get killer instinct with that gift card
Did you see True Detective's second episode last weekend? Trust me my brother, you will thank me.
Whats with this got damn weather? freezing rain tonight and 1-2 inches of ice and snow tomorrow with a high of 34 in Houston? Fuck you Kave! Take you damn artic shit front back to Canada!
Yup......had to drive home in freezing rain here in New Braunfels.
11/10 dat Daddario
Already hard at work!Fuck Cleveland, fuck the Browns and fuck gray cats.
This is all Kaves fault.
Funny thing is: In July/August Ill be bitching about the lung boiling heat and humidity. Which will also be Kaves fault somehow.
Already hard at work!
Already hard at work!
Whats with this got damn weather? freezing rain tonight and 1-2 inches of ice and snow tomorrow with a high of 34 in Houston? Fuck you Kave! Take you damn artic shit front back to Canada!
Yup......had to drive home in freezing rain here in New Braunfels.
Whats with this got damn weather? freezing rain tonight and 1-2 inches of ice and snow tomorrow with a high of 34 in Houston? Fuck you Kave! Take you damn artic shit front back to Canada!
blah! this is what I hated about the new NHL All Stars system since they went non-Conference
same shit happening to the NFL and being a fan of team you get torn to not give a fuck because your team mates are divided up into opposing teams = fuck this
Who ever cared about the pro bowl?
no one. i did like the QB challenge when they had it though. i'd probably watch that if they brought it back but the actual game itself is horrible. still probably gets better ratings than a game 7 world series broadcast though
lol Van Pelt would rather be QB coach in GB than OC in Cleveland.
You're 42 minutes away from Lockhart. That's 42 minutes away from the greatest food known to man. Gogogogogogogo!
I go through Lockhart almost every day on the trainWhich place you talking about? There are a few great BBQ places there.
I bet thats fun for your drivers you dispatch
Suh apparently about to sign with Roc Nation. He gone.
condolences Kas. He's a great player but I'm not paying a DE a fortune. Draft some decent ones and move on after next season.
Brock, speaking on KXTG radio in Portland, Ore., said he learned from Packers offensive line coach James Campen that Packers guard Evan Dietrich-Smith was instructed to untie Suh's shoelaces at every possible opportunity during the game.
"'Anytime you can, just reach in; he's got floppy shoe laces, he doesn't spat (cover them with tape) or anything, just untie his shoes. It will irritate him.'"
Well I tried Blacks, Smittys, and Kreuz. It's all incredibly good but I think I liked Black's the best (even though their brisket was a bit salty). The only one I didn't try yet was Chisolm Trail or whatever (the "new" one, only been open since the 70s).
Untying shoe laces. That's definitely some thuggery...
Suh is an asshole. He killed his advertisement potential with the stomp and now wants to remake his image, probably in another city. I'd imagine he's going to have a very good 2014 season and then bounce.
this stuff is weird. *tries to hug the snow
get killer instinct with that gift card
so I can beat you up like Eli at his high school locker room
hey i'm in boston so know this holds special meaning. tom brady blows.
i'm drunk too so translate that
Lightweight Canadians smh
i'm like too many rum and cokes in and too many shots. you're lightweight
i'm waiting for my flight at my hotel and not sobering up fast enough b4. it's in 3 hours/
If theres a jesus you'll miss that flight
why do yo hate me again" i just know yiyu from :jnc but not anything else/ sorry buddy. i wish you best :jnc