31 Days of Horror: The Awakening |OT| The October Movie Marathon

7. The eyes of my mother(?)

Really enjoyed it. It was really short and straight to the point. i feel like thwy coulda drawn it out more tbh. Some scenes coulda been added to build some stronger relationships or explain a liitle more of what happened/s but overall i thought it was a treat!

Kagey K

Went on another short run of horror movies today.
9. Prom Night - A disco flick disguised as a horror movie. We are going to run through the entire series and from what I remember as a kid it doesn’t get better.

10. Troll - picked this because I watched it a million times as a kid and really liked it. My 11 year old got freaked out a bit by one of the deaths, but really enjoyed the rest of it.

11. Shocker - I decided I was going to finally scare him a bit so we watched this. Instead he got interested in how they did the special effects if they didn’t have CGI and loved that they jump through programming.

12. The Grudge - I finally decided he might be ready for some spooky images and themes. I wanted to show him The Ring, but we didn’t have enough time before Live PD started so I chose this instead. Finally he reacted to, and got freaked out by some of the creatures in a movie. So far he has slept fine, which makes me think he is moving up a step.

As an honourable mention I tried to put on Hellraiser instead of Shocker but he noped out the second he saw Pinhead.
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I'm currently going through season 1 of Into the Dark (they count as separate movies, right?). It's pretty annoying how a
white dude
almost every time ends up being a psychopath. ;) There were some very weak episodes like Treehouse, but I still go back mainly because of the cast and interesting premises. Pooka had a nice twist at the end and I'm Just Fucking with You (The April Fools' Day episode) was quite a ride, probably the best one so far.
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I'm currently going through season 1 of Into the Dark (they count as separate movies, right?). It's pretty annoying how a
white dude
almost every time ends up being a psychopath. ;) There were some very weak episodes like Treehouse, but I still go back mainly because of the cast and interesting premises. Pooka had a nice twist at the end and I'm Just Fucking with You (The April Fools' Day episode) was quite a ride, probably the best one so far.

Hope you enjoy them. I thought the Into The Dark series was mostly garbage.

Im Just Fucking With You Really is the best one, imo.


#7 Who Can Kill A Child? (1976)

Two British tourists holiday on a remote Spanish island. This is essentially like watching The Birds but instead with children. Very much a film of that era in terms of style and pacing. It takes it's time to build up an eerie atmosphere and bond with the characters. Some might find it a little too long and slow but I think it's worth it. It's unusual for horror in that it mostly takes place in the scorching sunshine. Best aspects are the atmosphere and theme. The film itself is not explicit but does have a couple of nasty moments. There is also some graphic newsreel footage at the beginning showing the deaths of children in various wars. You could read this film a couple of ways, most interestingly it raises the topic of child victims of modern warfare, collateral damage, and a possible anti-war message by placing the adults in the perspective of children; confused why their counterparts are acting in senseless murderous ways with a feeling of helplessness. Even if you take it as a straight up exploitation film it's well made and I liked it a lot.

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#8 Cronos (1993)

Continuing with the Spanish feel it's off to Mexico and it's lovely VW Beetles. This is a fairly classic story about someone becoming a vampire with some nice quirks and good characters. Overall, a nice little indie film. And Ron Perlman almost looks young! Maybe that's coz I'm getting old lol.



6. Hereditary (2018)
DAT DECAPITATION SCENE THO. Thoroughly enjoyed it. gets a bit on the spooky side. on the right track with this one.

7. Re-Animator (1985)
Eyebrows finds a way to re-animate bodies, loose face guy can hypnotize people only by talking. Did not enjoy the pacing, it takes too long to do too little I feel. It might be my millenial brain tho.


8. The Possession of Michael King (2014)
Watched it after Manus Manus description.
Great premise, sadly they use exclusively loud noise to startle you for nothing. otherwise had fun watching it, got a few chills from it.



7. Re-Animator (1985)
Eyebrows finds a way to re-animate bodies, loose face guy can hypnotize people only by talking. Did not enjoy the pacing, it takes too long to do too little I feel. It might be my millenial brain tho.


8. The Possession of Michael King (2014)
Watched it after Manus Manus description.
Great premise, sadly they use exclusively loud noise to startle you for nothing. otherwise had fun watching it, got a few chills from it.

Yeah besides the random jump scares that scene where he's with the older people in the basement still gives me the chills. I also enjoyed the concept of the main character wanting to get possessed on purpose.


7. Re-Animator (1985)
Eyebrows finds a way to re-animate bodies, loose face guy can hypnotize people only by talking. Did not enjoy the pacing, it takes too long to do too little I feel. It might be my millenial brain tho.
I like Re-Animator but I saw the sequel Bride of Re-Animator first and have always preferred it. It moves faster and is a little more over the top which I find fun.


8. The Possession of Michael King (2014)
Watched it after Manus Manus description.
Great premise, sadly they use exclusively loud noise to startle you for nothing. otherwise had fun watching it, got a few chills from it.

9? Daybreakers (2009) - It is horror adjacent it being vampires but yeah, still counting it.
Hematologist Ethan Hawke works at a blood pumping company to find a replacement to human blood since the world is a vampire. Also not paleontologist Sam Neill is always fun to see on screen. Really enjoyed it.

I like Re-Animator but I saw the sequel Bride of Re-Animator first and have always preferred it. It moves faster and is a little more over the top which I find fun.
the best part of that movie for me was when they went all in at the end.
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October 4th
Black Christmas[Amazon Prime]

I wasn't the biggest fan of this when I saw it before but after how atrocious the new remake looks I decided to give it another shot. Apart from the grating comedy and some up and down performances it's actually pretty good. I really like how it was shot and the kills were solid. Kidder was also a total babe in it.

October 5th
School Spirit[Hulu]

I had a bunch of these Hulu Into the Dark movies on my watchlist so I decided to give this one a go today. It's a standard kids at school being killed by a vengeful ghost kind of thing but the characters are so outlandish it's hard to take it seriously. The kills are ok but it's just a boring slog the whole way though.
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5. The Furies (Shudder) I might be the most gore-filled movie I've seen in a while. I really enjoyed it.
6. Q: The Winged Serpent (Shudder) Pretty fun. The effects do not age well, of course. Liked it.
7. It Stains The Sands Red (Shudder) Lady blood and zombies....It's a weird one.

Those and like five hours of Ghost Adventures on Travel channel.
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#9 Suspiria (2018) - on UK prime

It's been a long time since I've seen the original so I don't want to make any direct comparisons. They are quite different. For such a long, more dramatic film, it really pulled me in. Top quality performances and direction. If I were to make a criticism it's that this is a simple story with an awful lot of window dressing and not much depth, but it does look and feel great so I wasn't unhappy and liked it plenty. Just don't expect too much from it.



#9 Suspiria (2018) - on UK prime

It's been a long time since I've seen the original so I don't want to make any direct comparisons. They are quite different. For such a long, more dramatic film, it really pulled me in. Top quality performances and direction. If I were to make a criticism it's that this is a simple story with an awful lot of window dressing and not much depth, but it does look and feel great so I wasn't unhappy and liked it plenty. Just don't expect too much from it.


One of my all time favorite movies, love everything about the remake. Saving it for later in the month.


11. Rewatch. The Exorcist (Directors Cut). Not much to say about this film that already hasn't been said. All time classic and the bluray transfer looked so good on the OLED. I need to breakdown and finally watch the sequels as bad as they are.


12. Rewatch. [REC]. One of my all time favorite found footage film. Loved the take on the film with them not actually being zombies. Way better than the American remake that is Quarantine. Do yourself a favor if you've never seen this classic.


11. Rewatch. The Exorcist (Directors Cut). Not much to say about this film that already hasn't been said. All time classic and the bluray transfer looked so good on the OLED. I need to breakdown and finally watch the sequels as bad as they are.
IMO the earlier sequels are night and day. 2 is laughable nonsense. 3, despite studio interference, is very gripping. All three films have different feels. It's an odd trilogy. I've not seen the more recent stuff.

Also, Blatty's original book is a real page turner. Remember really enjoying that.


9? Daybreakers (2009) - It is horror adjacent it being vampires but yeah, still counting it.
Hematologist Ethan Hawke works at a blood pumping company to find a replacement to human blood since the world is a vampire. Also not paleontologist Sam Neill is always fun to see on screen. Really enjoyed it.

10. The Birds (1963)
ok so. great movie until aggressive 10 minutes of synth noise. I laughed more than i should i think, that diner scene is comedy gold.


#10 Night Nurse Massacre (1976) - on UK prime
aka Naked Massacre / Born for Hell

It caught my attention that a review of this said it was an old film cynically repackaged as clickbait, and I couldn't find out the original title. So I watched it and looked it up. It's only short but interesting. A Vietnam vet turns up in Belfest and eventually enters the home of a group of young female nurses. I'll let you work out the rest. It's the sort of gritty, sleazy, sadistic cinema that the 70s is well known for. Originally I thought the murders seemed a bit unrealistic and then found that it's based on the true story of Richard Speck. The murders are actually mostly accurate (except for one bizarre scene) so were probably portrayed badly, and it's all dressed up with an untrue war and terrorism background. Home invasion stories are not my kind of genre so I didn't care for it much. I don't really think they are what I call horror. Even so it's pretty well put together for it's low budget, and has an interesting background to the cast and crew. It succeeds in creating an unpleasant atmosphere but despite aiming to be a more serious film there's not a lot to it beyond the idea that war or bad upbringing creates monsters. So it mostly feels a bit too downbeat and ugly. A similar movie I preferred is The Boston Strangler.

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Another 2 fer today .

6. Tales of Halloween- An anthology movie with a high camp factor . There are 10 stories and for a 90 min movie the pacing is pretty quick And I think serves it pretty well . I really enjoyed this one . It's on Amazon Prime . I couldn't find a gif for this one with out really giving anything away considering how short the stories are

7.Flight 666- Ugh. No . I normally am very forgiving of horror movies but this one I just didn't like . People on a plane getting spooked by ghosts . There that's it . I'm sure there is more to it but to be honest I didn't pay too much attention but I technically made it to the end .



8. The Invoking -Woman inherits a cabin in the woods(heh) from family members and goes there with friends to visit . They start going crazy and seeing visions . Terribly acted , bad cinematography but the plot was okay at best . Between this and Flight 666 I'm going to need a palette cleanser ,maybe some Bettlejuice or Ghostbusters

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October 7th



Okay, I was gonna not post this because after watching, I decided this was more of a series of grotesque images and less of a story. German movie.

Spoilers ahead.

It's a story about this social deviant fucker who somehow has a smoking hot girlfriend who also shares his disgusting fetish for necrophilia.

The guy has a human body part collection which he keeps in jars full of fluid. How does he obtain these body parts? WELL, his occupation is to go and retrieve dead bodies with other professional dead body retrievers. And I guess every time he goes on these visits, he sneaks away a lung or two.

One day on one of his trips, he is given responsibility to transport a dead body by himself, but this time instead of transporting the body he takes it home to share it with his smoking hot girlfriend. It's well decayed so it's mostly skeleton and slimy with fluids dripping and the insides fermenting.

Dude and his girlfriend have passionate sex with the thing. They suck out the eyeball and savor it. Smoking hot girlfriend saws off a piece of a metal rod and attaches to the skeleton and fucks it. Dude later gets fired from his job because his coworkers are sick of him. Smoking hot girlfriend then dumps him. Runs away with the corpse.

Then it's a downward spiral journey for the guy where he ultimately ends up stabbing himself in the stomach while at the same time wanking for the last time and busting a huge nut.

It is hinted that the reason for his sick affinity for dead things is traced back to his childhood where he watched his father or something slaughter and skin a rabbit. Actual footage of this is shown in the movie several times, I guess to raise the question of "what's the difference between the insides of a rabbit and a human?". Which I found pretty dumb.

If you're into gnarly grotesque imagery, this could be a good time. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it.
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#11 Dread (2009) - on UK prime

Three students make a documentary study about fear. One of them turns out to be a bit disturbed and things get messy. More on the thriller end of horror. I didn't expect much from this but it's really well made and held my attention all the way. Builds up the tension right to the finish. Thumbs up.

For #8 Last night I watched a hidden gem on Amazon Prime called Digging Up the Marrow. It's a very well done mockumentary about monsters, written, directed, and starring Adam Green (Hatchet franchise, Frozen, Holliston) as himself.

Starts slow as all Blair Witch style mockumentaries do, but gets creepy and pulls off a couple good scares. Highly recommend it.
8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

It's definitely not a strong sequel at all. which disappoints me because I feel it has a lot to go off of and was part of the classics era where sequels still had potential.... I commend the film for actually trying to upend most everything of the original and bring in a pretty fresh plot and location...unfortunately, SO much of it just makes so little sense and feels like its just there to fill up screen time. took awhile to get into anything as well imo. Im not sure if they were going for comedy, but it feels like this was part of the foundation of where horror comedies started. production budget feels like there was none, and what they did have was spent in the wrong places. essentially you can sum up this movie with " 60% of the movie is the MC screaming at the top of her lungs into the camera for an awkwardly long time, 40% is leather face standing around shaking a chainsaw or unnecessarily cutting inanimate objects instead of just killing the person directly in front of him. (i get he is conflicted and doesnt want to kill his love interest, but still it makes no sense to me.)

bonus points for dennis hopper and yet they used him terribly.

positive I could make a better TCM.
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Had a feeling you wouldn't like it.


13. Rewatch. Neon Demon. This is one of my all time favorite horror films. The visuals alone are worth a watch. It's a Nicolas Winding Refn film and you can totally tell, has all his style from Drive and Only God Forgives. Absolute treat for the eyes.

Winding Refn has never let me down. :messenger_ok:


9. Slender Man - Went in with low expectations and think I enjoyed it more because of that . Typical high schoolers messing urban myths and finding out it has some merit causing bad things to happen . I kind of have a soft spot for horror that goes into myths, legends and stuff like that .Creepy at times but predictable at others .Really middle of the road stuff for me Caught it on Starz


October 8th


The Exorcist 1973

Finally saw this. I didn't have the attention span for it when I was younger.

Great, comfy watch. I love the way the movie starts out in the middle east with the sounds of Islamic player ringing. I fucking love it when horror movies involve religion and ancient things because it brings in a real-world mysteriousness. And I love it when it involves quiet old men that have seen some shit in their time. Dude's out there in the desert digging up creepy old things from way back. What may have happened with all these scary ass relics from thousands of years ago? Great.

I loved how medically aware the production of this movie was, too. Shit incrementally gets more and more bonkers but the film tries eagerly to stay grounded with it's medical explanations.

Little girl starts out happy then begins to act all hyperactive and aggressive. Of course it's fucking normal because she's 12 and her body is changing, right? But then her symptoms gradually escalate and all of a sudden she looks like a zombie. Doctors hypothesize several diagnoses and brain scans to see wtf is wrong with her until finally say fuck this shit. None of this makes any sense. Your ass needs god. "Somnambuliform Possession" was the final confirmed diagnosis. A fictional diagnosis. LOL

Visually the film hasn't aged very well but you could tell that if you watched this in 1973 it would have been very effective because that was a world without internet or cellphones. Nobody could tape some shit on their iphone. If you heard some scary shit you were more inclined to believe it because you couldn't go google that shit. Mysteries were so much more mysterious. You can't recreate this movie in 2019. You have to go into this wearing the lens of 1973. If you can do that this could be a good time.


Had a feeling you wouldn't like it.


13. Rewatch. Neon Demon. This is one of my all time favorite horror films. The visuals alone are worth a watch. It's a Nicolas Winding Refn film and you can totally tell, has all his style from Drive and Only God Forgives. Absolute treat for the eyes.

oh shit what the hell is this, gonna watch it tonight


October 6th
31 [Amazon Prime]

Finally got around to watching this. The hyperbole about it being the worst movie ever is silly and it isn't even Zombie's worst movie. The dialogue and characters don't quite work and the excessive shakey, close-up stuff is grating but it's otherwise pretty serviceable as these things go.

October 7th:
The Ghost Galleon [Amazon Prime]

Spanish movie about swimsuit models and a Spanish ghost ship. The plot is absurd and more complicated than it needed to be making the first hour kind of dull but it picks up a bit near the end as the ship is nice and atmospheric even if they don't do much with it. The dialogue and performances are super hammy but it still isn't anything to write home about.

October 8th:
My Boyfriend's Back [Blu-ray]

One of my favorite movies with a new Blu-ray release from Kino Lorber. A guy gets shot and comes back to life as a zombie to take the girl of his dreams to the prom. It's an absurd movie but it is a ton of fun. The zombie elements are somewhat light but I don't think it really detracts from the movie as it leans heavy into the comedy early on. The transfer is nice although there is a bunch of speckling and some other minor print damage.

October 9th:
Tamara[Amazon Prime]

This was a movie I always passed by in the video store so I finally gave it a shot. The girls are gorgeous but it's a fairly bog standard mid 2000s horror flick otherwise. An unpopular high school girl dies than comes back for revenge but it isnt paced all that well and the actress playing Tamara just doesnt have the charisma to really make the character work.
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14. Rewatch. Lights Out. A full length film made from a short film David Sandberg did. Awesome little horror film, the evil spirit in this is just sooooo creepy. Something just showing up out of nowhere once you turn the lights off is pure nightmare fuel. Another highly recommend, film flies by to since it's only 80 minutes long.


Kagey K

So we slowed down on the horror movies a bit. Started watching watching Ash vs Evil Dead which seems good so far. It picks up after the trilogy and is fun through the first couple episodes.

My son wanted a break as he was worried we were going to keep dialing it up after the grudge so we went to an old favorite “ The Adams Family”

Finally we finished:
13. Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou.

Surprisingly it was better then I remembered, I guess I didn’t have the patience for it as a kid after watching Freddy and Jason. I think it’s a better movie then the 1st was.

I would also like to use this as a reminder to anyone over 18 who has shudder and hasn’t watched it yet to watch Kuso. It’s a movie you will never watch again, but damn does it really need to be seen once.


#12 The Other Hell (1981) - on UK prime

Some mild nunsploitation. It's a little like if The Name of the Rose had been written by the guy who wrote and directed Troll 2. Oh, right, this was written by Claudio Fragasso. When his name came up I was very excited. Like so much old Italian horror, stuff happens because it looks cool, stuff happens very slowly, and all with a funky electronic soundtrack playing. This has music from one of my favourite Goblin albums. If I fell asleep and dreamt this film it would make more sense. Still, there's always something going on and it's got flair, I enjoyed watching it. Great schlock.


Super underrated film. The makeup and costume design are simply top notch and it's reliance on mainly practical effects (the horse scene being an exception) and well crafted set pieces give it a great sense of atmosphere. I think this film might actually have some of the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a horror film. It's amazing soundtrack also does a great job at really increasing the impact of certain scenes. There's so many scenes in this movie that have immense weight or gravitas, it's completely unnerving in a psychological matter.

Vincent D'Onofrio is at his absolute best and completely steals the movie even though Jennifer Lopez actually gives a really good performance in this as well.

It's weird because I kind of feel like Lopez has kind of had this stigma about her that keeps this film from becoming a big cult classic. Even though the film is incredibly well crafted with a surprisingly good story to it.


Super underrated film.
Nice call. Haven't seen it in ages, I did like it and the visuals. Lopez was doing pretty well at the time, also in that Soderbergh movie, Out of Sight? I really don't remember Vince Vaughn being in this. Anyhow. Definitely one worth people discovering or re-discovering.

Might have to do a double bill with Dreamscape.


10. The Silence - A lot of people compare this movie to A Quiet Place but little know that both movies were created at around the same time except this one never got a distributor till Netflix came along and scooped it up.It does has a similar format such as both creatures attacking based on sound , I find them different enough that it could be worth a watch . Not great by any means and I actually found it a bit darker than AQP but I was able to make it through till the end .

11. Truth or Dare- One of those movies that you wanna watch to see how the next death will occur . A group of friends go to Mexico for vacation and end up playing a game of Truth or Dare in the ruins of an old church but the game didn't end there . Something follows them back and forces them to continue to play . Below average but wanting to see how things went was a driving factor for me




10. The Birds (1963)
ok so. great movie until aggressive 10 minutes of synth noise. I laughed more than i should i think, that diner scene is comedy gold.

11.Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
I don't know why this was in the horror section. It's a movie about a serial killer, and a brother and a sister. I might be desensitized... great watch tho.


12. The Blood Queen [Lady of Csejte] (2015)
Saw it in horror section of Amazon prime, decided to give it a go. always was fascinated by elizabeth bathory's story. I should have consulted IMDB before that watch. the movie is fine at best.
Warning : Child actors are the main actors.


13.The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015)
Two Teenage girls are left behind in a boarding school during winter break. eerie atmosphere happens
My lack of sleep made this movie less enjoyable and the fact i thought brown haired girl was Emma Roberts didn't help.
once i figured it out, It was quite enjoyable, definitely a slow burn, without a big finish. Would recommend.

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