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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins



They know who the real star is between Mizdow and Miz. Also didn't they announce Mizdow's name before Miz on Raw?


Torah Talk With Stro: Royal Rumble Numbers

God makes sure to get his Survivor Series teams picked. You never know when a multi-man tag is going to break out. A big census is taken, divided up into 12 groups based on blood lines. There are a lot of Jews in this group wandering the desert, apparently.

Aaron and his sons are to get DOLPHIN SKIN to cover up the Ark of the Covenant. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING DESERT.

God makes sure anyone who has fucked a corpse gets kicked out of camp.

If a woman cheats on her husband, instead of getting beaten or killed like in Islam (as long as there are 4 witnesses for Islam, though...and women can get divorced and remarried in Islam, but the Jews aren't allowed to marry a woman who has been divorced), she gets taken to a priest. The priest makes her do the general sacrifice/offering and whatnot, and then gives her some kind of bitter water. If she is guilty, the water will curse her, causing her thighs to sag and her belly to distend. But if she's innocent, the water won't do anything to her.

If one takes a nazirite's vow, you must then abstain from wine and any other intoxicant. Or anything having to do with grapes.

Those said vowers also aren't allowed to cut their hair/beards and aren't allowed to be anywhere near a dead body. Even if someone suddenly dies next to them, they will have to shave their head/beard, offer a sacrifice, and then start all over again.

God was apparently well known for his lamp design. He drew up blueprints and instructions for people to make them. It was a really passion of his. And this was how the menorah was created.

In order for the Levites to be purified, they had holy water sprinkled on them, had to shave their junk, and wash their clothes. Even God knows bush was a mistake.

The Jews bitched too much, so God set their camp on fire. Moses again had to talk God down from killing everyone.

The Jews bitched about the lack of a diverse diet (which according to the Koran, was one of the main issues that made God give up on the Jews altogether). They had better stuff to eat in Egypt and now all they get is manna every day. Moses, also getting sick of the Jews, told God about the bitching, then asked why he got cursed to be in charge of these whiny bitches in the first place. He then asked God to kill him instead of having to lead these people. God declines and then decides he's going to give the Jews so much meat until it "comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you". Moses questions that there are even enough animals and fish in the world to have that much meat for this group of soldiers, which is 600,000 strong. God says, "We'll see, bitch. We'll just see."

God sent a god damn ton of quail, which people collected for 2 days. And while they were eating, God got pissed and sent down a plague on the people eating.

Miriam and Aaron were shit talking Moses for taking in an OG Cushite woman. Well, God heard it and wasn't happy. He called the 3 of them to a sit down. Then he gave Miriam either leprosy or turned her into Killer Croc.

The giants are in Canaan. This is where the Jews were heading. Naturally, this upset them and they asked what the point was in saving them in Egypt just to send them to die somewhere else. God again has to be talked down from killing them all on the spot and finding a new people for Moses to lead. Caleb told them to have faith. The Jews almost stoned him for it. After Moses talked God down, God decided that none of the people that just saw his presence at the camp or in Egypt will ever see the land promised to them. Ever. But Caleb and his off spring will. Then it is decided that none of the ADULTS will see the land promised to them, but their children will, but only after wandering the desert for 40 years until the last of the current adult dies. That's what you get when you thwart God, mother fuckers.

The Jews came across a dude collecting fire wood on the sabbath. I assume it was a non-Jew, based on the phrasing and how a few passages earlier said Jews and strangers would be bound to the same rules. God told Moses to tell Aaron to tell his wife to tell his son to tell his brother to tell his neighbor to tell his uncle to tell his son in law to tell his ox to tell his flea to tell his dog to tell his friend Earl to stone that mother fucker to death.

Jews are to have blue fringes on the corners of their garments for all time, to remind them of their vows, lest they get lustful eyes and urges.

Some dudes questioned Moses and why he was so special. God opened up the earth and pulled them straight to hell.

Jews were bitching about not having water. God instructs Moses to bust a rock with his rod, and water will gush forth. Moses and Aaron were kind of skeptical. Well, there was water, but because of that skepticism, both Moses and Aaron were denied to ever see the land promised to them and their ancestors. Miriam had already died. Aaron was stripped of his priest credentials, which were handed to his son, and then died himself.

Jews bitched some more. God sent down a bunch of snakes to bite them and kill them. He then sent down a copper snake and anyone who was bitten could look at it and be healed.

While staying in a town called Shittim, some of the Jewish dudes boned the local ladies and prayed to their god. So God made the decision to publicly impale them. After people were mourning and whatnot, one of the Israelite notables came and brought a Midianite woman in front of everyone. One of Aaron's sons stabbed them both to death, which put an end to a plague that had killed 24,000 people.

The Jews came across some town and killed all the males and took EVERYTHING. Like 300,000 sheep. When they came back, Moses was mad they didn't kill the women, so all the women who weren't young virgins were also killed. Later on, in the steppes of Moab at the Jordan near Jericho, God told Moses to kill EVERYONE in the land, break all the idols and buildings, and take everything. They were also supposed to build refuge towns for accidental killers. Because I guess if you hit someone in the head with a rock or piece of iron and it kills them, you need a place to hide and that's cool.

Basically, what I'm getting is that God is actually GOB and realizes he made a huge mistake picking the Jews as his chosen ones and only keeps them as such because he promised Abe/Jake/Joe and if he went back on it, people would make fun of him. Had he done some research, he probably would have known they are a bitchy people. But now he's stuck with them and compromises by killing off like 20K at a time instead of all of them at once when he gets mad.

Only one more book for the Torah. Then onto....Gospel Gossip with Stro.


You know to be perfectly honest, I have a hard time taking people who complain about PG seriously. nWo was PG, Pillman's got a gun was PG,The golden age of Smackdown on UPN was PG. If anything we should be glad that WWE is PG, or we'd get stuck with stuff like Katie Vick. The fact of the matter is that, for reasons I cannot comprehend, the writing team sucks.

I have a very strong suspicion that it's either Vince, or Kevin Dunn, as when the Smack down writer and the NXT writer switched roles recently, there was neither a bump in quality on SD, nor a loss of quality on NXT. Makes you wonder, huh?

If you believe Alex Greenfield, former head writer of Smackdown who was recently interviewed by JR, a lot of the fault falls on Kevin Dunn for doing the same things again and again and not really trying anything new.


If you believe Alex Greenfield, former head writer of Smackdown who was recently interviewed by JR, a lot of the fault falls on Kevin Dunn for doing the same things again and again and not really trying anything new.

That guy wrote a long piece a few months ago pretty much damning Dunn's name. WWE really do need a new head of production, they've been so stagnant for the last decade.


You know to be perfectly honest, I have a hard time taking people who complain about PG seriously. nWo was PG, Pillman's got a gun was PG,The golden age of Smackdown on UPN was PG. If anything we should be glad that WWE is PG, or we'd get stuck with stuff like Katie Vick. The fact of the matter is that, for reasons I cannot comprehend, the writing team sucks.

I have a very strong suspicion that it's either Vince, or Kevin Dunn, as when the Smack down writer and the NXT writer switched roles recently, there was neither a bump in quality on SD, nor a loss of quality on NXT. Makes you wonder, huh?

Limiting the product to PG is bad.

Its not just a content problem its a philosophical problem with what is the content.

I'd take Katie Vick over Kathy Lee.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Limiting the product to PG is bad.

Its not just a content problem its a philosophical problem with what is the content.

I'd take Katie Vick over Kathy Lee.
First off, I agree with the rest of the post... Mostly. That being said...

You rather take a 6 week long NECROPHELIEA storyline over a one time guest host spot!?!

I.. I can't even..
I don't think PG is inherently bad. They could still easily write a very competent and FnP show that both your little Jimmy and your mega 40 year old smark that lives in his mother's basement can enjoy.

Problem is, the shows fucking suck and are boring as hell these days.

At least with TV-14 even if it sucks as much ass as it does now, the trashy shit that comes out of it can be entertaining. The fun every week could come from the "how low can they go?" mentality.
WWE RAW dropped down to 3,772,000 viewers. The audience never exceeded 4 million viewers, and dropped steadily from 3,894,000 in the first hour, 3,780,000 in the second, and finished with 3,641,000.

Time to fix the product


If you believe Alex Greenfield, former head writer of Smackdown who was recently interviewed by JR, a lot of the fault falls on Kevin Dunn for doing the same things again and again and not really trying anything new.

Not sure whose fault it is, but this is the issue. WWE hasn't really done anything *new* in a long time outside of maybe Daniel Bryan's rise. You can see it on NXT where it's a different creative environment and they are trying different things.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I don't think PG is inherently bad. They could still easily write a very competent and FnP show that both your little Jimmy and your mega 40 year old smark that lives in his mother's basement can enjoy.

Problem is, the shows fucking suck and are boring as hell these days.

At least with TV-14 even if it sucks as much ass as it does now, the trashy shit that comes out of it can be entertaining. The fun every week could come from the "how low can they go?" mentality.
I don't know about that, I've jumping in blind to the attitude era, and the trash just doesn't work. But then again, it's all subjective.


Limiting the product to pg limits your sponsors and it limits what you can do with your characters and your story.

The PG switch was a direct reaction to Benoit/Guerrero deaths and the McMahon Political campaign.

Right now a substantial part of the WWE audience watching the product for Cena.

Outside of Hogan with the amount of heat Cena gets they would have turned him. They can't because a major part of their audience worships him. Its why their is such a lack of babyfaces today. They are afraid to push guys because they don't want to usurp Cena.

But its always kinda been a mess. Vince has wanted to be a sports commissioner, movie producer, media publisher, merchandise salesman, instead of a wrestling promoter/owner.

Combine that with UFC taking way their adult audience and sponsors and you have a mess.


Limiting the product to pg limits your sponsors and it limits what you can do with your characters and your story.

The PG switch was a direct reaction to Benoit/Guerrero deaths and the McMahon Political campaign.

Right now a substantial part of the WWE audience watching the product for Cena.

Outside of Hogan with the amount of heat Cena gets they would have turned him. They can't because a major part of their audience worships him. Its why their is such a lack of babyfaces today. They are afraid to push guys because they don't want to usurp Cena.

But its always kinda been a mess. Vince has wanted to be a sports commissioner, movie producer, media publisher, merchandise salesman, instead of a wrestling promoter/owner.

Combine that with UFC taking way their adult audience and sponsors and you have a mess.

What storylines in a PG area limit the product? Its all about the writing not if its Pg or R. Impact was not PG and it was not better because the writing sucked. Yep, that Claire Lynch really worked for them.

The attitude era did it all and by 2002 it has run its course. Its like people forgot all the crap the attitude era produced as well. Plus the WWE has gotten more sponsors when they turned PG. The attitude era one big flaw was it turned off sponsors and gave wrestling a stigma that still exists today.


There is just no way to blade safely. Didn't Nigel McGuinness have to end his in ring career because he got Hepatitis B from a blading incident?

I thought he got it because someone else bladed who had it and he got it from that opponent.

Plus from Smackdown Spoilers the final New Days vignette aired with all 3 together. So I wonder if they will debut on Survivor Series or Raw?


Magical Johnson could play in the NBA with HIV and Nigel can't wrestle because of hepatitis? I'm calling a flag on the play. I'm pretty sure it has more to due with brain damage.
raw numbers still low?

there was a saying when I went to broadcast school:

"Always count on the grumpy cat pop"

with that gone, I don't know what could possibly save the company...maybe an appearance by pewdiepie?


¡HarlequinPanic!;139477129 said:
raw numbers still low?

there was a saying when I went to broadcast school:

"Always count on the grumpy cat pop"

with that gone, I don't know what could possibly save the company...maybe an appearance by pewdiepie?
Get Fred on



¡HarlequinPanic!;139477129 said:
raw numbers still low?

there was a saying when I went to broadcast school:

"Always count on the grumpy cat pop"

with that gone, I don't know what could possibly save the company...maybe an appearance by pewdiepie?

Not to burst your bubble but the ratings and viewership is basically doing what it did last year. For example Raw's rating was the same as last year.

So they are not going to change when they are pulling basically even compared to last year.


¡HarlequinPanic!;139477420 said:
or maybe they can announce that sony is making a new crash bandicoot on the show, that could work


Bring Scooby Doo as a guest host and give him the belt over Lesnar.

MC Safety

Limiting the product to PG is bad.

Its not just a content problem its a philosophical problem with what is the content.

I'd take Katie Vick over Kathy Lee.

The idea is you don't just want to cater to adults.

Comic books stopped being a medium for children and the result has been the snake eating its tail for 20-plus years.
Vince and Dunn are the problem. Both are too stuck in their ways. Dunn refuses to make any production changes. Vince doesn't trust the writers, talent, or commentary to do their jobs.

50-50 booking is terrible
Nothing feels special
Talent have zero personality
Commentary kills everything
The roster is deep but seems thin how is that possible
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