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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Potentially it could be very useful, but only if there's an easy way to get back to it.
like using a...portal :)
If you build a base and make 10 warps without the ability to return to it easily, it's pretty useless.

They could do it like Starbound where you stick a teleporter on the planet to use as your base and can return there instantly from anywhere. But then again Starbound doesn't have your ship interact with the planet, going to a planet below you is the same as going to a planet with a teleporter.


I take it that the latest patch doesn't fix the issue where the game can mysteriously eat your hyperdive blueprint, leaving you stranded in whatever star system you happen to be in?


You can totally find a crashed version of any ship you see in a system if you're willing to take the time. My current ship has a very unique set of wings and I just had to take the time to find one. Must have gone through something close to 15 ships before I found it.
It was a pre-patch Gek system :]
So figure 4 ships per tower use. Swapping when you start getting duplicate waypoints. Swapping planets/moons when the body starts generating similar ships across towers. I saw at least 30 unique ships.

Most were X-Wing variants. A few Tie Fighters. One detached freighter and three ships with the cockpit I was looking for, but two had the starburst wings and the other had the hoop wing.

I was looking for the bubble canopy attached to a large engine assembly and standard looking, but very large wings. On station was the only time I had ever seen that configuration which is why I spent so much time looking. After the patch I'll probably just stick with my current ship. Tearing my ship apart hoping a 48 slot version of what I am looking for can be had for under 25m is too much of a long shot. At least moving from ship to ship on a planet was fun and profitable.
I don't care about it either. They're adding it because it's a highly requested thing. I just won't do it and that's that, people who really want it will be able to. Not a bad thing?
It's a bad thing if no one uses a feature that takes them time to build. It also just goes against their entire game design. Even if people stay on a planet for some time, they don't stay in the same place.


It's a bad thing if no one uses a feature that takes them time to build. It also just goes against their entire game design. Even if people stay on a planet for some time, they don't stay in the same place.

If well implemented, it can be usefull and i know i will use it.

Well implemented to me = Let me teleport back to the base from any location.

Usefull to me = I can place the base in a planet with hard to find resorces so i can have easy access to the planet.
I always have trouble finding Nickel, so would place my base on a planet with lots of it.

Or some gorgeous planet i would just like to come back to chill out and enjoying the view.

Right now we dont know what building a base will offer. So we have to wait for the details.


I found my very first Gek system ever ... Yesterday, right after the game was patched hehe.

No matter though, it took so long that I got to 48 slotters just with the rule of seeking 2 crashed ships per visited planet/ moon. :)


I found my very first Gek system ever ... Yesterday, right after the game was patched hehe.

No matter though, it took so long that I got to 48 slotters just with the rule of seeking 2 crashed ships per visited planet/ moon. :)

What's the fuss about a Gek system? The game threw me into one right from the beginning :>
Has anyone posted this Vox article yet?

No Man’s Sky is an existential crisis simulator disguised as a space exploration game

I had similar thoughts about the game as the writer. I fee like one thing Sean set out to do with NMS is to try and illustrate the vastness of the universe and how little and meaningless our lives are.

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is only bearable with love"

I made a joke about this a while back but there is definitely an interpretation to be made.
Why would they think of adding base building out of all things? There is really no reason whatsoever to add that.

Ship building so that you can actually travel the universe with YOUR ship, and not constantly ditch your ship for a single extra slot, would be better. This game would be improved so much if you could at least have a connection to your ship.

What if it's both?

What if your base is a customizable freighter that you use for interstellar travel? They did mention base-building and freighters as two things that were coming soon; it'd be neat if they turned out to be the same thing.


Has anyone posted this Vox article yet?

No Man’s Sky is an existential crisis simulator disguised as a space exploration game

I had similar thoughts about the game as the writer. I fee like one thing Sean set out to do with NMS is to try and illustrate the vastness of the universe and how little and meaningless our lives are.

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is only bearable with love"

Considering we learn (Atlas spoilers)
the NMS universe is a simulation the game definitely has a nihilistic tone to it.


It's a bad thing if no one uses a feature that takes them time to build. It also just goes against their entire game design. Even if people stay on a planet for some time, they don't stay in the same place.

I don't know. I'll wait to see how it's implemented. It could turn out to be fun.
But those questions are all answered now. What's left? What else are people saying is not in the game that you think is still in there somewhere?

There's this mystical thinking like "oh people said there weren't butterflies but there actually are, and if they were wrong about that imagine what else they're wrong about, imagine what other wonders still await"

So what do you imagine?

Have you even been in this thread? Have you seen anyone make the statements you're trying to attribute to us? No one here is under the delusion that some secret path or content tree is still waiting for us to discover. We're just mostly enjoying the game, fully aware of its faults and the things that are lacking.

There's still small moments of wonder and discovery that all of us are making. I just saw my first school of fish last night, and I've been playing the game for probably 50 or 60 hours now. That was right before I got attacked by a giant leech. (who supposedly only eats insects..)

I went through the last few pages of the thread this morning and would just like to ask everyone to tone down the arguing, and to leave the meta-issues surrounding the game to those other threads. I don't want that toxicity to seep into here. We've had a really positive, game-focused OT and OT2 so far and I'd like it to stay that way. Thanks.

Regarding patch 1.07, I played a couple hours last night I didn't notice increased pop-in, and in fact I kinda feel that the draw distance has been increased. It also seems like the bottom cruising altitude in ships has been lowered. Not anything allowing free flight, but it feels like you can skim the surface a bit lower now. Maybe just my imagination. One thing that did seem odd, and maybe it's just this particular planet I'm on, but outposts suddenly seem scarce. Prior to this patch I was practically tripping over buildings, but I flew around for 15 minutes last night and only saw 2 or 3 encampments. Anyone noticed the same?


Well, I finally finished learning all the words for the 3 factions. I'm currently at 987 words learned. 100% is 1,111 words counting Atlas, which means I still need 124 Atlas words. :(

I may be a masochist when it comes to this stuff, but even I have limits. Considering Atlas words are only learned through Monoliths and you don't even need the Atlas language once the quest is over I don't think I'll be grinding it out. Maybe in the future if HG makes it relevant again through content updates.

I also just learned my final blueprint - Terumin. So at 126 hours, I think I'm finally done for now.


In the process of uploading my new video, I tried to practice my photoshop skills for the YT Thumbnail LOL


I have peaked as a human being.

Also, that refund thread.... I always thought the mileage you gave a game sorta connected with how well you enjoyed it. And to me, if you're putting dozens and dozens of hours into a game, that tells me you enjoyed it, regardless of it's issues.

All those comments seem kinda... I dunno.. Spiteful.
Have you even been in this thread? Have you seen anyone make the statements you're trying to attribute to us? No one here is under the delusion that some secret path or content tree is still waiting for us to discover. We're just mostly enjoying the game, fully aware of its faults and the things that are lacking.

There's still small moments of wonder and discovery that all of us are making. I just saw my first school of fish last night, and I've been playing the game for probably 50 or 60 hours now. That was right before I got attacked by a giant leech. (who supposedly only eats insects..)

And that's absolutely fine. Enjoy finding schools of fish. Just don't say things like this:

in a game like NMS you can't affirm that something isn't in the game because you haven't seen it yourself , because everyone plays and will see something different.

But somehow that fact is overlooked by almost everyone.

Because it implies that there is someone out there trying to affirm something isn't in the game, when nobody has questioned whatever things you're discovering now.


It also seems like the bottom cruising altitude in ships has been lowered. Not anything allowing free flight, but it feels like you can skim the surface a bit lower now. Maybe just my imagination.

I got the same impression, as the first dive i did on a planet after the patch 1.07, i scratched my ship againt a pillar, taking some damage too.
I could aready bump into some tall pillars before the patch, but these particular ones was not even that tall, as tall as a normal tree and i still bumped the nose of my ship againt them if i pointed the ship down.

But if i didnt bumped my ship againt them i would probably say its the same as if its lower, is a very small diference.


There's this mystical thinking like "oh people said there weren't butterflies but there actually are, and if they were wrong about that imagine what else they're wrong about, imagine what other wonders still await"

I have no idea who, when, where, said this kind of stuff in regards to things like the examples you've given (other ending, more slots, MP).

I'm sure you can dig up a couple of crazy posts somewhere on reddit or whatever that say this shit. I don't particularly care or think it's any relevant to the average, most common and daily discussion about the game. It does certainly seem to me like a space strawman, but maybe I'm wrong.

As for the number of planets, you can figure out the answer with basic maths. It's spoilerish though.

But the reason people run into others' stuff "commonly" is not because there would be far far less systems than claimed (there aren't), but you have to think in terms of surface vs volume, considering that all players start roughly at the same distance from the center (which isn't the max distance either).
Also, that refund thread.... I always thought the mileage you gave a game sorta connected with how well you enjoyed it. And to me, if you're putting dozens and dozens of hours into a game, that tells me you enjoyed it, regardless of it's issues.

It's entirely possible to look back at something you did as a waste of time in retrospect. It's easy to get really engrossed in something, trying to progress to that next level or milestone, thinking "maybe the next one will open up something really cool" each time, not knowing that none of it will ultimately feel worth it in the end. Some sunk cost fallacy, gotta get your money's worth, you've put this much time into it that you convinced yourself it's worth it, unable to step back and look at how you feel overall.

I mean, look at it this way.

People say all the time that if you only put 2 hours into X game there's no way you'd have enough perspective to say it's good or bad, or if you only put 5 hours into Y game you quit just before it gets really good.

Now you're saying if you played over 50 hours then you can't dislike it either?

I mean what the hell, what's the magical number of hours where people are allowed to dislike a game?

No less than 5 and no more than 20? Outside that range and you just can't complain?
In the process of uploading my new video, I tried to practice my photoshop skills for the YT Thumbnail LOL


I have peaked as a human being.

Also, that refund thread.... I always thought the mileage you gave a game sorta connected with how well you enjoyed it. And to me, if you're putting dozens and dozens of hours into a game, that tells me you enjoyed it, regardless of it's issues.

All those comments seem kinda... I dunno.. Spiteful.

Or you're just a regular human being trying to wring some fun out of a vapid, boring, and ultimately uninspired piece of software because consumer rights are apparently a thing we don't deserve and refunds aren't normally given. Nice photoshop though man, I like the duality of it.


It's entirely possible to look back at something you did as a waste of time in retrospect. It's easy to get really engrossed in something, trying to progress to that next level or milestone, thinking "maybe the next one will open up something really cool" each time, not knowing that none of it will ultimately feel worth it in the end. Some sunk cost fallacy, gotta get your money's worth, you've put this much time into it that you convinced yourself it's worth it, unable to step back and look at how you feel overall.

I mean, look at it this way.

People say all the time that if you only put 2 hours into X game there's no way you'd have enough perspective to say it's good or bad, or if you only put 5 hours into Y game you quit just before it gets really good.

Now you're saying if you played over 50 hours then you can't dislike it either?

I mean what the hell, what's the magical number of hours where people are allowed to dislike a game?

No less than 5 and no more than 20? Outside that range and you just can't complain?

I think I more meant to ask where the line is drawn before you shouldn't ethically be allowed a refund. I've bought plenty of games at full price the likes you just described. Final Fantasy XIII. Made may way through two whole discs before I took the L and couldn't do that shit anymore. Far Cry 3. Could have been great. Ended up being mostly crap and sorta misleading marketing. Metal Gear Solid V. Fun-ish game that nowhere near matched what I think a Metal Gear game is.

I dont feel I need a refund because I didn't enjoy those games. Now on the issue of technical issues, if you've spent a few days with an absolutely dreadful experience on a technical level, That's a good conversation to have. But now, most of, if not all the issues have been fixed, and yet, people are still trying to justify their refund reasoning with some sort of mental gymnastics, while not separating the technical issues with if they actually LIKED the game or not.


Also, that refund thread.... I always thought the mileage you gave a game sorta connected with how well you enjoyed it. And to me, if you're putting dozens and dozens of hours into a game, that tells me you enjoyed it, regardless of it's issues.

All those comments seem kinda... I dunno.. Spiteful.

Its called Herd Mentality.

"Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. Examples of the herd mentality include stock market trends, superstition and home décor. Social psychologists study the related topics of group intelligence, crowd wisdom, and decentralized decision making."

With so many ppl hatting for the sake of hatting, even some ppl that was enjoying the game dont want to be excluded of the trend so they feel better doing the same thing the rest of the Herd is doing.

The only game i had that became unplayable was the Skirym for PS3, was a save size problem that would keep growing making the game an unplayable slide show when it reached a certain size.
Bethesda as big as it is took 3 months to patch the game on the PS3. I waited, and finished the game once the patch was out.
These guys are asking refunds for problems that are being fixed around the clock, and others are just asking for refunds because they are as scammy as they acused Sean to be.
I think I more meant to ask where the line is drawn before you shouldn't ethically be allowed a refund.

Yeah that's definitely another question from whether someone is required to consider something enjoyable based on time spent with it.

I think lost time due to crashes are definitely a justification. If you played for 20 hours but 5-10 of those were completely unnecessary, making up lost time due to crashes, well...

Some people will say they should've learned their lesson after the first crash and refunded right then, but a lot of people want to give it a chance first.


Or you're just a regular human being trying to wring some fun out of a vapid, boring, and ultimately uninspired piece of software because consumer rights are apparently a thing we don't deserve and refunds aren't normally given. Nice photoshop though man, I like the duality of it.
You're right, consumer rights should exist. And they do. There are reasonable limits already. Just because you bought a game that was unfun to you, doesn't mean you're entitled a refund exactly. If you were served a broken product. You deserve a refund, or at least a refurbished one that's fixed. Kinda fits here.

You shouldn't get shit back if you just didn't "like" the game. That's on you. You bought it. You pre-ordered. You didn't wait for reviews, etc etc.

Where should that line be drawn?
They fixed that.

I don't think anyone here thinks you're crazy. It's quite clear by now that some users are affected by some issues while others aren't. Even on PS4 which doesn't have a dozens of hardware variations.

It still works on PC. Well at least on the version I just used.


Or you're just a regular human being trying to wring some fun out of a vapid, boring, and ultimately uninspired piece of software because consumer rights are apparently a thing we don't deserve and refunds aren't normally given. Nice photoshop though man, I like the duality of it.

Crashes, fair enough. But there are lots of games I've wound up not enjoying. I played Burnout Paradise for 12 hours before realising I was never going to derive any enjoyment from it. I thought it was a bit late for a refund at that point. Other people seemed to enjoy it though. A bit like this.


How do crashed ships get you better ones, or whats the trick? Every crashed ship I've found lately has 1 less spot than the one I have now.


How do crashed ships get you better ones, or whats the trick? Every crashed ship I've found lately has 1 less spot than the one I have now.

I think it's one more or one less. You've just been unlucky.

There's more to ships than slots though. Looks matter! (And layout)
How do crashed ships get you better ones, or whats the trick? Every crashed ship I've found lately has 1 less spot than the one I have now.

Some people seem to be getting a glitch where they are always offered 1 less, and they have to just accept it and take a new one that's worse, and afterward start getting offered 1 better again.
How do crashed ships get you better ones, or whats the trick? Every crashed ship I've found lately has 1 less spot than the one I have now.

It's just luck of the draw. When I had a 46 slotter and was looking for a 47, I had a cold streak of 11 ships in a row that were -1 slot. Just need to keep at it.


For me this game is something of a fallback game right now, something low-brain to do when I'm doing nothing better, e.g. when I'm listening to a podcast at home (don't want a game with much text then) or just haven't got another game to play. I used to play Pay Day 2 solo for that purpose previously.

Hey, how about we talk refunds in the refund thread guys and keep this OT positive vibes?

I agree that refunds already have their own thread though we shouldn't restrict ourselves to positivity.
Question - so when I am looking at buying a new ship from a NPC, I know you have to transfer inventory over before you buy it. But what about fuel? Last night I was looking at a ship within my budget range with like 3-4 more slots but I noticed the new ship had zero fuel. Once you buy it, does the fuel transfer over too?
Question - so when I am looking at buying a new ship from a NPC, I know you have to transfer inventory over before you buy it. But what about fuel? Last night I was looking at a ship within my budget range with like 3-4 more slots but I noticed the new ship had zero fuel. Once you buy it, does the fuel transfer over too?
You're right, consumer rights should exist. And they do. There are reasonable limits already. Just because you bought a game that was unfun to you, doesn't mean you're entitled a refund exactly. If you were served a broken product. You deserve a refund, or at least a refurbished one that's fixed. Kinda fits here.

You shouldn't get shit back if you just didn't "like" the game. That's on you. You bought it. You pre-ordered. You didn't wait for reviews, etc etc.

Where should that line be drawn?

I don't know where that line should be drawn but it's certainly not 2 hours into a game that's essentially trying it's hardest to obfuscate how utterly pointless and vapid it is by inventing tasks that ultimately serve no purpose and offer up no meaningful progression.

Hell, in my case by the time I was done experimenting with settings trying to get it to run well on my 4790k with a 980, which it never ended up doing by the way, I was well over 2 hours in before I had finished the tutorial and repaired my warp drive. I could have probably rendered a verdict a few hours later after having jumped through the first few systems and seeing all of the missing content that I believed would be present because of fraudulent advertising. I gave up when the game crashed for no reason for the umpteenth time as I got in my ship and shot up into the atmosphere at warp-speed after which it promptly ate my save.

I was 17 hours in according to the steam timer but that doesn't take into account alt-tabbing to look at pre-release footage to make sure I wasn't imagining hearing Sean say all of those things. And other general computer stuff.

Having to decide on the worth of a game in such a rushed fashion is incredibly consumer unfriendly and is essentially the virtual equivalent of sleazy ass pressure tactics.

Edit: Sorry, I'll go back to the refund thread, I was just replying to dudes, I'll let you guys continue the NMS positivity safe space thing.


How do crashed ships get you better ones, or whats the trick? Every crashed ship I've found lately has 1 less spot than the one I have now.
Don't waste your time getting that one extra slot IMO - unless the slot arrangement is in a good, somewhat unbroken grid for good stacks... otherwise it's a hassle to salvage - for one extra slot that's not even in configuration...it's more worth the time to farm/trade/buy bigger ship with farmed goods.


Knows the Score
Managed to do the Gek crashed ship spawn last night and spent tonight levelling up to 48 slots post patch. Now trying to figure out where to go now, kind of missing the planet of venom sacs and idiot sentinels but have noticed that I now have stackable Gravitino balls among others after stripping a few ships. Also, seems to be a bug where if you die, then reload previous save the grave still appears so might be exploitable for doubling rare resources.

Question - so when I am looking at buying a new ship from a NPC, I know you have to transfer inventory over before you buy it. But what about fuel? Last night I was looking at a ship within my budget range with like 3-4 more slots but I noticed the new ship had zero fuel. Once you buy it, does the fuel transfer over too?



Probably already been said a million times but for the love of god, make sure you have 10 Atlas stones before you get to the last Atlas interface. Like a bunch of people, I sold my first one cause it seemed like everything that was a green collectible was just to sell for money.

Got to the last interface, only had 9. No big deal, I'll go to the space station in my system and see if they have any. It seems like no one is selling them in this system so I move on. No one is selling them in the next. Move on again. Until I finally get enough money and the right place where they sell them. I buy one but even though I am only probably 5 systems away at maximum, I cannot for the life of me find the original system with my last Atlas interface. It's a good thing I took a picture of the name and decsription of the system or I would have been screwed. I have never used waypoints for anything in the game BUT once I found it, I made sure to waypoint it.

So yeah, make sure you stick a way point where the last Atlas interface is (if you don't have 10 stones) and make sure you don't choose the '
walk away
' option.

On a positive note, I only have to do the warps to get the last achievement I need for the game. Yay. I will be pretty much done after that until they update the game. There are things I could do like reach the center or upgrade my ship (40 slot ship).

I'm surprised and not so surprised at the uproar this game has caused. I actually got a lot out of this game despite being disappointed at first. It was very engrossing for me. Its got issues like being super repetitive and not having enough variety but the game successfully had me coming back to it and wanting to play. Even some games I genuinely like take a bit for me to want to load up and get into.
In the process of uploading my new video, I tried to practice my photoshop skills for the YT Thumbnail LOL


I have peaked as a human being.

Also, that refund thread.... I always thought the mileage you gave a game sorta connected with how well you enjoyed it. And to me, if you're putting dozens and dozens of hours into a game, that tells me you enjoyed it, regardless of it's issues.

All those comments seem kinda... I dunno.. Spiteful.

I dunno, I enjoyed my pervious washing machine for a good four months until it suddenly broke down and I ended up getting my money back so I could buy another.I don't see why it shouldn't be the same for games.


Question - so when I am looking at buying a new ship from a NPC, I know you have to transfer inventory over before you buy it. But what about fuel? Last night I was looking at a ship within my budget range with like 3-4 more slots but I noticed the new ship had zero fuel. Once you buy it, does the fuel transfer over too?
Nope - that's why I before I buy I farm all that shit ahead of time...buy and immediately resupply!


Don't waste your time getting that one extra slot IMO - unless the slot arrangement is in a good, somewhat unbroken grid for good stacks... otherwise it's a hassle to salvage - for one extra slot that's not even in configuration...it's more worth the time to farm/trade/buy bigger ship with farmed goods.

It gets expensive. Besides you cant buy a 48 slot ship, the max i saw was a 45 or 46 slot for 150 million units.

Farming crashed ships is very easy, even without the gek towers. Just scan for alot of transmition towers 1st. Once you done just go to all transmition towers to scan for crash sites, and dont visit the crash sites untill u finish scanning from all the towers as u can get repeated locations scans.

Once u have a good amount of crash sites marked, just go on salvaging. Ignore the -1 slot and get the +1slot ship, just repair the essential to put ur ship moving to the next crashed site. Repeat untill u get ur 48 ship.

Other way to do this faster is buy a 20+ slot ship or 30+ slot ship that is not too expensive, and do what i posted above from there.

Then all its left if getting that good looking ship u like, you can use the space stations to window shop the ships as all ships that appear there will also be crashed on the planet.

For a game that some ppl is still asking "what do u do in this game" This was one the longest "quests" i did in the game, and really enjoyed it especially when in the end i got the 48 slot ship with the look i wanted.
Do the letters and numbers beside the star type give a hint as to what you'll find there? For example an O2f star, does the 2 and f give any clues?


I dunno, I enjoyed my pervious washing machine for a good four months until it suddenly broke down and I ended up getting my money back so I could buy another.I don't see why it shouldn't be the same for games.

FFS what a shit analogy, I don't understand why I need to explain this to grown adults, but I will anyway. You got your money back for your washing machine because it no longer worked. You could no longer wash your clothes with it, and therefore it was not FIT FOR PURPOSE.

In the case of No Man's Sky - 50 hours in it is still playable. It might crash occasionally, it might not be the game you thought it would be or wanted it to be, but ultimately, you can still play it. It is fit for purpose, in that it is a game and you can play it. Plus, you could argue they are constantly repairing the game for free, in the form of patches.

The correct analogy for the ridiculous bullshit going on here is "I have used my washing machine 63 times and for 4 of the washes it stopped and I had to restart it. But it still washed the clothes fine. They have since repaired my washing machine and it hasn't stopped since. But I want a refund anyway."
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