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NFL 2013 Week 8 |OT| - Hail To The Chiefs

Washington Redskins safety Brandon Meriweather says that ''people who beat their girlfriends should be kicked out of the league'' - a direct swipe at Chicago Bears receiver Brandon Marshall.

Says Meriweather: ''You tell me who you'd rather have - somebody who plays aggressive on the field, or somebody who beat up their girlfriend?''

Meriweather coming out swingin'!

55% run is the new "Run Heavy".
Watching the Dolphins this year has really reminded me of how important the run is, though. Every game they abandon it at some point in the second half (even yesterday when the running game was very successful) and Tannehill starts getting sacked at least once or twice per drive. Even if you aren't picking up much yardage you have to try and maintain some balance, especially if your pass protection isn't excellent and your QB doesn't excel in mobility and pocket awareness.
What is amazing is not the fuck ups but how quickly MS shat away their goodwill from the "hardcore" gamer.
For a company that wanted to be forward thinking about an all digital future, I'm amazed that all they've managed to do is strengthen peoples resolve for physical discs in the wake of the DRM debacle. They all but wrote Sony's messaging at E3.
Watching the Dolphins this year has really reminded me of how important the run is, though. Every game they abandon it at some point in the second half (even yesterday when the running game was very successful) and Tannehill starts getting sacked at least once or twice per drive. Even if you aren't picking up much yardage you have to try and maintain some balance, especially if your pass protection isn't excellent and your QB doesn't excel in mobility and pocket awareness.

They had a 14 point lead on the road and were gashing the Pats depleted defense they just went pass heavy. Man that was a frustrating game to watch. Who ever calls the plays did Tanny no favors at all.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm in the same boat. I still have my Amazon preorder, but I'm 95% sure I'm cancelling it. Gonna enjoy a nice Retina MBP for my bday/Xmas instead and work on my backlog of 3DS games.

I thought about canceling my preorder, but NBA2K14 made me change my mind. I hate watching basketball but the 2K series is incredibly well done. That Resogun, and Wii U will keep me busy until next year.

Hunter S.

It sucks, but I always knew buying for keeps at launch was foolish as you are more likely to get inferior hardware rather than waiting almost a year. All I want as a must buy right away for the PS4 is The Witcher 3 and Infamous: Second Son. I am going to have a hard time not buying the PS4 before these come out though. I got a lust for pussy and new hardware.

Tom Penny

They had a 14 point lead on the road and were gashing the Pats depleted defense they just went pass heavy. Man that was a frustrating game to watch. Who ever calls the plays did Tanny no favors at all.
Mike Sherman... My patience is running thin with him. Supposedly Philbin is even more trigger happy when it comes to abandoning the run, though.
Someone tell Jak to take some lithium and get back in here.

I can't use :jnc knowing it's named after a bitter old man.

Can't comment on the 3DS, but GTA V was way better than I expected after the shitfest that was IV, and BRADY IS NOT A WOMAN.
Why am I kicking your ass on Duolingo and I haven't played in weeks?


Fear of a GAF Planet
I want to build another pc to use on my tv! Will you build it with me brother?

If you aren't in a big hurry, I'd suggest waiting for some more Gabecube news.

They had a 14 point lead on the road and were gashing the Pats depleted defense they just went pass heavy. Man that was a frustrating game to watch. Who ever calls the plays did Tanny no favors at all.

I said it yesterday, but I'll say it again. Philbin shat the bed. Thought Tanny was suddenly going to turn into Rodgers.


Someone tell Jak to take some lithium and get back in here.

I can't use :jnc knowing it's named after a bitter old man.

Why am I kicking your ass on Duolingo and I haven't played in weeks?

Because I haven't played in months?

I really should though. It's fun.

These online learning resources are getting really good. I recently did this html/css/jQuery introduction thingy (generalassemb.ly/dash, I think) that was the best thing I've tried yet. Better than Codecademy.

Hunter S.

The prevalence of the 3DS in many sports threads just shows me how far neogaf is from representing the average American gamer. :-D

Will the PS4 continue the trend of having an inferior controller?

I do think the 360 controller is the best man hands controller ever made and the xbone's controller looks like a vibrator.
It sucks, but I always knew buying for keeps at launch was foolish as you are more likely to get inferior hardware rather than waiting almost a year. All I want as a must buy right away for the PS4 is The Witcher 3 and Infamous: Second Son. I am going to have a hard time not buying the PS4 before these come out though. I got a lust for pussy and new hardware.
InFamous Second Son in February all but sealed a PS4 purchase for me. I have the money now and I enjoy new hardware. Fuck waiting.:D

PS4/Killzone/Knack all ordered and ready to go.
InFamous Second Son in February all but sealed a PS4 purchase for me. I have the money now and I enjoy new hardware. Fuck waiting.:D

PS4/Killzone/Knack all ordered and ready to go.
I always agree with your logic! The only difference for me is Knack, I think I'll wait for a price-drop on that one.
I always agree with your logic! The only difference for me is Knack, I think I'll wait for a price-drop on that one.
I'm back and forth on it to be honest but I'm hoping Cerny pulls it off and it's a nice change of pace from the shooters/racers that clog up the usual hardware launch line-ups.

I should hold off cause it seems like its destined to be one of the first Instant Game Collection titles on PS+ but it's a console launch - logic doesn't come into play with these things! :D


Persecution Complex

Even if Detroit squeezes in, I think they're a glorified bye week for a division winner.

My NFC playoff predictions are:
San Fran
New Orleans
Green Bay

Detroits going to squeeze in simply because there's a huge dropoff in the NFC after Seattle if you ask me.

You're out of your damn mind if you think we're going to be some pushover team, whoever we play. I said it at the start of the season and I'll say it again this Detroit team can hang with and beat anyone in the league.

Say Seattle and NO get the bye, that leaves us against the 49ers, Packers or Cowboys. We have beaten one of those team already, and the 49ers barely beat us both times we played when we did not have a running game of a team that is this strong in the locker room. Also the 49ers were better off under Alexis than they are under Colin who still strikes me as a horribly inaccurate QB with a little mobility. The Packers could barely beat us coming off a bye week at home, without Megatron.

The doubters will continue to be proven wrong though. This reminds me kind of of when the Packers were the 6th seed and ended up winning a Super Bowl. Once you get in the dance all you need is four games to win. Our offense can outscore anyones and our defensive line will make your QBS life hell.


the people I've seen complain about it hold the controller like idiots

I understand the L2/R2 complaints with the DS3, but the DS in general is amazing

I've always thought those handles were too short.

I also dislike the stick placement since it acts as if the D-pad was still more important than the left analog stick.
Will the PS4 continue the trend of having an inferior controller?

I bought a DS4 yesterday and it feels fantastic. It is made for adults with normal sized hands, and the triggers are fantastic. I hated the DS4 with a passion, wound up buying the batman controller to use on PS3, but the DS4 feels great to me.


RT @MarkBermanFox26: Both Arian Foster (hamstring) and Ben Tate (cracked ribs) said Monday they expect to play against the Colts.

RT @DeepSlant: Kubiak: Very worried about RB situation. Dennis Johnson, Deji Karim, Ray Graham all practiced today and are on active roster. #Texans

Blah. Hope that hammy heals up quick.

Cancelled my xbone preorder. Good night sweet prince killer instinct.... I'll see you next year sometime :(

I was going to get a launch PS4 (Have one ordered on Amazon) and no longer have any desire for it this year. Just nothing I want to play on it. I can wait for a better bundle next year.

I'm in the same boat. I still have my Amazon preorder, but I'm 95% sure I'm cancelling it. Gonna enjoy a nice Retina MBP for my bday/Xmas instead and work on my backlog of 3DS games.

Ha, I never preordered and was going to wait until next year anyway. I'm ahead of the curve!


Persecution Complex

DETROIT – The first order of business was getting Reilly Reiff back to the line of scrimmage.

"Reilly is out there [at midfield]," Matthew Stafford said of his Detroit Lions left tackle, shaking his head at the memory. "And he's celebrating."

"He's [expletive] halfway down the field," running back Reggie Bush said with a laugh.

Reiff thought Calvin Johnson had just scored a game-winning touchdown against the Dallas Cowboys. Only he hadn't. Megatron went for 329 receiving yards in this game, but the refs ruled him one short on the most critical of plays.

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Matthew Stafford helped pull off an improbable victory against the Cowboys. (AP)
So now it was the Lions' ball, first-and-goal at the 1. The problem was Dallas led by six and the clock was ticking down and Ford Field was a surreal mix of chaos and screams, no one really sure what was going down.

So there were Stafford and Bush, trying to cut through the din and get the big guy back to the line of scrimmage. Pronto.

Stafford just needed to set the line, take the snap and spike the ball with about 20 seconds left.

"We're trying to get two plays," he said.

Only by the time Reiff got into place, the clock was under 15 seconds. Stafford was still screaming, "spike, spike, spike" and "clock, clock, clock" and motioning as such.

"He said, 'Clock,' " center Dominic Raiola said and shrugged because why wouldn't he believe his QB?

Stafford said he wasn't lying at the time. He was going to spike it, at least until he got under center.

"I'm looking down and I see [defensive lineman's] feet in the end zone and light [signaling a gap just to Raiola's left that was asking to be attacked]," Stafford said later, seated by his locker, half exhausted, half exhilarated.

"And I just said, 'Shoot, here we go.' "

So shoot, there he went.

Stafford took the snap, and rather than spike the ball, he watched as just about everyone on the field simply stood up. He then jumped in the air, just over Raiola's left shoulder pad and reached the ball over the goal line.
Dallas defenders reacted and knocked Stafford back. That's when Bush, of all people, jumped up and gave Stafford a push back toward the goal line. It was the exact way, Reggie said, he did it when he was at USC in 2005. That day the Trojans were playing at Notre Dame and his shove of quarterback Matt Leinart on a similar fake-the-spike play, with just three seconds left, won it for USC. It went down in lore as a the "Bush Push."

"I have had two pushes," Bush joked. "Two assisted touchdowns. It was deja vu. The same exact play."

Actually Stafford had already broken the plane. And even if he didn't, he was never tackled and made it for sure when he ran into the end zone to celebrate.

"I scored twice," Stafford laughed. "I need to double up on that."

By that point, Dallas was a disheveled mess and what was left of the Lions' home crowd (many had given up) was screaming over what was a made extra point from being an epic 31-30 comeback victory.

Detroit is now 5-3, driving 80 yards in 50 seconds to gut out a victory despite committing four turnovers.

"I mean, shoot, I'm just trying to make a play," said Stafford, who finished 33 of 48 for 488 yards, one passing TD, two picks and that one rushing score. "We battled hard. We didn't play our best football but we battled and sometimes in this league that's good enough to get you a win.

"It's crazy."

Crazy was one way to put it. Long overdue was another. These are the kinds of games Detroit never wins. Its history is full of blowing leads, not taking them back. And this looked like another classic Lions loss – video game stats (631 total yards) and brilliant individual play (Calvin Johnson in particular) meaning nothing in the end.

Instead it will go down as an all-timer and, perhaps, the start of something new, something more.

"I'll let you know in eight weeks," Stafford said. "Hopefully it springboards us. We've got a group of guys that believe."

Across the Lions' postgame locker room, players laughed and smiled and tried to relive every last moment of the game. All expressed admiration at their quarterback, who has proven to be a very capable NFL quarterback, but has yet to deliver the number of victories everyone expects.

As Juicy J blared over the locker room sound system though, Stafford made his rounds, shaking everyone's hands, patting guys on the back, just marveling in the joy of a great victory. This is a brutal, violent, taxing game. But, man, the high of a big win is intoxicating.

"You wish it were a little easier to win a game," Stafford said, "but it isn't."

No one, absolutely no one, expected Stafford to sneak it. Not his center. Not his coach. Not anyone. Now they were cackling in delight about the looks on those Cowboy faces. Imagine the Lions, outsmarting someone.

"I thought I was in a movie," wide receiver Nate Burleson said. "I thought I was in the final scene of a movie. I've never been part of a win like this and I'm loving it."

Yeah, it's just one game Stafford kept reminding everyone who would listen. It was more than that though, so no one believed him.

This was a quarterback whose guile and guts made the game-winning play, who's confidence had set it up by shaking off some spotty play, whose infectious why-not-us attitude is exactly what this team needs.

He's a guy who was once pegged as fragile that's now started 40 games in a row. He's a quarterback who has always had a rocket launcher of an arm but is now proving to be a gamer too.

"He's a tough MF-er," Raiola said, which is about the highest praise possible from an offensive lineman. "That's what it is. I mean, Calvin had a huge day today, but [Stafford] overcame a lot of stuff today. At the quarterback position you have to have that and we know we have it in No. 9. He's just showing everyone he has it. You know, people got down on him, people doubted him.

"We know what we've got and we've got a tough MF-er."

Said Burleson, "I think that just proves that not only does he have the guts to be one of the tougher quarterbacks in the league, he has the intelligence to be an elite quarterback in this league. It was an incredible play call by Matt."

Stafford just sat in the corner of the locker room and took it all in. He was the last Lion to peel off his uniform and was willing to take a moment longer so he could laugh with Reggie Bush about the hysterical sight of Reilly Reiff at midfield, already in victory dance as the clock bled down only to turn and then sprint in panic toward the goal line so they could wind up faking a spike for the win.

"Man, that was crazy," Bush said.

"It was," Stafford agreed with a smile. "It really was."

I'm back and forth on it to be honest but I'm hoping Cerny pulls it off and it's a nice change of pace from the shooters/racers that clog up the usual hardware launch line-ups.

I should hold off cause it seems like its destined to be one of the first Instant Game Collection titles on PS+ but it's a console launch - logic doesn't come into play with these things! :D
I understand completely, haha. The main reason I'm holding off on Knack is because I still need to finish Pokemon, Rayman: Legends, Sly 4, and WW HD. That almost makes it sound like I should be holding off on a new console, but I like Killzone and like you said logic is only slightly relevant in these decisions. ;)


Meriweather is a prick but damn there is no coming back from that one. What can Marshall say now?

Yeah that part of it was well played my Merriweather. The stuff for careers ending, at this point, I think the Skins need to take some heat for putting him on the field. He doesn't belong in football


Yeah that part of it was well played my Merriweather. The stuff for careers ending, at this point, I think the Skins need to take some heat for putting him on the field. He doesn't belong in football

Honestly a team should just send blockers his way and dive at his knees every time until his knee gets torn up. Then see how much he likes it.


Instead of supporting that wretched shithole of an industry, you guys should just stop buying video games and use that money towards something that is actually worthwhile. Like burning it for warmth.

Missing out on the latest shooter where you shoot people while they shoot at you and you have to dodge their shots ain't gonna kill ya.


Instead of supporting that wretched shithole of an industry, you guys should just stop buying video games and use that money towards something that is actually worthwhile. Like burning it for warmth.

Missing out on the latest shooter where you shoot people while they shoot at you and you have to dodge their shots ain't gonna kill ya.

He says on a gaming forum.

Instead of supporting that wretched shithole of an industry, you guys should just stop buying video games and use that money towards something that is actually worthwhile. Like burning it for warmth.

Missing out on the latest shooter where you shoot people while they shoot at you and you have to dodge their shots ain't gonna kill ya.

Yet spending countless meaningless hours watching, discussing and analyzing players running around the field with a leather ball is perfectly fine.

Hunter S.

"You just have to go low now, man. You've got to end people's careers. You got to tear people's ACLs and mess up people's knees. You can't hit them high anymore."

Hmmm... sounds like when only low hits are allowed there will be an increase of leg injuries in the games. You might save brain but at the expense of being able to walk up the stairs.

Merriweather needs to just shut up for his own good.


Go gata


“Overall, I would say this is a serious situation for Mike Pouncey,” Bedard said. “This is not a situation where they just think he might have evidence towards the charges against Aaron Hernandez. If he goes in there [to testify before the grand jury] thinking that’s what it’s about, he will be underprepared. He should be prepared that the authorities are looking at him in regards to some charges.”

It’s not clear what the charges would or could be, but Bedard at one point made reference to the issue of finances. Bedard also said that Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (Mike’s twin) could be summoned to testify at some point, too.

With one murder case pending against Hernandez and a double-murder case possible, authorities reportedly are exploring whether Hernadnez was engaged in the illegal trafficking of weapons. That detour from the murder charges has the feel of an effort to ensure that there will be a way to put an actual or perceived “bad guy” away, in the event the murder charge(s) don’t stick.
This is honestly on coaching. It's not about Merriweather--guy doesn't know how to play, that's clear. But the coaching staff putting him out there every week to do the same shit without penalty is repulsive. It's not just about what the morally right thing is to do, it's about what's best for the team. The guy can only hurt your football team.

Stop trying to deliver the big hit. It's not hard. Just wrap him up and get him down. This instilling fear thing is useless now. Safeties are meant to get people on the ground and break up potential receptions. The Brian Dawkins days are over.


Instead of supporting that wretched shithole of an industry, you guys should just stop buying video games and use that money towards something that is actually worthwhile. Like burning it for warmth.

Missing out on the latest shooter where you shoot people while they shoot at you and you have to dodge their shots ain't gonna kill ya.

Shooters have become super stale.
They all suck lately. I still buy a bunch of platformer games though. at least those have some variety.
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