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NFL Divisional 2012 |OT| Schaubenfraud

What they did was the next best thing.

He couldn't step up in the pocket and he'd often have to take extra steps back. He looked incredibly awkward doing it and it messed up his timing.

people are all picking the packers and its hard to blame them all things considered. but as much as the packers are "a different team", so are the niners. if the packers thing they're going to bring 8 in the box to stop the run and squat on the receivers it's not going to happen. kap will go deep (most accurate deep ball passer in the NFL for QB's who have 30+ attempts at 60%, next closest QB is erron at 53%) and he will do it a lot. that in itself wont win the game for us but the threat is good to have.

i also find it amusing that people are saying "oh the packers benefited greatly from playing joe webb last week!" alright. if kap has receivers that were as open downfield as some of the vikings players were then it is going to be a long day for the packers

we'll see though! probably come down to a FG that cundiff or akers will miss for another special teams heart break!


Don't know how to feel about the Eagles interviewing Lovie.

I have always liked what he has been able to do on defense but I feel like he is one of those guys who is best as a coordinator.


I got a 20 piece tonight usually i'll ask for hot, ranch, bbq, honey , honey mustard. But i seen on the inside of the box sweet chili? whats that about?


One of Bill Simmons' few axioms that are actually right is "would doing this make fans of rival teams happy or unhappy", and I think keeping Rivera makes NFCS fans happy

Such a banal twat. You seem smart, I have no idea why you're a Simmons sycophant.


Hey Giants-GAF: Rob Ryan as Giants D-Coord? :p

Last two times each station did the Super Bowl:

Super Bowl XLII: New England - New York
Super Bowl XLV: Pittsburgh - Green Bay

Super Bowl XLIII: Pittsburgh - Arizona
Super Bowl XLVI: New England - New York

Super Bowl XLI: Indianapolis - Chicago
Super Bowl XLIV: Indianapolis - New Orleans
Last two times each station did the Super Bowl:

Super Bowl XLII: New England - New York
Super Bowl XLV: Pittsburgh - Green Bay

Super Bowl XLIII: Pittsburgh - Arizona
Super Bowl XLVI: New England - New York

Super Bowl XLI: Indianapolis - Chicago
Super Bowl XLIV: Indianapolis - New Orleans

So what you're saying is Peyton Manning makes it to the SB this year?

- Jarrett Bush started at CB.
- Both LB Erik Walden and DE Mike Neal were not eligible to play.
- This was RB Cedric Benson's first regular season game as a Packer.
- WR Greg Jennings was dealing with an injury.
- Notable Inactives: Daniels, House, Starks. (Niners: James).

- SF LT Staley sure likes to hold.
- Brian Bulaga is getting beat on a consistent basis, poor run blocking to boot.
- Niners aren't getting to Rodgers but they are collapsing the pocket.
- Rodgers can't step up into pocket or scramble (see: above).
- Niners using Crabtree to exploit the middle.
- Lot of CB blitzes by SF, which are successfully pressuring Rodgers into dumb/quick throws.

- Bush got beat on long gainer to Moss then gets PI on next drive.
- Packers D unable to stop the run. SF OL getting to second level.
- Nick Perry on Michael Crabtree. Yes that happened.
- Lots of communication errors in Packers secondary (Burnett, Jennings, Bush).
- Finley has dropped 2 balls up to this point in the game (8:24 left in 2nd).
- Cobb and Nelson are the only WRs that showed up.
- Tramon Williams playing soft all day. Doesn't matter who he's matched up with. Terrible.
- Kaepernick comes in and the Packers play prevent. Capers is a moron.
- Akers hits a 63-yarder. Oh how the tables have turned.

- Still can't stop the run. Incidentally, they always seem to run at Perry.
- The middle of the field is still wide open. Jarrett Bush coverage, folks!
- Pass rush looks like shit.
- Packers defense looks defeated on the sidelines.
- Running game looks absolutely abysmal.
- Now 3 drops, Finley was wide open on a slant.
- Oh look, more Staley holds.
- Oh look, more terrible run defense.
- He gets held but Finley drops his 4th.

- Holding on Staley cherry finally gets popped. They should overload blitz this guy in the rematch.
- Can't throw picks, Aaron. Silly bitch.
- I think a good strategy would be to fake Cobb out of the backfield, throw slant/post. 49ers cheated up a lot.
- Pocket looking a lot cleaner in the 2nd half. 49ers D-Line must've burned out.
- Rodgers didn't exactly bring his "A-game" for Week 1. A handful of weak/dumb/forced throws.
- Cobb is money. Hopefully he's 100% on Saturday. Same with Nelson. Both paid great in this game.
- Fat shit Lang gets beaten like a redheaded stepchild, Rodgers gets sacked, effectively ending the game.

Other Thoughts:
- The refs were terrible. I'm going to say they were more terrible for the Packers but that punt return obviously meant points.
- The Packers run game was non-existant in this game. The more developed run game will be a big help to them in the rematch.
- A lot of terrible coverage in this game so Shields/Hayward in the secondary will help big time.
- Not much no huddle from the Packers in this game. Look for that to change in the rematch.
- The Packers had 10 penalties in this game. Can't have those.
- I hope the Packers will play the Niners like they did the Eagles in 2010. Stop the run, force the QB to throw, LB spy Kaepernick.
Too bad we have slowass Hawk and motherfucker Jones and not Bishop.
Coincidently, this was the one game I actually did a writeup for via All-22:


Hating on DJ Smith and Tramon is a theme! Brad Jones is actually a legit upgrade. And Woodson will be playing safety full time, so...?

e: Jesus, I'd forgotten that Jarret Bush was the starting CB. Packers win by 30 confirmed.
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