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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect

I saw a Youtube video the other day of someone's ship taking off without them. I don't know if they ever got it fixed or what the resolution is. I'd say to certainly send an email to HG support about it though and you may want to try reloading your save, and if that still doesn't fix it then try recalling your ship back from a terminal just to see what happens.

Hm, wonder if that's what happened to me. I remember wandering around and losing my ship waypoint once. Had to find a port to call it back in. That wasn't on the latest patch, though.
I really hope one of the 1st things they add is the ability to add slots to your existing ship or mining tool. I really like what I've got and don't want to find a new ship or pay out the ass for a new one that I might not really like aesthetically.


Laugh at my pain gaf. I'll try and trek for a station tomorrow. That jet pack noise and harsh weather is going to make it so tedious though. It's reinstalling so maybe that'll help.

Just such a crappy planet to happen on.

I'll remember that fushi....
I really hope one of the 1st things they add is the ability to add slots to your existing ship or mining tool. I really like what I've got and don't want to find a new ship or pay out the ass for a new one that I might not really like aesthetically.

That seems like it'd be an easier addition, or to have a new ship or exosuit upgrade that allows for more resources to stack in a single slot. I'll gladly give up a slot for an upgrade if it allows me to combine my 4 slots full of Emeril into one.

Laugh at my pain gaf. I'll try and trek for a station tomorrow. That jet pack noise and harsh weather is going to make it so tedious though. It's reinstalling so maybe that'll help.

Just such a cappy planet to happen on.

haha sorry, mate. It was really funny though ;)

Look for those transmission beams as they seem to be scattered about more frequently than anything else on a planet, and search for Colonial Outpost. That ought to cut down on your trek time significantly.


Aftershock LA
story of this generation. destiny, division, no man's sky. potential, potential, potential.

I dropped Destiny after the Taken King bullshit, but I played it quite a bit. It was a good game. Most games have potential, so it's not really a damning criticism. If the developer can capitalize on that potential, that's great. A lot don't, however. As long as the end game is still fun and enjoyable, I tend to give them a pass. Destiny has some beautiful gunplay, which Bungie excels at. It wasn't exactly the game I thought it was going to be, but I still had a lot of fun with it. I've never played The Division, because that genre doesn't interest me, so I have no idea if the game is good or not. No Man's Sky is good, but like similar games before it, it does have a lot of potential, and hopefully it will get the opportunity to realize it. A lot of games never do.

I'd have killed for Folklore to become a franchise... Man, a PS4 Folklore, with that art design, music, and addictive "gotta catch'em all" game design? Swoon.

But alas, Game Republic is no more, and Sony isn't looking to revive the series (a PS4 port of the original would be welcome, though, Sony...). No Man's Sky still has the chance to grow and expand. Games like Driveclub and Socom had rough launches, but eventually were able to turn it around with content updates. I'm hoping No Man's Sky does the same. My expectations were firmly in check with it, and I love the game, but I'm never going to complain about a developer that wants to improve their game post-release.


So basically your own DDog? I don't know, I think it might make an easy game even easier. It would definitely take some of the sting out of survival.

But then again, I don't understand why people exploit bugs in the game like the stacking bug, when it's basically like using a money cheat code in SimCity. You can do it, but you're breaking the game and the built-in obstacles.

There does seem to be a problem with the weather system matching up with what the planet is supposed to be. I was on a Humid planet last night whose weather dipped below 0ºC quite often, and had frequent freezing rain storms. I've also seen multiple storms (Heat and Ice) occur at the same time.

Well, I did put stipulations to it. You'd have to recharge it once the battery dies. I didn't know about the stacking bug, but I usually never do that stuff. I remember there was some kind of loot bug or something in Destiny early on. Loot caves? I never used it. Part of the fun of those games is earning shit yourself, and if it's just given to you, there's no fun for me. Your Probe would almost be like the feeding animals mechanic, in that they're autonomous, and can discover things for you. It wouldn't be a mechanic that you were forced to use (like Listen Mode in The Last of Us. You don't have to use it, but it's there for the folks that may enjoy it). I think it'd be cool to have your own little R2-D2/BB-8 as your companion through the cosmos. They could treat them like ships and multi-tools, where you can talk to traders and make an offer on their Probe if it has better slots than your previous one, and can come in all sorts of different designs. It's just a little extra gameplay system to tool around with, in a game that doesn't have that many gameplay systems.

I think it'd be useful to train my Probe to find resources, or defend me when those obnoxious little crab creatures attack me from all angles, and it's hard to get a bead on them. I'd love to train him to recharge my shields during ship combat when it gets below. Do it like the Gambit system: "Recharge shields when below 25%" or something. Besides, the Probe would still have to travel to you to give you any resources it's collected. It'd only be marking points of interests, not warping them to you. Perhaps refueling it could cost rare resources like Omegon, so that you'd have to really decide when you'd want to deploy him out into the planet. The point is to just add another interesting, potentially fun layer onto the existing gameplay template. Some people enjoy the game, but hate the tedium of gathering resources, or blindly hunting for settlements and beacons. shrugs. It'd be an easily avoidable feature for those that aren't interested.

And difficulty is subjective. I haven't died much, but pirates were a pain in larger numbers, and I was on a planet that would delete my shields in about 25 seconds, and had extreme storms that would cut that time in half ever 3 or 4 minutes, so I constantly had to recharge. There's resources everywhere, of course, but it definitely got too close for comfort if I strolled too far away from my settlement or ship, and couldn't find a cave to hunker down in until the storm passed (the storms lasted about 5 minutes or so; nothing too crazy).

I'd like it if the game had difficulty settings like Minecraft. Have a "Casual" "Normal," and "Extreme" difficulty settings for people. I wouldn't mind playing on Extreme, but I know my wife would prefer Casual, because she just likes exploring and finding planets and animals, and not dealing with combat or survival stuff. I don't get it, especially since she plays shit like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but hey, different strokes, I guess.


The only thing i was upset over in this game was the trophies... i love exploring and everything the game has to offer... but i love getting trophies... i platinumed before finishing any of the Paths... i did finish Atlas... but im nowhere near the center... and i feel like a trophy for getting to the center should have been a thing... at the very least. eh... thats just me though.

Video- https://youtu.be/orTArN7sFwc



I think your niece's enjoyment with something "any informed person is supposed to hate" speaks volumes about how toxic hype culture-- on both the consumer and developer/publisher side-- is. I'm glad she's enjoying it. It's a good game.

I'm sure everyone's got a game or three that they used to enjoy as a kid, only to later realize that said games were actually utter dogshite. Hell, I used to enjoy the hell out of Street Fighter 2 on the Amiga 500 when I was a kid!

I'm not saying that NMS is utter dogshite, only that kids often have shit taste.


Double Horizon planet found. I shall land on it and screenshots will be later today

EDIT: Uhhhh something I never seen before but is common looks really different
Wow. Turn on the game before work and for some reason my ship was 13 minutes away. Hhhmmm....I didn't do that....maybe my nephew played? Nah....im at the same station. So, the planet can get over 600 degrees, I start walking and I see that the icon actually says off planet. What?! So I think no biggie, reload an earlier save. Nope. I have two consecutive saves 2 minutes apart. Lololololol -_-....

Is there a known way to fix this?

Happened to me, and yeah, I just wandered until I found an outpost with a landing platform where I could call my ship with a Bypass Chip. You could also do it from those posts outside certain Shelters, or you could find a crashed ship (but you might not be able to swap over all your inventory). Wandering around and finding a recall button is basically your only real option.
Holy shit.

Ok so I landed on a Grav Ball planet with Hostile Sentinels. Like can't even just walk around without being attacked level hostile.

So I found myself a structure and decided to test out my latest (and likely last since I LOVE the look and it has all the upgrades I need) Multi-Tool:

So I started grabbing Grav Balls and called down the Sentinel Dog. I blew it away NO SWEAT and ran back to shelter, ducking and dodging Sentinel Drone fire and waiting for a Walker to show up.

Sure enough it did and my beam did jack shit to it. But wait! I have grenades installed now?

I popped into my shelter to refill my gun and my wanted level went from 4 to 0. I jumped out of the shelter and hit the Walker with a string of grenades. It took massive damage and fired at me but I was popping in and out of the shelter door so it couldn't hit me. I killed it and saw my wanted level go up to FIVE which I've never seen before. I ducked in and out of shelter again and began bombing the remaining Drones, waiting to see what 5 Stars brought... and nothing... and nothing...

Nothing ever came. I still have a 5 Star wanted level as I'm typing this but I think the ducking in and out of shelter glitched the planet and no Sentinels are spawning AT ALL. So thanks to some stacking when leveling up my ship, I now have this:

No matter what I do or where I go, Sentinels don't spawn anymore despite my flashing rating. Maybe when I get in my ship again it'll reset finally but for now I just wish I had another 100 stack of Grav Balls to abuse for massive profit.

Also, this planet is a fucking nightmare. Fire storms during the day, ice storms during the night, and all kinds of wild animals which, BTW, are very large:

Maybe I'll wander across another broken ship so I can break down another Grav Ball stack.

I am kinda bummed out that I wasn't able to see what comes for you after 5 stars (please nobody take this as an opportunity to post a picture I'd rather find out shortly before being completely wrecked by whatever it is). Also super pissed that all I got for killing a damned Walker was a fucking blueprint I already knew and not some kind of rare element.


Junior Butler
That 5tat guy posted a video describing the same thing. If you successfully get to 5 stars and beat the final Sentinel, supposedly no more sentinels will spawn.

I don't know if that's by design or a glitch.
So I found myself a structure and decided to test out my latest (and likely last since I LOVE the look and it has all the upgrades I need) Multi-Tool:


I really like the look of the more organic MTs. Are you on a Vy'keen planet?

That 5tat guy posted a video describing the same thing. If you successfully get to 5 stars and beat the final Sentinel, supposedly no more sentinels will spawn.

I don't know if that's by design or a glitch.

Sounds like a worthy award to me. I'll take a respite from sentinels spawning over pretty much anything else, but specially on a Frenzied planet.
Ok I can confirm that getting in and out of my ship after flying around does not reset the Sentinels and I still am free to fuck around on this planet. Not gonna try and leave and come back though, I wanna get FILTHY STINKIN' RICH here.

Holy crap, what kind of alien gave you this multi-tool? It looks awesome!!
I actually got it
at the Space Anomaly with those two characters I can never remember the names of.
It was 1 less than the Multi-Tool I had but I mean, come on! Look at that thing. And it's fully upgraded to suit my needs so I'm golden until they start adding new guns/upgrades to the game.

That 5tat guy posted a video describing the same thing. If you successfully get to 5 stars and beat the final Sentinel, supposedly no more sentinels will spawn.

I don't know if that's by design or a glitch.

Whoa interesting O: Did he beat whatever came from 5 Stars though? I never saw anything other than normal Drones (1&2 Stars) then the Dog (3 Star) and Walker (4 Star), I never fought whatever came with the 5 Star rating I have.

I really like the look of the more organic MTs. Are you on a Vy'keen planet?

See above but I was in a Gek system.
Wow. Turn on the game before work and for some reason my ship was 13 minutes away. Hhhmmm....I didn't do that....maybe my nephew played? Nah....im at the same station. So, the planet can get over 600 degrees, I start walking and I see that the icon actually says off planet. What?! So I think no biggie, reload an earlier save. Nope. I have two consecutive saves 2 minutes apart. Lololololol -_-....

I noticed my jet pack is making the same sound as my plasma launcher. Hhmm.

I restart and think....it's a game and glitches happen. Yay! Ship is only 2 minutes away on planet. Sweet? Nah...it's actually flying away without you.


Video- https://youtu.be/orTArN7sFwc

Is there a known way to fix this?
Love the planet and your hairdryer multitool.
I noticed my jet pack is making the same sound as my plasma launcher. Hhmm.

I restart and think....it's a game and glitches happen. Yay! Ship is only 2 minutes away on planet. Sweet? Nah...it's actually flying away without you.

Huh. Well they'd fixed the orbit bug, but this is a new one. Interesting that it's not accelerating away from you really. Did you ever catch up to it? Maybe this is Sean's "easter egg" online feature -- your ship shows up as a crashed ship to another player. ;)

Never been to Scotland then. ;)

No, but I'd like to some day! Though maybe without simultaneous heat and ice storms.


Came across this cute little fella today, really wanted to take him with me on my travels, but he was "bezorgd".
that's Dutch for "worried"


Haha! That's awesome. And yeah that would be really cool if they patched in the ability to have a pet alien. The little dude can fetch nearby elements and be an increase in your inventory. So much potential!
Here's the sentinel video.

It looks like you just have to take out the walker on the 4th star. Once 5 stars are flashing there won't be any more sentinel spawning.


I wish I had known about this trick a few planets ago.

I finally found a planet that had Vortex Cubes outside of caves on the small pillars along with the 100 stack trick.

Is there anyway to stack Gravitrino Balls?

EDIT: Dismantling Advanced Cooling Theta causes Grav Balls to stack. :D
Any real use for large amounts of units once you are maxed out x3?

Got a 47-slot ship, just looking for my ultimate design. Stripping crashed ships no matter what though and hording cubes and balls.
Any real use for large amounts of units once you are maxed out x3?

Got a 47-slot ship, just looking for my ultimate design. Stripping crashed ships no matter what though and hording cubes and balls.

Not yet, i expect they will patch in more content and give a few resource sinks.
Any word on content patches?

As in, content updates/additions? Only that they will start working on it once these performance patches are out the door. Unless the one inbound breaks things in new terrible ways, then I wouldn't be surprised if they got to work on stuff really soon; it's likely that their artists and designer are already working on it, while the programming team is quashing bugs, etc.. Who knows though. I have no insight into their workflow.

I found a third crashed ship.

I now have the capacity to carry 400 Gravitino Balls at on.

Real actual picture of me right now:

That's perfect.
Performance, most likely. I don't know if it tanks framerates on older machines, but I have heard the pop-in with large objects like that is even more pronounced.

In that case they should've delayed even more. Everything being samey is probably the worst choice they made. Currently you exhaust meaningful planet permutations pretty quickly.
That's gorgeous! If it's moddable just like that, what on earth were HG thinking, normalizing everything to be so small.

From a purely functional level, its hard to see everything in the distance - like all the resources or places if interest.

But it makes sense if they did this rarely, especially if it was just as you closer to the center of the galaxy


You're not allowed to have an opinion of NMS outside of this thread, unless it's a negative one.


But hey, at least we get not one, but TWO different NMS threads on refunds!

I didn't want to add any backseat modding commentary when I posted that but yeah, the overall negative echo chamber is apparently okay to have. I do agree that it probably didn't need to be a thread though without any real basis outside of "let's be positive".


I mean, the thread would quickly turn into people complaining about the game with driveby shitposts so I understand why they closed it.
From a purely functional level, its hard to see everything in the distance - like all the resources or places if interest.

But it makes sense if they did this rarely, especially if it was just as you closer to the center of the galaxy

Yeah I would really like to see some good examples of what a rare or algorithmically "out there" planet looks like. But I definitely would like to see some crazy large flora on my PS4 like we see in the BigThings mod.

In that case they should've delayed even more. Everything being samey is probably the worst choice they made. Currently you exhaust meaningful planet permutations pretty quickly.

I agree that "meaningful permutations" seem to get exhausted after a while, but I never fail to come across a few things per planet that just look fucking awesome. Since I'm not planting a flag and building a base there or anything, it's currently enough for me to appreciate those moments then blast off towards the next system.


Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered (I have been unable to find it in this thread yet), but the atlas path I was (slowly) following on my galaxy/star map has disappeared after my game started bugging out a bit.

Is this a known issue or bug, and is there a way for it to re appear so I can continue the atlas path?

Sequence of events was:

Hanging around a shelter, Saved the game at the save point then used a bypass chip on an orange beam thingy which gave me a way point off planet for a monolith.

Took off from the planets surface, and received a distress signal once I reached space. Had no interest in dog fighting with pirates so ignored it and headed off to the space station.
The distress signal way point was still there when I left the station, so decided to check it out anyway but when I got there it was just a way point in empty space & I could not get it to disappear or do anything except fly past it. Same thing with the monolith way point now too, just a way point in empty space. When approaching close to either of these way points in empty space the game visuals would freak out a bit (spinning around etc)

Exited the game to the ps4 dashboard, reloaded the game and it loaded up on the planet I left previously rather then the space station (guess that save was corrupt and it rolled back to the previous one?).
I triggered the orange light thing again to show the off planet monolith way point, and sure enough it placed it in empty space again, with the same buggy graphics result.

Exited to dash/Reloaded the game again and decided to jump to a new star system, but noticed the atlas path is now not available to me anymore (never even managed to get an atlas pass v1) :(

Enjoying the game though!


Junior Butler
I didn't want to add any backseat modding commentary when I posted that but yeah, the overall negative echo chamber is apparently okay to have. I do agree that it probably didn't need to be a thread though without any real basis outside of "let's be positive".

I'm sure that thread probably would have served as a magnet for trolls, plus the mods are just trying to be consistent.

At some point in time there can be a catch-all topic where the controversy can be discussed and where those of us who enjoy the game can discuss NMS with those that don't, or who have never played it. It doesn't appear like that will be happening any time soon.



What does one simply do in this game? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This game is going to ruin my life. BRING IT ON

Sadly I think I called it in a way on what's going on outside the OTs

Every new thread and even people reviving threads are just on a shitpost bonanza and yet... No punishment for all this. -_-
I am almost done the Atlas path, will I still be able to meet Nada and Polo after I complete that path? Work towards the centre and explore? It doesn't end the game or something?

I will be focusing on getting to the centre after the Atlas path and would like to know I can still find them to get the Black Hole coordinates.

Also how does the extreme conditions accomplishment work now? I got to 5.5 sols on one planet and then it just got stuck there. Patch 1.07 was supposed to fix that. Can anyone elaborate how it works now?


I am almost done the Atlas path, will I still be able to meet Nada and Polo after I complete that path? Work towards the centre and explore? It doesn't end the game or something?

Yep. You can do what you want.

Some may say you'll be disappointed. I'd say, like with all great sci-fi: it is was you make it.
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