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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


K Mart is weird to me. They're dedicated and marketed to the poors, yet are more expensive than pretty much every store like it besides Target, and even that depends on the product. They're also trashy as shit and have a floor model straight out of 1986. Generally the same floor, too. And lights. And shelves.


The idea is you don't just want to cater to adults.

Comic books stopped being a medium for children and the result has been the snake eating its tail for 20-plus years.

Make Raw a show cater towards young adults and teens and have smackdown as a more family friendly show.

PPV events bring both products together so different audience groups can see both sides to see what is hot or not.

Allow both the writers and talent to take risks with stories and gimmicks that can appeal to different audiences.
Wyatt Ambrose is a fresh matchup and I really don't give any fucks about. There's something seriously wrong when you can't get hyped for that. The Shield Wyatts was great so you'd think Dean Bray would be the same. It's pathetic how they squander talent.


Not sure whose fault it is, but this is the issue. WWE hasn't really done anything *new* in a long time outside of maybe Daniel Bryan's rise. You can see it on NXT where it's a different creative environment and they are trying different things.

Look at simply like the entrances in NXT. They do so much experimental stuff there, and not just big stuff, all the little details. Like Tyler Breeze's cellphone tron, announcing Bayley as "It's Bayley", the spotlights and blinding lights in Baron Corbin's entrance, the Vaudevillains' entrance etc.
When you don't have that limiter on you, the creative freedom is really noticeable.
At the SD taping, a new stip was added to the SS main event: if Team Cena loses, everybody on the team is fired

You know, just in case you really didn't know who would win
Bray is all sizzle no steak. He has been in a rut for months now, not really setting the world on fire in the ring. Nothing interesting about him the mystique has worn off. He is just babbling bray now

Ambrose has lost all momentum and has been give some bad stuff by creative.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
I just wonder sometimes that people can't enjoy Bray vs Ambrose because Bray lost a feud to Cena.

Everyone's lost to Cena though, I think Bray without his two henchmen isn't as imposing a character. Dudes great in the ring and on the mic and so is Ambrose, just seems like the wrong time I guess. Ambrose really should have been part of the team taking down The Authority/Rollins and Bray should be using Harper and Rowan as chess pieces one on each team to just fuck everyone up.

He'd get some serious heel heat if he was the reason The Authority stayed in power. WWE could be doing something like this but I really fucking doubt it.
THe opeing match to suviro seris 95 is amazing.

Captain: Marty Janeety, hakushi, Bob holly and barry horowitz vs Chris Candido, Rad radford, Tom Pritchard and 123 Kid

how did these teams come together

MC Safety

Make Raw a show cater towards young adults and teens and have smackdown as a more family friendly show.

PPV events bring both products together so different audience groups can see both sides to see what is hot or not.

Allow both the writers and talent to take risks with stories and gimmicks that can appeal to different audiences.

That sounds fine. I imagine Vince softened the brand to appease the sponsors and to make his wife's political campaigns more palatable.

Personally, I don't ever want a return to Mae Young's pregnancy and Katie Vick, but you can certainly do a more adult-themed show without resorting to garbage like that.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Does anyone think the quality of wrestling on NXT has had an adverse effect on Raw/Smackdown?. Or is it that NXT is just the right length and ends before you get to the 80-90 minute mark where you wonder what the fuck you are doing with your life?.

If Lucha Underground continues to be awesome as well I'd group that in with NXT as a short and super sweet.


NXT being a good, well paced wrestling TV show in the WWE makes RAW and Smackdown's flaws ever more apparent.

Lucha Underground just puts RAW/SD to shame.


That sounds fine. I imagine Vince softened the brand to appease the sponsors and to make his wife's political campaigns more palatable.

Personally, I don't ever want a return to Mae Young's pregnancy and Katie Vick, but you can certainly do a more adult-themed show without resorting to garbage like that.

Best part about the Katie Vick story was that their was a funeral going on in the next room during filming



In an ideal world, it'd be great if RAW and Smackdown followed the NXT model and both shows go to one hour. Main Event isn't bad either, just uninspired. When Main Event started to air on the network it did heat up pretty well for a while. Not as good as it was months ago but I still watch it.

Superstars should either be shelved or mimic Main Event because two matches and then nothing but RAW recaps is pretty much sucky, IMO.

I don't see RAW going to 2 hours, or even an hour, anytime soon. I'm sure there's big money involved going to 3 hours. But this isn't the Monday Night Wars anymore... why is WWE still in that mode besides a financial reason?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
I just want my cruiserweights back. Please give me my cruiserweights :(

I'd rather they just faze out big slow dudes.

So.... who is going to be the next GM of RAW then?


Actually could work as a starting people for the Triple H / Sting WM feud.

Paul Hayman, that way they can make Brock fight even less and have Hayman just troll people with it. Set up the Brock HHH feud for the GM spot.


ROH is pulling a TNA. No,contracted,talent can do,other Indies,. You can probably,thank,Elgin

I get it on some level, and if their PPV business and New Japan partnership has increased their revenues substantially, perhaps they are able to pay their talent more.

And yeah, does this include PWG? Seems silly to do that. Cross-promotional talent is a positive for both companies.


Btw, ya'll need to listen to Review-a-Raw with John Pollock and Wai Ting this week. Pollock is basically buzzed and just doesn't give a shit about making fun of the product and how much it annoys him right now. A true podcasting classic.


Pollock made a good point on Review-a-Raw...

He said that "there are no dream matches" in the WWE because they burn through everything. This is a product of the amount of content they have to produce too.

When your product feels as bloated as it does, it's hard to make anything feel exciting or must-see.

After listening to the podcast, and actually having some extra time tonight, I skimmed through the parts of Raw I was interested in seeing.

Good stuff I went out of my way to watch:
-Harper vs. Ziggler
-Ryback vs. Cesaro
-Rusev, Lana, and Slater...I literally burst out laughing when Rusev drilled Slater with that kick after all of Slater's grand standing. Lana was also great.

Okay stuff that kept my interest:
-Ambrose and Wyatt promo
-Grumpy Cat and Mizdow...minus the pointless Rowan thing

Bloated stuff that I quickly skimmed through:
-Opening and closing segments

Fast forward stuff that didn't warrant any attention at all based on online feedback and what I saw quickly moving past my screen:
-Everything else (Divas, Sheamus, Big Show, tag match, Adam Rose, and whatever else)

I was able to get through everything in a little over an hour.


I just wonder sometimes that people can't enjoy Bray vs Ambrose because Bray lost a feud to Cena.

The problem is Deans character. This week on Raw demonstrated that. He was just like fuck all this magic garbage and rambling and lets just fight. Dean feud isn't working well with Bray because he doesn't come off as a guy who has a lot of regrets of his past. He isn't easily manipulated by the smoke and mirrors bullshit.


Random, but I don't think PG is the problem at all with the WWE. It's just that nothing is compelling. Their shows feel totally devoid of energy. It's all so monochrome, samey, and bloated. Feuds and wrestlers get overexposed with all of the TV time available to them now, the writing is often shit, and the commentary is AWFUL.

I paid close attention to the commentary team during the Ryback and Cesaro match, and they spent more time discussing what's at stake at Survivor Series than the match itself. The thing is, the commentary feels disconnected from what's happening right in front of them. Instead of telling the story the viewers are watching, they tell all of the peripheral stuff that totally takes you out of the moment.

Just call the damn match and drop in important details about what's at stake.


"Ryback with a massive clothesline! He's in impressive form and would be a great asset to team Cena at Survivor Series. Both men are down now. The crowd is clearly behind Ryback, but let's not count out Cesaro just yet in this match. This is the man who picked up The Big Show at Wrestlemania XXX..."

Probably better than that, but you get a basic idea at least.


The problem is Deans character. This week on Raw demonstrated that. He was just like fuck all this magic garbage and rambling and lets just fight. Dean feud isn't working well with Bray because he doesn't come off as a guy who has a lot of regrets of his past. He isn't easily manipulated by the smoke and mirrors bullshit.

Thing is, they could have worked that hard if they wanted to. Stealing fantasy booking from John Pollock here, but why didn't Bray HELP Ambrose at HiaC if he wanted him to join him and/or "save" him?

Playing off that, you could have had Ambrose pushing back and rejecting Wyatt's involvement. Then you could have had skits of Wyatt maybe visiting Dean's childhood home and cutting promos from there to play with Dean's mind a bit more. Bring in the deadbeat dad angle and maybe even have someone pretend to play Dean's dad. Go all in on this instead of just TALKING. Fucking SHOW us and make us feel something.


Random, but I don't think PG is the problem at all with the WWE. It's just that nothing is compelling. Their shows feel totally devoid of energy. It's all so monochrome, samey, and bloated. Feuds and wrestlers get overexposed with all of the TV time available to them now, the writing is often shit, and the commentary is AWFUL.

I paid close attention to the commentary team during the Ryback and Cesaro match, and they spent more time discussing what's at stake at Survivor Series than the match itself. The thing is, the commentary feels disconnected from what's happening right in front of them. Instead of telling the story the viewers are watching, they tell all of the peripheral stuff that totally takes you out of the moment.


Commentary team gave up on the Cesaro match because the booking was shitty.

Ryback is a horrible worker when compared to Cesaro and he was thrown around way too much for his gimmick. Ryback should come in and fucking destroy people build him up enough heat so that when you book him against somebody big you go in not knowing who will win.

5 minutes into the match they should have told the ref to tell them to finish the match quickly.
FUCK. Smackdown's are worse than Raw when it comes to commercials and shit. It's TAPED. Why do you have to have 8000 commercials!?

(It was pretty fun either way.
No one's gonna like that Cesaro jobbed out in like five minutes, but
Rowan uses the torture rack as his new finisher. I marked out.



Commentary team gave up on the Cesaro match because the booking was shitty.

Ryback is a horrible worker when compared to Cesaro and he was thrown around way too much for his gimmick. Ryback should come in and fucking destroy people build him up enough heat so that when you book him against somebody big you go in not knowing who will win.

5 minutes into the match they should have told the ref to tell them to finish the match quickly.[/QUOTE]

That poopy thing is just bad writing. They don't have to go that way, but they choose to because they don't have talent or actual creative ideas that still engage an adult audience.

It's like this...

Avatar: The Last Airbender is/was a kids' show, but it had such interesting characters and relationships that it didn't matter that it was rated G. Stories had purpose and were taken seriously. Things were followed up on, and it all led to something.

Pro wrestling is definitely different, but I think the same principles apply. The WWE is just stale and has stretched itself too thin with 6 hours of TV per week plus house shows. I'm sure creative would love to do more pre-recorded vignettes and storylines, but they can't because they just don't have the time.
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