31 Days of Horror: The Awakening |OT| The October Movie Marathon


#19 Dr Tarr’s Torture Dungeon (1973) aka The Mansion of Madness

Odd one. A Mexican film based on a Poe story set in France. Essentially a reporter visits an asylum and finds the patients have taken over. It's a little over the top, sometimes weird, edges toward disturbing but never fully makes it, and among many random moments has flushes of comedy music (which I could have done without). It's visually very memorable thanks to good locations and a bit of nice filming. Wanted to like it more but it's a messy curiosity.



Just passing through to give a heads up, "Eli" which seems to be another Netflixc exclusive is pretty alright as well, pretty fun movie, a little disturbing but not scary necessarily. Good stuff.



18. The Omen. Rewatch. One of the all time greats. Best part is Gregory Peck. Who would of thought we would actually get him in a horror film. Love actors stepping out of their comfort game.


19. It Follows. Rewatch. One of my top five horror films. Just absolutely love everything about this film. I think my favorite standout from it is its soundtrack, Disasterpeace did an amazing job. So much dread with the soundtrack plus beautiful melodies that remind me of his soundtrack from Fez. Also love how it's super hard to find out what time period this film takes in.


Another good horror flick, The Faculty:

The other day I rewatched They Live followed by The Faculty. Was impressed by how both of them have this somewhat dated yet timeless quality at the same time. Coincidentally, they sort of complement each other as well.
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20. REWATCH - Gremlins (1984)
A dad is venturing through chinatown to sell his newest invention. He gets to an old shop with a creepy one eyed Chinese old man an tries to buy a weird ass hamster for his son.
Even tho it's a Christmas movie, I don't care, I love gremlins and its classified as horror. Bonus Found a 4k re-release of it.

21. Hatchet (2006) (watched yesterday right before bed)
It made me laugh a bunch , death scenes were good, good ratio of nude breasts to clothed ones. I was Pleasantly surprised. Thanks for the recommendation guys.
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I just thought I'd randomly pop in here to say I just watched Lake Mungo as Chris Stuckmann recently reviewed it. I enjoyed it.
I have seen many horror films and some of them do scare me. But this film, it sent chills down my back, no movie has ever done that to me before.

I don't want to say anything about it as I don't want to ruin it. You know the name of the film now and you can watch it on Amazon Prime if you are interested.
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21. Hatchet (2006) (watched yesterday right before bed)
It made me laugh a bunch , death scenes were good, good ratio of nude breasts to clothed ones. I was Pleasantly surprised. Thanks for the recommendation guys.

22. Housebound (2014)Rewatch
Girl gets caught robbing an atm, gets put under house arrest and starts noticing weird stuff happening in the house.
Was thoroughly enjoying that movie until 30 minutes from the end when you learn something about that movie explaining why weird stuff happens. - I did not remember anything of the movie until that point and Having a still shrink wrapped blu-ray of it was not expecting a re-watch. completely forgot I saw it in theaters, loved it an bought it.- Starts off serious, gets goofy, always interesting.
I recommend it.


I feel I should give May a watch.

I remember it being a decent character study in a low budget horror setting.
Had a good soundtrack too.

Love the whispering ghost in the second reminds me of Grandma from King Diamond's Them.


22. Housebound (2014)Rewatch
Girl gets caught robbing an atm, gets put under house arrest and starts noticing weird stuff happening in the house.
Was thoroughly enjoying that movie until 30 minutes from the end when you learn something about that movie explaining why weird stuff happens. - I did not remember anything of the movie until that point and Having a still shrink wrapped blu-ray of it was not expecting a re-watch. completely forgot I saw it in theaters, loved it an bought it.- Starts off serious, gets goofy, always interesting.
I recommend it.

23. The Loved Ones (2009)
Prom movie about a girl that gets the boy she wants even tho he rejected her by sheer dedication and hard work of her father
I really liked it , it had been on my list for a while and finally got around to it after posts from here. It's a good watch!
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23. The Loved Ones (2009)
Prom movie about a girl that gets the boy she wants even tho he rejected her by sheer dedication and hard work of her father
I really liked it , it had been on my list for a while and finally got around to it after posts from here. It's a good watch!

24. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Young couple moves in a new appartment with envading neighboors. Girl gets pregnant and slightly paranoid
few good scenes far and wide between. good atmosphere but I did not like it. It got kind of boring and nothing much was happening. I'm starting to believe I dislike Roman Polanski's movies.
Tired of Watching movies, gonna go do something else.
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#20 I Remember You (2017)

This one is from Iceland, has some nice barren scenery. A suicide and the case of a missing child reveal some spooky goings on. It's a mystery with some chiller elements and a bit of drama. Nothing special but if you like these kind of ghost stories it's a well made one. Bit of a slow burner.



October 16th:
Noroi: the Curse[Shudder]

Great little found footage/mockumentary film from Japan that becomes really unsettling in the second half. Some people seem to find the slow first half and large number of characters to be a problem but they don't detract from it at all for me.

October 17th:
Alien[4K Blu-ray]
Missed out on seeing the theatrical re-release so I ended up watching at home. Still holds up so well aside from a few early awkward dialogue exchanges. I love how even before the xenomorph shows up the film creates a world so alien to us but still tangible and believable. The excellent production design and practical effects are really what make the rest of the film work. It's a pretty simple horror film in actuality but the execution is so perfect that you almost forget that it's a movie you've seen a million times before.

October 18th:

A movie that will obviously invite some comparisons to the Witch but it is really its own thing. It's harrowing and full of despair but may not really scratch the horror itch for some. I didn't love it but it was still a very fine film aside from a few issues.
Anyone see 3 From Hell yet? I watched it tonight. I didn’t think it was on par with The Devil’s Rejects, but it was pretty good. If he’s going to make any horror movie, though, then they NEED to let him take a stab at Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It’s perfect for him. It makes a LOT more sense than giving him Halloween.
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24. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Young couple moves in a new appartment with envading neighboors. Girl gets pregnant and slightly paranoid
few good scenes far and wide between. good atmosphere but I did not like it. It got kind of boring and nothing much was happening. I'm starting to believe I dislike Roman Polanski's movies.
Tired of Watching movies, gonna go do something else.

25. The Ravenous [Les Affamés] (2017) - On Netflix
Zombie movie in the boonies of Québec. [only available in french , subtitled]
I enjoyed the movie, like the fact zombies are actually doing something else than just chasing people around. liked seeing one of my childhood's favorite tv actor in there too. I recommend it, kind of basic but I really liked it.


26. Starry Eyes (2014)
Los angeles waitress, with the least supporting friends ever, has an interview with Weinstein Company
It was a movie. I don't regret watching it. kind of a good 6/10. I don't know what to say about it other than that...


27. Black Sheep (2006)
Wake up Sheeple, y'all need to watch this.
I had so much fun watching this movie, jumped to my favorite list of must watch.
basically a dumb zombie movie including sheeps.
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#19 Hellarious

This was the Horror Pack limited edition blu ray for September. 7 story horror anthology. Wasn't funny even though billed as horror comedy, stories were ok. Can't really recommend it.

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17. Chopping Mall (Shudder)
Goofy-ass robot.

18. Tigers Are Not Afraid (Shudder)
Pretty solid Spanish-language movie. Not that scary, but solid film.

19. Still/Born (Shudder)
Postpartum psychosis + demons, I guess.

20. Hellfest (Blu-Ray) REWATCH
Fun slasher. Definitely a good one for October.

21. Day Of The Dead: Bloodline (Netflix)
Needed to fit in a zombie film. Nothing special. Nice zombie-gore, though.
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#21 Bloodstone: Subspecies 2 (1993)

I do like it when a sequel picks up exactly where the last film finished. And while this series feels a bit tacky with it's average storyline and super villain vampire, it's still entertaining me. Same director as last time with more good locations and a bit of style about it.


#22 Night of the Creeps (1986)

80s frat house comedy meets 50s monster B-movie. Very silly tongue in cheek story and pretty good fun for nostalgia fans.



#23 Haute Tension (2003)

Brutal. and Crazy. Amusing ending.


#24 Exorcismo (1975)

No guesses for what inspired this. Throw in some murders, satanic rituals, and a lot of scenes talking to a priest and you have this tipico eurotrash. I like to laze with this stuff but it's really not good. And it was a bold attempt to convince me this was set in Bristol.




20. Crawl. Rewatch. Saw this in theaters and loved it so had to pick it up on bluray. Pissed it didn't get a 4K release. Loved everything about it, we definitely need more films like this in the summer. Was such a fresh air from all the super hero slop that's constantly releasing in the summer.


21. Horns. Rewatch. Another Akexabdre Aja film. Such a unique story for a horror film. Would love to get around to read the novel it's actually based off of. Radcliffe did an excellent job.


I've watched Terrifier twice now, and I think they could really go places with this character. He's creepy as fuck. Plus, it's got some of the nastiest kill scenes in it.

There is a sequel coming out too. I think I posted a link in the horror thread. Apparently there is a mass-casualty scene or something like that in the works.

edit: Actually made a thread about it. I forgot.

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I haven't posted un a while but I haven't stopped watching so this post is going to be kinda quick and dirty

Movies 17,18,19 -A Nightmare on Elm St 1,2,3 . Caught these on SyFy (not in order for some reason you f*cktards). These are what I like to call the "serious" Freddy movies as he seems more "let's just get to the point" in these .1 is the classic simple "killer after death continues killing" .3 gets really interesting by introducing the idea that the dreamers can {kinda} protect themselves and fight back while in the dream they can't . 2 was the odd one out as it changed his concept a bit that now he can come out of the dream and kill and it's definitely divisive but I still watch it when it's on . In 4,5, and final they ramp up the camp , give him way more to say much more of a personality.

1-5 are all on Syfy on demand and will be watching them today!!

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#20 The House October Built

Extremely well done found footage movie about a group of friends going to Haunted attractions seeking out extreme haunts, and things go too far. Spooky more than scary, great chemistry by the cast of which they are friends (2 are brothers) in real life.

#21 The House October Built 2

Picks up a year later dealing with the aftermath of the original. More polished, less scary.

#22 The House October Built 90 min Original Documentary (on THOB 1 blu ray as a special feature)

The original documentary style found footage film that played at festivals. Shot in sd, so when they sold the film, they couldn't use the footage and had to re-shoot the entire movie that became The House October Built, very similar but with a different more ambiguous ending.

Bonus Spooks

#23 Creepshow the series Ep 1-4 (Streaming on Shudder)

Weekly show with 2 stories per episode. So far this has well exceeded any expectation for a a Creepshow reboot or for any horror anthology. The first 3 episodes were super solid, the 4th not so much, There are two more episodes to go this and next Thursday.

#24 Holliston Season 1 and 2 (All 17 Episodes on 2 blu rays)

This is a horror sitcom that appeared on the now defunct Fear net years ago. It's written by and stars Adam Green (Hatchet Franchise) also starring Joe Lynch (Director of Wrong Turn 2) , Laura Ortiz, and Corrie English. Cameos by Sid Haig, Tony Todd, Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder and more. HILLARIOUS show about 2 guys struggling trying to male horror movies while being broke and dealing with personal life issues. I can't recommend it enough.

Here's a taste

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