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NPD November 2012 Results [Up6: Black Ops 2, Halo 4, Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed 3]


Also have to realize re: Top 15 Wii U sales that digital sales are not included. This is the first console for that to truly matter now during launch.
It's mattered for the Vita ever since it launched (granted it's a handheld and not a console). But there's justification for not reading too deeply into the languishing Vita software sales at retail with those miniature empty blue cases and cartridges so small a baby could swallow them.

You'd have to put a gun to my head to buy a Vita game at retail. And I've purchased close to 30 Vita games.

The other caveat to your sound point (which will make NPD sales data even less relevant going forward) is that not every WiiU title is available digitally.
Microsoft might as well delay the next xbox to 2014 if it keeps selling like this.

That would probably be tempting for them . .

-current console is probably pretty profitable whereas a new one will incur losses
-Seem to be king of the hill at the moment
-Another year to develop launch titles.
-more time to make the hardware reliable (*cough*RROD*cough)

-Sony may get the drop on them if Sony launches first
-xbox is probably one of their few successful divisions these days . . . don't fuck it up (like Zune, phones, Bing, Socl, etc.)
-Probably some big losses in that first year.


A good number for Sony is different than a good number for MS is different than a good number for Nintendo. Expectations vs. results.

In the case of MS and Sony they are in close competition and are often compared (with the 360 suffering in comparison in most cases, I might add) so I don't see how expectations set low years ago should be used as a seemingly objective bar for comparison now.

You don't seem to see concessions being made for the Wii despite it being the odd one out in the current gen. Its sales are happily compared to the 360 and PS3.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
So going by the list/numbers Cream provided, 106k would be the highest NIntendoLand could be at considering that is how many basics were sold. I have a hard time believing that over 50% of Basic owners bought NintendoLand (what would be the point of not getting the Deluxe if you wanted NintendoLand?), so anything below Nintendoland on the list is most certainly under 50k:

creamsugar said:
top 15


I'm probably being too generous with that estimate.



Worth playing, but appears (boxart/name) too generic. I agree with you in theory because Excite Truck is awesome, but Ein Bear is right in what most were interested in.

That would probably be tempting for them . .

-current console is probably pretty profitable whereas a new one will incur losses
-Seem to be king of the hill at the moment
-Another year to develop launch titles.
-more time to make the hardware reliable (*cough*RROD*cough)

-Sony may get the drop on them if Sony launches first
-xbox is probably one of their few successful divisions these days . . . don't fuck it up (like Zune, phones, Bing, Socl, etc.)
-Probably some big losses in that first year.

Console delayed a year would be cheaper to make, too, assuming they use similar parts.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
In the case of MS and Sony they are in close competition and are often compared (with the 360 suffering in comparison in most cases, I might add) so I don't see how expectations set low years ago should be used as a seemingly objective bar for comparison now.

You don't seem to see concessions being made for the Wii despite it being the odd one out in the current gen. Its sales are happily compared to the 360 and PS3.

Everything is relative.

How can expectations NOT be set based on past performance?

PS3 and 360 both sit around ~70 million, one is seen as a failure, the other seen as a huge success. Why is that? Because of expectations.

And besides, Sony selling ~790K compared to Microsoft's 1.26M means that there's a gap of 470K in the US, when last year that gap was 800K, so relative to last year, Sony is doing better.

That's not too bad for a console that really has no big exclusive this fall and Microsoft had Halo 4.

Miles X

Everything is relative.

How can expectations NOT be set based on past performance?

PS3 and 360 both sit around ~70 million, one is seen as a failure, the other seen as a huge success. Why is that? Because of expectations.

And besides, Sony selling ~790K compared to Microsoft's 1.26M means that there's a gap of 470K in the US, when last year that gap was 800K, so relative to last year, Sony is doing better.

No the PS3 is seen as a failure because it's lost Sony £5b+ and 360 has been breakeven for MS.

Also it's funny how you're clinging to the highest possible figure.

Even at 790k the 360 had a better marketshare than PS3 this Nov vs last.
It really does make sense that PS3 sales are >750K and <790K if you consider all the possible combinations creamsugar could have used.

1260K - 360 sales

<790K - less than Wii + DS - creamsugar CONFIRMED


>750K-765K - creamsugar didn't choose 3DS + Vita

>635K-650K - creamsugar didn't choose Wii U + Vita

>630K-645K - creamsugar didn't choose Wii + Vita

>630K - 360 sold nearly 2x every other console according to MS PR CONFIRMED

>580K-595K - creamsugar didn't choose DS + Vita

>525K - Black Friday PS3 sales CONFIRMED
No the PS3 is seen as a failure because it's lost Sony £5b+ and 360 has been breakeven for MS.

Also it's funny how you're clinging to the highest possible figure.

Also because it lost marketshare and MS gained. Profits and sales matter in this business. Only fanboys try to spin it one way or another.


Man, I knew last year that MW3 was going to be the height of the franchise sales-wise, but I don't think I was ready for it to be down that much. I gotta wonder just how much Halo 4 impacted it.

Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld had its second highest month of sales since launching in February, thanks to attractive bundles with third-party software such as Assassin's Creed: Liberation​

I have for Vita (based on Nintendo's graphs):

Feb: 225k
Mar: 210k

So Vita should be somewhere there if these hardware sales are still valid (NPD changes everything every day...).

Wait... if it's the second-highest month since launch, as opposed to second-highest month to date, wouldn't that mean it sold less than 210K?



This really does surprise me--Activision must have produced a ton more figures this year. It was relatively easy to get Skylanders Black Friday 2011, but shortly after they all but vanished from market. Right now you can get what seems like most of the Skylanders Giants figures direct from Amazon, which I don't believe was possible with the old line for quite a while.


NSMU - 243k (57%)
nland <<<106k

50k sounds kind of generous considering whats above.
Other possibly useful info - 182k people did not buy Mario.

Or a lot of people downloaded the game, or is that factored in somehow? I assume early adopters would be more prone to digital downloads than most gamers.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
No the PS3 is seen as a failure because it's lost Sony £5b+ and 360 has been breakeven for MS.

Also it's funny how you're clinging to the highest possible figure.

When people say PS3 was a failure it's a combo of profit and sales, since they won't reach the highs of the PS2 era.

Xbox doing better in terms of profitability and sales is based on prior expectations, which was my entire point.

I'm clinging to the highest possible figure because it's the one that makes the most sense given what we know (BF numbers, cream sugar's combo options he could have used, again normally he is pretty dead on with his leaks)


I don't know how the games keep selling when the advertisements (while there are a lot of them,) are friggin terrible. Plus, all the characters in them are annoying and have ugly designs.

The concept is great, my girl collects them religiously, but even she said if another company with designs like Nintendo, Disney, etc bothered to enter in the same kind of series, she would probably bail out.
I don't even know what skylanders is. Literally not a single clue.

I was not able to escape talk of it with my nephew. The kids at school all talk about it apparently. We also played a bit of it once at Best Buy at the PS3 demo kiosk...which wasn't doing the Wii U demo setup to the left of it any favors come to think of it.


Everything is relative.

How can expectations NOT be set based on past performance?

PS3 and 360 both sit around ~70 million, one is seen as a failure, the other seen as a huge success. Why is that? Because of expectations.

And besides, Sony selling ~790K compared to Microsoft's 1.26M means that there's a gap of 470K in the US, when last year that gap was 800K, so relative to last year, Sony is doing better.

That's not too bad for a console that really has no big exclusive this fall and Microsoft had Halo 4.

I'm not talking about expectations, I'm talking about objective comments on sales performance. 360 did well, PS3 didn't do so well.

Same thing is happening with the Vita sales talk sure, if you expected it to sell 150k this month then 210k is great. That is far from objective, though.

Your second example makes sense to me and is a different case than what I was talking about. You have hard data from the previous generation that can be used as a concrete bar for comparison.
When people say PS3 was a failure it's a combo of profit and sales, since they won't reach the highs of the PS2 era.

Xbox doing better in terms of profitability and sales is based on prior expectations, which was my entire point.

PS3 is a failure for Sony both based on previous expectations and just looking at its performance (the combo of profit and sales that you mention) over the course of this generation. Even if PS1 and PS2 never existed, the fact remains that PS3 lost Sony a tremendous amount of money.

Ein Bear

I just don't get where PS3's headline Christmas title was. I've never known a company just... sit out the biggest time of the year to this extent before.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I'm not talking about expectations, I'm talking about objective comments on sales performance. 360 did well, PS3 didn't do so well.

How is selling 790K "not doing well"?

That's roughly what the 360 did prior to 2010 (before Kinect), and I never heard anyone say 360 sales weren't doing well during that time period. It would also be the second highest November for the PS3 in the US.

Just because one company is doing extremely well doesn't mean their competitors aren't also doing well.

Miles X

Also on the topic of 790k, it'd be a remarkable feat given PS3 has been down 30% - 40% the last 3 months.

As was 360, and it was down 30% this month as predicted. PS3 being down 30% would translate into 630k (heh) 790k suggests it's down like 13%?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I expect decimal points to be involved here somehow.

Sad, but true. I don't think anyone
besides me? :(
wants that.

But Black Ops probably sold a little better but just as bad.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Also on the topic of 790k, it'd be a remarkable feat given PS3 has been down 30% - 40% the last 3 months.

As was 360, and it was down 30% this month as predicted. PS3 being down 30% would translate into 630k (heh) 790k suggests it's down like 13%?

Black Friday had better bundles and sold more strongly this year for Sony while for MS they were down during Black Friday.


How is selling 790K "not doing well"?

That's roughly what the 360 did prior to 2010 (before Kinect), and I never heard anyone say 360 sales weren't doing well during that time period. It would also be the second highest November for the PS3 in the US.

Just because one company is doing extremely well doesn't mean their competitors aren't also doing well.

Because it didn't sell as well as the 360.

How did the PS3 do in 2010 in the same time frame that you mentioned?

If say, for example the PS3 had a higher profit margin per console, then you could argue that it is equally successful even with considerably lower numbers.

Black Friday had better bundles and sold more strongly this year for Sony while for MS they were down during Black Friday.

Say hello to an inference based on fact rather than expectation.


I just don't get where PS3's headline Christmas title was. I've never known a company just... sit out the biggest time of the year to this extent before.

Probably thought they could coast off a combination of their already-released games and new family games, including PSABR/LBK.


Unconfirmed Member
The concept is great, my girl collects them religiously, but even she said if another company with designs like Nintendo, Disney, etc bothered to enter in the same kind of series, she would probably bail out.
Jesus Christ, if Nintendo did something similar to Skylanders with a Pokemon license, they would fucking print money.

Ein Bear

I assume it was PSABR. Smash Bros would serve as a headline Christmas title, right?

Smash would, but it's an established franchise that's got a large fanbase, 13 years of history, and in general represents a much stronger group of IPs than Playstation All-Stars does.

Expecting the game to do Brawl numbers is like thinking LittleBigPlanet Karting is going to sell like a Mario Kart game... Sony couldn't actually have had those expectations for the thing?
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