I'm assuming #TeamChespin has seen its final evo?
No, but fuck the haters.
Yeah brah, that good shit.
Official NHL-GAF Poll: X or Y?
X here.
X, acid my man.
I'm assuming #TeamChespin has seen its final evo?
Yeah brah, that good shit.
Official NHL-GAF Poll: X or Y?
X here.
I have no allegiance. I just hate the fuck out of Sony. They are a vile company.
Ash has a brother? I haven't played a pokemon game since Emerald
So umm who is getting a PS4 and who is getting an XB1?
Xbox one.
hardcore = x1
silly casuals = ps4
its ok though, the last online match of hockey I played was against mike works almost a decade ago
LOL at least you're honest.
PS4. Maybe Xbox when new Halo comes out. And its $100 cheaper without that stupid kinect.
same here. converted to ps after my account got banned from a cod map pack glitch. ms won't get any of my money until halo is fixed. hopefully i can avoid the xboxone all together and theyll get released on pc.
So basically MacArthur and Grabovski cared more about playing rather than the team winning?
Good info to know.
Played for about 5 hrs last night on PS3 with some friends.. lol
I have not laughed so much in a long time, we were doing crazy shit. Robbing stores with helicopters as your getaway vehicle is awesome! Did a little golfing too.
The last few pages... boing! Except for the 12 year olds..wtf.
So basically MacArthur and Grabovski cared more about playing rather than the team winning?
Good info to know.
So umm who is getting a PS4 and who is getting an XB1?
I'm crossing my fingers for MacArthur to be held pointless tonight.
DId I hear that right? Leafs might be looking to trade Gardiner? Or is this speculation, I turned on the TV in the middle of the CBC convo.
Teams are calling about him. That's about it.DId I hear that right? Leafs might be looking to trade Gardiner? Or is this speculation, I turned on the TV in the middle of the CBC convo.
Teams are calling about him. That's about it.
Wooo it's been years since I was home to watch Leafs hockey on a Saturday night!
p.si dont have a 3ds to get x/y on forgive me nhlgaf
lol he gets so emotional about it too. Love the passion.
What did they do to you dopey to hate them this much?
Last time I watched Leafs hockey game, I called one of you drunk from the bar after we scored a million goals to bounce you.
I'm the consolation master.
That was me you called.
I know. Haven't seen you post much this season. I still like to believe that I saved your life that night.
That was me you called.
A crowd outside the ACC already?
Damn I have to get down to Toronto
For real. After the game, Sanjuro said he wanted to talk to a Leaf fan. I pm'd him my cell and 5 mins later we're talking about the game. I don't remember what we talked about at all, but it felt good to talk to him hahaha.
My heart is fully healed today. It feels good to cheer on the Leafs again. =)
This music sounds like the Power Rangers theme song.
For real. After the game, Sanjuro said he wanted to talk to a Leaf fan. I pm'd him my cell and 5 mins later we're talking about the game. I don't remember what we talked about at all, but it felt good to talk to him hahaha.
My heart is fully healed today. It feels good to cheer on the Leafs again. =)