I'll get on after the leafs game if there's anything going on.
Let's go sons. I am going to play like an 8 year old tonight.
No one likes you...
That is all.
Haven't played in a while as I was busy with work. Anyone up for some games tonight?
ill probably be around after 9:30pm EST ish
if we get enough people on you can try out goalie like you wanted to
I think I did the best, as I faced the most shots/best chances.
and a highlight of me laying the sauce on thick from last week
Viz Saucy Sharing to Legit
Anyone gonna be on tonight? I know we're down Aces and Leg it.
How's an hr sound from now? Too late?
Something something Adam Oates. We need a quote section.
Anyone else for games tonight? I'll be on after the Leafs game.
That's some skill right there...