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Nintendo Switch Launch Thread: Now you're playing with power; HYBRID POWER!

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I'm still looking at the Breathe of the Wild world design and wish deep inside me that it had current gen technical level of graphic detail.

Imagine BoTW with Witcher-Horizon graphics


I'm still looking at the Breathe of the Wild world design and wish deep inside me that it had current gen technical level of graphic detail.

Imagine BoTW with Witcher-Horizon graphics

Not needed, however the game could use 60FPS and 1080p and some extra Anti Aliasing of course, well we will have to wait for another generation 'till Nintendo finally steps into the 1080p era...

We are close though, and imagining that you can play an AAA-Zelda on the go is just mindblowing.

I've been trying to talk myself out of getting a Switch until MK8 comes out, but the hype is getting to me.

But I've promised my wife that I'd trade in my other consoles (Wii U / Xbox One) to get it.

However, eldest daughter and her friend love to play MK on the Wii U....

Is there anything similar / suitable in the eShop that they could use as a substitute for a couple of months until MK comes to the Switch? (They are aged 6, so nothing too complicated)
Top of my head: Snipperclips.

Cute. Charming and has 2 player co op.


Tip for removing Wrist Strap!

I just read the support page for the wrist straps, and you don't need to push the release button on the joycon to remove the wrist strap (assuming it's on properly). Just flip the unlock tab on the wrist strap, pull the wrist strap up while pulling the joycon to down.

Still requires a bit too much pressure imo but it comes off way easier when you aren't holding down the release button while trying to pull off the strap, haha.


Tip for removing Wrist Strap!

I just read the support page for the wrist straps, and you don't need to push the release button on the joycon to remove the wrist strap (assuming it's on properly). Just flip the unlock tab on the wrist strap, pull the wrist strap up while pulling the joycon to down.

Still requires a bit too much pressure imo but it comes off way easier when you aren't holding down the release button while trying to pull off the strap, haha.

My R has no problems with the strap, but it feels a bit tight on the L. I was really afraid of breaking it the first time when removing it, since it didn't slide out smoothly. :/

Is anyone else finding the WiFi weak? Where I'm sat right now I get 3 full bars on my iPhone but only 0-1 on my Switch.

Extremely weak. I basically had to settle for 2.5Ghz signal rather than the 5Ghz one. It couldn't hold a stable connection on my 5Gz signal at all. And I was in the same room as the router... lol.


got mine and played zelda 15 min.
Won't play handled a lot ...it's bad imo (but i never liked handle of handled , this won't change that)
a shame because os is quick and screen is good.


Not sure how accurate brickseek is but it says there's 10 down the road from me so I may head in there on my way into work.

Edit: scratch that. 10 neon and 26 gray
Bought a neon Switch a few hours ago with Zelda and 1-2 Switch. Expensive, but worth it. Thankfully it's always been easy to pick up new consoles in Norway.


is it bad that my first impression taking the switch out of the box was that it looked like a cheap ass 7" windows tablet? Gave me flashbacks to my Linx 7 which I hate and was a complete waste of money.

Once you have the joycons docked in, its much better though.

I think my grip will just stay in the box - if the switch is docked I'll just use the joycons split. The grip just feels weird. Is the pro controller the same?


WiiU case for comparison.


It looks great. No problem with washed out colours or anything, just be sure to use the correct display settings.

Which are what? Mine kind of looks washed out.

got mine and played zelda 15 min.
Won't play handled a lot ...it's bad imo (but i never liked handle of handled , this won't change that)
a shame because os is quick and screen is good.

I wouldn't say it's bad, handhelds have always been hard for me to game on for long because of hand cramps. Gotta say though, the Switch is the most comfortable handheld yet IMO.


that puzzling face
Picked up the Switch, Pro Controller, Official Case, Zelda, and 1-2 Switch today. Super Bomberman R isn't here because the supplier dropped the ball. Bought Shovel Knight on the eShop. Downloaded the Snipperclips demo. Played like 2 hours of Zelda.

This is by far the most modern device Nintendo has created. There's still room for improvement but it's something that just feels like it -works- from the moment you take it out from the box. Everything just works and it feels great. It takes like 10 seconds max to set the Dock up. There's no extra installation or customization. The Switch itself is a handheld that looks great, feels great, and does what I expect it to. The moment I dump it on the Dock, I get a console. Pretty neat.

I even managed to get a friend request while playing Zelda before messing with any Friend Codes because someone found me via Fire Emblem Heroes' friend list. I've sent a request to someone else the same way. I took screenshots when playing Zelda. Managed to post it to Twitter pretty seamlessly.

The Pro Controller is the best controller I've used, maybe ever. It's comfortable, it's sturdy, not to heavy, feels just right. Zelda works wonderfully with it.

I have to confess, I haven't tried the Joycons on a game yet, and they are so much smaller than I expected. The Joycon Grip looks silly too. But whatever. We'll see when I test out 1-2 Switch and Snipperclips later on.

You know, this is really, REALLY pedantic and tangential of me but I'm wondering how Switch as a system will do in sparser density areas, since this was something of a problem with some of Nintendo's previous outings, like trying to find people to StreetPass on 3DS, etc.

HOW can you dock the system without it switching on?

Switching it off or putting it to sleep out of the dock, then setting the powered off Switch in the dock always switches it back on.


Okay, for anyone wondering? The official case is a perfect fit for the device in it's entirety (tablet + joycons attached) There's even a flap (don't know what else to call it) for some cartridges. You can fold the flap, en put the switch on top of it before you zip the thing up. Really glad with the minimalistic design. It also comes with a screen protector, it isn't tempered glass sadly enough. But it's nice they have included it with it.

can you post a pic of the inside?
it seems impossible to find on any store.


So I'm waiting for my delivery, but when it's here I need to leave by train. Is it possible to do everything in handheld mode without ever having used the dock? And are the batteries charged?



HOW can you dock the system without it switching on?

Switching it off or putting it to sleep out of the dock, then setting the powered off Switch in the dock always switches it back on.

I don't understand what you mean. The dock isn't the system, the Switch is the system. It... has to be on to work...

can you post a pic of the inside?
it seems impossible to find on any store.

I can post photos, gimme a sec.
Tip for removing Wrist Strap!

I just read the support page for the wrist straps, and you don't need to push the release button on the joycon to remove the wrist strap (assuming it's on properly). Just flip the unlock tab on the wrist strap, pull the wrist strap up while pulling the joycon to down.

Still requires a bit too much pressure imo but it comes off way easier when you aren't holding down the release button while trying to pull off the strap, haha.

Unlock tab? Whoops, no wonder it took so much force to remove lol


Really kind of surprised at the poor performance of Zelda in docked mode. It's goes from stable and smooth framerate to really damn choppy when running in some tall grass when looking toward the far away landscape.

I'd happily choose 720p output for the stability of I could.


Which are what? Mine kind of looks washed out.

I wouldn't say it's bad, handhelds have always been hard for me to game on for long because of hand cramps. Gotta say though, the Switch is the most comfortable handheld yet IMO.

yeah i was purely subjective here. i clearly can't say if it's best bandled handle but it's still not enougth for me (size will probably make it never possible)
Picked up the Switch, Pro Controller, Official Case, Zelda, and 1-2 Switch today. Super Bomberman R isn't here because the supplier dropped the ball. Bought Shovel Knight on the eShop. Downloaded the Snipperclips demo. Played like 2 hours of Zelda.

This is by far the most modern device Nintendo has created. There's still room for improvement but it's something that just feels like it -works- from the moment you take it out from the box. Everything just works and it feels great. It takes like 10 seconds max to set the Dock up. There's no extra installation or customization. The Switch itself is a handheld that looks great, feels great, and does what I expect it to. The moment I dump it on the Dock, I get a console. Pretty neat.

I even managed to get a friend request while playing Zelda before messing with any Friend Codes because someone found me via Fire Emblem Heroes' friend list. I've sent a request to someone else the same way. I took screenshots when playing Zelda. Managed to post it to Twitter pretty seamlessly.

The Pro Controller is the best controller I've used, maybe ever. It's comfortable, it's sturdy, not to heavy, feels just right. Zelda works wonderfully with it.

I have to confess, I haven't tried the Joycons on a game yet, and they are so much smaller than I expected. The Joycon Grip looks silly too. But whatever. We'll see when I test out 1-2 Switch and Snipperclips later on.
Have you tried eating the controller and, if so, what does it taste like.


Btw: how do the joycons connect power wise? I don't see any obvious connection on the tablet.
The connection is hidden in the bottom of the rail, lift out one of the joy con controllers and look at it from the bottom, you'll see several tiny pins hidden under the bottom of the rail (directly under where the block of arrows are on the joycon rail), it charges/syncs/communicates through this
I don't understand what you mean. The dock isn't the system, the Switch is the system. It... has to be on to work...

I can post photos, gimme a sec.

I want the Switch to always be in the dock when not in use, charging the console and the JoyCons when not in use etc.
If the Switch is being used in handheld mode and I am finished with it, I place it in the dock, first by powering it off. Only for it to automatically power itself back on as soon as it is set back in the dock to charge/rest. Then as I have the console set to auto tune to the correct HDMI input on the TV, it switches the T.V to the Switch Home screen each and every time.


Picked up the Switch, Pro Controller, Official Case, Zelda, and 1-2 Switch today. Super Bomberman R isn't here because the supplier dropped the ball. Bought Shovel Knight on the eShop. Downloaded the Snipperclips demo. Played like 2 hours of Zelda.

This is by far the most modern device Nintendo has created. There's still room for improvement but it's something that just feels like it -works- from the moment you take it out from the box. Everything just works and it feels great. It takes like 10 seconds max to set the Dock up. There's no extra installation or customization. The Switch itself is a handheld that looks great, feels great, and does what I expect it to. The moment I dump it on the Dock, I get a console. Pretty neat.

I even managed to get a friend request while playing Zelda before messing with any Friend Codes because someone found me via Fire Emblem Heroes' friend list. I've sent a request to someone else the same way. I took screenshots when playing Zelda. Managed to post it to Twitter pretty seamlessly.

The Pro Controller is the best controller I've used, maybe ever. It's comfortable, it's sturdy, not to heavy, feels just right. Zelda works wonderfully with it.

I have to confess, I haven't tried the Joycons on a game yet, and they are so much smaller than I expected. The Joycon Grip looks silly too. But whatever. We'll see when I test out 1-2 Switch and Snipperclips later on.

can't wait to try the pro controler later. From the shape of it , i have a feeling i will back you "on the best controler i have ever use".


if the switch is in the docking station but turned off/standby will it get charged? is there a way to see how far the charging is?
if the switch is in the docking station but turned off/standby will it get charged? is there a way to see how far the charging is?

So far no, there is no indication whatsoever it is charging at all. No orange light, blinking light or whatever. Unless I haven't found the feature of how to.


I'm still mad that my Neon Switch came a day early (yesterday) from Omuni7, but my neon straps ordered from Bic Camera didn't arrive yet.


The joycons died on me while playing and now I'm forced to stop playing :(

Why didn't Nintendo include the charge grip with this dammit.


Neo Member
Just got mine and the first thing i did was see what zelda tasted like. Other than that im pretty happy with it, just been messing about with settings etc. leaving for work in 2 hours and thats not enough time to start a zelda game :p Should i play it on tv first or the switch's screen???

Also Thanks for all you cyber sleuths who were feeding me information leading up to this launch.

Heres my code if you want to add: SW-0683-2071-9529 I'll prob be getting bombermans and arms depending on reviews.


Have you tried eating the controller and, if so, what does it taste like.

Not yet. You might have to rely on Giant Bomb for hot takes (hot tastes?) like that.

I want the Switch to always be in the dock when not in use, charging the console and the JoyCons when not in use etc.
If the Switch is being used in handheld mode and I am finished with it, I place it in the dock, first by powering it off. Only for it to automatically power itself back on as soon as it is set back in the dock to charge/rest. Then as I have the console set to auto tune to the correct HDMI input on the TV, it switches the T.V to the Switch Home screen each and every time.

I don't think that's possible at all. The dock itself has no software system so to speak. It's merely a pass through and isn't meant to be a charging station. I get what you mean now, and yes, it does seem weird when you think about it that way, but I'm not even sure if a firmware update can add the feature you want, since there's no way for the Switch to know whether you're using it or not when it's docked. Maybe they could add a "Docked Sleep Mode" which charges via USB without passing through the HDMI though, until you hit the home button? Not sure.
A lot of people have been reporting no charge on the left joyconn, just attach it to the system while docked for 10 minutes and it should be okay then. Probably nothing to worry about, just a bunch weren't charged before they were sent out.

Party, I mean it looked like it responded fine, just with all the junk about the desync, and my box had been dropped with a huge rip in it....

I was just hoping everything was okay, got all my updates installed and I am ready for mah Zelda!

I also scooped up sniper clips and shovel knight!


The eShop is flickering to black screen all the time for me. Is anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Same with the news tab.
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