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Nintendo Team Dallas Finale: Thank You GAFFERS


It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over. You guys helped me get on the Nintendo Street Team over a month ago! Then the promotion actually began and you guys helped me by voting for us in the weekly challenges. And now it ends, and I'm unemployed again. :(

For our final challenge, we had to perform a flash mob. For those who have no idea what a flash mob is (I had NO IDEA), my understanding of it is gathering a large group of people to perform a seemingly random act and then dispersing, leaving people confused. For example, getting a group of people in a restaurant or a mall to all have their cellphones go off at the same time and freak the hell out of everybody who's not on the in-crowd. Or at least that's my understanding.

Our team decided to crash QuakeCon, the biggest PC LAN party in the country, and got a crowd chanting MARIO, MARIO, MARIO, and NINTENDO, NINTENDO, NINTENDO for about 30-45 seconds a piece, and garnered attention from London's GAMERTV.com for an interview. To check it out and all the other team entries, check out the website and vote one FINAL time for DALLAS at

(remember it puts you into a drawing for $5ooo for yourself!)

Thank you all for putting up with this self-whoring series of threads over the summer, I hope you've at least enjoyed a few of the challenges, and if there is anything that I can do in return for your votes, let me know. Because I'm unemployed and have time to help!





Junior Member
you got my vote! I may ask you to send me a game sometime later this year (yes I will pay you for it of course...)



No probs sasimi! I may ask you to send ME a game too, assuming you're still in Japan, rather than Thailand.

Anihawk: the results will be posted on Wednesday, not sure when the checks will be sent out... The funny thing about this contest is that although our team has had to do a bunch of whoring for votes at the same time as completing challenges, it's quite possible that we could lose the contest, yet YOU could still win $5000. That would be fucked up!


I LOVE Flash mobs, and hope to be part of one at some point. I saw a segment on CNN about them. It gets spread through e-mail, etc., meet in one place not knowing where you're going, and then bam, you're off to your flash mob. The flash mob on CNN was a large group of people that went to Toys R Us Times Square and bowed down to the animatronic T-Rex set up in a Jurassic Park section every time it roared.

You guys got my vote, you did.


Thanks for the votes guys! Only 2 more days left to vote!

BTW, can anyone view the videos? I know there are videos for Dallas and Atlanta, but they're large files... I was just wondering how many people it looks like Atlanta has in their video... judging by their pictures, there didn't appear to be over 3000 people for their event. Can anyone on broadband confirm?


I don't know what 3,000 people look like so I can't tell you that, but there were a lot, typical night club with dance hall size crowd, busy, though they only showed just a few people in the closeups, so it is hard to tell.

But your's really was the best of all the video's, so I voted for you.
Crashin QuakeCon, makin people chant : MARIO, MARIO,MARIO?

fuck, you got my vote.

I would have loved to see John Carmack react to that?


rareside said:
Our team decided to crash QuakeCon, the biggest PC LAN party in the country, and got a crowd chanting MARIO, MARIO, MARIO, and NINTENDO, NINTENDO, NINTENDO for about 30-45 seconds a piece

Wow, that's really lame. You were at least on the Nintendo payroll before you did that, right?


Newbie said:
Any help for an international voter anyone?

I believe all international voters should still be able to sign up. However, only US residents are able to win the $5000 honrary street team drawing, so unless you just want to help us out by voting, it's cool if you don't vote. Damn Nintendo and their US only contests...

Hournda, the winner of this contest gets $40,000.


Thank you guys again! You rock! I plan on donating a little of it to help keep the GAF servers running, and the rest is going to debt. Credit card, college, bills, bills, bills... sucks ass!!

On another note, I don't think Nintendo has announced who won the honorary 9th Street Teamer prize of $5000. That would be cool if a GAFFER won, but I don't even want to imagine the odds..

I <3 GAF


That bonus complements their regular salaries of $100 a day for six weeks of three-day workweeks.



I was nowhere near that level of making money at my last job!
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