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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Well, went down to 42k ly from the center. And now warping away from it. That system better be worth it, Cochese.
So I explored the first of Planet Raist's moons. Absolutely covered in Emeril. Huge boulders of 500+ Emeril, often sitting right mext to each other. I'm exploring your second moon this evening, after I sell off a complete hull full of Void Cubes.
They're annoying early on, but once you upgrade your ship with enough weapons, they become pretty trivial.

Yup. I spent my first 5 "ship's downed" milestones attacking parked ships at outposts like a coward lol

Finally got a ship kitted out with some decent damage with the photon cannon, and a shield upgrade Theta, and now I smirk when the notice pops that they're scanning my cargo.

Come and take it from me. I am become death.
So I explored the first of Planet Raist's moons. Absolutely covered in Emeril. Huge boulders of 500+ Emeril, often sitting right mext to each other. I'm exploring your second moon this evening, after I sell off a complete hull full of Void Cubes.

Did you know that if you find a downed ship and dismantle a piece of equipment that required Vortex Cubes as an ingredient, the Vortex Cubes placed in your inventory will be a stackable variant that will allow you to carry 100 Vortex Cubes in one inventory slot? Just be careful not to sell them all, otherwise you'll have to repeat the process.
Let's list all the ways in which they're annoying

Can't really disagree with any of these points. The biggest section in the list of suggestions I sent to Hello was concerning ship flight and combat. Just because it "gets easier" as we add upgrades 1) still doesn't make it fun, or rewarding, and 2) doesn't excuse the early period of suffering.


Let's list all the ways in which they're annoying

  • They constantly interrupt you during whatever fun you're fighting to achieve in No Man's Sky
  • You can't run away from them if you don't feel like fighting
  • The reason you can't run away is that the same pulse engine you just used to escape the gravitational force of a planet is now incapable of operating near a few ships
  • They fly around you at what seems to be 2-3x the speed and maneuverability you're capable of while spamming hitscan lasers on you
  • "Fighting" them consists of holding the left mouse button for damage and constantly opening up your inventory to click the same several buttons to refill your shields
  • You can't defend yourself if you don't happen to have large stockpiles of the materials required to refill your shields
  • When you kill more than one of them either (a) nobody drops items other than the last guy or (b) all of the items dropped by the non-last guy disappear before you can pick them up
  • The loss penalty is completely trivial aside from the fact that it forces you to re-fly the 60 seconds out to your ship and then go farm more materials to repair the same gear you just farmed materials to build originally
  • Apparently the pirates have no interest in the cargo of the ship they just destroyed, which is so nonsensical you get an annoying headache from thinking about it
The pirate implementation is a great example of how badly and oddly they screwed up a lot of the game design in the released version. It's a completely neutered experience that has no real risk/reward, and all you're left with is another annoying repetitive interruption to deal with.

Yes, this. Also, I don't want to upgrade my ship because that's more space for vortex cubes to sell so I can get a bigger ship to have the luxury of space to put said upgrades into, but at that point there's no reason to try and defend and farm because my storage will be at capacity.

Should be a mod soon, since there's a mod that increases the amount of pirates (some modders' ideas of "improvement" are questionable, to say the least).


Is the survive on extreme planets trophy/progress still bugged for anyone else ? Mines been stuck at 9.4 Sols and I've left it for like 20 minutes.
Is the survive on extreme planets trophy/progress still bugged for anyone else ? Mines been stuck at 9.4 Sols and I've left it for like 20 minutes.
After the fix, it reset to 0 one final time. After it catches up to your current time it will be culmitive. A real pain in the ass.


Just when you're a bit numb from the repetition of visiting the same handful of bases and outposts while farming random materials, the game throws such a beautiful planet at you, you just want to wander around on it for a while.

There was a jungle with trees that would've been huge and imposing as is, but with the big things mod, they left a truly overwhelming impression. Lovely.


The extreme weather trophy, is it still a one sitting sort of thing (though you could save I guess)? Or is it additive now? Like .5 sols here, 7 sols there etc across multiple planets?
The extreme weather trophy, is it still a one sitting sort of thing (though you could save I guess)? Or is it additive now? Like .5 sols here, 7 sols there etc across multiple planets?

It's cumulative now, but you first have to get to the point where you were before it starts adding again. So if you were at 6.1 sols pre-patch, you will first need to reach that number to progress.
I've played over 50hrs now and have never seen that huge starship before...

I dunno, I feel like he's just really close to one of the usual ships I always see warping around.

I've had a jump into combat a couple times now in the game. At one particular point, it was inconveniently happening as I pointlessly, insistently kept jumping while low on Iron for my shields and (shamefully) rage quitting just before death. I thought I was good enough at the space combat to take down 25 ships. I was not. I just bailed out around the 4th death.


Is there a no pirates mod yet? Fucking sick of dealing with pirates. Unlike Elite there is no way to escape. Eventually they leave, but better hope you have enough zinc to refill your shields several times.

I don't give a shit about space combat and just want to play peacefully. I can't find a No Pirates mod on the mod website though.

Just boost away. They'll give up shortly. Weave a little bit and you shouldn't even lose 1/2 of an unupgraded shield bar.


I dunno, but this is what I believe the progression looks like (obviously in the game there is also a Z axis though) and why there's that difference you described.


With the grey line being the distance to/from the center, whereas the red line indicates your distance traveled between systems.
I still think the system is somehow fudging the numbers, a discrepancy between 1600LY and 400LY is too large to be explained by galaxy waypoints not being a perfectly straight line towards the centre.

Even when incorporating the Z-axis into the equation, it shouldn't be that much of a difference for every single jump. The system is tightly controlling the black hole jump distances as well (making you move random large distances... on the same concentric circle relative to the galactic core, making sure you don't really make meaningful gains towards the core with a single jump), so I think they're fudging the numbers to pad out the number of jumps required to reach the core.

That said, if the discrepancy in jump distance is actually based on proper math, I'd love to hear an actual explanation for it, I'm sure it'd be fascinating.



With the grey line being the distance to/from the center, whereas the red line indicates your distance traveled between systems.

If the red line was 4 times the grey one, then this might have been the case, but it seems (based on evidence from the early leaks) that they just messed up the distances when they grow the galaxy from 40000 to the center to 180000 to the center.
Game just froze on me for the second time since updating to 1.08. Hadn't had a crash since 1.04. I just re-upped my PS Plus subscription (purely for the cloud saves) so I don't end up with a corrupt save. Sean, I'm sending you a bill in the mail for that.


Now that I'm done with the Quest for All The Slots, I'm just warping in and out of systems as quickly as possible until I find a system that isn't being engulfed in some neon colored gas cloud, and has a planet with nice blue skies and green grass. It's kinda like playing the slot machine really to get all those variables lined up. This game really is all about slots.


I believe Iron, Titanium or Zinc will recharge your shields. One reason I keep a fair amount of Iron on the ship.

Yes you can, but Titanium is the best choise. Zinc is rare enough to prevent it's usage for shield recharge, and Iron is not as efficient , so you'll need much more for the same recharge capacity. On the other hand you can get Titanium on every planet by killing Sentinels, and it has better recharge capacity.

P.S. I'm not sure, but i think that you cannot use iron for thermal layer recharge, but you can use titanium , so if this is the case, you can use titanium for the suit recharge too.


I still think the system is somehow fudging the numbers, a discrepancy between 1600LY and 400LY is too large to be explained by galaxy waypoints not being a perfectly straight line towards the centre.

Even when incorporating the Z-axis into the equation, it shouldn't be that much of a difference for every single jump. The system is tightly controlling the black hole jump distances as well (making you move random large distances... on the same concentric circle relative to the galactic core, making sure you don't really make meaningful gains towards the core with a single jump), so I think they're fudging the numbers to pad out the number of jumps required to reach the core.

That said, if the discrepancy in jump distance is actually based on proper math, I'd love to hear an actual explanation for it, I'm sure it'd be fascinating.

It's not, that difference (4x) is pretty much exactly the ratio of increase in the size of the galaxy they did in patch 1.03, so I suspect some numbers haven't been updated accordingly.

So I explored the first of Planet Raist's moons. Absolutely covered in Emeril. Huge boulders of 500+ Emeril, often sitting right mext to each other. I'm exploring your second moon this evening, after I sell off a complete hull full of Void Cubes.

Nice. I demand a 25% cut by the way.
Nah, I still get got. I just want to toggle it off since it provides nothing to the game anyway.

Do you have anything upgraded on your ship? Engines, Shields... anything? I found that even when i had only a simple deflector upgrade i was able to dodge and outrun them down to the planet. I'd take damage but i'd repair that and be on my way?

If your ship is stock and full of cargo then yeah, you're just prey to them.

When the message says they are inbound hit reverse and look for expanding circles which show their point-of-entry usually right in front of your now reversing ship. They will warp out a little way clear of the warp circles so just line up your reticule on the leading target marker ( Triangular Points ) and blast 'em outta da sky.

That strategy helped a ton at the start.
Yes you can, but Titanium is the best choise. Zinc is rare enough to prevent it's usage for shield recharge, and Iron is not as efficient , so you'll need much more for the same recharge capacity. On the other hand you can get Titanium on every planet by killing Sentinels, and it has better recharge capacity.

P.S. I'm not sure, but i think that you cannot use iron for thermal layer recharge, but you can use titanium , so if this is the case, you can use titanium for the suit recharge too.
That's because you can only use iron to recharge shields by turning iron into shield items first .. it's actually cheaper that way.

USE 1 or 2 grenades to get 300+iron, make 3 shield recharge items and you're good.


Been going back and forth about using the Immersive Space mod or not. I think the original look is too bright but I kinda think those popular mods take away too much of the color.
So imagine my happiness when I found this: Darker Space.

Aaah, the perfect balance!


It's cumulative now, but you first have to get to the point where you were before it starts adding again. So if you were at 6.1 sols pre-patch, you will first need to reach that number to progress.
Alright, thanks, so I think I had a really low number and am already past it by idling inside a stone structure for 30 minutes. Can I go on my merry way now and visit other planets etc and it'll still count eventually?

I.e. if I visit 5 extreme planets in a row and stay on each for 0.2 sols, would I have 1 sol or still only 0.2?
Alright, thanks, so I think I had a really low number and am already past it by idling inside a stone structure for 30 minutes. Can I go on my merry way now and visit other planets etc and it'll still count eventually?

I.e. if I visit 5 extreme planets in a row and stay on each for 0.2 sols, would I have 1 sol or still only 0.2?

You would have 1 Sol added to your counter.
It's funny. Back when I have no credits I kept running into these cool looking, decked-out, unaffordable ships. Now that I have enough credits to buy a good ship, they're all shit.



I seem to be having fun with warping around. The last warp I did last night has me come out of warp into the side of the space station. Glad you kind of bounce off of them instead of taking damage. Warping into the side of something otherwise my should would have been vaporized.

I've played over 50hrs now and have never seen that huge starship before...

It was the first time I saw a ship in that shape and size, but it could be I never saw them all up close or possibly from a different angle.


I've been playing since day one and last night I finally found a planet discovered by another player it was pretty cool.
I bit the bullet and salvaged a 48-slot ship. It's on the ugly side, but at least it's a fighter-class so it has decent health and great speed/maneuverability. I installed every ship upgrade (all nicely stacked for bonuses) and it's impressive what a difference it makes. Fast, nimble, and those upgraded photon cannons rip through pirates in a hot second. 48-slot ship, 48-slot exosuit, fully upgraded multitool... I guess I could resume the path of Atlas (which I gave up after selling my only Atlas Stone). Or I could rank up the extreme weather challenge so Polo will talk to me again. Decision, decisions....

The planet I stopped on before heading to bed last night has brilliant red dirt and a fiery yellow sky. The color palette in this game is just gorgeous at times.
I noticed last night that the ships you see traders flying will be different every time they land. I had thought that once you see a ship type, that specific configuration is set, but actually the arrangement of slots changes randomly, though the number of slots seems to be fixed. To be clear, the arrangement of tech components and upgrades changes; I don't know if the actual slot layout can change. I wish I had known this before, as I've passed up some good ships before because they had blocked upgrade slots for photon cannons or shields.

I hope they fix the bug where duplicate NPCs show up. Takes away a bit of immersion when General Itoki and General Itoki both land in their identical ships.

Been going back and forth about using the Immersive Space mod or not. I think the original look is too bright but I kinda think those popular mods take away too much of the color.
So imagine my happiness when I found this: Darker Space.

Aaah, the perfect balance!

None of them are what I'd like, but based on your shots I'd prefer Immersive Space for space and Deep Space for planets. I've got too much light pollution in my real life as it is, I don't want nebulas shining like neon signs when I'm on a planet at night. I have little confidence this will ever be changed on PS4 though. :/
I hope they fix the bug where duplicate NPCs show up. Takes away a bit of immersion when General Itoki and General Itoki both land in their identical ships.

As long as they are selling the mats I need, NMS can clone them all day. I hear ya though. It is a little annoying to see the same name pop up a bunch.


Been going back and forth about using the Immersive Space mod or not. I think the original look is too bright but I kinda think those popular mods take away too much of the color.
So imagine my happiness when I found this: Darker Space.

Aaah, the perfect balance!

Just found this one as well. It's juuuuust right.
As long as they are selling the mats I need, NMS can clone them all day. I hear ya though. It is a little annoying to see the same name pop up a bunch.

Heh, yeah I guess I'm one of the few people in here that cares much about immersion and my own fiction in this game. But if NMS starts feeling more like a spreadsheet to me, I'll get bored really quickly. Given the paper-thinness of narrative, NPC interaction, and world-building the game offers as-is, I have to really squint my eyes to see it as a believable world. ;)

To that point, I wish the inventory screen had just been a HUD overlay on your exosuit helmet. Every time I have to pull up inventory it breaks that immersion because it looks so videogamey and a different aesthetic than your HUD.
I'm sure that duplicate NPCs have been more frequent since the patch for me. I don't mind if they have what i need but i swear one of them was following me around the planet in my last session! I know i tipped well by buying Gold at 3% over market but come on, it's a bit needy and annoying after a while :D
Heh, yeah I guess I'm one of the few people in here that cares much about immersion and my own fiction in this game. But if NMS starts feeling more like a spreadsheet to me, I'll get bored really quickly. Given the paper-thinness of narrative, NPC interaction, and world-building the game offers as-is, I have to really squint my eyes to see it as a believable world. ;)

To that point, I wish the inventory screen had just been a HUD overlay on your exosuit helmet. Every time I have to pull up inventory it breaks that immersion because it looks so videogamey and a different aesthetic than your HUD.

I'm definitely down for an immersive experience, but I also come to NMS primarily to zone out so my tolerance for immersion breaking things with this game is pretty high. However if NMS had more of a narrative and was more Star Control than MS Flight Simulator 98, I'd probably be a little more peeved at those particular seams showing.

Your suggestion of a HUD overlay on the exosuit is pretty great. I think it's telling that modders haven't really been bringing new content, just tweaks (albeit awesome ones), to NMS thus far. But an inventory HUD overhaul would be a welcome addition (even though I'm on PS4 and will likely never see it, I'd like for it to exist).
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