31 Days of Horror: The Awakening |OT| The October Movie Marathon

I have no idea what jiffy pop is. but ok!




Tenaciousmo Tenaciousmo is going for the world record. :)

and I won't lie. I've got through a lot of popcorn this month. Cinema sweet. MMmmmmmm.

This is my last two for the marathon.

#35 Subspecies: The Awakening (1998)

It's back to Michelle's never ending week from hell. Now with a creepy scientist trying to cure vampirism. Still enjoying this series even though it's getting more rough around the edges and really does ramble on like a cheesy soap. This whole series has become a guilty pleasure.


#36 Greatful Dead (2013)

A black comedy about a woman who stalks lonely people. It gets both very dark and very silly. Had a lot of fun watching it.



41. The ruins (2008)
Plants are evil, deforestation is good.
drunk & dumb kids go to weird latin-american ruins to find what happened to brother of a guy.
great mutilation scenes and really liked the almost lack of active threat. Liked the movie.


42. Tales of Halloween (2015)
It was on my backlog for a while and my coworker left it at work.
Anthology of short stories in the same neighbourhood on Halloween
Normal one of those. I did enjoy 2-3 stories more than the other, The devil one , the kid witch one, and decoration one. would recommend it if you've watched all the other anthology movies like creepshow/ tales from the crypt


43. Cabin in the Wood (2011) - Rewatch
This has to be one of my favorite "horror" movie.
Group of teens go to a cousin's cabin. Cabin is a set where people are filming for some reasons. (revealed in the first few minutes)
Good meta movie with actually liikeable character and a hot making out scene with a moose.
BlackOlivesMatter BlackOlivesMatter jiffy pop wasn't as amazing as you made it out to be , still good, just pretty similar to microwave popcorn except no unpopped kernels or burnt if all popped


44.Shaun of the Dead (2004) - Rewatch
Classic watch makes me want to watch all the Simon Pegg/ Nick Frost movie.
Guy gets dumped because he sucks. Ends up going to the bar. Zombie happens.
Serously funny, and great. one of the best movie ever IMO. I can totaly see this being me in that situation, ending up at the bar getting a pint.
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44.Shaun of the Dead (2004) - Rewatch
Classic watch makes me want to watch all the Simon Pegg/ Nick Frost movie.
Guy gets dumped because he sucks. Ends up going to the bar. Zombie happens.
Serously funny, and great. one of the best movie ever IMO. I can totaly see this being me in that situation, ending up at the bar getting a pint.

45. The Dead Don't Die (2019)
One of my most awaited movie of the year, starring Adam Driver and Bill Murray, directed by Jarmusch.
Great quirk, BUT the first hour will kill anyone that came for a zombie killing flick. It takes it's time setting up the town of Centerville, Population 738
Every character is full of charm from katana wielding Scottish tilda, to MAGA Buscemi. It is by no mean close to Shaun of the dead, but might become one of my favorite zombie comedy.
I really hope all of you can take a lookm at this. There is some great scenes and moments in there with Adam driver being a deadpan zombie killer.

Thank you all for this great october month. Thanks for movie ideas and culinairy tips about popcorn. wish you all a safe halloween and Godspeed, Until next year.

Kagey K

I remember being creeped out by The fourth kind (2009), The Haunting in connecticut (2009), Jeepers creepers (I was young, haven't seen it since mostly because i only recently learned the title of it), Hills have eyes (2006), and darkness falls (2003) Note that those were seen as teenager / at their launch, most of them.
I didn’t have to go that far.
Final Destination creeped him out a bit, and then Final Destination 2 drove it home.

Funnily enough it was the ladder through the eye and the kid getting crushed by the window that broke him. To be fair though, I still get nervous anytime I’m around a logging truck on the highway because of FD2.

I cleansed his pallet with Tucker and Dale vs Evil which he found hilarious, because everyone kept killing themselves trying to defeat the “evil” rednecks.

I’m pretty sure I passed the 31 movie challenge, but I’m not sure I logged them all here.
All in all this was the best horror year I’ve had in a long time, because we spent a lot of it introducing my son to some of my favorite movies and I didn’t have to slog through some newer “better” movies because I try not to do rewatches.

The campy 80s killer kills, killer dies is what I needed to remind me why I love this genre.

He asked me tonight if we can do a few days of bonus features as we transition from Halloween to Remembrance Day he even asked if we could include a couple Christmas horror films in our XMas watchlist.
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Been a great month. I noticed that this year's thread is longer and busier. Has led to a bunch more stuff on my watch list. I get most of my entertainment from personal recommendations, so threads like this are just what I need. Cheers all. Will be back next year.

Thanks OP ThatStupidLion ThatStupidLion
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really happy people enjoyed the thread this year. lots of good discussion.

I stopped posting my thoughts in the 2nd half of the month as my second son was born, but I continued with my watching thats for sure. dont think i got 31 in though.


really happy people enjoyed the thread this year. lots of good discussion.

I stopped posting my thoughts in the 2nd half of the month as my second son was born, but I continued with my watching thats for sure. dont think i got 31 in though.
Congratulations on your second ! Hope everything went well


October 26th:
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark[Amazon Prime], Hocus Pocus[Blu-ray]

Elvira is another Halloween staple for me. Totally delivers on everything you want out of an Elvira film.

Haven't watched Hocus Pocus and it's still just as great as it always was. I forgot how big a crush I had on Thora Birch when I was little.

October 27th:
Arachnophobia[Blu-ray], Crawl[Blu-ray]

Two movies that show off real competent filmmaking that is in such small supply these days. Marshal makes great use of angles and really solid editing and timing to build suspense and make those spiders as scary as possible. Aja shows off great visual storytelling in Crawl and both movies really get setups and payoffs.

October 28th

Holy crap this Blu-ray transfer is stunning. I only watched the movie on an old Tartan dvd previously but the movie really is a looker. I also noticed how great the score is on this viewing. The movie is an absolute classic and now it really looks and sounds like one.

October 29th:
Friday the 13th part V: A New Beginning[Blu-ray]

My favorite Friday flick. Tons of kills, tons of boobs, and I loved the stuff with Tommy and the bigger focus on hiding the identity of the killer. The movie is sleazy and ridiculous which is all I ask.

October 30th:
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors[Blu-ray]

All I can say is whoever did the costume design for Nancy deserves a raise. Rest of the movie is full of so many great ideas and setpieces that it really drives home how pedestrian so many of today's movies are.

October 31st:
The Gate, Monster Squad, The Stuff[Amazon Prime]

Had originally planned on watching some Hammer films but still made for a great day anyway.

That was my October viewing which honestly looks my viewings the rest of the year.

Bonus Halloween pics:




October 28th

Holy crap this Blu-ray transfer is stunning. I only watched the movie on an old Tartan dvd previously but the movie really is a looker. I also noticed how great the score is on this viewing. The movie is an absolute classic and now it really looks and sounds like one.

October 29th:
Friday the 13th part V: A New Beginning[Blu-ray]

My favorite Friday flick. Tons of kills, tons of boobs, and I loved the stuff with Tommy and the bigger focus on hiding the identity of the killer. The movie is sleazy and ridiculous which is all I ask.

Will have to see about getting Ringu. Love that movie. Funnily enough I've been making do with a rip of my old VHS version from when it came out. Which is kinda appropriate but I should really upgrade.

Whenever I watch the Fridays it always gets me how much fun they are. Especially the run from 4-7. Better than the Halloweens.
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Will have to see about getting Ringu. Love that movie. Funnily enough I've been making do with a rip of my old VHS version from when it came out. Which is kinda appropriate but I should really upgrade.

Whenever I watch the Fridays it always gets me how much fun they are. Especially the run from 4-7.

it's part of a big box set with the ring 0, ring 2, and rasen. The original is the only with a fancy transfer though.

And yeah the fridays are usually solidly entertaining. Well, outside of 9 and the reboot anyway.


Sucks that I didn't quite make it to 31 this year, but 8/10 movies I watch are usually horror anyway. Everyone don't forget about the Horror Gaf thread:

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