It really is a nice looking piece of hardware.
Too bad it doesn't have android on it..
Im kidding... that was my lame Verge joke
Yeah, so Nokia Music doesn't have anything from Sub Pop. They don't have anything from a lot of labels, actually. Don't think that's gonna work. Xbox Music is a ridiculous disaster. Google Music is obviously not coming (is there a third party app that is not a phishing scam?). Amazon Cloud Player shows no sign of coming. This is looking pretty grim, guys.
I want one, but the lack of Spotify is HUGE to me, any word on if it'll be on WM?
Spotify will never have a Windows Mobile app.
Well that sucks, I thought it was on WP7, no?
I really like the Lumia and WM, but the lack of apps that I actually do use is kind of a killer for me.
Well that sucks, I thought it was on WP7, no?
I really like the Lumia and WM, but the lack of apps that I actually do use is kind of a killer for me.
Nice!Super Monkey Ball 2 (non Xbox version) is free for Lumia users.
Super Monkey Ball 2 (non Xbox version) is free for Lumia users.
wp8 or everyone? cant check that link atm
Ok I'm seriusly considering the 920. I've had iPhones the past 4 years and i'm just sick of iOS. Staring at the boring little squares that do NOTHING after all these years. I was messing with my friends new android phone and just liking the sizeable/live tiles and icons. But I really don't like the way the Galaxy SIII looks. I know SIV is soon but no one knows.
Anyways, I figure I can get about $500 off ebay for my iPhone 5 and Lumia 920 is only $450 from AT&T.
My questions:
- Is there anything on this phone that is similar to what you do with an iPhone as far as plugging it into your computer and syncing it with stored music on your computer?
- How is the phone "Backed up" in case its lost or stolen
- What software is used to manage the phone on the computer?
- I'm not too too worried about apps, but is it that bad? Like is there official NFL apps and stuff? Or when the PGA masters rolls around in April there is an official Masters app on iPhone that you can stream live video. Any chance of them making something like that for Windows Phone?
- I saw somethign mentioned somewhere about slow updates to social live tiles? Can you customize how often they update?
- How customizable are the tiles other than location/size on screen?
Thanks guys.
Spotify will never have a Windows Mobile app.
He's messing with you, because you keep calling Windows Phone "Windows Mobile".
Spotify has a Windows Phone 7 app and an update of that app for Windows Phone 8 is in development.
I will try to answer these as best I can:
- There is desktop sync app, which can sync your iTunes libraries. It is pretty simple at the moment, but it should do the trick. Windows Media Player also sync's your music.
-There is a backup function that saves your phones settings, texts and app list to the cloud, but not game saves and in app settings. From your PC if you have find my phone on you can reset it.
-As mentioned earlier there is a desktop sync app as well as Windows 8 app. Both are basically in beta still.
-I think there are some good NFL apps and Nokia also has a really nice official PGA app in their collection. Not sure about the live streaming though.
-I don't usually get a lot of social updates, but notifications can appear on your Me Tile or on the Facebook tile. The People Hub is also a great way to check your Facebook and Twitter quickly and without clutter.
- You have the 3 tile sizes and the theme colour option. There are many apps that have excellent live tiles such as Weatherflow and TVShow. Apps can also have live information on your lockscreen, such as weather.
Maybe others can fill in my mistakes or things I may have missed.
Thanks for taking the time out.
A part of me wants to wait to see what Apple does with iOS 7, but thats not till June. And I would think that they HAVE to do something with live tiles or more customization to the OS. Right now its so boring.
and for fun
And there is actually a Spotify app for Windows Mobile. I was using it on my Samsung Omnia Pro. So it wasn't much of a joke really.
Thanks for taking the time out.
A part of me wants to wait to see what Apple does with iOS 7, but thats not till June. And I would think that they HAVE to do something with live tiles or more customization to the OS. Right now its so boring.
Sonic and Super Monkey Ball? Oh god fucking damnit, right in time when I can't use my 920((((
I still can't get my Optimus 7 to update ;_; nothing will work, might just CAB it.
He did the disconnect trick. Maybe that only works by region?
Here are some screenshots of things you were asking about. Along with my personal start screen.
Ooo I really dig your home screen setup. I may plagiarize it for myself.
Whats the quick settings toggle tile called?
Is this phone going to release for Telus? Is it worth buying an unlocked version?
the istabilizer XL is out. will work great with the 920, even if you have a case.
wow, i originally ordered through an amazon seller but i cancelled and ordered directly. yes, order 2 or more and they're discounted to 9.95 a piece with free shipping too.Just ordered this... and I seem to have gotten a second one for free? I added two to my cart by accident, and noticed a $20 credit applied. I checked out with it and paid via paypal and everything.
I bought those. Yes they work but do a shiity job. Not worth the $18 if you ask me.Also got some magnetic-attachment lenses that allegedly work with the 920. I realize they're pretty crappy, but sometimes crappy is good enough, you know?
So yeah, what can I do with a 710?
I bought those. Yes they work but do a shiity job. Not worth the $18 if you ask me.
Bought this
Gives my Red Lumia a nice matte feel now, no more slip. Slightly dulls the color, but I think that is just blue jean rub off and dirt. I had the screen protector on, but I didn't care for the feel of it, the naked screen feels so much better to use.
oh snap! Ordered!!!!Buddy of mine picked up a red 920 yesterday, so nice! Wish I would have waited. Oh well.
Edit: also ordered a red and cyan case from here. Need to cancel my expansys order now.