November 2015 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes December 8th


^^^so they were calculating the increase in sales by date and not period. Black Friday last year was the 28th.

Seems they were forced to start it early. I wonder now if Sony will extend their promotion.
Despite he implications here, the week leading into Christmas eve is really not that big.

I have worked in retail for over 25 years. I can tell you this is false. And yes 15 years are with a large electronics retailer. This is categorically wrong. The Saturday before Xmas is one of the 3 biggest sales days of the year.


Exactly, most people are finished with their Xmas shopping by then, at least for the big items. That's why you drop the price now.

Except the Saturday before Christmas (the 19th) is actually larger in sales then Black Friday and the week leading up to Christmas is one of the largest in Retail.

Doing it now is not a bad idea at all.


Welp so they were really caught off guard and forced to price match.
At least this will avoid a total bloodbath for December.
Good for consumers that they fight over price.


Wouldn't all bundles include the ROTR bundle?.

I know, but...
TR bundle will also get $50 price cut. It's just I thought MS will try to advertise that it's available. I mean in that link they only emphasize "the Xbox One Limited Edition Halo 5: Guardians Bundle, the Xbox One Elite Bundle and the Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle," plus Gears bundle

Yep. Probably didn't mention it though since it's only available at Best Buy while the bundles that are mentioned are available in multiple retail stores.

And MS store.


Sony may very well loose the December if they dont extend it to 26 because those are some very busy sales days and it will be not very wise on their part to let it happen.
I don't think they would tbh, given that they cover THE busiest period of December (including and peaking with the 19th), but it might not be wise indeed to risk seeing the PS4 bundles taking a nose dive mere days before Xmas, and not using the little boost of the day after Xmas (gift cards and returns).

It would be interesting if Abdiel or other retail insiders could tell us what they saw happen to the UC bundle sales in stores after the return to the $349 price point for a week. I bet they are rather busy though.
Sony may very well loose the December if they dont extend it to 26 because those are some very busy sales days and it will be not very wise on their part to let it happen.

Amazon has both the Uncharted bundle and the Star Wars bundle for $299.

No way that Sony loses December... I know that it is not a direct corollary, but PS4 is killing it on Amazon right now. Star Wars bundle (#3), Uncharted bundle (#5)... XB1 doesn't even show up on the bestsellers list until #39 with the Gears bundle.
Fixed that for you, Major.

Also, surely he should add some sort of disclaimer to the BC remark - it reads that you can play all your favourite 360 games on xb1, not just the ones that are supported.

I am an attorney in Florida and I could see a comment like that as a basis for a consumer deception violation under our statute.


Damn they are starting now and won't end until a week after Sony.

Not only will December be GAF_meme, but January will be dead as fuck.
Amazon has both the Uncharted bundle and the Star Wars bundle for $299.

No way that Sony loses December... I know that it is not a direct corollary, but PS4 is killing it on Amazon right now. Star Wars bundle (#3), Uncharted bundle (#5)... XB1 doesn't even show up on the bestsellers list until #39 with the Gears bundle.
In hourly charts I presume, which is pretty useless to use in comparisons.
Just woke up, so MS went ahead and dropped the price early? Very interesting and extended a week? I thought it might be possible but had no knowledge on that.

As always December's gonna be fun :)


Just seeing this. Holy fuckery.

Everyone at MS has this on their reading list
it's actually a really good read



always looking for good reads, ordered.

if anyone wants something to help understand the world and how things can be so messed up:

Yes he used to work for Rand in Santa Monica and was a neoconservative, but he has moved on from that thankfully. The book is not agenda driven and is a good work of multidisciplinary synthesis. It also has an audio version if you are into that sort of thing.
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