Deleted member 81567
Unconfirmed Member
2-3 hours of extensive use, 50%
2 hours of light to moderate use, down to 80%
Getting ready to head to the Microsoft Store to check out the 920 (and play with Surface). I currently have the Sprint WP7 Arrive, so I'm no stranger to the ecosystem, but the HTC hardware is almost rage inducing. I've been with Sprint for over 11 years, and have no problem jumping ship to ATT.
I went to one ATT store, but all they had was the black, so I'm hoping the Microsoft Store will have more colors available that I can see.
Getting ready to head to the Microsoft Store to check out the 920 (and play with Surface). I currently have the Sprint WP7 Arrive, so I'm no stranger to the ecosystem, but the HTC hardware is almost rage inducing. I've been with Sprint for over 11 years, and have no problem jumping ship to ATT.
I went to one ATT store, but all they had was the black, so I'm hoping the Microsoft Store will have more colors available that I can see.
My interracial MS Device family.
Really digging the 920s so far. I'm actually pissed at all the girly-boy reviewers who complained about the weight. No wireless chargers came in the box, but the CSR girl said that they have been ordered and should ship separately next week.
4 hours and at 65%. Still light to moderate. Some texting, going on Facebook, taking pictures, and playing like 8 levels of cut the rope. Oh yeah and surfing gaf a little but not much.
could the battery improve in small amounts through cycling?
Weather Smiles does as wellAmazing Weather and Weather Live have nice Live Tiles.
Getting ready to head to the Microsoft Store to check out the 920 (and play with Surface). I currently have the Sprint WP7 Arrive, so I'm no stranger to the ecosystem, but the HTC hardware is almost rage inducing. I've been with Sprint for over 11 years, and have no problem jumping ship to ATT.
I went to one ATT store, but all they had was the black, so I'm hoping the Microsoft Store will have more colors available that I can see.
4 hours and at 65%. Still light to moderate. Some texting, going on Facebook, taking pictures, and playing like 8 levels of cut the rope. Oh yeah and surfing gaf a little but not much.
could the battery improve in small amounts through cycling?
Didn't you have nokia drive running in the background before? That would do it if the GPS radio was constantly powered on.
I threw a cyan cover on my 900 to get a feel of the 920 plus some weight training in. With the cover its probably pretty close to 920 dimensions. Feels good.
So you buying the 920 now? Or is the 8X? Or is it the 920? :lol
:lol I won't know until that day. Would like to hold both. Black only for the 920 is my main issue.
Picked up those Nokia Purity HD headphones since they're 50% off. Really good headphones for the price.
ATT stores. Check the link online it'll show what stores have it in stock around you. Still call as it showed a store close to me didn't have them but I called and they had one left.WTF
Any apps that take advantage of the new voice api's?In case there are any devs out there, or folks curious about what new app-level features are in WP8, I came across this awesome blog post from someone at Nokia. Can't wait to see some apps start taking advantage of this stuff!
Just called the Toronto MS store and they said I can only buy the phone from them through a contract. :lol
But I thought they don't open until the 16th?
5% battery left. Goodnight my sweet prince.
5% battery left. Goodnight my sweet prince.
I've heard that the 920 will be available in white, red and black in Canada at the Microsoft holiday store (black only if you buy at Rogers).
Which colour looks the best. I like black but have had black for 2 years now ... thinking about going for white.
What store exactly? The MS rep on the phone told me that you can't buy the phones at the pop-up stores.
I also doubt that they'll be off contract phones.
Toronto eaton centre. Yorkville too when it opens on Friday this week. All hearsay though based on someone else's comments. I'm likely going to check eaton centre tomorrow and if not there I may wait until Friday to see if the full retail store opening at Yorkville has it.
Finally got home, and can start setting up and configuring my phone. The Microsoft Store did have all the colors available, but doesn't have the phone on display for some reason. Cyan baby!
This phone is awesome, and the screen is gorgeous compared to my HTC Arrive.
Goodbye Sprint, you will not be missed.
This launch is hilarious. Not that the rep is correct, but he told me today that you can't even buy a Lumia 920 at the Eaton Centre or Yorkdale Mall one when it opens. He told me only their "brick and mortar" stores sell them, whatever the hell that means.
Since you're going, please enquire if I can buy the phone off contract and if so, what colours will be available.
Much appreciated.
Sure I'll check for you. Btw, as I understand it the eaton centre location is a pop up, but the Yorkdale store IS going to be a bricks and mortar location in the mall.