Fantasy Zone 2!
Also got the Mii games bundle and Devil Survivor Overclocked.
Any impressions on Doooors? Looks fun.
Devil Survivor Overclocked as in the first game?
is the digital on sale?
I just bought the physical ><
Fantasy Zone 2!
Also got the Mii games bundle and Devil Survivor Overclocked.
Any impressions on Doooors? Looks fun.
I just bought an external harddrive for my Wii U. How long will this 'checking USB storage device' prompt take?
Devil Survivor Overclocked as in the first game?
is the digital on sale?
I just bought the physical ><
sörine;160455652 said:I am too. A-Train deserves better.
He's probably upset that they shoved it into the "Also new" section is my guess.
GAF, I'm torn. Kirby Triple Deluxe or Affordable Space Adventures? I need resolution on this.
New Horror game coming to the WiiU eShop, looks cool uses the gamepad too
For what it's worth, I've been very disappointed by Triple Deluxe, and I loved Kirby's Adventure Wii/Return to Dreamland which is IMO the best Kirby game ever.GAF, I'm torn. Kirby Triple Deluxe or Affordable Space Adventures? I need resolution on this.
New Horror game coming to the WiiU eShop, looks cool uses the gamepad too
I still can't decide whether to get Pikmin 3 now or wait for another sale...
I haven't bought Pikmin 3 because i have to delete games in my WiiU before buying the game. Why Nintendo? Why?I still can't decide whether to send assassin's after you or not for still not having bought and played Pikmin 3, one of 2013's GOTYs.
I haven't bought Pikmin 3 because i have to delete games in my WiiU before buying the game. Why Nintendo? Why?
My complain is not about needing more storage space but Nintendo not allowing me to purchase the game when my HDD is full..At this point, everyone who buys game digitally should have an external HDD for the Wii U.
My complain is not about needing more storage space but Nintendo not allowing me to purchase the game when my HDD is full..
My complain is not about needing more storage space but Nintendo not allowing me to purchase the game when my HDD is full..
I thought Nintendo said not to use flash drives? I could have sworn I heard at least one Gaffer had something happen to his files as a result.I only needed a little extra room so I bought this, SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33 32GB USB 2.0 Low-Profile Flash Drive- SDCZ33-032G-B35
It fits inside the front part and works great.
I thought Nintendo said not to use flash drives? I could have sworn I heard at least one Gaffer had something happen to his files as a result.
I thought Nintendo said not to use flash drives? I could have sworn I heard at least one Gaffer had something happen to his files as a result.
very annoyed that EU gets Pandora's Tower
No Wii game in NA :/
Bizarrely they haven't shown any interest in continuing to list any new Wii games in NA. I was hoping for a bunch to release so I could make my copies of Wii Kirby, Pikmin and Mario games into digital and sell/trade the physical copies. I wonder if they just sold really poorly here.
In fact, I don't think we even got DKCR yet!
Ridiculous at this point.
Out of the ones already released ( in other countries ) I want Pandora's Tower. So I know I'm going to have to wait a while.
I doubt sales has anything to do with it, we still dont have zero mission and in the past waited months and months for games like SMB3, NOA is just clueless with VC
I have given up with NoA at this point and assumed that Wii games do not exist.
Yeah cause what we need is a fuck ton more Mega Man vs the mounds of other shit we don't have yet especially now with the Wii, DS, and N64.
Also I'm just over the fact that NOA hates Metroid. They hate the series. I get that. We disagree. I'm just gonna move on. :/
Splatoon is a retail game though.
It will effect VC as NOA throws us only a bone or two. One of those slots will 100% be Megaman now.
Just look at this week. We have 1 Wii U VC game in DK 64. If this was May that 1 game would be MM and we'd have nothing else.
This would be less of an issue if Nintendo didn't drip feed the VC services.
Gonna have to agree here, May will prob be all Mega man so no Wii games, maybe like 1 64 game 1 DS game and no Zero Mission
In memory of Team Top Hat and his jovial NOA hate I've decided to throw together missing VC lists for each region (minus Japan because fuck them and their mountains of VC!). Get pissed about what you don't get.Ah, the Adelman legacy. Trickle, trickle.
So, I was wondering if you still have that post somewhere of underappreciated VC platformer recommendations. If not, I'd definitely be interested in hearing a few (from you or from anyone else here) if you're willing and have time! Thank you!
I can recommend Bonk 3 and ToeJam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron, though the latter is most fun in co-op. If you prefer single-player exclusively, Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is a really underrated Famicom Disk System game that somehow managed to get added as an import on Wii VC.
Thanks Cam. How's Bio Miracle's Save System? I'm not sure I have the time or patience these days to deal with antiquated save systems w/o save states (so I definitely only want Wii VC games that aren't on (and likely won't come to) Wii U VC). I guess I should ask about Bonk 3's save system also b/c the original IIRC doesn't really have one, which we found out the hard way.
You can see save states have really spoiled me.
I still can't decide whether to send assassin's after you or not for still not having bought and played Pikmin 3, one of 2013's GOTYs.
Care to explain why is this bad news?
Then why did Nintendo allow this game in the eshop?
May I know who's in this gif?
May I know who's in this gif?
Vince McMahon of the WWE.
Thanks.Vince McMahon of the WWE.
They're both good games, so there's only one way to decide... by OPTICAL ILLUSION!
If the girl is spinning clockwise, get Kirby! If she's spinning counter-clockwise, get ASA! The power is YOURS!
For what it's worth, I've been very disappointed by Triple Deluxe, and I loved Kirby's Adventure Wii/Return to Dreamland which is IMO the best Kirby game ever.
Triple Deluxe is too linear, there are too many "puzzles" on the way that break the rhythm and replayability, what you have to do is too obvious, final boss is kind of lame, boss mode is not very interesting.
Tomodachi Life seems boring after playing awhile (1 month non-stop). Anything interesting you can recommend to do for a replay?maybe I should get Tomodachi Life Digital (got the physical)
but but... I already bought the physical release (at full price) only to sell it later because I was switching to a digital collection
I was having the hardest time getting her to spin counter-clockwise, but then I focused on her reflected foot instead of the main silhouette, and that worked! Now can get her going both ways at different times, though, it's still easier to see her going clockwise. (^_^)
It's still a good game, extremely cute, and if you like the 3D effect, it's used well (all the "tilt the 3DS" puzzles suddenly disable it though, which is annoying). If you don't mind playing a game in "automatic piloting" (I do, I feel like I'm wasting my time), it's a good choice.I actually took your advice into consideration, and thank you for it, but I still went with Kirby as I didn't think I was going to be troubled by the easy puzzles.
*runs to phone* excuse me, gotta make a quick call...