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Noob-Smoke... man are they broken(MKD thread).

Once I unlocked them, man, their powers lie in their special moves. That is all, but god they do damage and are so unpredictable. I killed a couple of guys over the internet with Noob-Smoke. And Shujinko is also very powerfull, but that was his purpose.

Anyway, if you want to face me, Bookerman's waiting.

I love this game, how about you?

Oh and you haters out there, at least give it a try, you might find it atleast fun to play.(even with it's apparent lack of depth).


I love it up until Onaga fight, then i end up throwing my pad at the tv shouting expletives and the word "cheese"
Bookerman, excellent post. I was wondering if it was just me! I got my ass kicked consistently against those two until I learned their moves (from enough fights online against them, haven't unlocked a single character in single player or Konquest mode yet). Now I can take most Noob-Smoke players down with good old Scorpion. But definitely, high-powered combos and amazing juggle starters make the pair a really tough match.
There's a character named "Shujinko"?



(this is Japanese for protagonist)
I wouldn't say their broken. I will say that they are the coolest character to hit MK in a while though. I love swapping out between them and seeing the chaos that can erupt. It looks like its suddenly a tag-team game. :)


I like them. They've managed to make Noob interesting, when he was extremely overused and stale.

As for the game, it's pretty cool. A lot better than MKDA. I don't like the new 3D games as much as the 2D though.
I hope this game becomes the best selling MK in recent years, it deserves it and offers everything a diehard fan, like myself would want in a Mortal Kombat game.

The Konquest is actually really damn fun for some sick reason, even though it's cheap and shit. But you can collect and get really cool nostalgic shit!

I got all the characters, but I haven't even mastered one yet or tried a fatality. Lot's to do, but I just hope I can do it in time before Tuesday when San Andreas launches!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
JackFrost2012 said:
There's a character named "Shujinko"?



(this is Japanese for protagonist)

That's why his name makes sense. :p


Shu is the most gullible hero in the history of games. He would do anything for anyone. The guy does fetch quests for villains like it's nothing.
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