So, I realized I can max out at about 1,600 light years in one warp, using free explore. However, the linear distance to the center only reads as ~500 closer. After the warp that is indeed how much closer I was registered to have gotten. Perhaps not coincidentally, the amount moved forward seems to closely coincide with that max length the run to the center path it lays out if you were to go all the way.
Is this a bug, or a deliberate attempt by the game to force the player to take black holes? It's extremely demoralizing to have to hope for random anomaly pops after a warp just to ask for black holes, to warp again, then get a thousand or so closer, when I can allegedly hop 1600 at once. And of course repeat the process of hoping for a random anomaly pop plus deal with repairs on rare materials. Until this gets some sort of fix/enhancement I'm going to finish maxing out my milestones and hope for atlus passes 2 and 3.
That seems bugged and I've seen anything from 250k to 1.3M. Considering each jump in actuality only puts you ~1000-1500 closer (based on the numbers on the warp map) I have no idea where that number comes from.