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Nintendo Downloads - April 2015

How's Elliot Quest? I've read it's inspired by Zelda II, one of my favorite games.
I won Elliot Quest from a giveaway and I'm gaving a great time. Great controls, good dungeon design, challenging when it has to be without going overboard, tons of secrets that can be tough to find, and on top of that the music is really, really good. It also has Off-TV Play and audio from the gamepad, in case someone's wondering. I know maxcriden is also loving it and he's a man of good, so there's also that. It's definitely a good game.

For what it's worth, right now the game has a couple of bugs, mostly small stuff, but there's one that can mess your game for good if you save after triggering it, but it always comes up in the exact same spot and can be very easily avoided. The developer already submitted the patch to Nintendo a while back so it should come out any time now, so this is really no reason to not get the game.
I won Elliot Quest from a giveaway and I'm gaving a great time. Great controls, good dungeon design, challenging when it has to be without going overboard, tons of secrets that can be tough to find, and on top of that the music is really, really good. It also has Off-TV Play and audio from the gamepad, in case someone's wondering. I know maxcriden is also loving it and he's a man of good, so there's also that. It's definitely a good game.

For what it's worth, right now the game has a couple of bugs, mostly small stuff, but there's one that can mess your game for good if you save after triggering it, but it always comes up in the exact same spot and can be very easily avoided. The developer already submitted the patch to Nintendo a while back so it should come out any time now, so this is really no reason to not get the game.

Thanks! I'll download it today.


What do you mean "of course" they're still available in the Wii Shop when there are titles occasionally from both Nintendo and third parties that have been delisted from the Wii Shop? Do you feel occasional delisting of titles from the Wii Shop is not a valid cause for the poster's question to have merit?

Titles with dead publishers or where licenses expired. Which is obviously not a factor with those Konami ReBirth games.


Thanks! I'll download it today.

I gotta second this. Holy crap, OB. You are in for a real treat with this game. I haven't played much of Zelda II, only a little bit of the GBA port and the bits and pieces included in NES Remix 2, but this is one heck of a game. It's pretty much (a) everything I've ever heard Zelda II is, but, y'know, more modern, and (b) blows most (2D, I guess?) retail and indie games out of the water in terms of value. Heck, I've gotten more time out of it already than some full-priced games.

That's all kind of vague, though, I suppose. At its heart the game kind of evokes Mega Man 2 or Shovel Knight, but with many more secrets and a lengthier play experience, and with a Zelda II overworld setup rather than a level select or level map. It's an immersive experience with a very Zelda-esque sense of progression. As you gain further items and abilities, full heart containers or heart halves (i.e. 1/2 heart containers), and as you level up, you really feel like you're getting deeper into the depths of the game world on offer. I really like the experience system--defeat enemies, gain experience. Die, and you lose a chunk of experience.

And in playing the game my wife and I have been losing a heck of a lot of lives, especially when accidentally going into areas with tougher enemies we're not supposed to go to yet. (This has always been one of my favorite aspects of Zelda games or Zelda-likes--stumbling into areas I'm not supposed to go into yet, only to find an usual Kakariko Village or a glittering Lake Hylia with a few stray keese flying about...or perhaps a tunnel from the Lost Woods to Death Mountain. Okay, you can tell which single Zelda had me feeling like this the most, but still!) Anyway, yeah, so--there are a lot of areas like this. There's a lot of backtracking and kind of stumbling around in the dark (metaphorically and literally!). Which is very satisfying because it feels great to go back to an area and be like, oh, *now* I can do something here, yay!

So, the leveling up system itself is pretty cut and dry. You get to select individual attributes (wisdom, agility, etc.) to improve in specific ways. There are also good/evil paths and some clever ways to stay on either path or in the middle of the road, which oscillate between very clear and somewhat obscure.

Save system is awesome, BTW. You walk up to a liberally scattered save point. It turns blue. You're all set! And, it acts a respwan point.

A few tips for new players with very mild spoilers:

-There's a bit of troubling slowdown at some point when too much is going on onscreen. Turn Off-TV Play on to reduce this issue (it's at the main menu when you boot up the game).

-Game plays really well with a Wiimote only if you're into that kind of things.

-The boy who lost his bomb bag. Don't talk to him again after you get it back unless you want to be faced with a difficult decision.

-Shell shards. Keep at it with the turtles and you'll get what you need.

All in all, with a solid 8-10+ hours logged at this point and plenty of game surely ahead, I can give it a very high recommendation.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Do you guys think there will be a Mario Kart 8 sale for it's 1 year anniversary or should I just fork out the money & buy it now?

It MAAAY go on sale at the end of the month when the DLC is released. But that is baseless speculation. Like others said, games don't go on sale very often - if ever. It's worth it at full price. If you don't want full price maybe you can find one in Craigslist or the B/S/T thread.
Titles with dead publishers or where licenses expired. Which is obviously not a factor with those Konami ReBirth games.

Ok, let's try a few other examples. Do you have a source or personally know why Star Parodier was removed about a year ago even though Konami owns Bomberman, Hudson Soft and the rest of the Star Soldier series games which are still up? Unless you have proof, you can't claim dead publisher or expired license on that one since Kaneko (who only helped develop Parodier and the Star Soldier games for Hudson) went bankrupt in 2004 and a civil suit was filed to close the company in 2006, about two years before Star Parodier was added to the Wii Shop in summer 2008. 

Also, if it's "obvious" or a given in this case, why does Nintendo sometimes remove their own titles like Yoshi's Cookie? 

So, no offense, in light of these examples, your reply to the person who asked in my opinion was kind of unhelpful as obviously (no quotation marks needed this time) there's more variables you and I don't have full knowledge on that effect the status or removal of VC games in ways which sometimes seem unpredictable so it's perfectly understandable why the poster wanted to ask *just in case.* What's the point of acting like the poster should just automatically know or assume this?

Is it likely the Rebirth games will be removed?
Probably not, but at this point, some would say nothing is a given with Konami as their behavior towards their own IPs over the last few years has been a mixture of incredibly indifferent or flat out ambivalent to say the least. 


Ok, let's try a few other examples. Do you have a source or personally know why Star Parodier was removed about a year ago even though Konami owns Bomberman, Hudson Soft and the rest of the Star Soldier series games which are still up? Unless you have proof, you can't claim dead publisher or expired license on that one since Kaneko (who only helped develop the Parodier and the Star Soldier games for Hudson) went bankrupt in 2004 and a civil suit was filed to close the company in 2006, about two years before Star Parodier was added to the Wii Shop in summer 2008. 

Also, if it's "obvious" or a given in this case, why does Nintendo sometimes remove their own titles like Yoshi's Cookie? 

So, no offense, in light of these examples, your reply to the person who asked in my opinion was kind of unhelpful as obviously (no quotation marks needed this time) there's more variables you and I don't have full knowledge on that effect the status or removal of VC games in ways which sometimes seem unpredictable so it's perfectly understandable why the poster wanted to ask *just in case.* And at this point, some would say nothing is a given with Konami as their behavior towards their own IPs over the last few years has been a mixture of indifferent or flat out ambivalent to say the least. 

Fair enough. One key difference though is that your examples are all VC games which are more likely to have wonky rights/license issues causing these things and the ReBirth games were made for the DL service and are generally safe there (unless tied to a license that moves around a lot like TMNT or Tetris).
Fair enough. One key difference though is that your examples are all VC games which are more likely to have wonky rights/license issues causing these things and the ReBirth games were made for the DL service and are generally safe there (unless tied to a license that moves around a lot like TMNT or Tetris).

Right, I agree, due to that it's not likely the Rebirth series will be removed. As I said in my post above though, the examples I cited all go towards coloring folks' perception of the status of various titles on the Shop in general. Whether it's warranted or not, it's always good to ask and try to get answers here which is what the Download threads are for. Anyways, the Rebirth games are pretty awesome, highly recommend them to anyone wondering. Ah, 2008/09, when Konami was still promoting their classic IPs fairly regularly.
How's Elliot Quest? I've read it's inspired by Zelda II, one of my favorite games.

I also won Elliot Quest in a giveaway from Nintendo Everything on Twitter (I think Max
organized that giveaway?). GREAT game so far and is perfect if you love action RPGs like Zelda II and the Wonderboy series, highly recommend it.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Working on writing an article for my blog about all the figurines and games with them for the Wii U. Mainly touching on Skylanders, Disney Infinity, and Amiibo.

64 Skylanders (not counting traps or adventure pieces etc...) in the boy child's room!


PS: Holy sssshhiiieeettt the CO-OP show is back. Fuccckkkkkk!!!!!


Working on writing an article for my blog about all the figurines and games with them for the Wii U. Mainly touching on Skylanders, Disney Infinity, and Amiibo.

64 Skylanders (not counting traps or adventure pieces etc...) in the boy child's room!

I had the Skylanders bug when the first game came out. Ended up getting at least one of each character for Skylanders and Giants. By the third game I had realized how much it was costing me and how ridiculous the number of figures I had was getting, and given it was an established yearly franchise by then I decided it wasn't worth the cost or effort.

I still like the idea of "toys to life" but I'm trying to stick to amiibo now and not collecting them all.

I'm not touching Lego Dimensions with a ten foot pole. I have a feeling it'll be the most costly line of toys to life games yet.
I love Yoshi Touch & Go, but $9.99 is still a bit pricey, especially since none of these games have multiplayer. Something like Mario Party DS will be worthless without it.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
SIESTA FIESTA is sooo cool, it pains me this gem had not much of a success on 3DS, looks and plays lovely, it's original and super fairly priced... bummer people didn't embrace it, I wonder why

EDIT: Oh wow it's $3.99 for you americans right now!? No excuses, jump on it it's a fantastic deal


SIESTA FIESTA is sooo cool, it pains me this gem had not much of a success on 3DS, looks and plays lovely, it's original and super fairly priced... bummer people didn't embrace it, I wonder why

EDIT: Oh wow it's $3.99 for you americans right now!? No excuses, jump on it it's a fantastic deal

Been yelling out this game since before it came out. Nobody cared. Much sadness. Love everything about it. Best breakout-clone meets sidescroller meets awesome music and charm ever.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I had the Skylanders bug when the first game came out. Ended up getting at least one of each character for Skylanders and Giants. By the third game I had realized how much it was costing me and how ridiculous the number of figures I had was getting, and given it was an established yearly franchise by then I decided it wasn't worth the cost or effort.

I still like the idea of "toys to life" but I'm trying to stick to amiibo now and not collecting them all.

I'm not touching Lego Dimensions with a ten foot pole. I have a feeling it'll be the most costly line of toys to life games yet.

I have a feeling I'll be sucked into buy Lego Dimensions too. Sigh. At least we only have a handful of amiibo.


SIESTA FIESTA is sooo cool, it pains me this gem had not much of a success on 3DS, looks and plays lovely, it's original and super fairly priced... bummer people didn't embrace it, I wonder why

EDIT: Oh wow it's $3.99 for you americans right now!? No excuses, jump on it it's a fantastic deal

Been yelling out this game since before it came out. Nobody cared. Much sadness. Love everything about it. Best breakout-clone meets sidescroller meets awesome music and charm ever.

so it's really good? - bought!


I also won Elliot Quest in a giveaway from Nintendo Everything on Twitter (I think Max
organized that giveaway?). GREAT game so far and is perfect if you love action RPGs like Zelda II and the Wonderboy series, highly recommend it.

Oh lol. I didn't even realize you entered, which was your entry?


Any DLC/patches likely to come with the full North American relaunch?

There's a patch in lotcheck, as soon as it goes through, it's out!

I'm currently working on the next DLC update, REIGN OF THE TWIG KING



It's got Metroid/Ghost Song homages


OK so with any luck I hope to get a Majora's Mask N3DS XL Bundle next month

I take it I can copy the game's data from the SD card to my PC, then copy the N3DS' files to my 32 GB card that I use with my old 3DS XL, and that way all my digital games, etc. can run on the N3DS XL fine?

I would, in this case just make my 3DS XL function for playing my retail 3DS games, which is OK. I should get a 32 GB card for it just in case though :p


OK so with any luck I hope to get a Majora's Mask N3DS XL Bundle next month

I take it I can copy the game's data from the SD card to my PC, then copy the N3DS' files to my 32 GB card that I use with my old 3DS XL, and that way all my digital games, etc. can run on the N3DS XL fine?

I would, in this case just make my 3DS XL function for playing my retail 3DS games, which is OK. I should get a 32 GB card for it just in case though :p

Nope. If you want to do a system transfer, the ONLY thing you want to do on the n3DS beforehand is do a system update. If the n3DS comes with preinstalled software you'll redownload any preinstalled software after you're done transferring.

Also remember the n3DS needs a microSD card, not a full sized one. For the easiest transfer process you can upgrade your curren SD card to a microSD if it isn't already, then when you do the transfer you'll end up just swapping the old SD card to the new system once you're done. Also make sure you get the screwdriver needed to open the battery cover on the n3DS.


Gives all the fucks
This week is gonna be great. Mewtwo for SSB via Club Nintendo, 3D Fantasy Zone II, & the StreetPass games (need to make sure I can get a good amount & not use them until I get these).

Also DK64, but I don't know if I want to buy it yet, especially since I don't have the time to play it and try to collect every single thing.


This week is gonna be great. Mewtwo for SSB via Club Nintendo, 3D Fantasy Zone II, & the StreetPass games (need to make sure I can get a good amount & not use them until I get these).

Also DK64, but I don't know if I want to buy it yet, especially since I don't have the time to play it and try to collect every single thing.

Don't forget A Train 3d!
Oh lol. I didn't even realize you entered, which was your entry?

It was posted as a comment on the Nintendo Everything post, I said something to the effect that it's fitting Elliot Quest is on the eShop since it was inspired by Zelda II and also said it looked great since it's also apparently inspired by the Wonderboy in Monsterland games.

sörine;159782404 said:
Nintendo doesn't Yoshi's Cookie outright. BPS owns the core game design (Hermetica) and Nintendo publishes it under license from them.

Ah, very interesting, thanks for the info.


This might be interesting to test - the update to play Wii games that support the Classic Controller directly on the Gamepad is supposed to be out soon/now, so people should be able to play Pandora's Tower directly on the Gamepad when it comes out on Thursday in EU.

My question is, does this update work for Wii games that haven't been bought on the Wii U eshop, like the disc version of Xenoblade?


This might be interesting to test - the update to play Wii games that support the Classic Controller directly on the Gamepad is supposed to be out soon/now, so people should be able to play Pandora's Tower directly on the Gamepad when it comes out on Thursday in EU.

My question is, does this update work for Wii games that haven't been bought on the Wii U eshop, like the disc version of Xenoblade?

Wait, this is happening? How have I never heard about this. :O thats awesome

edit: ooh I misunderstood. ah well.


This might be interesting to test - the update to play Wii games that support the Classic Controller directly on the Gamepad is supposed to be out soon/now, so people should be able to play Pandora's Tower directly on the Gamepad when it comes out on Thursday in EU.

My question is, does this update work for Wii games that haven't been bought on the Wii U eshop, like the disc version of Xenoblade?

I still don't believe there is actually a separate firmware update needed for this and it just comes prepacked with the installer for the eShop titles. Has nobody tested this with the Japanese releases of Zangeki and PT? Btw, PT is totally better with the Wiimote.


This might be interesting to test - the update to play Wii games that support the Classic Controller directly on the Gamepad is supposed to be out soon/now, so people should be able to play Pandora's Tower directly on the Gamepad when it comes out on Thursday in EU.

My question is, does this update work for Wii games that haven't been bought on the Wii U eshop, like the disc version of Xenoblade?

I'm not sure why you're expecting an update. As far as I am aware, it'll only be the digital version of Pandora's Tower that can use the GamePad as a controller and it won't affect anything else, even a retail Pandora's Tower.


^ Yup, same here. The FW update theory always seemed more like wishful thinking since they clearly stated this was only for the eShop versions of those specific games.


There's a patch in lotcheck, as soon as it goes through, it's out!

I'm currently working on the next DLC update, REIGN OF THE TWIG KING



It's got Metroid/Ghost Song homages
Nice! Looking forward to new patch and DLC.

Will start looking into DLC myself soon for some of my games in future.


I wish there was a Wii mode update for CC to Gamepad. I'd love to replay a bunch of WiiWare on it (MM9/10, Konami ReBirths, Cave Story, La-Mulana, etc) plus all that Genesis/TG16/NeoGeo/Square Enix VC we're never getting.


sörine;159843343 said:
I wish there was a Wii mode update for CC to Gamepad. I'd love to replay a bunch of WiiWare on it (MM9/10, Konami ReBirths, Cave Story, La-Mulana, etc) plus all that Genesis/TG16/NeoGeo/Square Enix VC we're never getting.

You sir are not alone. There are a few on-disc games I might be compelled to put time in with if I could play off-TV.
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