My photoshop skills are subpar but this should do...
It still hurts.I could watch these Ravens highlights all night.
Lmao y'all can eat crow now that my boy Joe flacco is going to the Superbowl
Lmao y'all can eat crow now that my boy Joe flacco is going to the Superbowl
fuck you mike mccarthy you fat piece of shit i hope they name a street after you in that shit hole town and i'm glad you're such a horrible fucking coach that you let erron rodgers tell you who should be returning punts thanks for that you fucking coward, fuck you BJ raji you dumb motherfucker thanks for the offsides penalty this wasn't a state farm commercial you're the 2nd most overrated defensive player in the league, fuck you AJ hawk you mask lookin bitch i want to throw up everytime i see your disfigured face and you are the most overrated defensive player in the league, fuck you charles woodson OMG DID YOU GUYS HEAR WOODSON IS BACK HEY GUYS WOODSON IS BACK GUYS GUESS WHAT CHARLES WOODSON IS BACK OMFG WOODSON IS BACK, fuck you clay matthews real hot pic when kap was shoving his dick down your D's throat all game cut your hair you fucking PED'ing bitch long hair is for girls, fuck you greg jennings you sorry ass bitch go shove an old spice deodorant stick up your cunt, fuck you erron you fucking bet welching loser that's all you'll ever be i hope all your stupid ass friends from chico came to see you get skull fucked you are the most unclutch "elite" QB in the history of the league you sure made the niners pay for not drafting your sorry ass, fuck you dujuan harris LOL who? who the fuck is this? fucking dumb ass bitch, fuck you jermichael finley you stupid piece of shit you were silent as usual in the biggest game of the year enjoy your new team, fuck you green bay you piece of shit racist town i hope you enjoy the taste of colins dick, fuck you talking heads at espn and nfln U BETTER CHANGE UP THE GAME PLAN CAUSE GOLDENBOY RODGERS GONNA PICK YOU APART I GUARANTEE IT!, and finally eat a bag of dicks to all the shit talking niner haters here at nfl-age! SUCK OUR DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKS!
The PI that wasn't called that caused a pick six doesn't bother me. Champ getting burned for 2 TD's doesn't bother me. Peyton's poor decision to throw the INT that ultimately sealed the teams fate doesn't bother me. All I keep seeing is that dumbass safety stop running down the field so he could turn around and slowly back pedal only to realize that he clearly misjudged how far the ball was going which allowed the Ravens to score a TD to tie the game up with only 31 seconds remaining. This is all that keeps running through my mind over and over and I can't seem to get my mind off of it. Man I'm so fucking depressed.
just seeing this and knowing ez's shit-talking schtick and his crying after tonights game just makes it all awesome. thanks for this.
USA today saying packers no longer elite. Where they ever elite? I'd say they are a good/great team but I don't think they were ever "elite" not with their defense.
9ers and pack will be seeing a lot of each other in the next few years though.
Would you consider the giants elite last year then?They were elite 2 seasons ago
GB's offense is. Giants offense is certainly with guys like Nicks healthy. I guess if the barometer is measured by that, sure.Would you consider the giants elite last year then?
The PI that wasn't called that caused a pick six doesn't bother me. Champ getting burned for 2 TD's doesn't bother me. Peyton's poor decision to throw the INT that ultimately sealed the teams fate doesn't bother me. All I keep seeing is that dumbass safety stop running down the field so he could turn around and slowly back pedal only to realize that he clearly misjudged how far the ball was going which allowed the Ravens to score a TD to tie the game up with only 31 seconds remaining. This is all that keeps running through my mind over and over and I can't seem to get my mind off of it. Man I'm so fucking depressed.
GAF I don't know what to do. I worked all night(get off at 7am) and I can either stay home with my son and pray he takes a 2 hr nap at 11(he usually gets up at 8 so me getting any sleep when I get home is out of question) or I can take my son to his aunt's house for a few hours. Only thing is if I did the 2nd option I'd miss majority of the Falcons/Seahawks game and maybe the part of the 1st quarter of the Texans/Patriots game. What do I do?!
Hahahahahahahahaha. My sons 10 months old so drugging him is kinda out the question.Drug him with Benadryl or NyQuil, feed him till he's in a food coma or get a cat to keep him in check.
Pats GAF which of you bastards did I lose a bet with? If I am supposed to have an avatar PM it to me with the terms.
My photo editing software doesn't come with heart shapes. :\
Pats GAF which of you bastards did I lose a bet with? If I am supposed to have an avatar PM it to me with the terms.
Goosebumps.Damn Friday Night Lights music makes everything tear inducing lol
"Houston Texans "Underdog" Inspirational Video Playoffs 2013 "
Can I already start with my post-loss depression and just stay in bed today? I really don't see a happy outcome for us these playoffs.
Wow I'm depressed as fuck
That game took all the wind out of me
I know it's only Sports + Entertainment, but holy hell was am I in a fucking funk, since the loss
I'll overcome it, only thing to cover my sorrows is to game like a mad man to numb my pain
I don't drink (would be really helpful here), so I get to mull in this bullshit
Just wanna give a shoutout to Broncos-GAF + NFL-Age
Thanks for the laughs, peanut gallery comments, stupid shit we do
Hopefully next season will be brighter for us (hopefully)
*I cried a little when that dagger of the FG went through*
Hopefully its a Texans vs Seachickens or SF (with Texans winning it all) Superbowl
If it's NE vs SF SB, I really think I would /wrists
:lol :lol :lolfuck you dujuan harris LOL who? who the fuck is this?
Fuck.Damn Friday Night Lights music makes everything tear inducing lol
"Houston Texans "Underdog" Inspirational Video Playoffs 2013 "
Wow I'm depressed as fuck
That game took all the wind out of me
I know it's only Sports + Entertainment, but holy hell was am I in a fucking funk, since the loss
I'll overcome it, only thing to cover my sorrows is to game like a mad man to numb my pain
I don't drink (would be really helpful here), so I get to mull in this bullshit
Just wanna give a shoutout to Broncos-GAF + NFL-Age
Thanks for the laughs, peanut gallery comments, stupid shit we do
Hopefully next season will be brighter for us (hopefully)
*I cried a little when that dagger of the FG went through*
Hopefully its a Texans vs Seachickens or SF (with Texans winning it all) Superbowl
If it's NE vs SF SB, I really think I would /wrists
Fuck.. Now Schaub is gonna Schoob and taint us all the way out of the playoffs. Thanks Matrix!
Eznark: Ooooh me! Me! *raises hand*
Damn Friday Night Lights music makes everything tear inducing lol
"Houston Texans "Underdog" Inspirational Video Playoffs 2013 "
ugh, friday nights light music? that would be first breath after coma by explosions in the sky. they deserve better than that.
texans get smashed today.