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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Unconfirmed Member
90 foot tall creatures?

I've been following every bit of info both before and after launch and although some people have posted pics of 15-20 foot tall creatures, I haven't seen anything even remotely close to this posted by any non-modded players.

I mean, I guess that's the biggest I've seen so far? I'm not sure what's supposed to be so special about it though. I've seen plenty of big creatures and the photo thread has plenty more. Cool, that someone found a really big one though I guess.
90 foot tall creatures?

I've been following every bit of info both before and after launch and although some people have posted pics of 15-20 foot tall creatures, I haven't seen anything even remotely close to this posted by any non-modded players.

Yeah, it's likely modded, unless they're in like NG++++ and things just get that weird.

Largest creature I've found was ~7m tall (so around 22-23ft). These are way, way bigger than that.

For the PC players out there who are modding, dark space or immersive space?

I prefer Deep Space (but I downloaded a modified version that didn't touch as much). I also installed no rim lighting, so this game actually gets DARK in space and in caves. Not for everyone though, Immersive space I think is a bit easier to navigate around in.
Surprised more people aren't talking about the youtube video from PS4 with 25+ meter tall creatures. That's a game changer for me just knowing that stuff like that is possible.

It doesnt appear to be fake as I posted a video above of him flipping through the youtube video breakdown on his PS4.

Just like every other thing posted here that I haven't come across, I think it's really cool. I never thought it was faked. I've never come across stuff that huge but I absolutely have run up on creatures that have dwarfed buildings I was in-- about Sentinel walker size.

It's more a testament to how badly people want to hate this game that the poster felt the need to record a second video with his potato of them uploading the video via the PS4 UI, and even then you have idiots saying he could have possibly faked it.

Their discovery is dope, but it's not going to move the needle on the debate around this game, or cause people to suddenly act more rational.
That's a crazy looking mofo



Had a run in with a similar creature yesterday. Attacked me out of nowhere and made me, a 42 year old man, scream like a little schoolgirl.

Yeah, it's likely modded, unless they're in like NG++++ and things just get that weird.

It's real my friend. On PS4. The internet screamed at that the channel owner until they uploaded a video of them re-uploading that section of gameplay from within the PS4 UI.

There's weird stuff out there waiting for all of us :)
It's real my friend. On PS4. The internet screamed at that the channel owner until they uploaded a video of them re-uploading that section of gameplay from within the PS4 UI.

There's weird stuff out there waiting for all of us :)

That lucky SOB!

Well, guess it's time I go deeper. Hopefully things keep getting weirder in NG++++


Three hostile ships attacked me. One of them spawned at the other end of the system, so now I'm stuck in space because the Pulse Engine can't be used during enemy encounters. Great.
I'm in a Gek Planet with korvax transmission towers. Weird.

Well if you end up reading the bazillion of ruins and the lore they spout out.

The Gek actually went to war with everyone in a bout of galactic conquest in the past. So for all we know that Gek planet was a former Korvax planet
Hey uh...maybe there should be a new thread for new news, but there have already been so many No Man's Sky threads recently...

People are going back to their starting planet and finding out that all their discoveries are gone. Undiscovered, unnamed. They seem to be dropping off chronologically, in order of discovery.

Lots of speculation. Could be a bug, or could be something they always intended to do in order to save space in the database, counting on the thought that no one would ever try to go back (or that it would even be possible to find your earlier planets again due to circumstances surrounding the ending you're intended to reach).

Anyone at GAF able to test this?

Wow, the shitstorm never ends. So even the people who are enjoying this is secretly being screwed over?


Well if you end up reading the bazillion of ruins and the lore they spout out.

The Gek actually went to war with everyone in a bout of galactic conquest in the past. So for all we know that Gek planet was a former Korvax planet

Makes sense. I don't know much about the Geks yet. Most star systems I've being were either Korvax's or Vy'keen's.


Alright, I can confirm that scanning new stuff does eventually erase previous ones. No idea what the buffer is.

I'm sure this is gonna be yet another rage-filled controversy, and that a lot of youtube channels and press websites are going to have another field day with this, but... it actually makes sense, really.

There's no other way for them to do this than allocating X amount of server space for players, so at some point, stuff has to go. They can probably do several things to improve that, but it will always happen. It's just a matter of how much max stuff you'll be able to keep.


Alright, I can confirm that scanning new stuff does eventually erase previous ones. No idea what the buffer is.

I'm sure this is gonna be yet another rage-filled controversy, and that a lot of youtube channels and press websites are going to have another field day with this, but... it actually makes sense, really.

There's no other way for them to do this than allocating X amount of server space for players, so at some point, stuff has to go. They can probably do several things to improve that, but it will always happen. It's just a matter of how much max stuff you'll be able to keep.

It's just text, I could probably store all the discoveries on my Onedrive. The average email server in an office stores more words than that. Neogaf holds more information than that. I can see that maybe being the case for local only saves but it doesn't make sense for online uploads. The dodgy server performance so far is a more likely culprit.


It's just text, I could probably store all the discoveries on my Onedrive. The average email server in an office stores more words than that. Neogaf holds more information than that. I can see that maybe being the case for local only saves but it doesn't make sense for online uploads. The dodgy server performance so far is a more likely culprit.

If his stuff is not gone it sounds more like a server issue

I'm 230 planets and 74 star systems in, went back to my first planet, everything was still uploaded and discovered like it should be.

What I suspect happens is that the server is what keeps track of all the planets you've discovered and doesn't endlessly save it locally to keep the filesize down (especially on PS4 I can see that being important)

However, early at launch the servers were hammered so some might not have gone through.


It's just text, I could probably store all the discoveries on my Onedrive. The average email server in an office stores more words than that. Neogaf holds more information than that. I can see that maybe being the case for local only saves but it doesn't make sense for online uploads. The dodgy server performance so far is a more likely culprit.

It's not text, there's pictures of the waypoints, and (animated) models for the other stuff.
These days I feel like I come to GAF to be told how much the games I like absolutely suck and that I should be ashamed to be a person who plays them.


I was loving the game but I couldn't deal with the constant crashes anymore. I traded it in today but will rebuy in 6 months to a year when there is a bit more meat to it and its more stable.


Junior Butler
These days I feel like I come to GAF to be told how much the games I like absolutely suck and that I should be ashamed to be a person who plays them.

It's hard not too agree. More and more, you're only safe in OTs.

I hope the growing sentiment of despising everything dies soon.
It's not text, there's pictures of the waypoints, and (animated) models for the other stuff.

Same reply as in the other thread:

No guarantee that those are actually screenshots or models being stored on the server.

For animals or other objects you just store the numbers used to generate the creature, which takes up even less space than text. 10-5-3-12-4 for head 10, body 5, legs 3, texture 12, size 4. Maybe AI package 13, preferred food 11, if it gets that granular.

For waypoints, you store the player's coordinates in the local worldspace and quickly generate what that view would look like if you were standing in system 57359275 on planet 3 at -37.81, 187.2, 76.3, facing 23.4, -90.2, 43.0.

No massive amounts of data required, just numbers.


These days I feel like I come to GAF to be told how much the games I like absolutely suck and that I should be ashamed to be a person who plays them.

tell me about it!
everytime I see a new NMS thread I know it will be full of the usual suspects calling Sean the worse liar since Joseph Goebbels, and accusing him of shitting in their pints...

its utterly depressing at times...
I dont think the
The First spawn are the evil one snot the ones right now?

The current Gek are [lore spoilers]
descendants from the Gek First Spawn. Now that the Sentinels control the Galaxy it say basically that the other races have more or less forgiven the Gek, but haven't forgotten what they did and still look down on them. Especially the Vy'keen, who got royally screwed over by the Gek after finally beating back the endless Sentinel horde.


The current Gek are [lore spoilers]
descendants from the Gek First Spawn. Now that the Sentinels control the Galaxy it say basically that the other races have more or less forgiven the Gek, but haven't forgotten what they did and still look down on them. Especially the Vy'keen, who got royally screwed over by the Gek after finally beating back the endless Sentinel horde.
Thanks! :)


Wow, the shitstorm never ends. So even the people who are enjoying this is secretly being screwed over?

I'm suspect.

The servers were not working at all the first week. I've also been to undiscovered systems that had their planets named and discovered, but I was given credit for discount the system itself.

I think there's some wonkiness if you uploaded discoverys the first week while the servers were melting.


It's not text, there's pictures of the waypoints, and (animated) models for the other stuff.

The models are generated procedurally though, it's just going to be a number.

Even if the thumbnails are uploaded, and not just stored locally, in this day and age storage space is not going to be an issue.
These days I feel like I come to GAF to be told how much the games I like absolutely suck and that I should be ashamed to be a person who plays them.

It's funny but since NMS' release I've been covering staffing shortages at an elementary afterschool program my org runs, for about 5 hours each day of a combo 2nd/3rd grade class (so 7 & 8 year olds). The speed at which they latch onto something as "dumb" or "undesirable" and then gang up on and shout down anybody that disagrees is astonishing. No big revelation for me there, but it has made the occasional dip into any number of the angry threads a lot more bearable as it's essentially the same mentality at work, and I just envision my 2nd and 3rd graders banging away angrily at the keyboard over some perceived slight.

I'm not dismissing people being upset at something legitimate, it's the tone in some of those threads however that has them coming off like a bunch of upset 7 year olds that just got their Pokemon cards confiscated because they were taking them out during homework time.

Also, it has reminded that that I need to work harder to disassociate the personality or opinions of devs from the product they produce. I think Sean Murray comes off as a genuine, down-to-earth bloke-- absolutely someone I'd want to sit down and have a few pints with-- and I need to separate that perception of him from the product he and his team have produced and judge the content based solely on what it is; FWIW I'm having a great time with NMS, will plat it, and will continue to play it as HG adds to it. On the flip of that is seeing devs that are GAFers like Jobbs just go HAM on Murray & Co. in these threads, and not let that colour the way I engage their work; I strongly disagree with Jobbs when it comes to NMS, and think the constant hammering comes off super overzealous, but he's an absurdly talented artist whose game (Ghost Song) I will continue to support without reservation. I also am not trying to pick on Jobbs since I don't think he's a bad person at all, just as an easy example (for me) of not allowing my agreement or disagreement with a developer re-frame how I look at their work.

Games (for fun, not work) are something we attribute to our leisure time. So when we feel someone is fucking around with what we've freely chosen to spend time (which we never get back) and money (which we sometimes can) on, we can get crazy personal and sometimes just plain crazy. The nice thing about having a nexus for people that enjoy games like GAF, is that you can always find people that are having fun with the same things you are; it's not going to be a universal opinion however, so when it comes to things that you've chosen to invest your leisure time in, best not take those people who chose something else too seriously. When I read people screaming at each other over things like this, I'm now going to forever have that image of two 3rd graders screaming at each other that the other person's method for jumping rope was "not the right way", devolving into tears on both sides.

They are the worst. Once you learn the full story of the NMS universe through the Alien Plaques of all three Races.....maaaaaan, screw the Gek.

<3 Vy'keen

Of all the lore bits scattered throughout the game, the ones you get from monoliths that give out the history of the race whose system you're in, piecemeal, I find the most interesting. Gone through all the Korvax and just hit my first Gek system two days ago so starting down that path, but yeah, the Gek come off pretty awful. Looking forward to getting to a Vy'keen system in the future!
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