I started up Captain Toad last night. I LOVE IT. The level design is so good. Simple yet effective without making you want to tear your hair out. Just what the doctor ordered after the time I spent in Dragon Age.
Amusingly, I completed the first 18 levels and saw the credits roll and was "Really? That's it?" I mean it was about 3 hours long. Then episode 2 unlocked along with the bonus levels from having the Super Mario 3D World save on my Wii U and I just got a big smile on my face.
I'll dig into Episode 2 as the week progresses. I completed the first 18 levels including all of the bonus challenges. I'll be doing the same for the whole game. It's really the perfect Nintendo experience wrapped up in a $40 dollar package. Gorgeous, charming and just pure unadulterated fun.
Yeah and theres also an episode 3 too!
So basically 4 different books of levels to play through. Its pretty large!