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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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On Final Smashes:

There's only a small number of things I really really want changed about Final Smashes myself.

Needs to change:

1. I'd like fundamental changes to any and all FS moves that end up in very easy suicide, Marth, DK and probably a few otherscan pretty much kill you outright.

2. The balance issue is absurd, certain FS moves allow you to pretty much KO every single other player twice during it's run, while others have bad range, low execution rates and a high chance of backfiring and killing you instead.

I don't mind stuff like FS moves that are far superior but come with a lot of risk, but that's just not the case. I've noticed that some of them (Dedede comes to mind) have a really really low kill rate, whilst others (..sonic) just make you destroy everyone.

This could probably be fixed by powering down certain FS moves a lot, make them damage-oriented rather than KO-oriented perhaps? But it's annoying at the moment, as it really gives certain characters a huge edge if you have FS activated.


what I like:

1. Eventhough a few people have mentioned they want a charge/ex-bar based FS, I actually really enjoy the "wild goose chase" aspect of the smash ball. When you turn the item on it's not just "to have super moves", but it's to add a fun item that really temporarily changes game flow show up and make everying charge at it like crazy chimps. If the moves you got from it were more balanced I think the activation method itself is relatively fun and not in need for major change.

(I could come up with 1 or 2 potential changes to it, but nothing mandatory)

2. that's about it actually.


There's some other stuff I'd change just cause I'd like it better personally, like Ganondorf actually getting a proper playable Ganon transformation rather than ...whatever his FS is supposed to be. But whatever, that's more of a flavor thing.

/edit: ahhh new page, always makes me feel so naked..

I like the idea of EX moves "replacing" Final Smashes. Maybe they could act as "Final Smash Juniors" with an A+B button press or maybe a new button mapping (there'd be a neutral, tilt & smash version) a la Ookami-kun's suggestion and the attack is unique to the character using it. Of course balancing it would be a matter of giving the moves universal cool down time so you couldn't rattle them off like crazy and also offer the opportunity for whiff punishes.

Another idea I had from a while back was something like a hybrid of Paper Mario: TTYD's audience mechanic and the idea above where you'd fight it out and the more stylish/crowd rousing things you did, the more "meter" in the form of crowd attention you'd gain for said moves. You couldn't use anything but the weakest variant of the EX move when fighting from the start, only after gaining some audience attention from playing well would you gain access to tilt EX which is stronger and Smash EXs which are strongest. The latter would be restricted to use only when the crowd started a cheer session for you. At that time, it'd be your decision to either use all of the crowd enthusiasm for one big version of the EX moves (similar to Final Smashes now, except with more balanced one off strikes -- basically a crowd support Spirit Bomb :p) or you could use multiple little ones with less cool down time until the "meter" is spent (i.e. you use the big version -- hit or whiff doesn't matter, using it would end the duration you had the best version available), the character is KO'd, the crowd stops cheering or someone else outplays you during the time the crowd is cheering, shifting attention to themselves.

How do you get the crowd to cheer for you anyway? Never quite figured that out.

Azure J

Basically, you either come back from being knocked far out of the ring with over 100% damage (Smash 64) or more universally, hit two characters in quick succession or at the same time with a powerful blow after taking 100% or more damage. There's other little things the crowd cheers for too leading up to it, but in my idea, the crowd would be animated and utilized a lot more often than just for the sake ambiance of in the ring fighting.

It'd also be cool if on different levels representing different franchises, you could see "some" of the audience somewhere in the background, like a Fire Emblem "audience" might be a random band of fighters watching from afar, or a Mario "audience" might be all sorts of Toads, Koopa Troopas, Shy Guys and the like hanging out that respond to things like those two Animal Crossing characters in Brawl's Smashville.

Marth's Final Smash is AMAZING. Don't change it. >_>

Seriously. :lol

But since it's going to get labeled as OP to anyone not good at spot dodging, maybe it could just be a high damage, low knock back single stroke a la Strider's Gram in the Marvel games.


1. Eventhough a few people have mentioned they want a charge/ex-bar based FS, I actually really enjoy the "wild goose chase" aspect of the smash ball. When you turn the item on it's not just "to have super moves", but it's to add a fun item that really temporarily changes game flow show up and make everying charge at it like crazy chimps.

I agree. Even though I'd be for the addition of EX or Super moves I don't think they should replace the Final Smashes and the Smash Ball. It changes the pacing of the game in a rather significant way.

That got me to thinking, hopefully if they do another adventure mode like subspace we get an established main antagonist instead of "random generic evil sci-fi entity." Like Dark Matter. It was basically a Kirby love story anyway, and he's a villain with the ability to control others, plus he has some badass boss fights under his belt.

I think an original antagonist is pretty much required. They won't go with a stablished antagonist blatantly favoring one of the series involved, unless it's Bowser... So, the final boss pretty much has to be original.

The problem with SSE is that, aside from any issues regarding the design of the original elements themselves, they didn't balance the original elements in comparison to the crossover ones or even introduce them well.

The game starts with a standard Smash battle, then goes already to original antagonists, before using a stablished boss as part of the original antagonist faction... only to turn back to the original antagonists and only to add a few stablished elements randomly throughout the game, like Porky's statue and battle, Bowser's troops and eventually ROB. Starting with a standard battle was alright, but, after that, we should have gotten stablished antagonists for a while before we even saw a single original grunt. And only towards the ending we should have seen stages with only original stuff. Rather than that, the distribution of everything in the actual SSE didn't seem to care much about what was from other franchises and what was from Smash itself (with a higher number of Smash-only elements than they should have used too).

Really, if anyone here has played Super Robot Wars (crossover games, not OG), SSE should have followed a distribution of original elements closer to the one usually seen in that game, comparing original elements to stablished franchises... Well, aside from the whole "original protagonist" bit, which I'm pretty sure people wouldn't want to see in Smash.
I want more cute characters in the game. Bandana Dee, Starfy, and Slime. Then I could have some kind of event match where you have to battle all the cute characters.


Once Japan Time starts again in earnest, I will hold a nightly candlelight vigil on both /v/ and GAF for the inclusion of Mega Man.
We haven't forgotten you, Blue Bomber. ;_;

lol responding to the second post in the thread but... this got me nostalgic at old japan time and getting banned for over enthusiastically championing mega man's inclusion in brawl


I want more cute characters in the game. Bandana Dee, Starfy, and Slime. Then I could have some kind of event match where you have to battle all the cute characters.

If they're going to add a version of Waddle Dee they should totally put the Yarn one, it's just so cute! And while we're at it, add Nendoroid Hatsune Miku >.>

Starfy and Slime would be nice too, though I wonder how they'll make slime an interesting character in term of mechanics.
So after that discussion the other day I decided to find out how many of the Assist Trophies I actually recognized.


The red dots signify the characters I knew nothing about, or found out about after the fact.
That reminds me.

Tingle should be a character, and one of his moves should be to turn other people into "fairies".

Bowser running around in a skintight green outfit would be so delicious.

i mean uh


Maturity, bitches.
Well if they don't get Bomberman in the game, Tingle is the next best person for the role. A bomb and a balloon is all he has. If they stay true to his games he would have to hire someone to fight for him. Maybe a he has to collect rupees like Wario builds up gas and then pay for someone to suddenly attack the other players. If you haven't got enough you lose all the rupees just like in the games.
If they're going to add a version of Waddle Dee they should totally put the Yarn one, it's just so cute! And while we're at it, add Nendoroid Hatsune Miku >.>

Starfy and Slime would be nice too, though I wonder how they'll make slime an interesting character in term of mechanics.

Well despite how many people laugh at the idea of Slime he can work. Spend some time playing Mario Sports Mix and Dragon Quest Heroes / Rocket Slime it becomes pretty obvious that there is more that he can do than say Goomba. Throw in some magic attacks like Frizzle, or his ability to summon other slime family members with "Back Up!"and he could make for an interesting fighter. Unorthodox, but interesting.


On Final Smashes:

The thing that annoyed me the most about final smashes wasn't the wildly varying power level (which is definitely an issue) it was more "instant activation final smashes" versus "final smashes dependent on positioning".

What I mean is, I don't mind how one like C. Falcon's FS is designed, or even a far more wide ranging one like link's or marth's: he has to position himself correctly and set up his final smash. This can lead to him losing the smash ball while trying to get into position, thus putting the smash ball up for grabs again.

On the other hand you have ones like DDD, Wario, or Pit - where they are no-brainer instant activations that can't be stopped once they grab it.

I find the fun/tension a smash ball brings doesn't stop when C. Falcon grabs it, since there's a chance you could get it back before he can set up a kill. For those other ones though... He got it? Instant waddle-dees everywhere.

This could also be fixed with a more general balancing of the final smashes too, I think. If C. Falcons was a much higher reward than the others, like say, an instant kill vs. just extra damage, that'd make more sense. But since the wide range instant use FS's kill just as well or even better than his, I'm not sure why they're so easy to activate.

Man I haven't played smash bros in ages.
So after that discussion the other day I decided to find out how many of the Assist Trophies I actually recognized.


The red dots signify the characters I knew nothing about, or found out about after the fact.

Holy shit. Play Fire Emblem (GBA). Play Sin and Punishment! Play Drill Dozer. Play moar!


Eh, Shadow Dragon is fine. The art isn't as good as the GBA ones though.

I would suggest Path of Radiance but it is apparently expensive now?


I mean not only he really likes digimon, he has to make an avatar of a raptormon to show the world he really likes digimon

obviously something is not right in his head
Why are you leaping through hoops to evade greatness? you're not the well educated professor I once thought you were, in fact you're one of those insane ones aren't you!

But yeah Shadow Dragon is pretty mediocre.

Hey, I told Billychu that I would eventually play Fire Emblem. Tell 'em, Billy!
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