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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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K. Fucking. Rool.

He will fucking return.

Was gonna throw him on the list but second guessed it ...

Anyway, fixed
Common list ...
Lil Mac
Some FE character
Bring back Mewtwo

Some characters that can actually get in that arnt ON that list?


She's been in enough LoZ games to get in. At the very least she should replace Sheik ... GG Sakurai, let go of OoT >_>

Isa and Kachi S&P

"But it's not a successful hit series!!!" w/e, it's an unique fan favorite Game and Nintendo has taken notice of it. They would be great characters for the "not so well known" series.

Medusa and Palutena Kid Icarus


Need I explain the nepotism?

Princess Rosalina Mario

Nintendo seems to want her in the Mario Club seeing as she's in the kart series now so ... why not?

Matthew &/ Or Young/ Old Isaac Golden Sun


Golden Sun has 3 games and apparently it aint gonna stop there (Rumor has it that there's a 3DS game coming ...). If EB/ Mother can get 2 characters then why not?

K Rool

May not have been in DKCR but hey, he is iconic and he is a bad guy.

Betty battalion wars

It's one of those series that seem to show up once a gen and I'm sure there's gonna be a game for WU. That my be reaching but hell, why not add in a character from an army Nintendo game?

There's also ...
2nd party and New Ips


Those IPs need love to.
Just as I thought but hey that K.Rool up there has got some pretty solid chest action going on...sadly, to reiterate he needs a redesign.

Well yeah, I recognized him and the boobs from Mario Galaxy. Don't know who the hell any of the others are though.

inb4 another "god you are the worst" message from Boney

EDIT: Kokonoe has just made my Fave Five with that suggestion.


Common list ...
Lil Mac
Some FE character
Bring back Mewtwo

Nope. Even GameFAQs hates that character now. Why should a dead series with only one good game, get four characters, let alone one that actually never appeared in an actual good game.
Needs Old Isaac. Or any GS character really. Their final smash can be endless word bubbles repeating the exact same thing with little smiley faces everywhere.



Sheik is so integral to Zelda's Smash Bros. identity, that Sakurai was even going to go as far as to create an original character for Smash Bros. (Toon Sheik) just so that Toon Zelda (a planned character for Brawl) would have a version of Sheik to transform into.


As in "Heathcliff"
Sheik is so integral to Zelda's Smash Bros. identity, that Sakurai was even going to go as far as to create an original character for Smash Bros. (Toon Sheik) just so that Toon Zelda (a planned character for Brawl) would have a version of Sheik to transform into.

I wish it was Tetra. Not Toon Sheik.


I think that we will probably see Takamaru (of Nazo no Murasame-jo) and Little Mac as the retro newcomers (though Little Mac is technically not retro).

I am curious what people of this topic think of Lip from Panel de Pon. Sakurai's opinion was that although he thought of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece", he thought Lip was too obscure to be placed in.


As in "Heathcliff"
I think that we will probably see Takamaru (of Nazo no Murasame-jo) and Little Mac as the retro newcomers (though Little Mac is technically not retro).

I am curious what people of this topic think of Lip from Panel de Pon. Sakurai's opinion was that although he thought of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece", he thought Lip was too obscure to be placed in.

Please do. I would love to see Takamaru to be in SSB. I was disappointed that they didn't added Takamaru in SSBB.

Same for Little Mac. My heart shattered when I found out that Little Mac was Assist in morning from Dojo. I was not happy when Sakurai explained his logic why little mac can't be playable character.


I was not happy when Sakurai explained his logic why little mac can't be playable character.

Sakurai never explained why he did not add in Little Mac.

You are probably confused with Sakurai's explanation for why Urban Champion was not included, of which Sakurai said, "he could not do much of anything." The other retro characters that Sakurai ruled out were Bubbles (Clu Clu Land), Balloon Fighter, and Excite Biker. These were the other retro characters that Sakurai was considering during Melee's development. The retro character he ultimately chose was the Ice Climbers.

Azure J

I think that we will probably see Takamaru (of Nazo no Murasame-jo) and Little Mac as the retro newcomers (though Little Mac is technically not retro).

I am curious what people of this topic think of Lip from Panel de Pon. Sakurai's opinion was that although he thought of Panel de Pon as a "true masterpiece", he thought Lip was too obscure to be placed in.

My personal Nintendo only "Elite Four" roster wishes are pretty much Mike Jones, Takamaru, Little Mac & Lip if we get right down to it and I'm forced to discard every other character wish I could have. Lip could be especially amazing with specials that summon objects from the various Nintendo Puzzle League games and move them about psuedo-telekinetically for offense and support.

Also, I'd be down for Impa being a full roster inclusion using Sheik's agility and tricks while Zelda went full magic, but I just know the fan rage would be immense. We still haven't gotten a fully well rounded Link because the Young/Toon Link love is strong after all. (I'm of the camp that says balance him out with aspects of the two -- Link is fast so why the hell is he always so slow in Smash -- and make a standard Link slot with alts for the fan base to enjoy.)


As in "Heathcliff"
Sakurai never explained why he did not add in Little Mac.

You are probably confused with Sakurai's explanation for why Urban Champion was not included, of which Sakurai said, "he could not do much of anything." The other retro characters that Sakurai ruled out were Bubbles (Clu Clu Land), Balloon Fighter, and Excite Biker. These were the other retro characters that Sakurai was considering during Melee's development. The retro character he ultimately chose was the Ice Climbers.

Actually he didn't explain why little mac but he applied the excuses to assist trophies. Some of them can't fight and some of them that they can't think of moveset for them. Which I think is full of it. It was mentioned on dojo or article.


Agreed. I still play the game aggressively, and as a result I hate shield grabbing more than tripping. I could play defensively but that's no fun, my friends feel otherwise though.

If nothing else, I hope they shift the favorability back to offensive styles, I don't care how fast it is or if the mechanics are as deep as Melee. I just want to be able to attack without being at disadvantage for not stalling until my opponent gets impatient and rushes me.

I play Brawl offensively almost exclusively. Sure there are some (maybe too many) campy match ups but Melee has them as well. The whole Jiggs, Peach, YLink triangle makes for some TERRIBLE finals. Or the way some people play the ICs in both games. That and people seem to equate controlling space too much with camping. There is some overlap but most of it is certainly more offensive than defensive. Diddy has got to be my favorite semi-rush down character ever.


Actually he didn't explain why little mac but he applied the excuses to assist trophies. Some of them can't fight and some of them that they can't think of moveset for them. Which I think is full of it. It was mentioned on dojo or article.

Sakurai's explanation in general in regards to Assist Trophies and why they were not made into playable characters was that "some of them were characters that could not quite make it as a playable character." I do think Little Mac though does have possible issues in regards to Sakurai possibly deeming him to be "too punchy". There is also the matter of how there is very little interest in both Little Mac and Punch-Out by the Japanese fanbase.


Super Member
I voted for like 60 characters in that poll

the only joke vote was for Urban Champion

shoulda had the guy from Kung-Fu


sheik is zelda's down b

she ain't going anywhere

at most, impa will be a sheik clone.
Impa is taller, has longer reach, and she's a lot tougher than Sheik has ever shown in Smash Bros.

SS came up with a superior, contemporary alternative to Sheik.

qq more

I agree. Why the fuck would you remove a unique character in Smash Bros? I mean, I don't even main Shiek but that's just stupid. Come on, guys.

"Let go of OoT"? Might as well remove Pikachu/Jigglypuff because we should let go of Pokemon Red/Blue.

Azure J


sheik is zelda's down b

she ain't going anywhere

at most, impa will be a sheik clone.

Not saying that legacy play style isn't important, but you really couldn't see the two play styles separated into two distinct characters, especially when such a split works in regards to their source material?

Note: I am neither here nor there with this idea. It's cool and not cool for a few reasons, but isn't everything regarding speculation on how to change anything regarding Smash? :p

And yeah, that slap was fucking brutal in Melee. Fucking hated getting duffed with one in the middle of some spacing games with Marth's aerials. :lol


I personally think removing characters in general in Smash Bros. is dumb.

Heck, there still is a lot of bitterness from just removing just Mewtwo and Roy. There are many who would even like to see Dr. Mario return (though as a costume with his Melee stats).


Why do so many people think that not all brawl characters will return? Is Mewtwo the reason? I think all characters will be in the next game, but maybe that's only wishful thinking.


Super Member
I agree. Why the fuck would you remove a unique character in Smash Bros? I mean, I don't even main Shiek but that's just stupid. Come on, guys.

"Let go of OoT"? Might as well remove Pikachu/Jigglypuff because we should let go of Pokemon Red/Blue.
SS wholly deserves its attention

Melee Sheik was special because her inclusion actually made sense for OoT's inclusion.

Making Zelda/Sheik into Zelda+Impa would be a great idea that makes sense for SS.


Wow, there's a lot more Takamaru love than I expected. Just wondering, is there any particular reason you guys dig him so much and think he'd be a great Smash character? Also, why some of you think he'd be a likely one?


SS wholly deserves its attention

Melee Sheik was special because her inclusion actually made sense

Making Zelda/Sheik into Zelda+Impa would be a great idea that makes sense.

It's not a good idea, it's pretty horrible. Instead, they could give Sheik some Impa inspired clothes.


Wow, there's a lot more Takamaru love than I expected. Just wondering, is there any particular reason you guys dig him so much and think he'd be a great Smash character? Also, why some of you think he'd be a likely one?

Takamaru is deemed likely because Nazo no Murasame-jo is the most "evolved" or "deep" Famicom game developed by Nintendo that lacks a playable character in Smash Bros. (in addition to Punch-Out). It also helps that Takamaru is the most desired retro character in Japan.


Maybe I'm not the target audience, but I am a big Brawl fan, and I at least felt like most of the Brawl characters well recognizable or semi-well-known. A lot of the characters people are suggesting (Rawk Hawk?) seem to be really out-there to me, and not iconic enough, and/or I have no clue who they are.

I would be happy if Krystal showed up, and I feel like she's relatively well-known and would work, but there are so many Star Fox characters already I would not expect it. I think Dixie Kong with the helicopter spin would also be nice, but there are so many apes now that might also be one too many.
Nope. Even GameFAQs hates that character now. Why should a dead series with only one good game, get four characters, let alone one that actually never appeared in an actual good game.
I don't think there's any way to gauge the "who" the in the massive Krystal fan-base.
But I would guess that she would get in for the same reason SF has 3 characters regardless of how the series has been handled as of late. It's an unique IP that has a ton of potential ... and for better or worse Krystal has become apart of that.

Sheik is so integral to Zelda's Smash Bros. identity, that Sakurai was even going to go as far as to create an original character for Smash Bros. (Toon Sheik) just so that Toon Zelda (a planned character for Brawl) would have a version of Sheik to transform into.

More like "If I'm gonna make a Clone Zelda I'm gonna have to make a Cloned Sheik...".

Sakurai has shown that when it comes to LoZ if ANYONE looks ANYTHING like someone else they're gonna get hit with that Clone Bat. So no, I doubt it's because Sheik is so special that even toon Zelda needs to transform into her. More like they would just be "Toon Clones".


Super Member
It's not a good idea, it's pretty horrible. Instead, they could give Sheik some Impa inspired clothes.
SS Zelda doesn't even know what Sheikah are, let alone learn any of their skills.

It's not true to the character(s).

They could do what you suggest, but it would feel arbitrary.


Melee Sheik is a fucking monster. that slap will end a stock real quick.

This man speaks truth. Every person who has ever played Sheik before will be greatly saddened if she is gone simply because of the amazing power of her slap from Melee.

The Brawl incarnation of the slap is... wimpy and disappointed many but at least she was still in the game.

I'm in the belief that no character should be removed or cut at all just because franchises in Smash need to represent their most recent games. It's a fighting game, if you can reuse a move set to keep the character in the game, do it, it's stupid to remove anyone (example: Mewtwo, was removed for poor reasons and now people want the character back or wish Sakurai hadn't removed him). And Mewtwo is most certainly, at least to me, still an iconic Pokemon. Maybe not as much as the gen 1 starters, but certainly up there.

It's saddening to me that people are suggesting to replace Sheik... are we really going to go down that road like with Mewtwo? *sigh*

Azure J

I personally think removing characters in general in Smash Bros. is dumb.

Heck, there still is a lot of bitterness from just removing just Mewtwo and Roy. There are many who would even like to see Dr. Mario return (though as a costume with his Melee stats).

This a thousand times over. While I eventually learned to deal roster wise, the removal of characters also had a side effect on discussions about the roster which usually boil down to "who is more 'worthy' of a position on it" because everyone was either afraid of their faves meeting the chopping block or aggressively playing hurt/heal with anyone not meeting their standards. It pretty much causes the stupider parts of discussions like this.

Wow, there's a lot more Takamaru love than I expected. Just wondering, is there any particular reason you guys dig him so much and think he'd be a great Smash character? Also, why some of you think he'd be a likely one?

I dig him because he's probably the only chance Smash has at getting a quick draw style of swordsman into the roster. I'm still salty that Lyn couldn't get in and fill that void for me, but Takamaru has the promise for it. It also helps that he has popularity going for him in both regions. I'll just stay tuned and see what happens.


I don't think there's any way to gauge the "who" the in the massive Krystal fan-base.
But I would guess that she would get in for the same reason SF has 3 characters regardless of how the series has been handled as of late. It's an unique IP that has a ton of potential ... and for better or worse Krystal has become apart of that.

No. There is a very good chance the Star Fox series is going to be rebooted, which will erase Krystal from existence. The Star Fox fanbase itself also hates Krystal in general. Much of her support simply came from the belief that she would be the most likely female newcomer. Star Fox is a series that has not had a hit since 1997. Falco and Wolf are also both much more popular characters than Krystal. The series is lucky enough that it even got three characters.

Since the existence and emergence of Palutena and Medusa (both of whom also use staffs), we have two female characters that are both very likely and Sakurai is very familiar with them.


Super Member
I'm not saying they should REMOVE Sheik. Sheik can be echoed through Impa's Sheikah arts.

Impa can inherit her skills but they have the opportunity to make her very different from Zelda as well.

Yeah Sheik not being in is terrible but giving a similar, cooler, character some attention is more terrible. Hmm.

Also, Impa has been around as a character far longer than Sheik has. Even in the strictest sense, the Sheikah version was seen earlier in OoT. :p


I can see Impa happening only if Sakurai wants to give Zelda five slots for the sake of making the Zelda series have an equal number of slots as Pokemon and Mario (both of which will likely have five slots in Smash 4).

However, I am still opposed to the idea of Sheik being cut, or any Brawl character for that matter.
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