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Niche Gamer: "Gamedevs, stop apologizing to people who don't buy or play video games."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Just stop. The Punch a Nazi is a *opens up book of stupid Twitter terms* "dog whistle" for those who think everyone that likes Trump is a racist alt-right Nazi. If you don't believe me, go play Wolfenstein II. 99.9% of the time you're shootng Nazis, not punching them.

Are some people upset that they are falsely labeled a Nazi, turning around and identifying as one when they saw the #PunchaNazi ad for Wolfenstein II? I'm confused here. If you know you are being mislabeled a Nazi just because you like Trump, then why would that same person think Bethesda's ad was talking about them getting punch?
lol, there literally was no outrage. If anything it shows how people are gullible and will believe anything when it fits their narrative. It was a pretty good marketing move though.
And yet, there was actually a boycott campaign against Play-Asia, as I already showed. For there to be no outrage, then there we wouldn't have seen any attempts to mobilize a boycott.

The side that has lolcow.

I'm pretty sure you are familiar with it.
Cool, so the side that resorted to doxxing.
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The people that make the game about killing Hitler and Nazis. Did people forget that there are actual Nazis in Wolfenstein II?
Yeah but i don't think the "punch a nazi" line was meant for those originally. When a liberal says "punch a nazi" he really means "punch that guy who i say is a nazi".


But how do you know these people don't play videogames?

Every time a progressive group is targeted for marketing that upsets the people they call "gamers", the game has a hard time selling. It's best to keep politics—both sides—out of your marketing. Just make fun games for everyone.

Are some people upset that they are falsely labeled a Nazi, turning around and identifying as one when they saw the #PunchaNazi ad for Wolfenstein II? I'm confused here. If you know you are being mislabeled a Nazi just because you like Trump, then why would that same person think Bethesda's ad was talking about them getting punch?

I've already explained that but I'll try again. In 2017-2018, what does "Punch a Nazi" mean? Who are the Nazis? I've seen people go as far as to say Ben Shapiro a Nazi (example in case "that's not true"). I've been called a Nazi and I'm pretty sure that would totally violate my religious beliefs. So if everyone is now a white supremacist and a Nazi, then what does Punch a Nazi mean and if you're pushing that marketing in current culture, who is that ad targeting?

Why would someone think Bethesda is targeting non-Nazis then? Remember, we're talking a bunch of loons that—especially in 2017—were calling every Trump supporter an alt-right neo-Nazi fascist (a related article). Let's find out why anyone would think Bethesda was talking about current culture rather than actual Nazis:


They're marketing with a specific term, that term being "Punch a Nazi", into an ad for a game on purpose that triggers a response from a certain group of people who feel Trump supporters are Nazis. It's really not a far reach to why people were insulted.

tl:dr - If people are using a buzzword (or phrase) like #PunchANazi, and those people consider Trump supporters Nazis, then ads come out using the buzzword (or phrase) #PunchANazi, of COURSE people that support Trump or aren't "left wing enough" are going to associate that marketing piece to giving a thumbs up to those deranged people that think everyone's a Nazi.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Yeah but i don't think the "punch a nazi" line was meant for those originally. When a liberal says "punch a nazi" he really means "punch that guy who i say is a nazi".

Using the word Liberal is very vague. But this was a multi-million dollar company using the phrase. And they weren't talking about "punch that guy that I say is a nazi". They were talking about the actual Nazis in the game.
And yet, there was actually a boycott campaign against Play-Asia, as I already showed. For there to be no outrage, then there we wouldn't have seen any attempts to mobilize a boycott.
No, there wasn't. Again, you are gullible.

Cool, so the side that resorted to doxxing.
Nope. There was no side who resorted to doxxing. You are confused with right wings sites like Voat or lolcow.
Every time a progressive group is targeted for marketing that upsets the people they call "gamers", the game has a hard time selling. It's best to keep politics—both sides—out of your marketing. Just make fun games for everyone.
lol, like Horrizon? Uncharted 4? TloU remaster? Oh, people called GoW SJW too, does that count too?

What about all those games that didn't pander to any ideology in the market but still flopped, uh? Prey wasn't right-wing enough? Dishonored 2?
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Every time a progressive group is targeted for marketing that upsets the people they call "gamers", the game has a hard time selling. It's best to keep politics—both sides—out of your marketing. Just make fun games for everyone.

You don't find it kind of weird that punching a Nazi has become "political?" I mean it's mind-blowing to me tbh.
No, there wasn't. Again, you are gullible.
Ad hominem attack and Proof of Assertion. Please prove to me that the archived Tumblr boycott campaign is not a boycott campaign.

Nope. There was no side who resorted to doxxing. You are confused with right wings sites like Voat or lolcow.
The person who doxxed the CDPR employee is from ERA. Nothing to do with Voat.


Using the word Liberal is very vague. But this was a multi-million dollar company using the phrase. And they weren't talking about "punch that guy that I say is a nazi". They were talking about the actual Nazis in the game.
I don't get it. Why use that specific phrase that everyone knows is used as a means to use violence against those with different opinions? And in a game where you kill nazis? Isn't that a bit "tone deaf"?
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Ad hominem attack and Proof of Assertion. Please prove to me that the archived Tumblr boycott campaign is not a boycott campaign.
Prove me that it was effective, widesprean and a major impact. You understand on the Internet this happens every second? That's why I called you gullible. You basically think any tumblr post can be taken seriously because it feeds your narrative.
The person who doxxed the CDPR employee is from ERA. Nothing to do with Voat.
So a person doxxed him? Very interesting. You said a side did. Show me the liberal, coordinated attack against this person that involves multiple people and it's approved by the majiority of liberals. I'm waiting.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
lol, like Horrizon? Uncharted 4? TloU remaster? Oh, people called GoW SJW too, does that count too?

What about all those games that didn't pander to any ideology in the market but still flopped, uh? Prey wasn't right-wing enough? Dishonored 2?

You forgot about the OG, the original SJW claimed game (before SJW was a known term) Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas. For all the youngins here under the age 25.........WHOA!!!!! Those conversations were brutal and hard. So many people saying that Rockstar were giving into the so-called SJWs of that era.


Never really understood the backlash against "Kill a Nazi" thing. I understand that it was around the time of Antifa bullshit but it still seems silly
Oh, people called GoW SJW too, does that count too?
Who called GoW SJW? All I remember were the usual journalists trying to make GoW political because it " Gets rid of toxic masculinity"
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I don't get it. Why use that specific phrase that everyone knows is used as a means to use violence against those with different opinions? And in a game where you kill nazis? Isn't that a bit "tone deaf"?

Eh. Hard argument to make when we're in a thread that exists because people choose not to appreciate the "did you just assume my gender" meme.
Prove me that it was effective, widesprean and a major impact. You understand on the Internet this happens every second? That's why I called you gullible. You basically think any tumblr post can be taken seriously because it feeds your narrative.
Strawman fallacy. Your original claim was that there as no boycott. "No boycott" means absolutely no one mobilized a boycott campaign. The archive I provided proved that there was a person on Tumblr who tried to run one, which disproves your claim. Sorry, but that is how basic logic works.

So a person doxxed him? Very interesting. You said a side did.
Can't find the original tweet that screenshot the original post since the post is no longer in the forum. However, this YouTuber shows it at 3:57. Other YouTubers have covered this issue, too.

Show me the liberal, coordinated attack against this person that involves multiple people and it's approved by the majiority of liberals. I'm waiting.
Another strawman fallacy. For you to ask me to prove that there was a liberal, coordinated attack, I would have already claimed it earlier. I said a side doxxed the CDPR employee. That side the the people who were offended by the joke. I also didn't claim that it's approved by the majority of liberals. This is yet another strawman.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Who called GoW SJW? All I remember were the usual journalists trying to make GoW political because it " Gets rid of toxic masculinity"

Lots of people on Twitter and some anti-SJW forums.

They called Kratos a cuck due to the ending video shown in the game.

Another strawman fallacy. For you to ask me to prove that there was a liberal, coordinated attack, I would have already claimed it earlier. I said a side doxxed the CDPR employee. That side the the people who were offended by the joke. I also didn't claim that it's approved by the majority of liberals. This is yet another strawman.

You keep saying "side", when you mean to say "someone from that side of the aisle". Most of the people on that "side" didn't and doesn't approve of the doxxing.
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You keep saying "side", when you mean to say "someone from that side of the aisle". Most of the people on that "side" didn't and doesn't approve of the doxxing.
Doesn't change that the doxxing from that side happened. It also debunks the notion of equivalence of outrage from both sides since the the group of people who liked the joke didn't resort to doxxing.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Crossposting and relevant to this thread's premise:
All those folks proclaiming they won't buy the game or they see the game in a different light are literally irrelevant. Its 0.1% of 0.1% of 0.1% making a big deal out of it. Its just empty outrage, nothing more. Because if they actually meant what they would say, then you would see it in the sales.

Here is a chart from 2015 to see how much this outrage influences sales:


Its literally a very vague blip on the radar as the biggest factors are Story/Premise, Price and Word of Mouth.

The last one is especially interesting, as it begs the question: Will people who are this outraged on the web, tell others about it in real life (Say, family, friends, randoms)? - I am sure a few will, but most folks likely won't know what the issue is about, won't know what (in this case) Cyberpunk is about, and i am sure a group of people also does not really care what friend/cousin/random Adam has to say about this game (For the aforementioned reasons).

Conclusion: All this outrage, all these threats on boycotting a game/not buying a game/saying you won't buy a game because of reason X is just hollow in nature for the most part. Those 3% will literally be nothing for any big game and game developer to worry about. It will just be seen as collateral damage.

And that's all it really is.


A joke? If the meme didn't exist, everyone would be like WTF did this even mean. The joke can only exist because of a foundation of bigotry imo.
The joke exists because demanding from others to guess your chosen gender and proceed to get offended if they don't is unreasonable. It has nothing to do with bigotry.
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lol, like Horrizon? Uncharted 4? TloU remaster? Oh, people called GoW SJW too, does that count too?

What about all those games that didn't pander to any ideology in the market but still flopped, uh? Prey wasn't right-wing enough? Dishonored 2?

Here's a neat trick: in reading, we have subjects in a sentence that are easily identified with the main noun. If I say, "I enjoy eating cake", then my subject is about cake. Let's move onto whatever you're talking about now.

We're talking about this subject: marketing. So where is the Horizon, Uncharted 4, TLoU, GoW, Prey, and Dishonored 2 marketing that leaned political?


Games that infuse social studies warrior nonsense in them will become worse and worse over time. Its a message that demands conformity and conformity is the killer of creativity. I hope there will be holdout developers in eastern europe and japan that dont incorporate the latest brainfarts western leftists demand, but time will tell. Its certainly has turned the movie and comic industry to shite, most music as well. Just think of the great pop culture the soviet union or mao's china produced, but you cant, can you? Thats where the western entertainment industries are headed


Sir Laughs-A-Lot
Staff Member
This thread needs to get back on topic. The past few pages have shifted to Wolf II and Nazis.

This topic is about the article "Gamedevs, stop apologizing to people who don't buy or play video games.". The progress could go to CyberPunk.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Doesn't change that the doxxing from that side happened. It also debunks the notion of equivalence of outrage from both sides since the the group of people who liked the joke didn't resort to doxxing.

Stop saying a "group" resorted to doxxing. You keep associating people that had nothing to do with the doxxing, with one person that actually did it.

Games that infuse social studies warrior nonsense in them will become worse and worse over time. Its a message that demands conformity and conformity is the killer of creativity. I hope there will be holdout developers in eastern europe and japan that dont incorporate the latest brainfarts western leftists demand, but time will tell. Its certainly has turned the movie and comic industry to shite, most music as well. Just think of the great pop culture the soviet union or mao's china produced, but you cant, can you? Thats where the western entertainment industries are headed

Dude you bugging.
Stop saying a "group" resorted to doxxing. You keep associating people that had nothing to do with the doxxing, with one person that actually did it.
Well this just shows that you didn't actually read the entirety of my previous posts since I also said that the mod team was complicit of the doxxing (i.e. the person was not banned whereas other people were banned for far less severe reasons) and the large userbase of ERA possibly means a lot of members over there supported the action.

At least you're not disputing the part where the outrage of both sides are not equivalent anymore.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Well this just shows that you didn't actually read the entirety of my previous posts since I also said that the mod team was complicit of the doxxing (i.e. the person was not banned whereas other people were banned for far less severe reasons) and the large userbase of ERA possibly means a lot of members over there supported the action.

At least you're not disputing the part where the outrage of both sides are not equivalent anymore.

In some cases I "do" think the outrage on both sides are equivalent. Case in point, did you see the response to The Last of Us 2 trailer at E3? People were very upset at ND.
In some cases I "do" think the outrage on both sides are equivalent.
If it's "some cases" then the outrage of both sides are not equivalent because the condition of equivalence can only be met if all cases are equivalent. There's nothing in between 'equivalent' and 'not equivalent'.

That is unless you take a quantitative approach (.e.g. 25% equivalence, 50% equivalence), but then you would need to present your methodology.

Case in point, did you see the response to The Last of Us 2 trailer at E3? People were very upset at ND.
Not related to the topic of the thread.
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Couldn't agree more.
What if the GTA devs listened to the outrage back in the day.
Now it's one of the biggest franchises of all time.
Remember Mortal Kombat? That caused huge outrage and nearly led to a total ban on games. And then there’s Geralts philandering in the Witcher games. A huge part of the games industry is freedom of artistic expression.


Remember Mortal Kombat? That caused huge outrage and nearly led to a total ban on games. And then there’s Geralts philandering in the Witcher games. A huge part of the games industry is freedom of artistic expression.

I mean it made it to Congress, so there's that, but in retrospect, it was up there with Tipper Gore's war on D&D and Heavy Metal.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If it's "some cases" then the outrage of both sides are not equivalent because the condition of equivalence can only be met if all cases are equivalent. There's nothing in between 'equivalent' and 'not equivalent'.

That is unless you take a quantitative approach (.e.g. 25% equivalence, 50% equivalence), but then you would need to present your methodology.

Not related to the topic of the thread.

Equivalence doesn't have to be 100% the same. That's not what people mean when they use the term in an everyday conversation. And the Last of US 2 thing is related to the topic as they were a dev that "did not" apologize to the people that were outraged at the trailer. They did what Niche Gamer wants all devs to do.

I mean it made it to Congress, so there's that, but in retrospect, it was up there with Tipper Gore's war on D&D and Heavy Metal.

And Hip-Hop music in the 90s. It was wild back then.

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Gold Member
Journos can have influence on larger corporations, especially those that may agree with this brand of social engineering, in the sense that they can use these "quips" as examples of a corporate culture of bigotry. This paired with a, let's say, rightly or wrongly disgruntled employee can lead to more serious legal implications for the company. This also depends on the region and local statutes.

While established devs are largely immune, this sort of "outrage factory" shaming is a tactic that can be more effective against new developers without a history of financial success(i.e. The Last Night, E3 organized shaming).
There needs to be a fundamental understanding and study of the economics of outrage and shaming. I observe that in most cases there is a core of "gaming journalists", their dev friends, and some frenetic political activists. They coordinate these outrages via email and twitter for financial reasons because, largely:
1. They are not gamers
2. They hate gamers
3. They hate most games

...and their old fanbase has outgrown them, while Youtube and social media allow the message to go right from the horse's mouth to the hardcore fans.

In order to feel relevant and satiate their elitists urges, they need profit, power, and attention. Like a when a child seeks "Negative Attention", or throws a tantrum to feel relevant and establish their identity. Aside from your own family, nobody should give a sh!t about this sort of teen-style behavior.

The solution is to ignore and focus on the good aspects of your gameplay. They will choose outrage and ignore your actual gameplay. Focusing on narrative intent and business operations. How cool is that!?!? If many companies succeed in their face, they will fall into even more obscurity.

This is why the statement "You shouldn't be outraged at the outrage, or you're the same" is a false equivalency. It is a numbers game. NBA-style like when they talk that big game, but your team hits the game winning 3-pointer and wins right in their face. Kingdom Come: Deliverance style.


You forgot about the OG, the original SJW claimed game (before SJW was a known term) Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas. For all the youngins here under the age 25.........WHOA!!!!! Those conversations were brutal and hard. So many people saying that Rockstar were giving into the so-called SJWs of that era.
You are fully wrong. That game was not made because Rockstar Games was pandering to a certain group or forced to do so. They wanted to create a game about the 90's hood culture (for a part), and made the best GTA til date IMO. Black characters were not forced in just for diversity's sake, it was a story about them, period. It would have been really weird if we had played as a white character. If only they remade that game with a modern engine...
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is why the statement "You shouldn't be outraged at the outrage, or you're the same" is a false equivalency. It is a numbers game. NBA-style like when they talk that big game, but your team hits the game winning 3-pointer and wins right in their face. Kingdom Come: Deliverance style.

You gotta be careful CrustyBritches CrustyBritches . There are many new YouTube and Twitter personalities that are getting popular by being anti-SJW and looking for the people that others say are "outraged". They are getting their numbers up too by labeling themselves the "protectors of pure gaming" while creating a narrative that says if you have a big problem with something in a game that has a political slate, you are a snowflake, SJW, and outraged argh!

Just be careful not to fall for the trap.

You are fully wrong. That game was not made because Rockstar Games was pandering to a certain group or forced to do so. They wanted to create a game about the 90's hood culture (for a part), and made the best GTA til date IMO. Black characters were not forced in just for diversity's sake, it was a story about them, period. It would have been really weird if we had played a white character. If only they remade that game...

You missed the point. I agree that Rockstar didn't create that game to pander to a certain group. But there were MANY people that did honestly believe that. I agree that black characters were not forced in and I also think it's still the best GTA to date like you. I and many others made the exact same point you just made about GTA 3: SA, yet there was a large set of people (on GAF too) that wasn't having that. They didn't believe us.

Forward to today and you'll see the same stuff, except this time it's not GTA3: SA.
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Gold Member
You gotta be careful CrustyBritches CrustyBritches . There are many new YouTube and Twitter personalities that are getting popular by being anti-SJW and looking for the people that others say are "outraged". They are getting their numbers up too by labeling themselves the "protectors of pure gaming" while creating a narrative that says if you have a big problem with something in a game that has a political slate, you are a snowflake, SJW, and outraged argh!

Just be careful not to fall for the trap.

Game journos used to defend games and gamers against attacks from the more mainstream media and politicians. Now they are a mainstream media lite version. The 24hr news cycle of outrage over identity politics. Gaming used to be largely insulated to this type of stuff before the unfortunate advent of social media.

These people are a religious cult of identity politics. Yet, they do not allow you to have the identity "Gamer." Gamers are dead, they all say. You get the label they give you...bigot, toxic, patriarchal.

If we all stick together, games will move past them. In other words, games will be judged on gameplay, performance, and fun. On good characters that you give a shit about. Not judging them based on tweets. Who would judge games based on old tweets and perceived lack of inclusiveness? Game journos. See: Kingdom Come Deliverence. Just insane and inane.
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What's wrong with punching nazis?

Plenty if you live in a modern civilized world governed by laws. I think Nazi's are trash, but it's not fucking ok to just assault people in the streets because they have a deplorable ideology. Do you have any idea the kind of chaos that would ensue in a society where assault is hand-waved bc you don't like what a person has to say? It would be bloody madness. Shit would only continue to escalate.

Unless someone has attacked you and you are defending yourself, there's no justification for assault, I don't fucking care what the person has said. We're adults, not a bunch of teenagers in the school yard beefing over who has the best fucking shoes.

As far as gaming goes tho, I love killing Nazis, lol. I just don't like when BJ Blazkowicz is yelling the word white at people like it's an insult.
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Unconfirmed Member
Plenty if you live in a modern civilized world governed by laws. I think Nazi's are trash, but it's not fucking ok to just assault people in the streets because they have a deplorable ideology. Do you have any idea the kind of chaos that would ensue in a society where assault is hand-waved bc you don't like what a person has to say? It would be bloody madness. Shit would only continue to escalate.

Unless someone has attacked you and you are defending yourself, there's no justification for assault, I don't fucking care what the person has said. We're adults, not a bunch of teenagers in the school yard beefing over who has the best fucking shoes.

As far as gaming goes tho, I love killing Nazis, lol. I just don't like when BJ Blazkowicz is yelling the word white at people like it's an insult.

I'm sure many people get the concept they however don't care either way and want to punch people that insult their feelings.


I'm sure many people get the concept they however don't care either way and want to punch people that insult their feelings.

And what becomes of us when people start punching back? Someone pulls a knife, another guy pulls a gun, etc. Are we just going to brawl in the streets over opinions instead of actually engaging in intelligent debate?

How is that the way forward?


You gotta be careful CrustyBritches CrustyBritches . There are many new YouTube and Twitter personalities that are getting popular by being anti-SJW and looking for the people that others say are "outraged". They are getting their numbers up too by labeling themselves the "protectors of pure gaming" while creating a narrative that says if you have a big problem with something in a game that has a political slate, you are a snowflake, SJW, and outraged argh!

Just be careful not to fall for the trap.

You missed the point. I agree that Rockstar didn't create that game to pander to a certain group. But there were MANY people that did honestly believe that. I agree that black characters were not forced in and I also think it's still the best GTA to date like you. I and many others made the exact same point you just made about GTA 3: SA, yet there was a large set of people (on GAF too) that wasn't having that. They didn't believe us.

Forward to today and you'll see the same stuff, except this time it's not GTA3: SA.
I understand, but my point is that you can't compare these, because the concerns today are legit when you have such things like AC Odyssey including a woman spartan warrior just for diversity's sake. I'm not against playing as a woman, I played and enjoyed games where the main character was a woman but in those cases it was natural, here it seems wrong. And I would still feel the same if for example people forced the developers to play as a male version of Lara Croft in the next TR.
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Unconfirmed Member
And what becomes of us when people start punching back? Someone pulls a knife, another guy pulls a gun, etc. Are we just going to brawl in the streets over opinions instead of actually engaging in intelligent debate?

How is that the way forward?
You have the right to defend yourself. Not start shit.


You have the right to defend yourself. Not start shit.

I wouldn't fault someone for defending themselves, but you're missing the point. That's the problem with the whole idea, eventually people are going to start fighting back and it's going to be pure mayhem.

That is if this stupidity continues to catch on.


Gold Member
You have the right to defend yourself. Not start shit.

There is a reason "Antifa" doen't pull this shit in SYG states, as well as getting punked down in the dirty (by black people to boot).

They have the comforts of the cushioning CA Berkeley law that seems to favor criminals over victims in a lot of cases.

Edit: Just saw the mod post, I will bow out of this conversation and come back if it it returns on topic.
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Unconfirmed Member
Dacon Dacon I get it. But that isn't what I meant. I was simply telling you how some people thought here.
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Equivalence doesn't have to be 100% the same. That's not what people mean when they use the term in an everyday conversation.
According to the dictionaries, equivalent means equal in value which does mean 100% the same. And the definitions of dictionaries are dependent on how words are used in everyday conversation. This is from the Oxford Dictionary's FAQ:

Once a word enters the OED, it is never removed so it has to merit its place. We consider a word for inclusion once we have gathered independent examples from a wide variety of sources and the word has demonstrated its longevity by being in use for a reasonable amount of time – ideally 10 years, but five is the minimum. We continuously monitor developments in the English language.
And here is the relevant portion from Merriam-Webster's FAQ:

To decide which words to include in the dictionary and to determine what they mean, Merriam-Webster editors study the language as it's used. They carefully monitor which words people use most often and how they use them.

Each day most Merriam-Webster editors devote an hour or two to reading a cross section of published material, including books, newspapers, magazines, and electronic publications; in our office this activity is called "reading and marking." The editors scour the texts in search of new words, new usages of existing words, variant spellings, and inflected forms–in short, anything that might help in deciding if a word belongs in the dictionary, understanding what it means, and determining typical usage. Any word of interest is marked, along with surrounding context that offers insight into its form and use.
You do not know what you're talking about.

And did you not read the part where I said "That is unless you take a quantitative approach"? I already provided an exception, so you didn't even have to make the kind of response earlier. As a result, I will take your response before as "the 'outrage' from Niche Gamer is not the same nor has the same amount as the outrage from the group of people who were offended by CDPR's joke".

And the Last of US 2 thing is related to the topic as they were a dev that "did not" apologize to the people that were outraged at the trailer. They did what Niche Gamer wants all devs to do.
The trailer was not a joke whereas the tweet that a CDPR employee made was a joke. Did you even read the article? The OP even quoted this portion of the article (emphasis on certain words are mine):

Game developers, please hear me out.

The vast majority of people that regularly purchase video games and regularly play said video games give zero shits about jokes poking fun at outrage police.

Most of us would think that joke is funny, and we would simply wonder how good the actual game is. That’s the real meat for us, how the actual game itself is – not the politics surrounding it.
I would also like to add that you have veered so far away from your original theses that you are now only arguing for the sake of it. None of your responses to me actually address the counterpoints I presented from about a day and a half ago.
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I get it, but I'm not the one trying to create the narrative that people that review games don't have much influence. That was you, my man. I understand their influence (as a collective) and respect it. It's weird that this much conversation has been had over a guy like Austin Walker saying something about a tweet he didn't like, just to turn around and be told people don't care about his opinion.

There is no narrative. They don't. The data doesn't support it. As regards the point of the thread, the Niche article isn't about Austin Walke per se it's about developers needlessly kowtowing to the twitter outrage police. He's merely an example of that phenomena. If you're suffering from the delusion that CDP is somehow fearful of being blackballed by Walker, one only needs to look at how ineffective such tactics proved to the success of Kingdom Come Deliverance to see how impotent any such threat is.
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Sir Laughs-A-Lot
Staff Member
There is a reason "Antifa" doen't pull this shit in SYG states, as well as getting punked down in the dirty (by black people to boot).

They have the comforts of the cushioning CA Berkeley law that seems to favor criminals over victims in a lot of cases.

Edit: Just saw the mod post, I will bow out of this conversation and come back if it it returns on topic.

I just came back in to give some warnings in case no one saw my warning so thank you!


Geez. I feel like you guys are working awfully hard to rationalize why you react to punching Nazis the way you do. You do you. I'm not going to belabor this.

I roll my eyes at 'punch a Nazi' because it's a false sense of righteousness. Nazi is a singular term to describe a very dangerous group of people and if you found yourself in 1930's - 40's Germany and punched an actual Nazi you have my admiration.

edit -- I'm not referring to Wolfeinstein just the modern use of the term Nazi.
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If people were afraid to offend we wouldn’t have Rockstar Games, Eminem, South Park or George Carlin.

Not all offensive material is good. But often, the good material is offensive.


If people were afraid to offend we wouldn’t have Rockstar Games, Eminem, South Park or George Carlin.

Not all offensive material is good. But often, the good material is offensive.

Eh. You might have a point if the meme was in some way funny as opposed to existing just to mock.

The difference with South Park and Carlin is that you can be the butt of the joke and still find humor in it.
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Eh. You might have a point if the meme was in some way funny as opposed to existing just to mock.

The difference with South Park and Carlin is that you can be the butt of the joke and still find humor in it.

Carlin would have defended this joke, he was relentless against PC overreach. He would have made similar jokes had he been around today. This is the guy who said "I'll prove to you rape can be funny - picture Elmur Fudd raping Porky Pig" and "you ever notice the people protesting abortion are the kind of people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"
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