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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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lol Goku

Edward Elric would be better

Melee's fully orchestrated soundtrack, versus Brawl's soundtrack that consists mostly of tracks ripped straight from their original game.

I'm quite clearly not a Melee fan bitter about Brawl but even I have said I'm not a fan of how they just shoved a bunch of imported songs willy nilly into the game. If a bit more thought went into them I wouldn't mind but many sounded out of place.
I'm actually not bothered by the direct rips (Mêlée had them too; the Mushroom Kingdom stages, for obvious reasons, and then "Mach Rider" on top of that); it's more that the fully orchestrated tunes that were in Mêlée were noticeably higher in quality to comparable work in Brawl. Compare Brawl to Mêlée; the bitrate is noticeably lower in Mêlée, admittedly, but it sounds more like a real orchestra, while Brawl sounds more like a MIDI attempting to sound like an orchestra (albeit doing a decent job at it, unlike "Song of Storms", which sounds like it came out of Windows's built-in MIDI synthesizer). I can only hope that the quality of whatever orchestral music they get this time around will be more comparable to Mêlée than Brawl. Everything else Brawl did, musically, was fine.

(I was gonna say the versions of the Mêlée tracks in Brawl took a hit, but in trying to find a good example of this, I actually couldn't, so I'm gonna retract that argument for now.)

Brawl's forgettable, bland, Adventure mode that was horribly paced versus Melee's short and sweet Adventure mode that *shock* had stages from memorable Nintendo games! Melee's break the targets is superior. Melee's had more event matches, and they were better (Giga Bowser/Mewtwo/Ganondorf in the final Melee event match versus... Giant Mario/Snake/Sonic in the final Brawl event match? the fuck?)
I pretty much agree with all of this, too. Subspace Emissary seems to have had a noticeable impact on the rest of the single-player game's modes, and not for the better... and I kinda miss Mêlée's Adventure Mode, even if they got kinda cheap with some of the stages (Kirby having no side-scrolling segment, notably).

As long as we're at it, the impact noises from the first two games were a lot better than the noises from Brawl. Even the altered versions of 64 which made everything sound like a pinball machine. I don't know, but punching people and hearing a "fwump" in Brawl felt kinda off.


Did you even read my last bit? I said I didn't just want orchestral music. They could make a jazzy rendition of Live and Learn, maybe salsa or god forbid dubstep. In my opinion Live and Learn (and most of the Sonic collection) didn't suit the stage in their non arranged form and really should have been arranged.

Or as Fire Emblem's theme clearly demonstrated all songs should be done in Latin Opera.

We gonna have to disagree.

I think that was the original plan, but some of the moves in Brawl just didn't with Melee physics.

I still think Melee is the better package than Brawl. Brawl has quantity. More stages. More characters. More music. More modes. Longer single player.

Melee is all about quality. Melee's fully orchestrated soundtrack, versus Brawl's soundtrack that consists mostly of tracks ripped straight from their original game. Brawl's forgettable, bland, Adventure mode that was horribly paced versus Melee's short and sweet Adventure mode that *shock* had stages from memorable Nintendo games! Melee's break the targets is superior. Melee's had more event matches, and they were better (Giga Bowser/Mewtwo/Ganondorf in the final Melee event match versus... Giant Mario/Snake/Sonic in the final Brawl event match? the fuck?)

The better question is... will Sheik make the cut?

sakurai pls ; _ ;

Melee adventure mode was a half assed put together mess that meant nothing to the game at all. Nothing. Atleast brawl tried to have some type of plot. That is what I value in a fighting games single player, arcade whatever. That is why neatherrelams reigns supreme in single player content. Because they didn't just slap job a half assed story mode with no relevance what so ever.

As a person who plays Melee and brawl regularly, Melee isn't that good. Its a great game, but isn't that good.

I am sorry But I honestly think those might be rose colored glasses if you think Melee's adventure mode was good at anything.

Even street fighter has effing cut scenes at the end, adventure mode didn't have that.
Because Adventure Mode needed a plot, right? As opposed to being a short single-player campaign with a smattering of (admittedly awkwardly-controlling) platform stages and unique challenges mixed in.

I don't think anyone ever claimed Adventure Mode was "Story Mode", anyway. And if you play fighting games for story, then you have seriously warped priorities. Not that a good story can't enhance a fighting game, but it's really never the focus.


Because Adventure Mode needed a plot, right? As opposed to being a short single-player campaign with a smattering of (admittedly awkwardly-controlling) platform stages and unique challenges mixed in.

I don't think anyone ever claimed Adventure Mode was "Story Mode", anyway. And if you play fighting games for story, then you have seriously warped priorities. Not that a good story can't enhance a fighting game, but it's really never the focus.

Yes, that is what is a cross over game is about. Character interaction.

That and fighting, but anything anything can fight. The reason you have these specific people here is so they can interact.

And What the subspace do ( not that good)

Got characters to interact with one another, sure they could do loads better ( LOADS) but having the characters interact with one another is one reasons you have a cross over fighting game.


As opposed to being a short single-player campaign with a smattering of (admittedly awkwardly-controlling) platform stages and unique challenges mixed in.

"Unique challenges"? The Adventure mode was the same for all characters, and the amount of hidden/unlockable matches/events was really small. You could replace Mario with Luigi, fight against a giant Kirby and replace Fox with Falco in the second match, C.Falcon wears his Blood Falcon costume when you face him if you play on Very Hard, Metal Luigi pops up alongside Metal Mario after Luigi is unlocked and there's the time based Giga Bowser battle... I could see the point if it had been something highly replayable like Star Fox 64's campaign with all the routes and alternate paths, but it was never anything like that.

It was really pointless, especially considering how it was made to be played through with every character, like Classic and All Star modes, but, unlike those modes, the matches were all set, aside from those minor variations, so it became more repetitive than them much faster. People only started praising Melee's Adventure Mode once Brawl became a villain to be hated. By its own merits, the Adventure mode was rightfully derided for years and was considered one of the biggest disappointments of the game, especially after almost all unique stages were shown off in previews (IIRC, they stopped right at the Metroid stage, hiding all battle-only stages aside from Donkey Kong's).

Sakurai has aknowledged some of the online complaints regarding Melee being better than Brawl, but I really hope he doesn't mess up with the structure of the next game due to them. Brawl could be improved further, but taking a dumb step backwards would likely please no one, especially when the Melee fanbase also turns against the next game for not being Melee again. Cutting pieces of the game won't mean that other parts of the game will be designed to your personal liking, especially when your complaints range from sound, gameplay to general game design. It seems like the visual design is the only point of Brawl that doesn't attract much criticism from the group still attached to Melee.

A robust single player/co-op, in addition to the usual multiplayer, is pretty much necessary if the game is going to attempt to be an important and relevant title for the Wii U's line up, especially because it's in the single player side where they can make the biggest changes and additions that can actually make the game stand out. Smash is Smash. Even if the next game's gameplay is faster and better balanced than Brawl's, that won't result in many new people getting into the game. A better balance, online and eventual patches could help the game having a more active community than Brawl's, but it likely would never get the game as much criticial acclaim and sales as actually adding new elements to the game can do, and the most significant new elements would be additions outside of the traditional battles, considering how this game isn't supposed to be a complete reimagination of Smash Bros (there was an IGN article confirming that it'd still have 2d gameplay and wouldn't change the game's core elements).
"Unique challenges"?
You got to run through a stage based on the Mushroom Kingdom, one based on a Zelda dungeon, escape from Zebes before it exploded, run down an F-Zero track as the cars constantly came by, and it was the only place you could fight Giga Bowser outside of Event #51, and the only place you could fight him mano-a-mano. These are all unique to Adventure Mode. Ergo, "unique challenges". I suppose tossing in "platforming stages" before that phrase muddied my intent a bit, but regardless, that's what I mean.

I have no idea where you got "every character gets a different campaign" from "unique challenges", because I never said anything of the sort. That would be awesome, of course, but I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would be to develop, especially considering Brawl's inflated roster, and how Smash 4 is only going to inflate it further.


You got to run through a stage based on the Mushroom Kingdom, one based on a Zelda dungeon, escape from Zebes before it exploded, run down an F-Zero track as the cars constantly came by, and it was the only place you could fight Giga Bowser outside of Event #51, and the only place you could fight him mano-a-mano. These are all unique to Adventure Mode. Ergo, "unique challenges". I suppose tossing in "platforming stages" before that phrase muddied my intent a bit, but regardless, that's what I mean.

I have no idea where you got "every character gets a different campaign" from "unique challenges", because I never said anything of the sort. That would be awesome, of course, but I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would be to develop, especially considering Brawl's inflated roster, and how Smash 4 is only going to inflate it further.

Beat this fast enough and you can fight this guy. That isn't unique, that something street fighter, tekken and almost every other fighting game has been doing since... the 90's
Beat this fast enough and you can fight this guy. That isn't unique, that something street fighter, tekken and almost every other fighting game has been doing since... the 90's
It's unique within the context of the game we're talking about, which I thought was self-evident.


It's unique within the context of the game we're talking about, which I thought was self-evident.

Eh.. That is still not good.

Cross over fighting games thrive on character enteraction, while melee had good fighting bits. The rest of it was horribly put together. Hell even the roster was full of strait up clones, but that an entirely different conversation.

To speak on something not adventure mode related, this is one of the best things brawl added.

Eh.. That is still not good.

Cross over fighting games thrive on character enteraction, while melee had good fighting bits. The rest of it was horribly put together. Hell even the roster was full of strait up clones, but that an entirely different conversation.
What does any of that have to do with Adventure Mode? Are you again trying to make the irrelevant assertion that it was a Story Mode when it's plainly not supposed to be?


What does any of that have to do with Adventure Mode? Are you again trying to make the irrelevant assertion that it was a Story Mode when it's plainly not supposed to be?

No, The point was that was the problem. It isn't a story mode, it isn't anything. In the form it was presented in melee it was pointless.

That is what I am arguing, what it needed to be was a story mode. But in the end, * angsty guitar* it didn't even matter.

Or did you forget that you were talking about how the adventure mode in melee was better in brawl's SSE and that is how this conversation started. You compared them saying one was better than the other, and then explained why I do not believe that is true at all. It wasn't a pointless assertion, I was arguing that it wasn't better than SSE, it wasn't even anything.
...it was an alternate single-player campaign with stages not available in other modes. God dammit, I already stated this.

And in that regard, the stages it presented were better than SSE's extraordinarily generic landscapes. Generic stadium, generic jungle, generic abandoned village, generic desert, generic science base... practically the only stage in that entire game to have any identity was the Halberd, and pretty much every single one played exactly the same, which is something Mêlée did better about - that at least had differing objectives than just "get from Point A to Point B", or added gimmicks to the stages to make that particular goal more interesting (like the F-Zero racers coming by periodically and basically guaranteeing a KO if you weren't in a safe spot at that point). It'd probably have done better to expand on those stages than reusing standard fights akin to what you'd see in Classic Mode, though.


It's a simple narrative, but it has a story. And it's impossible to avoid fan service in a crossover game, considering that's the game's biggest selling point.

I wasn't implying I didn't like it, I enjoyed those cutscenes quite a bit actually. My favorite being Captain Falcon killing all the Pikmin.


...it was an alternate single-player campaign with stages not available in other modes. God dammit, I already stated this.

And in that regard, the stages it presented were better than SSE's extraordinarily generic landscapes. Generic stadium, generic jungle, generic abandoned village, generic desert, generic science base... practically the only stage in that entire game to have any identity was the Halberd, and pretty much every single one played exactly the same, which is something Mêlée did better about - that at least had differing objectives than just "get from Point A to Point B", or added gimmicks to the stages to make that particular goal more interesting (like the F-Zero racers coming by periodically and basically guaranteeing a KO if you weren't in a safe spot at that point). It'd probably have done better to expand on those stages than reusing standard fights akin to what you'd see in Classic Mode, though.

And it was pointless. It provided nothing. Like the arcade mode in marvel 3, I love marvel 3 that mode did nothing but pit you up against 5 teams before you fought galactus and then cut scene. ( and melee didn't even have a cutcene or at least moving pictures)

Where is brawl ( while admittedly it wasn't that great) some substance, some fan service, some story to go along with that campaign.

And Instead of everyone story being almost exactly the same, each person had a different part.

They could expand on this and do better mind you, but the single player campaign with stages not available on other modes in brawl , was loads better than melee.
Did I miss something? I see all this talk about Goku on the top of the page, yet I can't see any related posts on the last page.

lol Goku
Compare Brawl to Mêlée; the bitrate is noticeably lower in Mêlée, admittedly, but it sounds more like a real orchestra, while Brawl sounds more like a MIDI attempting to sound like an orchestra (albeit doing a decent job at it, unlike "Song of Storms", which sounds like it came out of Windows's built-in MIDI synthesizer). I can only hope that the quality of whatever orchestral music they get this time around will be more comparable to Mêlée than Brawl. Everything else Brawl did, musically, was fine.

Wow, that really does sound worse than I remember (but then listening to Brawl's Kid Icarus themes sound really blah compared to the same themes in Uprising). However, Brawl did come out before Nintendo started using full orchestra in their big titles. Brawl's Zelda theme was done by Yuzo Koshiro who did some AMZING orchestral pieces for Kid Icarus Uprising. Like I said, if they just get a lot of the same people from Brawl/Uprising and use a full orchestra for most pieces, I think we'll have a winner.

EDIT: Can't talk about KI Music without mentioning Lightning Battle. Make it happen Sakurai!


Someone on the IGN boards asked an alleged leaker if Goku will be in Smash Bros., and his response was that he doesn't know. People are taking that as a hint. Seriously.


What makes this kind of funny is that there actually is a 0.0000000001% chance of Goku ever appearing in smash due to Namco working on the game. You could also say Battle of the Gods might have something to do with it too.

Of course, I don't need anyone to point out how obvious he most likely isn't.
What makes this kind of funny is that there actually is a 0.0000000001% chance of Goku ever appearing in smash due to Namco working on the game. You could also say Battle of the Gods might have something to do with it too.

Of course, I don't need anyone to point out how obvious he most likely isn't.

Alleged insiders are always a hoot. My brother and I were talking how if they wanted a character more from the Bandai side, as unlikely it would be, Digimon would be a good contender. Would offer the biggest dream match up (with Pokémon) since Mario and Sonic.

Plus I'd imagine there'd be less legal tape involved when localizing the game than Goku.
Are we sure the Angel Island arrangement was made for the CD and not the other way around? I seem to remember it being released right around the time Brawl was released.


Maturity, bitches.
Are we sure the Angel Island arrangement was made for the CD and not the other way around? I seem to remember it being released right around the time Brawl was released.
Well I remember listening to the full track when the preview snippet was posted on the Japan Time blog. But all I can find in the True Blue album that calls in a SSBB mix so I guess it was made for the game but just happened to come out earlier.

Well that's many years of my life feeling like a lie now.

Still, I can be down on the fact that it was the only arrangement for Sonic in the game. Not even poor Green Hill Zone.
So Namco announced a new Pac-Man game today...

...and it looks like fucking shit.

As someone previously indifferent, I now hope Pac-Man stays far far away from Smash 4 since this would be the game they'd pull stuff from. Ick.
This, although his appearance isn't my issue.

I've never expressed interest in having Pac-Man in Smash and hearing people running around how he's this inevitable shoe-in has only turned me off of him even further. Sorry but when we get to the point where we consider a third-party as necessary regardless of the quality of the third-party, that's a sign that third-parties are not being appreciated. Even with Pac-Man's super iconic status, there are several third-parties that would be better choices than Pac-Man.

Looking at Shorts's poll, Pac-Man struggles to even stay in the Top 15. While the poll is to be taken with a lot of grain of salt, seeing how this solidify his "expected but not wanted" status is pretty sad.

I have a feeling that Pac-Man in Smash 4 will be a lose-lose situation. He'll probably be met with indifference from most people and would turn off more people than bring in fans. People also use the casual argument, but Smash already does that by itself and there's no guarantee that a significant amount of people would buy the game just for Pac-Man (and it's not like I expect any newcomer to do that either).


This, although his appearance isn't my issue.

I've never expressed interest in having Pac-Man in Smash and hearing people running around how he's this inevitable shoe-in has only turned me off of him even further. Sorry but when we get to the point where we consider a third-party as necessary regardless of the quality of the third-party, that's a sign that third-parties are not being appreciated. Even with Pac-Man's super iconic status, there are several third-parties that would be better choices than Pac-Man.

Looking at Shorts's poll, Pac-Man struggles to even stay in the Top 15. While the poll is to be taken with a lot of grain of salt, seeing how this solidify his "expected but not wanted" status is pretty sad.

I have a feeling that Pac-Man in Smash 4 will be a lose-lose situation. He'll probably be met with indifference from most people and would turn off more people than bring in fans. People also use the casual argument, but Smash already does that by itself and there's no guarantee that a significant amount of people would buy the game just for Pac-Man (and it's not like I expect any newcomer to do that either).

I agree with you and your word choice to describe his inclusion: indifference. I love the fact that Namco is helping create the game since they have the ability and talent but idk pacman doesn't seem too exciting a pick (that's the point of guest characters right?) , even if I believe he has a chance to be in.
The melee purists, or the tourny happy people make up a small percentage of the people who actually buy smash bros. Their opinions in the end are kind of meaningless.

You mean the people who are single-handedly keeping the game relevant in today's scene? The same ones who want Smash to be as good as it can be? The same ones who got the game into EVO this year?

Oh yeah, they sure don't matter at all. :|


You mean the people who are single-handedly keeping the game relevant in today's scene? The same ones who want Smash to be as good as it can be? The same ones who got the game into EVO this year?

Oh yeah, they sure don't matter at all. :|

It is kind of funny when you think about it. Normally you hear all the time about the "hardcore minority" but....

Super Smash Bros. Melee: $94,683
Skullgirls: $78,760
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: $39,567
MLP: Fighting is Magic: $5,280
Dead or Alive 5: $1,900
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R: $1,225
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale: $1,000
Melty Blood Actress Again Current: $683
Divekick: $650
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown: $605
SoulCalibur 5: $407
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma: $265
Capcom vs. SNK 2: $260
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: $170
Darkstalkers 3: $131
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike: $81
Injustice: Gods Among Us: $77


A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
You mean the people who are single-handedly keeping the game relevant in today's scene? The same ones who want Smash to be as good as it can be? The same ones who got the game into EVO this year?

Oh yeah, they sure don't matter at all. :|

I hate how people play things different from how I do.


The melee purists, or the tourny happy people make up a small percentage of the people who actually buy smash bros. Their opinions in the end are kind of meaningless.
You'll buy the game regardless of what they do with it as long as it says "Super Smash Bros." and features a handful of Nintendo characters. Your opinion in the end is kind of meaningless.


That Goku rumor is so dumb.

I mean if there was a DBZ character in Smash, it would obviously be Trunks because Smash needs more blue-haired sword charcters.
I agree with you and your word choice to describe his inclusion: indifference. I love the fact that Namco is helping create the game since they have the ability and talent but idk pacman doesn't seem too exciting a pick (that's the point of guest characters right?) , even if I believe he has a chance to be in.
I very much look forward to Namco's magic that they'll put on the game and I'm hoping that this will turn out to be better than the other three games (and I consider all three games to be excellent). Unfortunately, Pac-Man can't be said to be considered exciting. Which, according to this, is going to be an issue:
Masahiro Sakurai said:
Adding characters from other series and from other worlds, really, outside the Nintendo universe, is an incredibly difficult process. In some ways it's more difficult from just building a game from the ground up because you're really trying to make everything match and in some ways that creates limitations. I hope that people can understand that's the reason we can't include more characters from outside the Nintendo universe. And, of course, I believe that when you increase the number of worlds, you're also increasing the number of people who could potentially enjoy that videogame and the series that you're putting in there. But there are also problems because having these non-traditional characters in there -- even with just Snake and Sonic -- has resulted in a number of people who do dissent in seeing these characters put into the Smash series. It's not a simple matter of adding as many worlds and characters from other games as possible -- you can't be careless in doing that sort of thing, you have to be careful. Internally and externally, there have been people who have raised objections to it.
Now increasing dissenters of third-parties are inevitable regardless of what choice it is, but if Sakurai is adding new third-parties, he's going to make absolutely sure that the move brings in more people to the game than people who dissents. The issue with Pac-Man is again, most people don't find him to be exciting and instead, are either indifferent but expect him or against his inclusion (although given that he's one of the most expected newcomers, this is in the minority). Not only that, just look a year ago and Pac-Man was barely requested, which shows that his popularity for Smash is pretty artificial. It is possible that Pac-Man could fail Sakurai's first criteria in that it the character must make people want to play the game.

His one hope comes from whenever or not Sakurai deems his super iconic status good enough to add in. Even then, however, Sakurai will look at more than just super iconic status, so it's hard to say whenever or not he thinks Pac-Man is a good choice. But considering that super iconic status failed to get him into Brawl along with there being interest in a Tales character and to a lesser extent, a Tekken character but not Pac-Man, I have doubts about his inclusion.
I don't want Pac-Man in SSB4 because I fear that they would use that model.
Now that I look at it, it's pretty subpar. Pac-Man looked really unique with his World design and now he looks like some sort of rejected robot. The uniqueness is gone with this design and he looks kind of generic.

If we absolutely must deal with his inclusion (for hopefully only one game), I'd rather have his World's design than the new one they're likely going to use.


I can see what sakurai is saying. You don't want a PlayStation all stars.

However, I think he hopes he takes a bit more chances with the 3rd parties.

Thinking about it, the less chance I think mega man might be getting in the new smash.
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