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NFL Pro Bowl Week: Neon Deion vs. The Fumbling Fraud

Long and short of it is Ross wouldn't give any GM the power to fire Philbin either now or in the future, which is what pushed so many candidates away. Ross is really in love with Philbin so I guess we have final confirmation that he's a garbage HC.


Persecution Complex
Kas you dont even need a chocobo to pass Zolom!!

Really? I swear I never knew that. Even with the chocobo the Zolom was right on my tail and my heart was racing until I got to the Mythril Mines.

Eventually when I'm properly leveled up I'm gonna go back and whoop his ass because of those couple of hours of leveling up he cost me.


Jersey Jersey Jersey!



Who are these weirdos asking for Wes Welker's bottle of water? I thought this was a press conference.

Bing image search for "Wes Welker's bottle of water" and guess what I got? some naked dude that looks like Welker.

Seriously WTF Bing?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Will Seattle burn if they win or lose? I remember the ordeal in Vancouver a few years back that got Lunchbox banned...
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