Was I the only person who, while watching the reveal on Pokémon Smash, noticed the Lucario mascot guy and thought to myself "well, if anything, this shows that Lucario is certainly still relevant!"? lol
Was I the only person who, while watching the reveal on Pokémon Smash, noticed the Lucario mascot guy and thought to myself "well, if anything, this shows that Lucario is certainly still relevant!"? lol
Seriously, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario, and Mewtwo. All the Pokémon you need for Smash Bros. They're perfect! What's great is that they can get away with featuring the latest generation in the game by bringing back Mewtwo, too, thanks to this new form (well, if it is a new form and not an entirely different Pokémon).
I bet Newtwo and Mewtwo will totally be pseudo-clones in smash.
Newtwo in the roster, Mewtwo as a pseudo-clone available in the first batch of DLC. Lock it in.
If Zoroark doesn't end up in the next smash game as a playable pkmn that represents gen V, heads will roll.
Nobody likes Zoroark. It's just a wannabe Lucario.
Nobody likes Zoroark. It's just a wannabe Lucario.
you and me are enemies from this day forward
better sleep with one eye open from now on...!
Watch your back, DaBoss. He'll send you to the moon faster than you can say "Zoroark sucks."
I assure you, i'm not Ness.
(readies Evoker)
amazing response btw, i died of laughter
looks more like a tiny spirit bomb
are we talking krilin levels hereIt isn't even as powerful as a Kamehameha Wave.
...Scrafty uses the power of swag to fly?
are we talking krilin levels here
I hate how the Pokemon discussion is dominated by "cool" looking humanoid Pokemon. Mewtwo, Lucario, Zoroark, Newtwo...
MEH to all of them. I want Pokemon that are cute and fun like Pikachu. I know pretty much nothing about Scrafty, for instance, but he's about a million times more interesting that any of the above just based on the way he looks.
But I know they're probably gonna go with Newtwo. :/
I hate how the Pokemon discussion is dominated by "cool" looking humanoid Pokemon. Mewtwo, Lucario, Zoroark, Newtwo...
MEH to all of them. I want Pokemon that are cute and fun like Pikachu. I know pretty much nothing about Scrafty, for instance, but he's about a million times more interesting that any of the above just based on the way he looks.
But I know they're probably gonna go with Newtwo. :/
I remember the days when I thought Blaziken would be cool in Smash. :lol
There's no such thing as a "slot." Pokémon Trainer is three characters -- consolidating them to one character select space doesn't magically save time or disc space.I wonder if they will do a Pokemon Trainer sort of character to maximize slots available.