Played a bit last night. Loved the first one but this seems frustratingly hard.
The game is superb. Does anyone know what the stat is for getting your beast back randomly after death. Is it luck?
I once had a piece of equipment that got it back about 1/10 of the time but I have no idea what that was, and googling wasn't a help.
I believe its a perk/skill/stat thing on some gear called Auto Grave Recovery iirc but I could be wrong. I've had it on some gear and it can stack its percentage chance which is nice, I was using it a great deal until I switched to different gear for set bonuses.
The game is superb. Does anyone know what the stat is for getting your beast back randomly after death. Is it luck?
I once had a piece of equipment that got it back about 1/10 of the time but I have no idea what that was, and googling wasn't a help.
Man I REALLY want to pick this up but not sure whether to get physical vanilla edition or digital deluxe... i'm reading lots and lots of more "meh" type impressions and complaints though, maybe I will wait for some balance patching or something? I dunno
I've torn through Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborn and Nioh but I see a lot of people complaining about Nioh 2... wondering how it ranks among all the other similar titles.
Man I REALLY want to pick this up but not sure whether to get physical vanilla edition or digital deluxe... i'm reading lots and lots of more "meh" type impressions and complaints though, maybe I will wait for some balance patching or something? I dunno
I've torn through Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborn and Nioh but I see a lot of people complaining about Nioh 2... wondering how it ranks among all the other similar titles.
Nioh 2 is just flatout better than Nioh. The added burst counters and soul core is just great. Nioh 2 is just a more refined version of Nioh. Better pacing, bosses, enemies, refined system mechanics, new weapons, etc. Overall it isnt too different in terms of structure. Just more Nioh goodness.Man I REALLY want to pick this up but not sure whether to get physical vanilla edition or digital deluxe... i'm reading lots and lots of more "meh" type impressions and complaints though, maybe I will wait for some balance patching or something? I dunno
I've torn through Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborn and Nioh but I see a lot of people complaining about Nioh 2... wondering how it ranks among all the other similar titles.
Here is the best Nioh player on the planet! I found him when I was having trouble with Nioh 1. I did not understand how to use stance switching and other aspects of combat. I was playing it more like a Souls game. Inspirational just watching XLH play.
Here is the best Nioh player on the planet! I found him when I was having trouble with Nioh 1. I did not understand how to use stance switching and other aspects of combat. I was playing it more like a Souls game. Inspirational just watching XLH play.
Here is the best Nioh player on the planet! I found him when I was having trouble with Nioh 1. I did not understand how to use stance switching and other aspects of combat. I was playing it more like a Souls game. Inspirational just watching XLH play.
Ckeck youtube by searching Swichglaive midgame build. I saw some insane stuff.Any1 got op switchglaive builds?
I am really torn. On one hand i am really interested in playing the Switchglaive. On the other i am preferring the traditional Japanese weaponry.
The switchglaive scaling of magic doesn’t make the decision any easier.
Yeah i might give it a go.S.g is so much fun! I put the change stances on the r2 and the combos/ changing are so fluid. Havnt gotten any magic yet though just started.
For sure. People should just laugh. He's not very good at the game, clearly lol.Watchin that Dunkey video... damn, he really doesn't get how all new Yokai systems interllnk and make all the difference in the combat.
You need to know when and how to use the burst counter, how powerful certain yokai skills are as straight attacks and as critical counters, and most of all how to maintain and replenish anima. Scampuss' aren't just cute companions that do a bit of extra damage, their primary use is as anima batteries allowing you to really abuse your yokai powers.
It took me awhile to figure out why playing the game in the same way as the first Nioh was so ineffective, but once I realized that all the new systems are connected to one-another, it got a lot easier.
How is a person supposed to know any of this? I’ve been playing with a couple friends, were towards the end of the second map area, and the Yokai abilities feel completely underwhelming. The tutorials related to Yokai stuff are so dead simple and teach you almost nothing. And yeah, the cat feels like a little thing that is cute and takes off tiny amounts of health for a few minutes. If there’s more to it than that, I have no idea how anyone would know that.Watchin that Dunkey video... damn, he really doesn't get how all new Yokai systems interllnk and make all the difference in the combat.
You need to know when and how to use the burst counter, how powerful certain yokai skills are as straight attacks and as critical counters, and most of all how to maintain and replenish anima. Scampuss' aren't just cute companions that do a bit of extra damage, their primary use is as anima batteries allowing you to really abuse your yokai powers.
It took me awhile to figure out why playing the game in the same way as the first Nioh was so ineffective, but once I realized that all the new systems are connected to one-another, it got a lot easier.
Watchin that Dunkey video... damn, he really doesn't get how all new Yokai systems interllnk and make all the difference in the combat.
You need to know when and how to use the burst counter, how powerful certain yokai skills are as straight attacks and as critical counters, and most of all how to maintain and replenish anima. Scampuss' aren't just cute companions that do a bit of extra damage, their primary use is as anima batteries allowing you to really abuse your yokai powers.
It took me awhile to figure out why playing the game in the same way as the first Nioh was so ineffective, but once I realized that all the new systems are connected to one-another, it got a lot easier.
Post your stats so we can judge your buildI found these awesome Tonfas, but is my build ass? I’m doing just fine. I just wonder if I’m creating a disaster at this point.
ThanksHere you go: thanks!
Guys may I ask a quick question? How mp works in nioh 2? A la souls or similar to nioh1? I mean do I have to complete a level before asking for help or I can summon "freely"? Sorry if I didn't explain myself so well, not a native speaker.
Thanks, I was a bit on the fence after playing sekiro (I didn't enjoyed it and abandoned it pretty soon) and surge 2 (I'm really liking it, very fun to play), so before committing to another souls like it's nice knowing I could find a bit of help if neededYou can always ask for help. The only restriction is you cant get invited to play a mission you have yet to unlock.