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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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I need to know more about it... It has an HDMI output, so will they at lease remaster the titles in HD. Nothing fancy, just scale the pixels up and give us 16:9 widescreen. Something like Mario Maker, just a cleaner/sharper image.

Since the controllers can work with Wii remotes, it would be cool if you could take VC titles downloaded on the Wii or WiiU and play them on this via a SD card.


Would be awesome if in the future they released an add on for reading carts.

I'm on the fence about this but I'm sure i'll get it day 1.


Only negative thing i can think about the news is they missed the chance to include Earthbound Beginings in this.

The mario trilogy, megaman 2, both zeldas, punch out, DD2 and Kirby's adventure alone justify it.
It's really impressive how well some of these games hold up. I'm still impressed by Kirby's Adventure on my occasional replays.
I wonder how long it will take for rom injection methods to start popping up for this thing. Since there doesn't seem to be a card slot on this thing, maybe some hard modding is necessary?


It's not as if those features would be that costly to implement though. Wireless chipsets and a small SDD or SD card slot aren't that much.
It's meant to be a cheap closed stand alone product. Not that a dedicated Nintendo Classic Virtual Console couldn't work or be a desirable thing but it's probably not going to come with 30 games and a controller for $60.


Predicting that this is gonna fail. Kids won't touch it, adults might buy it for the nostalgia factor, but not in great numbers. Similar products have been around for years, most people won't even realize that this one is an official product.

actually my nephew loves the original NES he got from a garage sale, and he's a latest consoles gamer (in for the graphix)
i think this will be a hit, but not a very big one, since the VC is already pretty strong for the Wii and the WiiU. $60 is perhaps the reason why it wouldn't sell as much as a smash hit.


Mayflash got you covered.


Oh wow, didn't know about this.
This will be handy!


Was thinking of picking up a Wii again purely for VC, but this serves my needs just as well.

Can't wait.

(although I might be more inclined towards the inevitable Famicom version, especially if it has all four DQs and FF2 & 3)


Oh wow, didn't know about this.
This will be handy!

I have a differently shaped one that does the same thing somewhere. I used it for shovel knight for a while, but then I got a USB Saturn pad. Worked well from what I remember. I remember thinking I wanted to try to use a nunchuk with mouse and see how that would work, but I probably just thought "why bother?"


Neat idea and I'll think about buying one, a lot of those old NES titles still hold up quite well. Something I have wished for, which we obviously will never see sadly, would be a collection of the light gun games. I know, not technically feasible because of how modern tv's work. But still!


The only thing I could ask for would be connection to internet with access to the Virtual Console (NES only) and cart port in some way.
Even in the most barebones way this NES is already bought, it's just a matter of time.
And the classic NES controller will go nicely with my SNES one.
Only missing n64 classic controller and I fear I'm never ending my spending spree.
This is INCREDIBLE, the list of games is basically all the games I wanted on NES but never got (because I never got a NES at the time).
At that price and presentation this is a no-brainer for me. Would absolutely love to see the ability to expand the library, but either way that's a solid list.
Awesome. Even though I still have 2 NES's hooked up and most of these games, I'll still buy one. And probably at least one more as a Christmas present.

Next year, SNES Classic, please?

I still do a double take every single time on Punch Out featuring Mr. Dream. It'll always be Mike Tyson's Punch Out to me.


This is kinda awesome. My wife has been talking on and on about SMB 3, so this will be the perfect opportunity to play with her since my NES is toast.

Just kinda wished they'd included Dragon Warrior in some format.
Only negative thing i can think about the news is they missed the chance to include Earthbound Beginings in this.

They're trying to appeal with nostalgia, and 99% of people in the West have none for EB Beginnings, because it was never originally released here. So they probably didn't see the point.

Most people seeing this at Toys R Us or whatever who read the list will not recognize EB Beginnings and will not see it as a selling point.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Wow, very good selection of games, and great unit design. Very tempting, even if I know I won't be using this much...

Can't wait for the day they release a SNES version of this!


That list includes an impressive and wide ranging selection of third party titles, almost as if Nintendo were implicitly acknowledging the tremendous role that third party games played in the success of the NES. Please let this be instructive, Nintendo.

You've got Konami, Capcom, Tecmo, and even Taito represented in there. And it comes with first party NES controllers that can also connect to a Wii remote? Yeah, sold. I just wish Adventure Island were on there.

And yes, I'm sure that if this is successful, an SNES version will follow.
I'll buy this on principle, but I will be ALL IN if they can do this with an ecosystem, link it up to my My Nintendo account and let the VC flow.


It's just that is so annoying that Nintendo's last resource for everything has to be the nostalgia factor. And this one is not even so nostalgic because the games included there have been played to hell for your humble self because they are available to play either on the Wii, Wii U, 3DS through the VC or in the mini games of NES Remix and at this point, I'm honestly tired as hell of those games.
This product is not for you.

This is for the casual market. For people who don't own a Nintendo console, but who remember the NES fondly. For people who want a cheap video game machine for their little kids, so they can play the games their parents played.

It's a simple product meant to be purchased as an impulse buy.


I need to know more about it... It has an HDMI output, so will they at lease remaster the titles in HD. Nothing fancy, just scale the pixels up and give us 16:9 widescreen. Something like Mario Maker, just a cleaner/sharper image.

Since the controllers can work with Wii remotes, it would be cool if you could take VC titles downloaded on the Wii or WiiU and play them on this via a SD card.

Almost certainly not to either of those, unfortunately. I think it would've been in the PR if so. Esp the former.

wait it doesn't come with a plug?

America gets one, EU gets USB only.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Holy crap at this news.

Well, I'm buying one. I don't need it at all. I have all the methods to play NES that I need. But this is just too cool not to own.
Will buy both the system and an extra controller.

I'll also buy a SNES mini, a N64 mini and their corresponding extra controllers. Do it, Nintendo. DO IT!
So Nintendo is finally gonna get me to drop $60 on 30 NES VC games. Something I'd never do on the Wii U but with that slick package? Fuck me.
This is definitely different. Nintendo of the last 5-10 years would never have done something like this.

It's a great Holiday gift idea. Hopefully we see more stuff like this.
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