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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


¡HarlequinPanic!;140364289 said:
please, dinosaurs are so passe.

so which should I start watching soon? Agents of shield or Agents of shield 1940s edition when that comes out.

Agents of SHIELD

Catch up on the second half of season 1 if you haven't, then go through season 2.

It's a good show.

Then once you catch up, catch up on Agent Carter if you fell behind.


They're fun enough movies, I'll give the TV Show a chance. The cast looks decent, and I guess you could kind of fool yourself enough to believe it to be some sort of Watcher's Council thing.

Heh, funny thing....when I searched The Librarian on Hulu to see if it had a series page yet, Buffy episodes showed in the results.


I think I figured out why Sting's theme is crappy. It sounds like it's one of those menacing themes for a heel rather than a mysterious theme. It really doesn't fit at all.

They tried to make it sound supernatural-ish I guess.

I don't get the hate. It's awesome. Suits him perfectly.
Even Dolph wears a suit to cover up the tacky!

Not even going to lie - those are my favourite TV Movies, especially if you believe it's John Carter from ER.

It's not a bad cast for the show: Christian Kane and John Larroquette.

As for Bob Holly, I hope he tells stories about how he likes to stiff other wrestlers, his beef with Heidenreich, and how he thinks there's a double standard with the Wellness Policy. Ugh, Bob Holly.
The New Day promos were just too stereotypical, especially the last one with the dancing, preaching, shoe brushing...

I think it's a swerve. Or at least I hope it's a swerve. Especially with the broadcast team ready for some fun from them. I just want them all to tear shit up.

They've been photographed backstage wearing matching red Adidas track suits. The same tracksuits that Brodus Clay wore, which leads me to believe that they are going to do the reverse of Clay's debut. He had vignette's about him being a big menacing guy, then came out dancing.
You know. Its cool they are doing the silent Crow Sting thing again but I bet it sucked for Sting that he was in front of the biggest crowd he was in over a decade, finally debuting in the WWE but he couldn't even crack a smile.

Also was Sting wearing a t shirt or is he wearing a simalar get up to his early crow gear?


Would be fine with that kind of gear if it means hiding the old man tits.


Sounded great when those CARNY MOTHERFUCKERS played it and his video before Raw for cheap heat when fans were already chanting we want Sting.


Think we got the same thing at home. Raw opened with his entrance video, so I got all excited too :/
You know. Its cool they are doing the silent Crow Sting thing again but I bet it sucked for Sting that he was in front of the biggest crowd he was in over a decade, finally debuting in the WWE but he couldn't even crack a smile.

Also was Sting wearing a t shirt or is he wearing a simalar get up to his early crow gear?


Would be fine with that kind of gear if it means hiding the old man tits.

He was wearing a t-shirt with sweatpants.


This bad Jurassic Park trailer didn't even make me flinch. Whatevs.


I am still bent out of shape about that new Sting theme. Why I gotta be so upset bros?
Lol, fuckin DDT;

"Honda and Sasadango Machine both had the flu during yesterday's show so they had a Sneeze Prevention Deathmatch. Honda lost when he sneezed."

WWE wishes it was this FnP.


Lol, fuckin DDT;

"Honda and Sasadango Machine both had the flu during yesterday's show so they had a Sneeze Prevention Deathmatch. Honda lost when he sneezed."

WWE wishes it was this FnP.

You kidding? That's every meeting with Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
That's fucking hilarious that they played Sting's titantron then immediately cut it off with Steph and HHH's entrance when the live TV feed came on to make it seem like they were getting booed.


Gospel Gossip With Stro


More shitting on the Jews. Always need to remind the Gentiles that they killed Jesus and God doesn't like them. Both of which are true, but Paul isn't saying it for the history lesson.

He's also really concerned about what people do with their dicks and vaginas. Like,
weirdly concerned.


2 Theszalonians

This cunt is warning everyone of the upcoming antichrist/Fallen One. HE'S WARNING EVERYONE ABOUT HIMSELF.


1 Lunchtime Suicide with Timothy White

Paul immediately starts this book out by bitching about people following any one but him and his version of Christianity. He goes on to say that the Law is really only for sinners anyway, and good people are good and therefore don't need to mess with the Law since they know how to act.

“Women are to be quiet and completely submissive during religious instruction. I don't permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must remain silent. After all, Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived—it was the woman who was deceived and became the sinner.” Well.

He talks about how bishops should be: Not drunks, able to keep their own house in line, only be married once, not be new converts lest the become conceited and incur the punishment of the Devil. Wait. THIS FUCKING GUY was a new convert and started preaching hardcore and was himself conceited as shit. WHY IS NO ONE PAYING ATTENTION TO ALL THE BULLSHIT HE'S REVEALING ABOUT HIMSELF?

He talks a lot about how nice you should be to widows. Especially ones 60 and older, because young women just want to fuck and gossip and be bitchy to everyone, so don't help them out too much.

Encourages people to drink while at the same time DO NOT DRINK INTOXICANTS comes up a lot in both the Old and New Testaments. He's trying to confuse you, y'all.

“Dear Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the blasphemous philosophical discussions and absurdities of what is falsely called knowledge.” That sounds an awful lot like the line in the Koran about not talking to people who deeply question the faith, because they might be the Devil trying to trick you into sinning.


2 Lunchtime Suicide with Timothy White

More of this “I sacrifice SO MUCH for you, this is SO HARD for me, but I LOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE YOOOOOOOOU” horseshit. You ain't Jesus, mother fucker.


Titus O'Neil

“'Cretans have always been liars, evil animals and lazy gluttons.' This is a true statement.”



Paul calls himself, “A prisoner for Christ Jesus”, because he can't go one god damn thing without bringing up how persecuted HE is. It seems he's sending a letter to his old lady so she'll send his son back to him and Paul can then make him a disciple and shit, but usage of “son” in Christianity can pretty much always mean either actual son or son in Jesus. And I don't give enough of a shit to look up the interpretation of this.


Hebrews Brothers

The final days are upon us. Already? Shit man, your time line was way off. It's been 2000 years and the last day hasn't come yet. It 's time to double down on all of this and be more vigilant with your faith, because shit is about to go down. TIGHTEN UP, WORLD.

“But Jesus has been found worth of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house receives more honor than the house itself.” This makes no sense to me. The metaphor is backwards. Moses built the house. Jesus is the house. So the house should be receiving more honor in this situation.

“The Law wasn't able to make anything perfect.” The Law was the mother fucking undisputed word of GOD, mother fucker. This dude is literally saying God was wrong in the MOTHER FUCKING BIBLE. He's also saying that God made a “better” promise and covenant with Jesus, which implies the previous one was imperfect, which is something God can't be according to...everything.

A lot of detail on exactly how the new Covenant works. Back in the day, high priests were assigned and would go into the holy spot and sacrifice blood once a year. But Jesus was assigned high priest by God himself, and by shedding his blood, there is no need for anymore sacrifices. Jesus' sacrifice covers the sacrifice of everything, so stop killing oxen and shit because God doesn't need any of that.

He covers Abel through Moses and how their faith was so dope. Actually, the last one he gives details on was Rahab, a prostitute who allowed Jewish spies into her home and was forgiven for her sins.


Real Double J Jesse James

Paul claims that faith in Jesus must not allow favoritism. Well, that's weird, because both God and Jesus showed clear favoritism all the time. God showed favoritism to the Jews and a bunch of specific Jews that he showed even more favoritism to. Jesus also showed favoritism to the Jews, and loved Peter the most out of anyone. He also claims showing favoritism is sin. So...is he saying God and Jesus are sinners?

I'm almost done with this. Thankfully, because I'm just about as sick of Paul's shit as I can be. All I have left is a revelation about some john's peter. FUCK PAUL. Paul is one CARNY MOTHER FUCKER, just like WWE for dicking everyone around with this Sting bullshit.
That's the most embarrassing thing I've seen in pro wrestling this month and I saw Larry the Cable guy as a shirtless luchador in person just last night. That dude looks and sounds like such a fucking tool.

He's meant to be a fucking tool, that's kinda the point. Also, really, stro? Really? Larry the fucking Cable Guy? Really? smh. You deserve every nugget of shit Vince served up to you at RAW, I'm glad the carnies trolled you.
Huh, be interesting to see if they draw a typical ECW arena crowd of shitheads.

I'll say this; for the price of tickets, House of Hardcore drew WAY more than I thought they would.

CHIKARA is a crap shoot, but the ROH Arena shows before have been OK. I remember seeing Nakajima/Dragon and Claudio/Sasaki there, IIRC
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