My challenge :
No 2021 games . I can buy older games as my backlog is limited to 1 genre and I might want to change genre during the year according to my mood.
Physical Backlog :
Lunar Silver Star Harmony (PSP) Done !
- The Legend of Heroes : Trails in the Sky (PSP)
- Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
- Odin Sphere (PS2)
- Baldur's Gate : Siege of Dragonspear (PS4)
- Baldur's Gate 2 : Shadows of Amn (PS4)
- Baldur's Gate 2 : Throne of Bhaal (PS4)
- Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag (PS3)
Baten Kaitos : Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (Gamecube) Done !
- Zelda Ocarina of time (N64)
- Hollow Knight (PS4) Ongoing !
- [Replay] Final Fantasy X and X-2 (PS2)
- [Replay] At least one SoulsBorne (PS3/4)
- [2021] Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
- [2021] Project X Zone (3DS)
- [2021] Radiant Historia : Perfect Chronology (3DS)
Games completed :
- Rayman Origins (PS3) (started in Spring 2020, main story finished 5th of January 2021, coop with my 4 years old daughter, her first video game)
- Lunar : Silver Star Harmony (PSP) (Started 1st of January, finished 17th of January, 25h56m)
- Baten Kaitos : Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (Gamecube) (Started 19th of January, Finished the 13th of March, around 67h)
The final boss was harder than expected. I had to go back and farm lvl and cards a bit. But thanks to the battle system it was a real pleasure. Also like to optimize my deck and strategy.
Love the game.
First the setting and world are interesting : a lost Ocean, an "Earth" covered with poisonous cloud and people living on 5 islands floating in the sky. Each of these island has it's own identity (cloud, illusion, jungle...). The art direction is really strong on some of them.
The visuals are beautiful for my standard. I always loved the graphics of this console generation so...
Story kept my interest all along. Some nice twist, nothing mind blowing, but interesting enough. I liked to learn more and more about legend of the lost Ocean.
Just the ending is a bit too long (something like 40 min of "cutscene" after the final battle) especially that 2 "events" happened suddenly (one being quite a WTF moment with a battle you can't lose...)just to be completely reversed few min later...
The soundtrack is really charming. There is no "killer" track à la Final Fantasy but most of them are fitting perfectly the scenery. I love the music on the world map.
Then the real meat : the whole Magnus (cards) and battle system.
In this world object's essence can be seal into Magnus. Then you can "summon" them for use (a sword for attacking, a shield to defend...).
But the object still evolve while in Magnus. Food will eventually rot, plant will grow, etc... so your Magnus will constantly evolve and change application (a healing Magnus can become an offensive one for example). So the deck management is quite important.
Also this aging system is use to solve sidequest. This make them quite interesting since you have to use some real world logic for them (someone wants cheese ? Find some milk and wait for it to become yogurt and then cheese).
Battles are turn based. But you have to be focused to be the most effective. Each Magnus has 1 to 4 numbers (one on each of its corner, you choose it with the right stick).
The goal is to play a combo of Magnus (at the beginning you can only play 2 cards and at the end of the game up to 9).
If you play some pairs or straight with the number you get some bonus in damage (or healing). It can go up to quadruple your damage output for a straight from 1 to 9.
In plus you have an elemental system. There are 6 elements. They go by pairs and are antagonist (FIre/Ice, Light/Dark, Time/Wind). If you play opposite elements in the same combo, their damage nullify each other. So you have to avoid that but sometimes it's better to continue a straight with some antagonist elements to have a huge bonus at the end.
Element are also a big part of the defense system. When the enemies attack, you can also play Magnus for defense. The straight and pairs system is still a thing to increase the damage reduction. Also if you are attack by an element attack, you have to play the opposite one to block it.
Finally there is "crafting" system include in the battle system : the Special Combos. If you play some specific combination of Magnus in battle, it will reward you with a new Magnus at the end.
The "recipes" are hinted in the Magnus description. Some are obvious and some are much more cryptic. So you have to experiment to find them out.
Turn are rather fast, so you have to select Magnus quickly and always think about the elements you play, the numbers for bonus and potential special combo. If you don't select a Magnus quickly enough, your turn ends. It makes you constantly focus and thinking.
A small complaint is than you have to wait around 35h to be able to freely explore the world and solve majority of the sidequests (and I had already forgot quite some since there is no tracking system like in modern games). And then if you advance too much the story, you'll be again unable to explore the world till the late in the game.
After waiting so long too play it, I was expecting a true gem and it's what I found. It took me in its fantasy world, with its visuals and charming music. Then it's Magnus and battle system made me addicted to it

I can't recommend it enough for JRPG lover who likes unique battle system.
Currently playing :
So now I will continue with
Hollow Knight. Really like it so far except some really frustrating platforming section for me.... But I love all the rest.