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NintendoLand - Review Thread


Here's a hint: If you say a game is going to be great, and someone else says it isn't going to be great, and then the review average lands within what is widely considered to be the "Average" score range, you don't serve the other guy crow.

A lot of people said this game looked like trash. The reviews are far from trash. So yeah, looks like that pic was well used. Your explanation was unnecessary overall.


How the fuck is calling this great "delusional"?

The game looks quality, polished, great visually, with good concepts and interesting uses for the control. What are you gonna do about it to change my opinion?



Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Is there a list of what controller options are available for these games? Is m+ required or can i use pro controllers?

Motion+ is only required for the Legend of Zelda and Metroid attractions. I don't think the Pro Controller can be used.


Glad it's in the deluxe. I was going to eventually pick it up anyway though, always looked interesting.

And lol at the crow picture. That was ridiculous.


Have yet to read the Shacknews review but that quote pretty much sums up my expectations from those guys.

Sorry, but all this positive feedback ain't enough to convince me to spend over one second playing NintendoLand

Are you trying to tell us that an enjoyable game is not worth playing due to some strange bias you have? Bizarre.
Its also apparent that a lot of people will never find any appeal to this title and will trash it because of that.

Will they try it though???

(talking the people that get it for free)

If not, that's kind of silly and closeminded.

I don't go out of my way dismissing games which don't appear to be my thing using hyperbolic language as if the developers are insulting my intelligence.

This isn't Funky Barn.
A lot of people said this game looked like trash. The reviews are far from trash. So yeah, looks like that pic was well used. Your explanation was unnecessary overall.
Those who thought a mini game title looked like trash probably won't have their minds changed as it is still just that


Weird how he focused on the single-player. I wonder how many reviewers actually properly tested playing the game with, you know, other people.

I wondered the same thing too. Shack in general seems pretty meh on the whole console (Although Jeff Cannata on Weekend Confirmed seems to have come around a bit).
Wanted to grab Nintendoland but the Wii-mote requirement for two of the more interesting mini-games kills my interest. I'm not purchasing any Wii-U title that requires a last gen accessory. If the next Zelda demands it, then that can kiss my ass too.


Considering wii sports only has a 76 metaranking and it was one of the defining games of this gen, I don't think i'm going to take reviews for NL too seriously.

It is nice to see though that they're generally positive.

I don't see why reviews matter. Still looks like trash.

I don't see why your opinion matters. It's still trash.
Wanted to grab Nintendoland but the Wii-mote requirement for two of the more interesting mini-games kills my interest. I'm not purchasing any Wii-U title that requires a last gen accessory. If the next Zelda demands it, then that can kiss my ass too.

What the fuck is this shit, the wii remote isn't a last gen accessory, its a multi gen accessory
What the fuck is this shit, the wii remote isn't a last gen accessory, its a multi gen accessory

The problem is that the game requires a WM+. I can understand Nintendo's assertion that most folks that buy a Wii U will probably own at least 1 Wiimote, but I'd wager the vast huge majority of Wii users never bothered with WM+. That's going to make Nintendoland somewhat of a shitty experience for a lot of people that get it home and cant play large chunks of it.
The problem is that the game requires a WM+. I can understand Nintendo's assertion that most folks that buy a Wii U will probably own at least 1 Wiimote, but I'd wager the vast huge majority of Wii users never bothered with WM+. That's going to make Nintendoland somewhat of a shitty experience for a lot of people that get it home and cant play large chunks of it.

Maybe I'm wrong but I'd imagine more wii owners have motion plus than not, also the post I responded to was nothing to do with m+


Maybe I'm wrong but I'd imagine more wii owners have motion plus than not

Eh, I rarely agree with him, but I think I'm going to have to side with Baconsammy on this one. WM+ was introduced in 2010 and didn't come standard built in until 2011 (iirc).

It would have been nice if nintendo had thrown one in with every box but I can understand why they didn't considering they're already taking a loss on the Wii U. A Wiimote probably costs them what...$10? Times 5 million or so in the launch window and that adds up fast.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
The problem is that the game requires a WM+. I can understand Nintendo's assertion that most folks that buy a Wii U will probably own at least 1 Wiimote, but I'd wager the vast huge majority of Wii users never bothered with WM+. That's going to make Nintendoland somewhat of a shitty experience for a lot of people that get it home and cant play large chunks of it.

Two attractions requiring Motion+ (for their multiplayer portion) is hardly "large chunks". Metroid could have done without M+, but Zelda could hardly even function without it so I'm glad it is there to create a better experience.
I just think it's ridiculous for a next-gen game (or, in this case, a portion of it) to require an accessory from the previous system in order to play it. I mean, who does this?

Seriously out of all the anti wii u things I've ever heard on this board, this is one of the most ridiculous

You can buy it in a box that says wii u if that's any better for you


Seriously out of all the anti wii u things I've ever heard on this board, this is one of the most ridiculous

You can buy it in a box that says wii u if that's any better for you

I'm just going to start calling it the Wii U Remote Plus. Hopefully that will ease everyone's concerns.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I just think it's ridiculous for a next-gen game (or, in this case, a portion of it) to require an accessory from the previous system in order to play it. I mean, who does this?

I don't understand this logic.

For single-player, you use the Gamerpad that comes with the system. For local multiplayer, you need to go out and buy extra controllers. It's been that way with almost every gaming console. The only difference with WiiU is that those extra controllers are already in close to a 100 million households worldwide, and those people might not even need to go out and buy extra controllers to experience multiplayer in NintendoLand. I don't see how that is a bad thing for WiiU games, especially considering the system only supports two Gamerpads at a time. Though I do believe it is an oversight on Nintendo's part to no allow support for the Pro Controller and other Wii Accessories with multiplayer in NintendoLand.


Eurogamer: 8/10
Nice closing :)

Thanks, added to OP.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Eurogamer: 8/10
it's better to judge Nintendo Land on its own merits. Do that and you might be surprised. It's not just half a dozen great diversions and a few more besides; it's sweet fan service that celebrates Nintendo's catalogue with more heart and less calculation than we've seen of late. Better yet, it reclaims the used and abused mini-game compilation from the hollow hinterlands of the casual cash-in, lovingly restores it and puts it back where it belongs - amid the hustle, the buzz, the urgent appeal of the arcade.
Nice closing :)

I expected reviewers to have access to miiverse, it's an integral part of the game missing from these reviews.

November 30th can't come soon enough!


I just think it's ridiculous for a next-gen game (or, in this case, a portion of it) to require an accessory from the previous system in order to play it. I mean, who does this?
Wow. I'm glad I can say day 1 to my friends to come over my house with a wiimote and be able to enjoy NintendoLand without having to buy additional controllers.


These reviews ease all my concerns :p

Looks to be a good pack in, which is awesome for a game I would have never bought otherwise.


I have no real interest in this but it is coming with my deluxe and those reviews aren't bad. If nothing else my 5 year old will probably dig it and according to the reviews, I might like it too.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Digital Trends - 8/10

Digital Trends said:
It is tough to review Nintendo Land as a game, since it is tutorial wrapped around multiple games of differing quality. Some of those games are exceptional, while others are not. It does what it sets out to do though, and it helps that the game features the traditionally fine polish that Nintendo games are known for. The graphics look great, and it is nice to see an HD rendition of titles like Metroid, even if it is only a brief and heavily cartoon-ized version. If nothing else, you have to credit it for its originality as it attempts things that no one else can even begin to mimic.

For the people picking up a Wii U for their family, or those that specifically want a game that can be played with others, Nintendo Land is a solid choice. The games are somewhat shallow, of course, and the explanations on how to play each game that keep popping up get old to the point of being obnoxious, but if you are looking for something to get the most out of your Wii U, Nintendo Land is a must have.


Hmmm so it's less mini game compilation and more arcade reel??

I won't lie, Wii U titles keep surprising me more and more... Bring on the Zombi U review

Im curious
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