We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Sure. Nintendo makes delay announcements on a case-by-case basis. Because the AC delay was minor, and it wasn't one of their major holiday titles that year anyway, announcing the delay as a slightly later date than we were expecting, by just showing the final date at the end of the trailer but not that far out to be upset about, and it wasn't one of their major titles that holiday, anyway, you see the difference.
I mean, you changed your tune pretty quickly from "Nintendo don't do that" to "Nintendo do it on a case by case basis". Lot of logic hoops to jump through there. They could absolutely delay Zelda tomorrow if they need to, but again, don't think they will this close to release, they can re-use a LOT of the work done in BotW and I can't imagine it needs much longer in the oven.
Also I don't know in what world you think AC wasn't a major release, it's sold more than BotW.
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