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NFL Divisional 2012 |OT| Schaubenfraud


Thanks Mom!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
How many of the children of great coaches actually went on to be just as good as their fathers were?

I'm probably not thinking as hard as I should about it but most have been above average at best.
Has Manning been hit much this year?

Doesn't look like the Broncos have played any decent defenses.

I bet someone gets a quality sack on him and he folds like a cheap suit.
can't wait till best harbs shoves that dick down your throat as he has been doing since he arrived in san fran

I'm more excited to watch ARod mount the entire city of San Francisco and take that chip off his shoulder and sodomize the Niners with it.

I bet someone gets a quality sack on him and he folds like a cheap suit.

Kruger's been firing these last few weeks, he's a FA after this year, he wants to shine. I didn't realize he almost died in college. His scars are gnarly.
I'm more excited to watch ARod mount the entire city of San Francisco and take that chip off his shoulder and sodomize the Niners with it.

you are even worse than squicken. you have no confidence in your own team because you realize they are dog shit and always will be so you have to jump on the dick of whoever is playing against the local bully. you'll be eating a bag of dicks come saturday night, just like you did after the patriots game you dumb ass BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!


you are even worse than squicken. you have no confidence in your own team because you realize they are dog shit and always will be so you have to jump on the dick of whoever is playing against the local bully. you'll be eating a bag of dicks come saturday night, just like you did after the patriots game you dumb ass BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!

I've seen enough Aaron Rodgers Youtube videos today to know he won't be denied revenge. Sorry FMT
Sadly your team is going to get pounded tomorrow so that doesn't leave many even average defenses left in the AFC field.

Proves my point though.

Manning has always shat the bed under pressure, his paper thin neck membrane has only made his tendency to throw up ducks worse.

Hope the Broncos make the Super Bowl.
you are even worse than squicken. you have no confidence in your own team because you realize they are dog shit and always will be so you have to jump on the dick of whoever is playing against the local bully. you'll be eating a bag of dicks come saturday night, just like you did after the patriots game you dumb ass BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!

I have no confidence in Flacco. I love my team. Come Saturday night, I'll be here trolling the fuck out of the Niners fans as they bail from the bandwagon. Then I'll kiss my sweet baby girls goodnight, come back, and do it some more.


Sadly your team is going to get pounded tomorrow so that doesn't leave many even average defenses left.

Proves my point though.

Manning has always shat the bed under pressure, his paper thin neck membrane has only made it worse.
Oh yeah? Well your thread sucks! Take that.

Packers are going to get lit up by Joe Webb II. How does that make you feel?
Oh yeah? Well your thread sucks! Take that.

Packers are going to get lit up by Joe Webb II. How does that make you feel?
We both know my thread doesn't suck.

Kaepernick is a worthy opponent, if he beats us, then he has my respect.

I'd love to party with the 49ers. I bet they could get me into all sorts of debauchery.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hope the Ravens win, easier game for the Texans.

Go 49ers, enjoy seeing young QB's with no playoff experience win playoffs games. If TJ Yates can do it... anyone can!
We both know my thread doesn't suck.

Kaepernick is a worthy opponent, if he beats us, then he has my respect.

I'd love to party with the 49ers. I bet they could get me into all sorts of debauchery.
If FMT is any indication, you don't want to know what kind of debauchery the 49ers are into.
Hope the Ravens win, easier game for the Texans.

Go 49ers, enjoy seeing young QB's with no playoff experience win playoffs games. If TJ Yates can do it... anyone can!

lets make a promise to each other to meet in the superbowl! texans and niners-age.... friends forever!

until the superbowl


Packers could in theory not face a single real QB until Schauby Schaub in the Super Bowl. His blazing slow is going to confuse the hell out of Clay. Packers defenders will be diving in the wide open lanes Schaub will have not realizing it'll take him another 5 seconds to even see them. The Texans beaver dam offense. Using Packer defenders as speedbumps against themselves.

But that isn't going to happen. Pack GAF has already started the pre-squickening process and moved to Houston, so you guys can jump on the Texans bandwagon as we destroy the Niners in New Orleans.


So do you pile on the teams and enjoy all their wins, or slowly back off of your previous team while moving to the next team, or just do it cold turkey?

Curious. I need to create a welcome packet for the Houston transplants.


Persecution Complex
I know you guys have all been waiting for this news item


What happened to the 2011 Rams? Finished the year with 53 on roster + 16 on IR

28 out of the NFL

21 were on 2012 Rams

20 on other rosters (only 9 were on opening day rosters, combined for 53 starts)

Very similar to the Lions after the 0-16 season. At some point a new regime has to come in, select only a few quality players (in our case Megatron, Gosder Cherlius, Jeff Backus, Jason Hanson and Dominic Raiola) and gut out the rest of the locker room to get rid of the losing attitude/culture that surrounds the permeates in the franchise. When our new GM and HC came into town we had the #1, #20, #32 pick and went with Stafford, Brandon Pettigew and Louis Delmas.

Despite all the improvements the Rams have made on both sides of the ball, and the bright future they have in terms of number of draft picks, they will only go as far as Sam Bradford leads them.


So do you pile on the teams and enjoy all their wins, or slowly back off of your previous team while moving to the next team, or just do it cold turkey?

Curious. I need to create a welcome packet for the Houston transplants.

Well I dropped the Oilers cold turkey. Dropping the Texans was a slow boil and I snapped. Comfortable with two teams now but we'll see how it goes with Bradford. Conflicted like SF fans are with Alex

Still want the Texans to win, but at about the same level that I want the Pats and Chickens to lose

Very similar to the Lions after the 0-16 season. At some point a new regime has to come in, select only a few quality players (in our case Megatron, Gosder Cherlius, Jeff Backus, Jason Hanson and Dominic Raiola) and gut out the rest of the locker room to get rid of the losing attitude/culture that surrounds the permeates in the franchise..

The Colts really trimmed churned their roster as well. Being really awful lets teams self scout. It's harder when there is progress. STL has fired a bunch of scouts and it's defensive coordinator. That's good. Shouldn't be complacency. I kind of see STL and IND stepping back a little next year like DET did this year. IND can't possibly have as easy a schedule, and STL won't have as good injury luck on defense


Persecution Complex
The Colts really trimmed churned their roster as well. Being really awful lets teams self scout. It's harder when there is progress. STL has fired a bunch of scouts and it's defensive coordinator. That's good. Shouldn't be complacency. I kind of see STL and IND stepping back a little next year like DET did this year. IND can't possibly have as easy a schedule, and STL won't have as good injury luck on defense

It's natural for young teams that are growing up together to have some down times. I'm really disappointed that we're not in the playoffs despite having the talent, but we're a young team that is having growing pains like most in the NFL do.

The Colts will probably have the same thing happen to them next year. STL really overachieved this year considering Bradford showed no major improvements at all, but the amount of picks STL has this draft means they can get stacked on the defensive side and have one of the best young defenses in the league.
GB over San Fran
Baltimore over Denver
New England over Houston(this one kills me :( )
Atlanta over Seattle

Edit: I already looked at SB prices if the Texans made it and theres no way in hell I could ever afford getting 1 ticket let alone getting 2 :(. I guess if the Texans somehow upset the Patriots and win against Broncos/Ravens(which we already have once this year) I'll be watching the game from home.


Colts play the Rams next year. Will you be ok?

We'll see how things are. Hope it's later in the year

And as I think about it, the Colts will obviously have to play SF and SEA, but they still get the four free wins vs JAX and TEN. Peyton has always played in such easy divisions. Now Luck gets to as well


Persecution Complex
Just saw this intresting article on Deadspin, don't know if its been posted yet:

Save the Black Quarterback:

It's been 25 years since Doug Williams won a Super Bowl with the Washington Redskins, the first and only time a black quarterback has won a Super Bowl. This is not a good thing. We should have had another one by now. In a perfect world something like this doesn't matter, but every year that we go without a second black QB winning it all reinforces the idea in racists that you cannot win with a black QB at the helm. Because I promise you, there are still plenty of people out there who believe just that. The question is: Why hasn't it happened again? Is it just bad luck? Or are there more concrete reasons why?

There are eight quarterbacks left in the NFL playoffs. Six of them are traditional pocket passers, all white guys. The other two—Colin Kaepernick and Russell Wilson—are African-American QBs who operate in offenses that include read option plays (Kaepernick more than Wilson). Another playoff QB who ran the read option—Robert Griffin III—was just dismissed from the playoffs after having his knee explode.

I want to believe that someone like Robert Griffin III is so talented that he can revolutionize the way football is played, just as Michael Vick promised to do. I want to believe this because watching teams run the pistol option is awesome, much more fun than watching Joe Flacco stand back there like a penis. There have been a zillion new rules implemented by Roger Goodell to cripple NFL defenses, and for a moment this season I thought that perhaps those rule changes would make it easier for teams to have long-term success in a system where the quarterback runs more often than the average pocket passer. But last weekend pretty much proved that wrong.

History has shown, time and again, that you don't win Super Bowls with this kind of hybrid offense. RGIII's long-term potential was just potentially compromised because his coaches had him running the football—including option plays!—when he barely had a leg to stand on. Why the fuck did they do that? Isn't that breathtakingly stupid? Colts quarterback Andrew Luck ran a 4.6 40 at the NFL combine, just .2 seconds slower than Griffin. But Luck attempted roughly half the number of runs (62) that RG3 did (120) all season long. In fact, Luck's 62 rushing attempts this season are nearly identical to Aaron Rodgers's rushing attempts over the past five seasons (56, 58, 64, 60, 54). If the Packers let Rodgers run 120 times a season, Mike McCarthy would be murdered. The Colts ran a couple of read option plays for Luck this season, but not nearly as often as the Redskins did. Why were Luck and Rodgers given better protection than Griffin?

I think (WARNING: ignorance ahead) that black quarterbacks are still getting hosed when it comes to being groomed as pocket passers. I think coaches look at white quarterbacks and think to themselves, "Whoa hey, we can't have him run." Luck and Aaron Rodgers are both capable of running the ball effectively, but their coaches happily sacrifice that part of their game because they know that, ultimately, their QBs will need to win games mostly by throwing the ball. But coaches look at black QBs and think to themselves, "Wow, look at him run! I'd be a fool not to use that part of his game!" I don't think this is overt racism at work. I think this is a case of typecasting. Why did Mike Shanahan run an option play with Griffin barely able to walk? Because he couldn't help himself, that's why. He thinks of RGIII as a multi-purpose threat and can't see him any other way.

If Griffin's destiny is to become a pure pocket passer, then his training should have begun immediately. There shouldn't have been this period of, "Oh, well let's have him run NOW while he learns to pass because he's awesome at running." That kills his progress, not mention his ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, XCL, ZCL, and NRDCL.

I guarantee: When RGIII returns to the field, the Redskins still won't be able to help themselves. They'll have him do a couple of read options because it looks great, and what's the harm in doing it just a few times? Then RGIII will succeed doing it, and it'll be, "Well, what's the harm in doing it just a bit more?" And then we're right back where we started. That's the cycle. Russell Wilson has already shown he can be brilliant as a pure passer, but he ran the ball 94 times this season, and averaged more attempts the last five weeks of the season than the first five. He's running more, and there's no guarantee that he'll be able to withstand it, no matter what the new rules are.

It's not just the responsibility of a coach to limit how many times a QB runs, of course. Running the ball is often a decision made by the quarterback himself. And RGIII has already proven that he's fond of taking off from the pocket when it suits him. But it's a coach's job to say to him, "Don't do that a lot," and I don't think the Skins were complaining much when Griffin was winning games by ripping off 76-yarders. It's hard to say no to that. Impossible, really. The problem is that, when a team and QB win games that way, the more they become convinced that they can ALWAYS win games that way. And how many times have you heard announcers talk about the "added dimension of the running game," as if a quarterback who can run and throw is clearly more dangerous than a quarterback who can just throw brilliantly? That's the fallacy. All that running is a grand distraction, preventing a mobile quarterback from becoming a BETTER quarterback.

At some point, there will be a team that decides to start implementing run counts for its quarterbacks. They won't go by feel, or the flow of the game. They will say to their head coach, "This player will have a maximum of 20 designed runs over the season and 40 scrambles. No more than that." It won't be a perfect method, but at least it will establish a clear goal that both coaches and QBs will have to try to stick to. The framework right now is so loose that teams end up running their mobile QBs far more often than they should because they have no willpower. They fall pray to the idea that the game is evolving when it really isn't.

And if Kaepernick and Wilson get bounced from these playoffs sometime in the next two weeks, we'll again be treated to a Super Bowl featuring two upright white dudes battling it out. Since Williams's Super Bowl victory, there have been a grand total of two black quarterbacks to make the Super Bowl: Donovan McNabb and Steve McNair. That's it. To call it bad luck is wrong. There's a reason for it. Black quarterbacks have been treated as mobile QBs (and have often treated themselves as mobile QBs) for so long now that the idea that black QBs are SUPPOSED to play that role has become more and more ironclad. And the longer it goes on, the longer the black QB Super Bowl drought will continue, with racists holding it up as proof that black quarterbacks are selfish, unintelligent and undisciplined. I don't want that. I don't want to live in a world where Pro Football Talk commenters feel validated.


I think the author brings up a great point on how even though Andrew Luck ran the 40 only .2 seconds slower than RGIII, the option/running was not nearly emphasized like it was in Shannahan's RGIII offense. Why is that?

Hell, not only is Andrew Luck almost as fast as RGIII his body is much more suited to take hits consistently than RGIII. Andy Reid did a great job of keeping Donovan in the pocket, and I think he'll do the same with Geno Smith.

At the same time a lot of the blame has to come down on the QBs themselves. In Andy Reid's system, Donovan decided to stay in the pocket and throw the ball while Mike Vick decided to run the ball a hell of a lot more. McNabb went to 4 straight NFC title games, while Vick has been chronically injured since joining Philly despite the playbook calling for him to stay in the pocket and throw 60% of the time.

Mike Vick and to some extent RGIII were a little over-confident in their athletic ability and forgot they're not playing HS or College ball anymore.


We'll see how things are. Hope it's later in the year

And as I think about it, the Colts will obviously have to play SF and SEA, but they still get the four free wins vs JAX and TEN. Peyton has always played in such easy divisions. Now Luck gets to as well

I think they'll split with the Texans again and only pull 3 vs JAX & TEN. Division might be up in the air given the schedule Houston is going to have.


Go Hawks, you motherfuckers

Finally met another Hawks fan in this fucking niner town. gonna piss yellow in everyone's drink when they lose to GB tomorrow.


Long time lurker and Packers fan. Go Pack Go! I am a little nervous though. Should be a great game. Also, as much respect as I have for Manning, I think the Ravens are going to surprise em.


I think they'll split with the Texans again and only pull 3 vs JAX & TEN. Division might be up in the air given the schedule Houston is going to have.

Look what Grigson did in one year for that offense. Look at HOU's offense. All their key offensive players are old. They can't draft and develop offensive talent. 9-7 WC bubble team next year


Persecution Complex
Look what Grigson did in one year for that offense. Look at HOU's offense. All their key offensive players are old. They can't draft and develop offensive talent. 9-7 WC bubble team next year

If Houston can`t win the shitty AFC South next year, no way do they get in as a WC.

After this year the Texans have no where to go but down as long as Matt Schaub is at the helm.


If Houston can`t win the shitty AFC South next year, no way do they get in as a WC.

After this year the Texans have no where to go but down as long as Matt Schaub is at the helm.

Watt can beat TEN and JAX by himself. That's 4 wins. Colts are probably a year away from dominating the division, so a 5th win there. They can win 4 of their other 10. Playing in an easy division helps so much. PITT would have been just like NE and IND if they didn't have BAL on the schedule twice every year. Meanwhile Brady and Peyton coasted to the playoffs for a decade b/c their divisions were so bad

Injury luck and schedule make such a huge difference


Long time lurker and Packers fan. Go Pack Go! I am a little nervous though. Should be a great game. Also, as much respect as I have for Manning, I think the Ravens are going to surprise em.
Welcome to packers Gaf! I'm worried /excited for tonight. Going to be a good game.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Well I dropped the Oilers cold turkey

Please tell me you didn't drop them before they left, cause that depresses me if you did. Feels like Bud won somehow if that's the case.... even with all their chocking.

That's gross Mig. The things "you" find on the net.
Again, so excited for football this weekend! I am pretty nervous to play the Texans. Although every mediot says they have no chance, I am still nervous. They are a great team. Hopefully we can limit Foster and Brady can release the football before he gets pummeled by Watt.


Again, so excited for football this weekend! I am pretty nervous to play the Texans. Although every mediot says they have no chance, I am still nervous. They are a great team. Hopefully we can limit Foster and Brady can release the football before he gets pummeled by Watt.
Interesting article on ESPN about blitzing Brady:

Remember how the Houston Texans approached Tom Brady when they faced the New England Patriots earlier this season?

The Texans, who have the most aggressive defense in the league, sent extra rushers on more than half of Brady’s dropbacks.

That played right into Brady’s hands. No quarterback in the league has a quicker average release time than Brady (3.03 seconds, compared to the NFL average of 3.46).

He finished 13-of-19 for 148 yards and three touchdowns in that Monday Night win, the highlight of a season in which he threw for 20 touchdowns and no interceptions against at least five pass rushers.

However, Texans fans (and defensive coordinator Wade Phillips) can take heart in this:

There is precedent for a heavy-blitzing 3-4 defense playing aggressively in the regular season against Brady and losing, then meeting again in the postseason and winning.

The 2009 Baltimore Ravens and 2010 New York Jets both lost regular-season meetings to the Patriots but gained redemption in the playoffs after adjusting their strategy.

Here’s a quick flashback to those games:

2009 Ravens
Baltimore sent at least five rushers on 21-of-37 Brady dropbacks (57 percent) in a Week 4 loss. Brady finished 14-of-20 for 167 yards, threw for the game-winning touchdown against added pressure, and was sacked only once.

But in their playoff rematch, the Ravens reversed course and sent extra rushers on only 10-of-45 Brady dropbacks (22 percent).

Brady finished 23-of-42, for 154 yards, with two touchdowns and three interceptions in Baltimore’s win. Brady also was sacked three times and fumbled on New England’s opening drive, setting up the Ravens at the Patriots 17.

2010 Jets
The Jets sent at least five rushers in their two regular season meetings on 30-of-69 Brady dropbacks (44 percent), with Brady finishing 18-of-28 for 335 yards and three touchdowns against the added pressure.

Though the Jets won their first meeting of the season in Week 2, New England won 45-3 in Week 13 on Monday Night Football, highlighted by Brady’s 8-of-13, 199-yard, 3-TD performance against five-or-more rushers.

But in the playoffs, Rex Ryan and Mike Pettine changed things up. The Jets sent extra pressure on only 6-of-50 dropbacks (12 percent), and Brady was sacked five times in New York’s win. He finished 29-of-45 for 299 yards, two touchdowns and an interception in the Jets upset win.


Stop the running NE running game and sit back in coverage seems to be best option.
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