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Nintendo 3DS Is Still Amazing


Maybe this is just nostalgia, but I prefer the original DS models. I used my old DSi much more than I've probably ever used any 3DS, and the battery life is still really good even after 12 years of use. I can't say the same for my New 3DS XL, which is lucky to get 3 hours of play time on a single charge.


I miss street pass and all the custom shit you got for it. A god damn shame nothing like it on the switch... In fact, switch as an OS is sad as fuck. No social features at all.


3D genunienly improved a huge variety of games, even 2D games.
And the camera tracking in updated 3DS consoles made it work fantastically.
I'm really sad it has been seen as a gimmick. I'm hoping Nintendo brings it back in the future on a switch successor. Nintnedo has already reached a point where console power increases will not improve their games, they don't make the most of the current power with their production values. Just look at pokemon, mario, sports series etc.
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I really love my 2DS and 2DS XL. Didn't care much for the 3D though. It is a great handheld and probably the last great dedicated handheld device we'll ever see (since Switch is hybrid).


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

The McTable DS was due for a big upgrade.

00:00 Intro
01:25 The Top Screen
04:30 Getting Citra Working
05:49 Big Circle Pad
06:54 Home Button
07:17 New Stylus
07:47 Microphone/Camera/Motion Controls
08:42 Other Input Methods
09:35 Sneak Peek Announcement
10:05 How well do games work on this?


I didn't like the Zelda Remasters that much. The graphical updates are inconsistent. Some things like the models and textures had major updates while others, like some environments, still had N64's low poly counts and big, flat surfaces. They also took a lot of artistic liberties and changed the mood and atmosphere in some areas, making them less moody and dark than the original games. Ocarina of Time in particular felt like a different game in the remaster in some areas.


I remember being super hyped, looking at the preview pictures, in my mind it was going to be a portable Gamecube. Lmao, looking back I still can't believe Nintendo released a 3D handheld. Weird gimmick which got old after an hour of your eyes fucking up, few games did anything relevant with it and the screen was lower res than the previous gen PSP.

The lack of a 2nd analogue stick was not great, I preferred DS overall (which this can play, but DS can play GBA games if we want to get technical).

It had some amazing games though, 3D Land, Mario Kart, 3D and top down Zelda, Metroid Prime Hunters... the list goes on.


I rarely play on to go, but for its size (owning the new 3ds) there's not much weight you carry for just in case. It's an amazing little game boy, running GBC and SNES titles and respective emulators with custom firmware. The new 3ds also minmized the major issue I had with its predecessor of changing image due limited 3d angle.

There's only a dozen of games I'd play on it, but for 150EUR it cost me it was a good deal.

Bought it alone for Link between worlds, OoT and MM. Then added Bravely Default just recently to it and now looking for Radiant Historia.


Suffers with mild autism
It still amazes me that 3D screens did not take off for all handheld electronics. It's a huge categorical leap forward, far more than OLED or any other tech.

...for apparently about 40% of us, that is. But the rest of you seem to have problems with stereoscopic focusing. I'll never understand that; I didn't struggle at any time to see the 3D effect or to view the system at the right angle, even in the first hours I played my OG launch 3DS. Then again, I spent a lot of my childhood playing with 3D things (collecting stereograph images, magic eye, etc)


Reverse groomer.
using mine right now, banger handheld.
I remember being super hyped, looking at the preview pictures, in my mind it was going to be a portable Gamecube.
it is. besides the resolution OOT3d, MK7, and MM3d look stunning.

not to mention it's one of the best nintendo systems to jailbreak alongside the wii u. you get access to the entirety of nintendos handheld history (excluding the switch), its amazing


I keep saying it, but there is a market for smaller handhelds than the Switch and Steam Deck.

I would love a new DS with OLED. The DS and 3DS library is so fucking huge that they just need a good digital store and they would easily sell enough to make money off it. You don't even need new games.

Of course, that will never happen, it seems that the 3DS was the last proper (small) handheld that we will ever see from a big company.


using mine right now, banger handheld.

it is. besides the resolution OOT3d, MK7, and MM3d look stunning.

not to mention it's one of the best nintendo systems to jailbreak alongside the wii u. you get access to the entirety of nintendos handheld history (excluding the switch), its amazing
Hacked Wii U + n3DS owner here.

What he said

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I am constantly upgrading my tech stuff and I can play anything on just about...anything, but still find myself using my n3DS all the time. It has great battery life, great control fit/feel (even for hill giant hands) and the content is superb. I played through kirby dreamland 3d last weekend and Streets of Rage 2 3d yesterday....good shit!!


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Tried to get back into it, but my n3DS is killing my hands. And even though there are a few games I'd love to get, I'd rather put the money towards Switch games instead since the 3DS ones are still so damn expensive.

Wouldn't mind a smaller, upgraded Switch Lite, though.




Yeah probs one the best handhelds ever made but the only criticism i can give the game was the actual 3d gimmick, wasnt actually that great and can be a huge strain on the eyes, other then that it was perfect and ill always love rhe machine for making fire emblem have the comeback it deserved


Same, it has so many good games.
im currently going through DQVII remake to finally retire the console, when I just remembered i haven't played Fire Emblem awakening...

I just wish they increased the resolution on the XL models though.

I also wanna mention how awesome Bravely Default 1 and 2 are.


I know I said my piece in the last thread bump from December or whatever, but I am happy to chime in again since I still really appreciate this awesome (if flawed) little system.

If there are any particularly cool/weird little must-have eShop games that anyone wants to shout out before the last gasp, now's the time to do it, I am all ears! I'll say grab all the Game & Watch stuff on there, they cost practically pennies, and are fun for what they are/cool little pieces of history. Mario Cement Factory & DKJr are my standout recommendations of those..


Gold Member
I sold a bunch of my DS games, but when I went do the same for my old 3DS games, I just couldn’t do it.

OP is right, it’s a special little system. The 3D effect is still impressive and feels much more innovative than the concept that birthed the Switch.
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The 3DS is still, to this day, the system I take with me EVERYWHERE. Even walking to another room in my house. The glassesless 3D is still amazing and its a shame there will be nothing like it ever again.

Might want to blame Nintendo on that one for abandoning 3D, and basically selling and promoting late 2D 3DS systems heavily. Sure still compatible with 3DS, but even now good luck finding a 3DS with a 3D switch is stores are still selling them unless you are lucky. Just flip 2DS and 2DS XL are around.

The fact they did that despite 3DS having the option built in for 3D to be toggled is telling itself.


Kind of regret selling my 3DS several years ago. Now even used ones are $100+ above MSRP. Kind of wild considering how many were made.
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