Absolutely. I'm starting to think many people here didn't read hardware reviews for other consolesYou can't be serious? Most hardware reviews say "don't buy hardware" I feel like. Didn't Kotaku say "no" to PS4 or X1? Seriously, this is pointless. I already know I'm getting a system and games are selling the systems.
Like I said earlier, Vince reviewed the hardware while the Nintendo crew were reviewing the games. There's not much to the hardware so of course it would score low, especially without a day one patch.Ign is hilarious as always, they were jerking off on the console until the last voice chat lol
That .7 tho
Well there it is.gif
IGN review sounds like it ignores people that like to play handhelds at home.
That's the main benefit of the Switch imo.
Are these on metacritic tho.
Still baffled why they would allow reviews to hit, when half the system features are missing? Why not allow reviewers to experience the eshop or online multiplayer? Makes no sense.
If I had to guess, I'd say they planned for the patch to be out by now, but wanted to integrate a fix for the connectivity issues with the Joycons. It all probably got delayed a little by that.
Hardware reviews are dumb
Here's my review as well: http://www.vooks.net/nintendo-switch-review/
I haven't given it a score, because that's silly.
IGN review sounds like it ignores people that like to play handhelds at home.
That's the main benefit of the Switch imo.
-I can understand their points otherwise though, not everyone falls in the above camp.
The Switch is the most polished, sturdy and grown-up hardware Nintendo has ever produced. Older Nintendo gear feels plasticky and toylike by comparison. That doesn't mean this new hardware is technically superior to other game systems, though. In terms of processing power, it doesn't measure up to the latest PlayStation and Xbox consoles, which offer high dynamic range, or HDR, gaming, 4K video streaming and far better graphics. But the difference is that Sony and Microsoft aren't looking beyond the living room—they want to keep gamers in their seats with their hair blown back.
If Nintendo delivers the exciting games promised, and even halfway decent online services that allow people to easily play together online, the Switch's versatility will make it a must-have console like the legendary original Wii. As of now, it's too early to tell. Nintendo needs to give us more to play.
Hardware reviews are dumb
Omg preordered cancelled!@WIRED Review: The Nintendo Switch has the potential to be all things to all people. But right now, it's pretty meh
Mmmh... yup, but I do not think it could be a selling point of it.
The guy who reviewed it, would be generally someone I would trust (except he liked that game evolve). I think he is a big Vita fan
He was clearly ask to put a score on the review either way. It will definitely go up once the patch is up
They aren't dumb at all.
@WIRED Review: The Nintendo Switch has the potential to be all things to all people. But right now, it's pretty meh
I don't think so. And if that's the case, it doesn't bode well for their OS if they need to minimise the number of updates for whatever reason.
There's has to be a day update to sell you the eshop games. Not being there is not an option.Pretty weird that Nintendo didn't give the journalists the update before they were able to review it. Makes me wonder if there actually will be a day one update, console launch is 2 days away.
Little Mons†er;231252303 said:it's not finished yet lol!
Absolutely not. They help me wherever to buy the hardware or not.
@WIRED Review: The Nintendo Switch has the potential to be all things to all people. But right now, it's pretty meh
I don't know about that. The WiiU hardware really put me off with the cheap feeling build quality and terrobly slow OS. This made me play it way less then the games would have deserved.Hardware reviews seem pointless. The day 1 patch isn't even there and all that matters are games which will come down the road lol
Why are you focusing on IGN's review when the vast majority is very positive
Why did they set that they can't play online yet as a con? It should have been a review in progress if it should weigh into the scoring.
Kohler got hit with the left joycon problem and couldn't play on his TV.Doesn't sound like a glowing review :/
IGN Review in Progress. - 6.7 (not final)
Not Jose Vince.Lol Vince trippin with that 6.7, fam
Lol Vince trippin with that 6.7, fam
I think IGN shouldve had Alanah Pearce review the switch as well. She posted on Twitter she spent over 50 hours playing Zelda on it, that seems like a better real world review, still say Nintendo shouldve loaded up the day 1 patch before reviews hit, thats dumb on their part.