The 3DS is still, to this day, the system I take with me EVERYWHERE. Even walking to another room in my house. The glassesless 3D is still amazing and its a shame there will be nothing like it ever again. I just wanted to give it some love on here and see if there are others that feel the same. On to what makes it really special, the games.
Ocarina of Time. My favorite game of ALL TIME. Remade. In 3D. What a spectacular release. I remember when Nintendo announced it as just a little logo lost among other 3DS games on a powerpoint slide and like a 3 second clip in a montage during e3 and I was like WAIT WHAT?? HOLD ON WHAT DID I JUST SEE?? Then the reports started coming in with photos of its remade graphics and it was AMAZING. I had tears in my eyes because my GOAT was just announced on a system with cutting edge technology(Im a total gadget geek) and as a Nintendo fan we never get a technologically advanced system. I must’ve played this non stop over and over 30 times. Diving into the Zora pond to dive for the rupees in 3D was stunning. I wouldn’t believe i entered my favorite videogame world in 3D with all the classic music and the feels coming back, riding Epona around with the tree swooshing by, brought back so many young memories I had. Then to fight Ganon in 3D, holy crap. I loved it.
Majoras Mask. Are you kidding me?! They gave us that too, remade in 3D?? That intro song and just the whole vibe of the game is my happy place.
The sequel to a Link to the Past-Link Between Worlds. What the heck???? I couldn’t believe this release. an old geezers dream came true. And it was SPECTACULAR. What an adventure to go back to that world with all new things to do.
Kid Icarus Uprising- talk about an epic game made for a handheld. I remember getting to the end and being so blown away with the ending and how you beat the main boss.
Super Mario 3D Land - seeing mario jump in 3D for the first time was really cool. And the game was a blast.
Starfox 64 3D - i remember the original I had got with the rumble pack on n64, what an experience that was. I was like, I dont need to go to arcades anymore. To see flying a ship in 3D with the stars and barrel rolls, shooting, what a blast. With 1 cartridge local multiplayer, i played this so much with my cousins. So much fun.
The first game I bought on launch was street fighter 3D and that was really sick even though Im not much of a fighting fan. I remember showing it to my brother and mom and they both didn’t like the 3D. I was blown away and they were just like its blurry, its no good. They didn’t get it & I was so surprised. How could you not see how awesome this is?!?
The AR games were pretty fun too. Very innovative.
I just wish they continued and we would’ve got a higher resolution 3DS 2. Also, the analog stick still feels better then the Nintendo Switch’s stick. Anyhoo, who else has fond memories ( or current ones ) with the 3DS?