic, Snake), so we were left with ROB, Wolf and toon Link as the only "new" characters to be unlocked, with every other unlockable character being a returning one.
I think the overall line up would have been seen with better eyes if they had managed to include something like Melee's clones, just to throw in a bunch of unexpected newcomers that weren't marketed alongside the main game.
Joanna Dark would be an amazing addition with the weapons of Perfect Dark, Super Dragon! Reaper Grinder! N Bombs! Combat Boost Final Smash!
And of course Daniel Carrington Assist who does nothing.
Sigh if only. If Nintendo were to ever give a western developer like retro studios the go ahead to make another version of smash...then I can see this happening. Heck maybe even if they outsource some of the dlc to retro id like those chances lol
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.
Which 9 characters would make it in?
Since zombies are all the rage now we should add zombie mode
But Perfect Dark IP is with Microsoft now.
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.
Which 9 characters would make it in?
All of my disgust and rage if they did, can't stand Zombies.
They'd be in the new and renamed multi man melee.
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.
Which 9 characters would make it in?
I just now saw the new design for Mona from Game&Wario. It's pretty awesome, it looks like the artist from Rhythm Heaven.
Mona, Geno, or Megaman.
Any of those three in Smash 4 and I'll be satisfied.
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.
Which 9 characters would make it in?
I just now saw the new design for Mona from Game&Wario. It's pretty awesome, it looks like the artist from Rhythm Heaven.
Everything's possible, you're at the helm. Screw logic.
Which 9 characters would make it in?
I wish characters interact more than just fighting, like having them ride/piggyback on each other or something.[/QUOTE]
i know you're saying this because of the Banjo-Kazooie dynamic but o_0 l don't see how this would any sense but then there's tripping. I'm conflicted. What advantage could there be to having Bowser ride Peach? Fiery turnips? That sounds pretty cool actually.
Super Smash Bros 4i know you're saying this because of the Banjo-Kazooie dynamic but o_0 l don't see how this would any sense but then there's tripping. I'm conflicted. What advantage could there be to having Bowser ride Peach? Fiery turnips? That sounds pretty cool actually.
I would at least want some sort of intro in classic mode where the characters slag each other off before the fight like other fighters even if most of them will end up like Link is Soul Calibur 2.
I would at least want some sort of intro in classic mode where the characters slag each other off before the fight like other fighters even if most of them will end up like Link is Soul Calibur 2.
i know you're saying this because of the Banjo-Kazooie dynamic but o_0 l don't see how this would any sense but then there's tripping. I'm conflicted. What advantage could there be to having Bowser ride Peach? Fiery turnips? That sounds pretty cool actually.
I vote Chespin for Pokemon X and Y rep.
Of course he'll be a rep.
As a Pokéball summon.
Also hope EVERYONE from Smash Bros' playable history returns (Pichu, Roy, Dr. Mario, Lucario, Ike, Sonic, Snake, etc) because I feel like; why take a character out? There are bound to be people disappointed their favorite character was removed (third parties may be different though).