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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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The games always seem to imply that Link and Link alone can defeat Ganondorf, if only because of a twist of fate that he is the only one that can wield the Master Sword. He isn't getting defeated by Link, he's getting defeated by the Master Sword. So I'd say Ganondorf could take anyone else out. He's really really good at magic, anyway. He shows up and boom, entire country filled with monsters. He can raise the dead, has command over the paranormal, he can teleport, transform into beasts and back again, possess people, and throw all kinds of weird spells around. Oh, and he's great with a sword, too. Pretty much the only thing that can touch him is holy magic. On a level playing field, where anything goes, no-one is nerfed and everything is in place for characters to perform at their full potential? Samus is fucked.

The best she could do is use the Light Suit + Light Beam, I guess. But even then, it wouldn't really work properly. Ganondorf wields power coming straight from the gods, so he might as well be one compared to everyone else.

...I told myself I wouldn't do this

Samus lays a power bomb.


PokéKong;35714469 said:
I see this as a pretty huge problem in the game of SSB where screen usage and hit boxes that are easy and simple to determine are extremely important to gameplay. If his tail and wings are excluded from his hitbox, the ratio between his visible area on the screen vs where he can be hit at least doubles. That's a problem in itself, what's even worse is with all the animations, that ratio would change dramatically depending on his actions.

The issues with Ridley would only be greatly reduced if the size of his body were brought down to maybe slightly smaller than Samus', in which case he begins to not look like Ridley anymore and just some random Metroid enemy or Pokemon.

True. I think Ridley will be the biggest character on the roster with his added wing span. And I'm ok with that. He will be a special Smash size but it'll work. He could be a more aerial character with maybe a long hover (think Peach) and with a few diving moves but when he lands he'll be more stationary with a lot of lag to his moves because of his length. I don't think people would really mind something like that.


I have a feeling I might be alone, but I'd have no problem whatsoever if Ridley looked like this. It's sort of reminiscent of the Melee opening.

Hmmm.. that's not bad at all he could be a few pixels bigger. A nice Smash sized Melee.

Only after Adam authorizes it.

Lol. Serious though. Samus would just probably scan ganondorf to find out if he is really invincible and act accordingly. She already deals with a guy who's already invincible: Ridley. lol.

If all fails, just blow up Hyule and the Realm of the Goddesses.


If Ganondorf is really invincible to everything but the Master Sword or Light Arrows, she would somehow obtain either the Master Sword Beam or Light Arrow Beam.

But at the end of the day, it was Captain Falcon who blew up a galaxy with a punch.
I have a feeling I might be alone, but I'd have no problem whatsoever if Ridley looked like this. It's sort of reminiscent of the Melee opening.

I'd say bigger wings, but folded in so that they don't take up any more spac than that. They can open up during certain special moves.

But yeah- Ridley is probably the most important Nintendo character not yet playable in Smash.
Samus lays a power bomb.

With all the power of cracking open a glass tube! ;)

If Ganondorf is really invincible to everything but the Master Sword or Light Arrows, she would somehow obtain either the Master Sword Beam or Light Arrow Beam.

That's true. The problem with this shit is all the protags have plot armour anyway, so yeah, she'd get that shit.

Olimar could just crawl inside people and fuck up their insides, lol


So if Zelda only got one more character in SSB4, who would you guys like to see?

Many people are saying Ghirahim or Impa, but personally, I think Tingle would be amazing. I love WTF/joke characters and Tingle would be the perfect way to joke with people who are complaining about slot stealers.


I'd either go with the final bos of SS because he looked so damn cool but got almost no screen time, or Skull Kid with majora's Mask.


So if Zelda only got one more character in SSB4, who would you guys like to see?

Many people are saying Ghirahim or Impa, but personally, I think Tingle would be amazing. I love WTF/joke characters and Tingle would be the perfect way to joke with people who are complaining about slot stealers.

I like the idea of Toon Zelda with a Tetra transformation, but the time for that may have passed. Tingle would be cool because he could have Balloon Fight-inspired moves as well.
I don't particularly want any, but I personally think Toon Zelda that transforms into a Phantom (instead of Toon Sheik/Tetra) is the most likely, no matter what everyone else has convinced themselves of otherwise.



One-offs don't happen in Smash Bros. unless they're the lead character. Ghirahim supporters remind me of the Zant/Midna supporters from Brawl.


Just give Toon Link a unique move set.

And make regular Link not suck.

Yeah, I'd take a unique Toon Link moveset over a new Zelda character probably. He had plenty of unique tools they didn't utilize. Deku Leaf and Skull Hammer come to mind. There are some interesting items from Spirit Tracks they could use too.

Also if he returns I want an alt costume where he has Ezlo for a hat.


You know what they should also do with Toon Link?

Let him have this hat:

So if Zelda only got one more character in SSB4, who would you guys like to see?


She's the last of the relevant staple characters in LoZ and with the ending to SS it
seems like she's either cursed along side Link and Zelda/ the goddess to be reincarnated to do her role as Zelda's Guardian/ Protector over and over again or the goddess/ Zelda simply wills her to be reincarnated along side her to aid her and Link in their next lives
.Either way I think she should replace Sheik. She could be like Sheik but with a fresher move-set and such ... and given how Sakurai treats LoZ characters she would be a Sheik Clone if she didn't just replace him/ her..

Demise, on the other hand,
would be a prefect Ganon replacement IMO seeing as he IS Ganon and tons of other villains in LoZ ... he just looks and acts different in every game/ saga because he is the incarnation of hatred inside these people. But I already know people are gonna throw a bitch fit over that because "Bleh Blah smash doesn't have to rep the series directly and logically! Blah blah Ganon is more well known! Blah blah characters shouldn't be replaced/ taken out! Blah blah Ganon is the Tri-force holder" and so on ... so I wont even try to endorse that now.
One-offs don't happen in Smash Bros. unless they're the lead character.

Sheik. And Mewtwo/Lucario, basically.

I want a Paper Mario stage. There's already enough Mario characters that I don't need him to be playable, but let's see some proper representation for the series.


Sheik. And Mewtwo/Lucario, basically.

Sheik is Zelda, and Mewtwo and Lucario have each appeared in a bunch of games. You can't honestly tell me that Sheik would have been included as a standalone character in Melee if she was just some random Sheikah and not Zelda's alter ego. The transformation is what makes Zelda unique in SSB.
So if Zelda only got one more character in SSB4, who would you guys like to see?

Many people are saying Ghirahim or Impa, but personally, I think Tingle would be amazing. I love WTF/joke characters and Tingle would be the perfect way to joke with people who are complaining about slot stealers.

Tingle or Ghirahim.

Impa...she should replace Sheik

Demise, on the other handwould be a prefect Ganon replacement


Don't most Zelda users just switch to Sheik right away and never bother actually being Zelda? Effectively just losing the use of one whole B move for the sake of adding a step to selecting which character you want to use.

There doesn't seem to be any practical fighting advantage to transforming characters, there is never really that theoretical time when "the battle changes" and circumstances call for a different form which better suits the situation. It's basically you play as who you feel like, and have the option available to change mid-battle simply because you get bored of it. Really doesn't seem worth it to me, especially in the case of Pokemon Trainer where not only do you lose a B move, but there's the stamina thing.

I would really rather have fully developed legitimate characters "taking up" five character slots than five nerfed characters crammed into two slots.


PokéKong;35724166 said:
Don't most Zelda users just switch to Sheik right away and never bother actually being Zelda? Effectively just losing the use of one whole B move for the sake of adding a step to selecting which character you want to use.

I agree with this. I don't agree that the solution is to just eliminate transforming characters altogether, though, but to make transforming characters that incentivize the player to make use of all the transformations. They tried doing this in Brawl by forcing Samus to transform with her Final Smash, and with the stamina thing for Pokemon Trainer, but I feel like they didn't really do a good job with either one. Samus doesn't work because people so frequently play with Final Smashes off. Pokemon Trainer works in making you switch between Pokemon, but none of the Pokemon are very good by themselves, so nobody plays as them.

For Zelda: Transforming should be pretty much instantaneous. The amount of time that it takes to transform discourages it. You should press down B, a puff of smoke appears, and Sheik backflips out of it. Real quick. Give Sheik all the quick damage moves and Zelda all the slow killing moves; they've generally been this way from the start, and Brawl went further, but go even further.

For Pokemon Trainer: Just make the three characters better. Maybe have some moves that summon one of the other Pokemon for an assist to further emphasize that they're working as a team - yes, totally illegal in Pokemon, but they already do it for their Final Smash. And again, switching should be much faster.

For Samus: I'm usually against removing unique move sets, but get ZSS out of there. She was a stupid idea to begin with.
Deku Scrub Link, using the flower recovery to drop deku nuts over the map would be fun

Replace Toon Link with MM Young Link.

Use Down+B to transform into Zora, Deku, and Goron Link like Pokemon Trainer.

Final Smash is Fierce Diety.

It will be right in time for that Majora's Mask 3DS remake, right Nintendo? ;)
Sheik is Zelda, and Mewtwo and Lucario have each appeared in a bunch of games. You can't honestly tell me that Sheik would have been included as a standalone character in Melee if she was just some random Sheikah and not Zelda's alter ego. The transformation is what makes Zelda unique in SSB.
Sheik is one Alter Ego from one LoZ game and one "Zelda" out of the many Zeldas in the series. Sheik is a one off character/ alter ego.

Lets see ...

Staple character that plays a relevant role in multiple games as a protector/ guardian to Zelda as well as a guild to Link? Or a one off alter-ego of one Zelda from one game?

The incarnation of hatred that passes on from villain to villain over time, being reborn anew to continue the never ending fight between it, the goddess and Link? Or one famed vessel of that hatred that's doomed to forever be a Captain Falcon clone?

I'm willing to go out and full on debate Impa but I know the Demise thing wont go too well and likely wont happen regardless of the logic behind having the origin of the very basic conflict that pushes the series in Smash.
Sheik is Zelda, and Mewtwo and Lucario have each appeared in a bunch of games. You can't honestly tell me that Sheik would have been included as a standalone character in Melee if she was just some random Sheikah and not Zelda's alter ego. The transformation is what makes Zelda unique in SSB.

Lucario and Mewtwo were only prominent in one set of games (and remakes) each. Their appearances in other games may as well have been cameos. Although I should acknowledge that pretty much every Pokemon is this way, so it's not as relevant as I made it out to be.

Sheik probably wouldn't have been in Melee if it wasn't for her status as an alter ego, but I think the more important factor is how recently she had been introduced when Melee was in development. If Zelda hadn't been added to the series until Brawl, I highly doubt that Sheik would have been playable, since it had been ten years since her only appearance. Sheik was added because she was a memorable part of a recent release, and I think the same could apply for Ghirahim.


Black-Wind's insistence that Impa has a chance to get in reminds me of the guy who insisted Marin had a chance for Brawl. Crazy talk, yo. Skyward Sword was her biggest role in a Zelda game, and she was still very much a side character.

Link, Zelda, Ganon. That is the Triforce. That is all you need to represent the Zelda series. Maybe keep Toon Link around to represent that side of the series. Maybe Tingle gets his own series icon. But as far as unique characters who have the Triforce as their logo, you really only need the main three to cover all the bases of the Zelda series.

Just give Ganondorf an original move set, and Toon Link too if he sticks around.
You're really are the never ending fountain of bad ideas, aren't you?

Just because you may not agree with my logic doesn't mean it's a bad idea. I don't see anything wrong with having Impa or Demise in Smash ... she's Zelda's/ the goddess's protector and guardian and Demise is the incarnation of hatred that is born into most villains in LoZ ... just so happens that Sakurai makes LoZ characters clones regardless without seemingly caring how unique they can be. Be it Toon Link/ Y Link who COULD be different to Link or Ganon which didn't make a lick of sense outside of "same general body type?".

So if Impa did get in I don't see him making her too unique ... and instead of having a Sheik clone wondering around why not just use her as a means to advance the "Sheik" play-style by replacing her? But w/e, I get that people like to cry "Nooo" at the thought of a character being replaced with something and hey, I don't like it much either.
Lets see ...

Staple character that plays a relevant role in multiple games as a protector/ guardian to Zelda as well as a guild to Link? Or a one off alter-ego of one Zelda from one game?

The incarnation of hatred that passes on from villain to villain over time, being reborn anew to continue the never ending fight between it, the goddess and Link? Or one famed vessel of that hatred that's doomed to forever be a Captain Falcon clone?

The role of a nanny , aside from SS. She might as well be a one off. She's a secondary character at best. Bottom line. Sheik works because she's Zelda. Sheik also has two Smash appearances. Impa doesn't even have a trophy.

As for Demise, you can't say "one off" for Sheik and then argue for a "one off" to replace a staple.


Apparently I come to Super Smash Brothers for incredibly different reasons. Can I just have Melee physics and FD without terrible ledges? Online without items and with matchmaking & leaderboards? The return of wavedashing?

I mean, I do like Ridley a whole lot, but they should just put him in the game if he works with it and not put him in if he doesn't. Make him whatever size makes his hitbox not prone to being too easy to combo or too capable of crazy disjoints. I'd say "who cares" about the whole canon/size thing, but apparently people do. Wouldn't you rather that the game is fun than accurate?
Just because you may not agree with my logic doesn't mean it's a bad idea. I don't see anything wrong with having Impa or Demise in Smash ... she's Zelda's/ the goddess's protector and guardian and Demise is the incarnation of hatred that is born into most villains in LoZ ... just so happens that Sakurai makes LoZ characters clones regardless without seemingly caring how unique they can be. Be it Toon Link/ Y Link who COULD be different to Link or Ganon which didn't make a lick of sense outside of "same general body type?".

So if Impa did get in I don't see him making her too unique ... and instead of having a Sheik clone wondering around why not just use her as a means to advance the "Sheik" play-style by replacing her? But w/e, I get that people like to cry "Nooo" at the thought of a character being replaced with something and hey, I don't like it much either.

No, I'm quite comfortable with saying replacing Ganondorf with Demise is a bad idea. Part of your logic requires the assumption that all of the Zelda villains were incarnations of Demise's hatred, not just Ganondorf, which is a tenuous link at best. Consider that Vaati and Ganon were alive at the same time, Malladus is an ancient demon that predates Ganondorf's death, etc.--if Demise's hatred (not Demise himself, remember!) really did reincarnate as every villain you'd have to say that it can reincarnate several times at once, which there is no evidence for. All we know, going by what Aunoma said and the ending's implications, is that Demise was the origin of Ganondorf. The rest is weak extrapolation at best.

And arguing against Sheik's inclusion because she's a one off character and then supporting Demise to replace Ganondorf (the next most recurring character after Link and Zelda)? Jesus, man, step back and reassess your arguments.

EDIT: Sorry for coming across as so inflammatory, I haven't really had the best day.


So if Zelda only got one more character in SSB4, who would you guys like to see?

Many people are saying Ghirahim or Impa, but personally, I think Tingle would be amazing. I love WTF/joke characters and Tingle would be the perfect way to joke with people who are complaining about slot stealers.

Impa. I wouldn't care if she was based off of Sheik, she would be an interesting character and I agree with Black-Wind, she is important to the series. BUT something tells me that Ghirahim is more likely.

Ryu or Mega Man , who gets in for Capcom :O

Either one is good. Ryu would be sexy to play as in Smash though.

So if Impa did get in I don't see him making her too unique ... and instead of having a Sheik clone wondering around why not just use her as a means to advance the "Sheik" play-style by replacing her? But w/e, I get that people like to cry "Nooo" at the thought of a character being replaced with something and hey, I don't like it much either.

I think the main problem with replacing her is that Smash takes place in its own world so it would be hard to justify getting rid of a character that still has relevance to the Smash series. But there could be a problem if all the Zelda characters get an upgraded SS look while Sheik stayed the same. Maybe will get a "what if Sheik appeared in SS" model to go with Zelda's new SS model like we did in Brawl because of TP? Either way Impa could still be in as a clone whose unique in her own way.


Apparently I come to Super Smash Brothers for incredibly different reasons. Can I just have Melee physics and FD without terrible ledges? Online without items and with matchmaking & leaderboards? The return of wavedashing?

I mean, I do like Ridley a whole lot, but they should just put him in the game if he works with it and not put him in if he doesn't. Make him whatever size makes his hitbox not prone to being too easy to combo or too capable of crazy disjoints. I'd say "who cares" about the whole canon/size thing, but apparently people do. Wouldn't you rather that the game is fun than accurate?

I'd be very surprised if they even acknowledge wavedashing at all moving forward. Their focus seems to be on making the game accessible.
Impa is practically the definition of an unimportant NPC. If she gets in, I'll eat my hat.

Impas have been in the Zelda series for a long time (although yeah, most of them are kind of unimportant). If they really want to make the Zelda characters look like their SS incarnations, then turning Sheik into Impa would actually be pretty elegant.

Personally I'd rather just see them keep Sheik, but I can see how Impa might get in. I don't think there's any way Impa would actually be her own character, though.

Sheik probably wouldn't have been in Melee if it wasn't for her status as an alter ego, but I think the more important factor is how recently she had been introduced when Melee was in development. If Zelda hadn't been added to the series until Brawl, I highly doubt that Sheik would have been playable, since it had been ten years since her only appearance. Sheik was added because she was a memorable part of a recent release, and I think the same could apply for Ghirahim.

I think Sheik got in for both of those reasons. If Zelda didn't get in Smash Bros. until Brawl, then Sheik wouldn't have gotten in, but if Sheik was her own character in OoT (that is, if she had exactly the same role but was a separate person from Zelda), I don't think she would have gotten in Smash Bros.

Also, didn't Mewtwo show up in a lot of side games (like the Mystery Dungeon games) as an optional superboss? I know you kind of acknowledged this, but, while I can't speak for Lucario, Mewtwo really isn't a one-off character at all.

I think Mewtwo and Roy are going to come back, if for nothing else but due to how much they are requested to return by the Japanese Smash Bros. fanbase.

Mewtwo, maybe, but at this point I don't think Roy will. It's true that he's popular in both America and Japan, but he'd have to compete against other characters (probably including a third Fire Emblem one) to make it in at this point. If Awakening didn't exist, I think he might have a decent chance, but, unless Awakening totally bombs, why would Nintendo want him in the game instead of Krom?
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