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NintendoLand - Review Thread


Men all testy in hurr.

Looks like it'd be a good pack-in, but not the surprise system-seller I was crossing my fingers for. I'll be sitting on my hands hoping Pikmin 3 lives up to its full potential.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Is it Ubisoft-only or most 3rd party games? I'm really glad it comes out in Europe later so I'll know which 3rd party game is worth picking up, but at the same time it is probably not a good sign.

Every single third party game is embargoed until the 18th.
Men all testy in hurr.

Looks like it'd be a good pack-in, but not the surprise system-seller I was crossing my fingers for. I'll be sitting on my hands hoping Pikmin 3 lives up to its full potential.

Some game about 6 years ago called Wii sports scored similarly with reviewers, that wasn't much of a system seller was it?


Man, Nintendo Land sounds like it's going to be primo when we go down to visit my family over Christmas.

14 damned days!


Some game about 6 years ago called Wii sports scored similarly with reviewers, that wasn't much of a system seller was it?

Nintendoland isn't as pluckily novel, but that aside, even if it turns out to be a runaway hit I meant "a system-seller for me," i.e. a truly great game that I am dying to play.


I didn't really need reviews to know I'd like this game after playing it for myself, but I'm pretty happy with them nonetheless. 7s and 8s for what is ostensibly a mini-game collection in 2012 is rather good.


My Member!
Nintendo games always get the "Rockstar bump" in reviews so I am not yet convinced.

Even Metriod Other M was showered with 9/10s


What do you need to be convinced of? It's probably the easiest game in the world to make a decision on buying or not. Spend 5 minutes watching the different mini games and you know if you have people around to play with you, that would have fun with this type of game. It doesn't need a review to decide that for you.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I only wish the overall economy of Nintendo Land didn't depend on my contributions so much. Each challenge tier has to be unlocked, and all the coins collected go into a silly pachinko contraption that doesn't always reward me for trying. The idea of having to unlock stages and knick-knacks within Nintendo Land feels slightly dated concept and is ultimately useless. And the overall package ultimately amounts to yet another mini-game collection, and one that doesn't have to stick to such a traditional video game structure. Obviously, mileage for these attractions may vary, but Nintendo Lands delivers a fun title to keep you busy while friends and family visit during the upcoming holidays.

I don't get this viewpoint. Is he saying that having unlockables is dated, or the method with which to unlock them is dated?


Played Nintendoland for a bunch of hours last night with friends.

It's Mario Party meets Wii Sports Resort.

It's a lighthearted game with lots of simple controls anyone can get into just like the above games.

The Pikmin challenge is epic and big though, it could almost be Pikmin 3 in a way.

The Animal Crossing game is awesome.

Overall, it'll get old quick like any mini-game fest, but it's a great little game.


Seems as if the praise this game is getting stems from the multiplayer components of the game. With no online--it's a downfall. Some of you guys are seriously delusional if you think a bunch of your dude friends are gonna show up with beers and ask to play Pikmin mini-game and shit, lolol


So it's a fun mini-game collection that you will probably play for a while, have a good time, then hang up once some games come out.

Nothing wrong with that. Still nothing I'm interested in paying full retail for.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Seems as if the praise this game is getting stems from the multiplayer components of the game. With no online--it's a downfall. Some of you guys are seriously delusional if you think a bunch of your dude friends are gonna show up with beers and ask to play Pikmin mini-game and shit, lolol

You know nothing about my life, yet you act as if your opinion on it is correct. Yep, I'm the delusional one.
What do you need to be convinced of? It's probably the easiest game in the world to make a decision on buying or not. Spend 5 minutes watching the different mini games and you know if you have people around to play with you, that would have fun with this type of game. It doesn't need a review to decide that for you.

I have a Deluxe reserved so I guess I'll have it anyway.

I was just respomding to all the people in this thread who seem to think these review scores vindicate the game or prove it is great, even crappy Nintendo games like Other M get showered with 9s.
I'll be honest it's probably a game i'll play a few times in a week or 2 and never play again after awhile - i think the most replay value will be mario for me or zombieU hopefully.


That's stupid, really. This would be the best collection to get Wii U gamers playing online right from Day 1. So the only way to fully enjoy some of the games is to find 4 other people to come to my house and play Nintendo?

Pretty much--hence my post above. Shame, really.


Seems as if the praise this game is getting stems from the multiplayer components of the game. With no online--it's a downfall. Some of you guys are seriously delusional if you think a bunch of your dude friends are gonna show up with beers and ask to play Pikmin mini-game and shit, lolol

On the contrary, I would probably never play any of these games online, anyway (that's not to say it's not disappointing the option isn't available, though). As a party game this will get me a lot of mileage, however. Just like the Wii did when I was in my first year of undergrad and I was the only guy on the floor who had the foresight (read: Nintendo fanboyism) to buy it on day one. ;P


My Member!
I have a Deluxe reserved so I guess I'll have it anyway.

I was just respomding to all the people in this thread who seem to think these review scores vindicate the game or prove it is great, even crappy Nintendo games like Other M get showered with 9s.

Never played Metroid, it got some mediocre scores as well. GI gave it under a 7.

Either way, Nintendoland seems like a game that is simply 'it is what it is.' No review really needs to tell you what it is or break it down too much.


Neo Member
Seems as if the praise this game is getting stems from the multiplayer components of the game. With no online--it's a downfall. Some of you guys are seriously delusional if you think a bunch of your dude friends are gonna show up with beers and ask to play Pikmin mini-game and shit, lolol


Who wouldn't want to play this game drunk? I mean, co-op Nintendo games in particular have quite a reputation amongst the intoxicated crowd.


Nintendo games always get the "Rockstar bump" in reviews so I am not yet convinced.

Even Metriod Other M was showered with 9/10s

Honest question, do you even read the reviews or do you just scroll until you see to the little number at the bottom and say to yourself: "haha, it's crap!" or "wait what, I call doritos!"?

In this particular case I read both the Joystiq and Polygon reviews in their entirety. I am not sure what that has to dimwith my point regardless.
You're giving one example to prove a shallow point based on random review scores. Maybe you should get the Wii Music metacritc score, it might have the Rockstar bump as well.


The problem is that the game requires a WM+. I can understand Nintendo's assertion that most folks that buy a Wii U will probably own at least 1 Wiimote, but I'd wager the vast huge majority of Wii users never bothered with WM+. That's going to make Nintendoland somewhat of a shitty experience for a lot of people that get it home and cant play large chunks of it.

If you ever expect to play local multiplayer on WiiU, you need to plan on having a WM+, it's not like Nintendoland is the only example
I don't get this viewpoint. Is he saying that having unlockables is dated, or the method with which to unlock them is dated?

I think he's just talking about how a party game like this probably shouldn't require single player leg work to unlock everything. dated is probably referring to how originally the guitar hero and rock band games required you to play through the campaign to unlock the songs for when your mates came over, and how both games in the franchise started making them all unlocked from the beginning in multiplayer after a while.

if indeed you have to play the single player to unlock all the games and modes, that's going to be annoying on sunday when I go to a Wii U party.
Honest question, do you even read the reviews or do you just scroll until you see to the little number at the bottom and say to yourself: "haha, it's crap!" or "wait what, I call doritos!"?

In this particular case I read both the Joystiq and Polygon reviews in their entirety. I am not sure what that has to dimwith my point regardless.
If you ever expect to play local multiplayer on WiiU, you need to plan on having a WM+, it's not like Nintendoland is the only example

I guess I don't then, because I never intend to ever buy another Wiimote in my life. Just the included pad plus a Pro pad.
Probably be better off with the included pad and a wiimote plus

Perhaps. I need to try one of the Pros first before I buy it. It looks like they copied the 360 controller, which is a good thing, but if the feel of it mimics the Wii Classic controller, I'll need to pass.


Reviews so far seem to reaffirm my feelings about the game after spending about an hour with it. I'll definitely pick it up, this and NSMB U. will be perfect for game parties.


Lets remember that the original Wii sports has a metacritic rating of 73.
Link: http://www.metacritic.com/game/wii/wii-sports

That was just a "mini-game" collection with little depth. LOL. Probably the most played and loved game of this generation of game consoles. I mean EGM gave it a 63.

I remember people saying this or that minigame sucked (boxing or baseball). But I spent hours and hours with baseball.

So yeah, reviewers are bad at rating party games AND games that offer new experiences. The fact that this game is getting generally higher praise speaks to the fact that its more traditional and also more fully featured than the original Wii Sports.

But many of the reviews saying "its no Wii Sports!" make me laugh. You guys rated Wii Sports as a C- of a game!


Lets remember that the original Wii sports has a metacritic rating of 73.
Link: http://www.metacritic.com/game/wii/wii-sports

That was just a "mini-game" collection with little depth. LOL. Probably the most played and loved game of this generation of game consoles. I mean EGM gave it a 63.

But that was correct. Even Nintendo admitted Wii Sports was shallow. People don't understand that you can enjoy shallow things - what gets me is that people get angry at those who don't enjoy shallow things.

It's shallow, own it and love it if that's the type of thing you enjoy


Perhaps. I need to try one of the Pros first before I buy it. It looks like they copied the 360 controller, which is a good thing, but if the feel of it mimics the Wii Classic controller, I'll need to pass.

Yeah. The general consensus is that people say it resembles a 360 controller, but feels more like a Wii's CC Pro.


But that was correct. Even Nintendo admitted Wii Sports was shallow. People don't understand that you can enjoy shallow things - what gets me is that people get angry at those who don't enjoy shallow things.

It's shallow, own it and love it if that's the type of thing you enjoy

I'm not sure its really that shallow. Is the real game of bowling shallow?

But you make my point. Some reviewers go through a checklist of features: Does it have online? How many hours of gameplay?

Games should be reviewed on the overall experience. People look at the "depth" of a game and say, "Wii Sports Bowling should have been downloaded for $5". Wrong. The whole Wii Sports package with Mii integration was vital to the Wii's success. It would have gotten lost and dismissed if released as a cheap downloadable title as some are suggesting NintendoLand's minigame should be.


I'm not sure its really that shallow. Is the real game of bowling shallow?

But you make my point. Some reviewers go through a checklist of features: Does it have online? How many hours of gameplay?

Games should be reviewed on the overall experience. People look at the "depth" of a game and say, "Wii Sports Bowling should have been downloaded for $5". Wrong. The whole Wii Sports package with Mii integration was vital to the Wii's success. It would have gotten lost and dismissed if released as a cheap downloadable title as some are suggesting NintendoLand's minigame should be.

Sometimes a checklist exists for a reason. Multiplayer focused games unarguably are superior with an online mode, the same as they are unarguably superior with an offline mode. Sometimes going through the content a game has and recognizing it's inexcusably tiny is righteous, because it speaks to a products value (Note: not all the time. The good reviewer understands when something does not apply. The debate would be if Wii Sports applies here.. I submit it does, others would obviously not. I thought JOURNEY on PS3 would not be worth the $15 because of its shortness, and I was completely wrong. But that was specifically because of the value they added with the necessity to get the "full experience" by playing the game in one sit through with an online partner).

Now, sure, bowling is what bowling is... but even that can have stuff. Maybe special outfits to unlock the better you do. Maybe real time leagues with characters that play into some rivalry, fleshing out the motivation to move up. Maybe different types of character strengths, so it's not all just one size fits all. I'm just throwing stuff out there, some if not all might be negative to you. But I got a bowling game for free on my cellphone, and it has about as much content as Wii Bowling has. So there has to be some accountability for what you're getting.

The same goes for everything. Now, as always, this is all debatable. I'm not listing my opinion as fact, as some are want to believe. But I do absolutely think, and Nintendo has seemingly arrived at the same conclusion, that what they included in Wii Sports was kind of depthless. They mutilated the sport of baseball (outfielding, for example, gone. Baserunning crippled.) Mutilated the sport of tennis with no control of movement. Golf is not even worth mentioning for how little content it includes versus legitimate Golf titles. Boxing was not up to the task due to Wiimote's limited tech.

But I think it's fair to say that if someone thinks Wii Sports is shallow, there is real merit in the argument. The same, I assume, remains true of Nintendoland, the same as it always is for every mini-game compilation. There's a reason they're "mini-games" and not "major-games."


Considering that November and December are months that brings families together,
this game fits perfectly for that context.

As with Wii sports, the score or rating of this game is meaningless. I dont even know why reviewers even bother. If a game is designed to be fun, and is fun, then its already a 10 in most people's eyes.
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