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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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i've got a totally legit scoop on the newcomers!
- Samurai Goroh
- Chrome
- Takamaru
- Shulk
- Ghirahim
- Kat & Ana
- Saki
- Gallade
- Masked Man
- Sakura Samurai guy

Returning Smashers
- Roy

Modified Movesets
- Ganondorf with sword at last!
- Sonic and the Black knight moveset due to complaints about too many spinning attacks
- Every time Kirby eats someone he gets Sword Kirby, final smash is the great sword

Third Party
- Blade Man instead of Mega Man
- Alucard instead of a Belmont
- Cyborg Raiden to replace Snake
- Nightmare as a Namco rep
- Travis Touchdown

current working title is super sword bros
Source: Sakurai himself
Just for fun, here's a list of Nintendo IPs that don't have playable characters in SSB (list is not comprehensive; Nintendo has probably 200 IPs):

(in approximate order or appearance):
-Wild Gunman
-Devil World
-Clu Clu Land
-Balloon Fight
-Urban Champion
-Mach Rider
-Murasame Castle
-Advance Wars
-Star Tropics
-Joy Mech Fight
-Mole Mania
-1080 Snowboarding
-Custom Robo
-Doshin the Giant
-Sin & Punishment
-Animal Crossing
-Golden Sun
-Magical Vacation
-Eternal Darkness
-Drill Dozer
-Another Code
-Elite Beat Agents
-Wii X
-Exclamation Warriors
-Captain Rainbow
-Soma Bringer
-Fossil Fighters
-Dillon's Rolling Western
-Sakura Samurai

I'd rather Sakurai pick 10-15 characters off this list, instead of adding 10-15 characters from existing series.

Little Mac has to be once for all.
And Snake be changed into Ray from Disaster Day of Crysis


Sooo your point is that ...
A-They MAY reboot the series someday. And if they do then,
B- Krystal will be removed completely for w/e reason instead of just being repurposed/ re-characterized to fit into w/e vision this new team and director has in mind along with the rest of the cast?

Where might you be getting your information form?
You sound so sure of these statements ...
and please don't say "JPN forums". Last thing we need is to start that shit train again this early >_>

The problem is that Krystal has a strong NEGATIVE connotation with the series since Star Fox 64. When people tend to think of GOOD Star Fox, they think of Fox, Falco, Peppy, and Slippy, and maybe Star Wolf as well. Look at Donkey Kong Country Returns, the series took some homage to Donkey Kong Country, but yet did not bring back most of the characters introduced with DKC (even some of the most popular ones like Dixie Kong and K. Rool). Unlike K. Rool and Dixie Kong, Krystal is a character that does bring about a strong negative reaction from people in the fanbase. If she is not present when/if the series gets rebooted, she likely won't be coming back due to the fact that she was a character that was never really loved (outside of few that think she is good fap material for whatever reason).

As to your second question, post a poll or topic on any site. Ask them if they prefer Saki or Isa. I can guarantee you that on every site you post this question on, there would be an overwhelming preference for Saki over Isa.

Usually, when I am unsure of something, I make sure to mention in my post that I am uncertain about it. I am extremely certain that Saki has far more popularity than Isa does.


As to your second question, post a poll or topic on any site. Ask them if they prefer Saki or Isa. I can guarantee you that on every site you post this question on, there would be an overwhelming preference for Saki over Isa.

Usually, when I am unsure of something, I make sure to mention in my post that I am uncertain about it. I am extremely certain that Saki has far more popularity than Isa does.

Not saying you're wrong (because like you, I am not presenting any actual research to back up my claims), but your confidence in something doesn't make it a fact. Maybe it's not a great idea to make statements as if it was?


Not saying you're wrong (because like you, I am not presenting any actual research to back up my claims), but your confidence in something doesn't make it a fact. Maybe it's not a great idea to make statements as if it was?

It makes it fact on the grounds that it is fact. Post a topic anywhere about who they would prefer to see in Smash 4 (Saki or Isa), and Saki will win hands down. I have seen countless polls that have shown this matter.

There are several reasons why people prefer Saki over Isa:
1. More people know about Saki due to Brawl.

2. The original S&P on the Virtual Console sold better than S&P, so more people are familiar with Saki's source material than Isa's.

3. There seems to be a consensus that Saki is more aesthetically appealing than Isa (perhaps its Isa's near thigh high boots that turn people off?).

However, its principally down to that Saki is just more well known than Isa, and people are more comfortable with supporting what they know and grew to love first, than something that they don't know about or may be simply a retread of which they loved originally.


Saki would have a pretty cool final smash at least. Honestly, I just want a S&P character, either one will do. My theory for Isa is that Nintendo would want to advertise the new S&P, but he could be an assist. Saki is the first character I would think of in regards to S&P.

I support Chibi-Robo for character or assist too. I love that game.


Saki would have a pretty cool final smash at least. Honestly, I just want a S&P character, either one will do. My theory for Isa is that Nintendo would want to advertise the new S&P, but he could be an assist. Saki is the first character I would think of in regards to S&P.

Although Saki is more popular and well known than Isa, Isa still has a very good chance for being selected (assuming that a spot is reserved on the Smash 4 roster for a Sin & Punishment character) since Sakurai seems to to incorporate recent protagonists (and designs for that matter) when selecting characters and design. However, Sin & Punishment 2 sold abysmally, so he could still opt for Saki since so few people actually know of Isa.
Although Saki is more popular and well known than Isa, Isa still has a very good chance for being selected (assuming that a spot is reserved on the Smash 4 roster for a Sin & Punishment character) since Sakurai seems to to incorporate recent protagonists (and designs for that matter) when selecting characters and design. However, Sin & Punishment 2 sold abysmally, so he could still opt for Saki since so few people actually know of Isa.

As someone who has played both games I definitely prefer Saki. Even if Saki's homestage is based around Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (which would be rather odd) I still would enjoy Saki as the main character chosen. I think with Star Successor Sin and Punishment has enough material to contribute to the Smash universe, so in that sense I cannot see the series being in as dire of straits as before. Granted, it is not the most successful, but I highly doubt that weighs as heavily against Saki as you think it does. Saki has enough going for him that I believe he is a contender to receive a "promotion" from his Assist Trophy status.


I am curious what people in topic think about Waddle Dee, particularly "Bandana Dee". He is one of the four playable characters in Kirby's Return to Dream Land (the other three being Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede). He uses a spear as his main attack, and playing with him, it seems like the character would transition well into Smash Bros. He even has an obvious recovery move (the helicopter spin with the spear).

Here is a picture of him for those who don't know:


His spear moveset in Return to Dream Land was very fun to play with.


I don't want Final Smashes in comp play. Keep them crazy! But fair. Some are ridiculous and some are just plain bad.


I'm LTTP but a HD SSB would/will push me into buying a WiiU.

As fun as Mario, Zelda, and other games are, nothing comes close to the pure joy that comes with local multiplayer in the SSB series.

I didn't play much of Brawl online, but I heard it was fairly terrible, and I think that if Nintendo really wants to show that they're taking online seriously next gen, they need the new Bros game to be one of the front runners.
There was an idea for a Waddle Dee moveset that incorporated his spear as well as a parasol, which is a common item used by enemy Waddle Dee's. It was a fantastic idea. I am 100% behind Bandana Dee. I have a feeling he will be showing up in other Kirby games in the future. Plus, I have a lot of feeling there will be a group of people that would love to have a Kirby, Metaknight, DDD, Bandana Dee match in reflection of Kirby's Return to Dreamland. People like having thematic matches like that. I certainly know I do.
I don't want Final Smashes in comp play. Keep them crazy! But fair. Some are ridiculous and some are just plain bad.

Right. I'm saying to give everyone a meter-based super attack that is balanced for competitive play. They can exist alongside smash balls and final smashes that would be disabled for tournaments.


There was an idea for a Waddle Dee moveset that incorporated his spear as well as a parasol, which is a common item used by enemy Waddle Dee's. It was a fantastic idea. I am 100% behind Bandana Dee. I have a feeling he will be showing up in other Kirby games in the future. Plus, I have a lot of feeling there will be a group of people that would love to have a Kirby, Metaknight, DDD, Bandana Dee match in reflection of Kirby's Return to Dreamland. People like having thematic matches like that. I certainly know I do.

You mean this?


I think the idea for his Final Smash was Megaton Punch. Bandana Dee was the first opponent you would face in the Kirby Super Star minigame, Megaton Punch


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Come on, this is Sakurai.

I wouldn't be surprised if Waddle Doo, Chilly, and Knuckle Joe made it in too.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I read that as Banana Dee

Also why can't I unthink of "drooling Waddle Dee" anymore ever since of that thread?


I am curious what people in topic think about Waddle Dee, particularly "Bandana Dee". He is one of the four playable characters in Kirby's Return to Dream Land (the other three being Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede). He uses a spear as his main attack, and playing with him, it seems like the character would transition well into Smash Bros. He even has an obvious recovery move (the helicopter spin with the spear).

Here is a picture of him for those who don't know:


His spear moveset in Return to Dream Land was very fun to play with.
I'd rather have this guy as the fourth Kirby character...
He'd have a much more interesting moveset than Waddle Dee, and he'd be the perfect way to represent Kirby's Epic Yarn. Besides, Waddle Dee is used in King Dedede's forward special move and Final Smash. They'd have to change his moveset if Waddle Dee were to become a playable character (same goes for Toad with Peach).


Bandana Dee would be a bit weird since DeDeDe throws Waddle Dee's out of his cosmic pocket for a move.

I remember an interview where Sakurai was super happy that he was able to get all the characters from Kirby he wanted in: Kirby, DeDeDe and Meta Knight. Technically Mario didn't get any new characters either in Brawl (if you don't count Wario being his own series)
Nintendo could put in Prince Fluff to make it up to Feel-Good for shoehorning the Kirby license into Epic Yarn (though Bandana Dee is kinda cool I guess; is he the same Waddle Dee in Meta Knight's Revenge in Superstar?)

EDIT: Also surprised more people haven't commented on Spanks' mock-up selection screen. Had a ton of fun back when Brawl was first announced both making some and looking at other peoples. Probably for the best I can't find the one I made (it probably had a bazillion retarded characters on it considering I would've been 14/15 back then).


Yeah, I'm not sure Kirby needs another character... I'd rather have an epic yarn skin but that probably won't happen. A prince fluff assist trophy would be cool though.


Yeah, you guys are forgetting that Bandana Dee isn't a Sakurai creation, chances are he doesn't even like that character. I mean, he completely ignores Dark Matter from DL2&3.
Anyway, they got 2 new characters last time, more than enough. Kirby's not a big franchise.


Anyway, they got 2 new characters last time, more than enough. Kirby's not a big franchise.

Huh? Kirby is pretty much Nintendo's number 3 franchise in Japan currently, only losing to Mario and Pokemon (or number 4 if you count Wii___, although I'm not sure if that's still relevant). Worldwide, the only extra franchise above it would be Zelda.
Yeah, I don't see the problem with a new Kirby rep since he's still one of Nintendo's biggest selling-franchises, it's just a matter of who they choose since there's no more obvious candidates unlike Meta Knight and Dedede for Brawl. Yet honestly all up I'd probably prefer more one-offs with this game like Lip and Jill as opposed to nothing but more characters for franchises already featured in the series. Probably just another Metroid and F-Zero rep since both are overdue, DK, Kirby and Kid Icarus since they've had (or are about to) have a comeback of sorts this generation compared to when Brawl came out and maybe one more for Mario just so it can go back to having the 5 rep count it had in Melee (without resorting to another Mario-alt).

After that it'd be great to see the series branch out more with all these more obscure characters most people barely know about. The attention from Smash might even encourage some of those franchises getting an overdue sequel like Kid Icarus!
I'm honestly curious as to whether they'll even acknowledge Other M all that much. It's hardly the worst thing ever but I'm not sure if any other major Nintendo sequel has drawn that much ire or failed as hard (in regards to its sales in comparison to the Primes and making the series popular in Japan, which I was under the impression was part of the point of MOM), and Nintendo did go as far as to take out references to the Virtual Boy in western versions of Melee. Only other game I can think of which seems to be as big a black sheep was Zelda 2, and even then it still probably sold well and had the benefit of releasing a decade or so before anybody could vent on the internet.


Random thought: if the Mii made it in as a character, they should incorporate some of the powers from find mii, and give it a sword move.

Also, the
Ultimate Ghost or Dark Lord would actually be cool bosses for story mode.

So what if the next Metroid character ends up from M:OM? :p


Anthony Higgs with a "remember me?" taunt.


Random thought: if the Mii made it in as a character, they should incorporate some of the powers from find mii, and give it a sword move.

If anything they should use a move set which is heavily based off Wii sports/resort and Pilotwings (perhaps as a UP B move)

Mii could have a unique move set basically made of up sports rubbish.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm honestly curious as to whether they'll even acknowledge Other M all that much. It's hardly the worst thing ever but I'm not sure if any other major Nintendo sequel has drawn that much ire or failed as hard (in regards to its sales in comparison to the Primes and making the series popular in Japan, which I was under the impression was part of the point of MOM), and Nintendo did go as far as to take out references to the Virtual Boy in western versions of Melee. Only other game I can think of which seems to be as big a black sheep was Zelda 2, and even then it still probably sold well and had the benefit of releasing a decade or so before anybody could vent on the internet.

But wasn't M:OM one of the better selling modern Metroid games?

Anthony Higgs with a "remember me?" taunt.

And if you get hit by the upward rotation of the visor you get star KO'd
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